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1、毕业设计(论文)说明书目录第一章 引言11.1 离心泵的发展前景11.2 各种离心泵的的工作环境1第二章 泵的结构设计32.1估算泵的效率32.2轴功率和原动机功率42.3 泵汽蚀余量的计算方法42.4 泵的基本参数的确定52.4.1确定泵的进口直径52.4.2 确定泵的出口直径62.4.3泵转速的确定62.5 叶轮结构设计及主要尺寸计算72.5.1叶轮的材料选择72.5.2 叶轮结构型式的确定82.5.3叶轮轮毂直径的计算82.5.4 叶轮进口直径的计算92.5.5 叶轮外径的计算102.5.6 叶轮出口宽度的计算102.5.7 叶片数的计算和选择112.5.8精算叶轮外径122.5.9 叶

2、轮进口速度122.5.10 叶轮出口速度142.5.11 叶轮强度计算142.6 轴的设计计算172.6.1 扭矩的计算172.6.2 根据扭矩计算泵轴直径的计算182.6.3 画出轴的受力简图如图5.3所示182.6.4 轴的强度计算182.6.5 轴的弯矩图212.7 壳体壁厚计算212.8 压出室和吸入室的水力设计222.8.1 压出室的水力设计222.8.2 涡形体的各断面面积222.8.3 舌角的计算242.8.4 涡室进口宽度242.8.5 基圆直径252.9 吸入室的选择252.9.1 吸入室的作用252.9.2 吸入室的分类25第三章 泵的轴封设计计算263.1 常用的轴封结构

3、及其特点263.1.1常用的轴封结构263.1.2 轴封结构的特点263.2机械密封的概念组成及其工作原理273.2.1 机械密封的基本概念:273.2.2机械密封的组成:273.3 机械密封的计算273.3.1端面比压的计算和弹簧比压的选择273.3.2 机械密封摩擦功率283.3.3 机械密封型号的选择293.3.4 机械密封的材料选择例表3-3.130致谢31参考文献32英语翻译33中文翻译41第一章 引言1.1 离心泵的发展前景泵在国内是应用相当广泛的能用机械产品,不管是农业机械,还是工业机械,应用都很普通。正是因为泵的应用范围很广,所以中国每年泵类产品的产值在400亿以下,其中全国发

4、电量的20%-25%都要消耗在泵类产品上,全国泵类企业已达6000 家以上。 随着科学技术的发展,人民生活水平的提高,农村工业化,农业生产机械化越来越普遍,越来越多的泵类产品将大批量拥入农村市场。随着泵业企业的增多,竞争力 越来越大,将来泵类产品的高科技技术,优秀的售后服务将成为最有力的竞争手段。做好泵类企业的广告宣传,充分利用可利用的一切资源,特别是网络资源,让更多的用户了解自己的产 品,让更多的人有机会接触自己的产品,泵类行业的前景发展还是一片光明的。1.2 各种离心泵的的工作环境 泵是把原动机的机械能转换成液体能量的机器。泵用来增加液体的位能、压能、动能.原动机通过泵轴带动叶轮旋转,对液

5、体做功,使其能量增加,从而使需要数量的液体,由吸水池经泵的过流部件输送到要求的高度或要求压力的地方。离心泵的主要工作性能参数有流量Q,扬程H,转速 n, 功率P,效率,汽蚀余量等. 泵的结构型式有很多,例如单吸单级泵,两极悬臂泵,双吸单级泵,分段式多级泵,涡壳式多级泵深井泵,潜水电泵等。单吸单级泵的用途很多一般流量在扬程在范围内都用这种泵。轴封机构可以采用机械密封,也可以采用填料密封和浮动密封。两级悬臂泵用于单级悬臂泵不满足要求,而采用多级泵的级数又较少时。这种泵的扬程范围为流量为。分段式多吸泵实际上等于将几个叶轮装在一根轴上,串联的工作所以其扬程一般较高。它的流量一般在,扬程在范围内。采用螺

6、旋形压出室的泵叫做涡壳式多级泵。这种泵一般用与流量较大扬程较高的城市供水,矿山排水和输油管线等,这种泵的扬程范围为,流量为如果要把深井的水提到地上来,一般采用深井泵。其使用电机一般为立式电机。其井径一般在范围内,泵的流量为,扬程为。双吸单级泵在 工业和农业各部门使用也较广,它实际上是等于将两个相同的叶轮背靠背的装在一根轴上并联的工作,这种泵不但流量较大,而且能平衡轴向力,其流量在,扬程在范围内。轴封机构可用机械密封,填料密封等,一般用机械密封。而且它能提高泵的总效率。 泵在国内是应用相当广泛的能用机械产品,不管是农业机械,还是工业机械,应用都很普遍。基本用途主要用来输送液体,包括水,油,乳化液

7、,液态金属等,也可以输送液体、气体混合物。 本课题要采用流量为,扬程为, 的主要参数同时要使泵有较高的效率,综和比较各种泵的使用环境和流量扬程范围选用单级双吸式离心泵。 第二章 泵的结构设计2.1估算泵的效率1.水力效率 水力效率按下式计算式中:泵流量(m3/s)双吸泵取 泵的转速(r/min)2.容积效率 容积效率可按下式计算该容积效率为只考虑叶轮前密封环的泄漏的值,对于有平衡孔、级间泄漏和平衡盘泄漏的情况,容积效率还要相应降低。则 3.机械效率泵的总效率 泵的理论扬程 泵的理论流量 2.2轴功率和原动机功率泵的轴功率原动机功率式中: 余量系数 查【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著】 表7-10取=

8、1.1(原动机为电动机)传动效率 查【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著】 表7-11取(直联)所以选择45Kw的电动机可满足要求,查【机械零件手册吴宗泽主编】选择电动机的型号为Y225-22.3 泵汽蚀余量的计算方法汽蚀余量对于泵的设计、试验和使用都是十分重要的汽蚀基本参数。设计泵时根据对汽蚀性能的要求设计泵,如果给定了具体的使用条件,则设计泵的汽蚀余量必须小于按使用条件确定的装置汽蚀余量。欲提高泵的汽蚀性能,应尽量减小。装置汽蚀余量又叫有效的汽蚀余量。泵汽蚀余量又叫必需的汽蚀余量,是规定泵要达到的。汽蚀余量必需满足如下关系:泵汽蚀余量的计算: 式中: 托马汽蚀系数; 泵最高效率点下的泵单级扬程; 最

9、高效率点下的泵汽蚀余量。根据【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著,宇航出版社。】 查图4-7取=0.035所以2.4 泵的基本参数的确定2.4.1确定泵的进口直径泵进口直径也叫泵吸入口径,是指泵吸入法兰处管的内径.吸入口主要取决于流速。泵的进口流速一般为3m/s左右,从制造经济行考虑,大型泵的流速取大些,以减小泵体积,提高过流能力。从提高抗汽蚀性能考虑,应取较大的进口直径,以减小流速。常用的泵吸入口径,流量和流速的关系如图所示。对抗汽蚀性能要求高的泵,在吸入口径小于250mm时,可取吸入口径流速,在吸入口径大于250mm时,可取。吸入流速按下式确定。 ;流速,流量与吸入口径的关系如表2-4.1。吸入口径

10、(mm)40506580100150200250单级泵流速(m/s)1.3751.772.12.763.532.832.652.83流量(m3/h)6.2512.52550100180300500表2-4.1注:此表取自【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著,宇航出版社。】取吸入口流速,代入公式得:取泵的吸入口径为150mm。2.4.2 确定泵的出口直径 泵出口直径也叫泵排出口径,是指泵排出法兰处管的的内径。对于低扬程泵,排出口径可与吸入口径相同;对于高扬程泵,为减小泵的体积和排出管路直径,可取排出口径小于吸入口径,一般取 式中:泵的排出口径 泵的吸入口径根据该泵的特性,由于该泵的流量大,考虑排水管路的经

11、济性取2.4.3泵转速的确定 一.影响泵转速的因素:1.泵的转速越高,泵的体积越小,重量越轻,据此应选择尽量高的转速;2.转速和比转数有关,而比转数和效率有关,所以转速应该和比转数结合起来确定;3.泵的转速受到汽蚀条件的限制,从汽蚀比转数公式 式中: 泵的转速(r/min) 泵流量(m3/s)双吸泵取可知:转速和汽蚀基本参数及有确定的关系,如得不到满足,将发生汽蚀。二泵的转速计算:选 ,,则 根据汽蚀要求,泵的转速应小于,从实际选定的电机来看泵的转速应为。故满足条件。计算比转数由此可知这样的比转速不能达到预定的要求修正得由故设计成双吸泵。2.5 叶轮结构设计及主要尺寸计算2.5.1叶轮的材料选


13、能好,便于加工,减振性好,可以减轻由于水力冲击造成的振动,而HT200又是在灰口铸铁中这些性能更为突出的,所以,本设计中叶轮的材料选用HT200作为原材料,热处理采用退火,许用应力为&25-35MPa2.5.2 叶轮结构型式的确定叶轮一般可分为单吸式和双吸式两种。单吸式叶轮为单边吸水叶轮前盖板不对称,双吸式叶轮为双边吸水前盖板对称。一般大流量离心泵多采用双吸式叶轮。叶轮按形状可分为毕式,开式,半毕式。本设计选用闭式叶轮。闭式叶轮由前盖板,后盖板,叶片和轮毂组成。叶轮主要尺寸的确定有三种方法:相似换算法、速度系数法、叶轮外径或叶片出口角的理论计算。此处叶轮的计算采用速度系数法设计,速度系

14、数法是建立在一系列相似泵基础上的设计,利用统计系数计算过流部件的个部分尺寸。2.5.3叶轮轮毂直径的计算 叶轮示意图2-4.3叶轮轮毂直径必须保证轴孔在开键槽之后有一定的厚度,使轮毂具有足够的强度,通常,在满足轮毂结构强度的条件下,尽量减小,则有利于改善流动条件。取轴直径根据叶轮轮毂直径应取1.21.4倍的轴直径,根据设计要求,取叶轮所在的轴的直径为45,所以。取2.5.4 叶轮进口直径的计算以为直径的圆面积等于叶轮进口去掉轮毂的有效面积,即。按下式确定 式中:泵流量(m3/s)对双吸泵取;泵转速()系数,根据统计资料选取兼顾效率和汽蚀 取2.5.5 叶轮外径的计算 取2.5.6 叶轮出口宽度

15、的计算因为两个叶轮设计在一起,所以叶轮出口宽度2.5.7 叶片数的计算和选择叶片数对泵的扬程、效率、汽蚀性能都有一定的影响。选择叶片数,一方面考虑尽量减小叶片的排挤和表面的摩擦;另一方面又要使叶道有足够的长度,以保证液流的稳定性和叶片对液体的充分作用。叶轮叶片数:对于低比转数离心泵叶轮,则式中: 叶轮进口直径叶片进口直径叶轮外径叶片进口角 取叶片出口角 取低比转数叶轮取大值通常采用叶片数,取该叶轮叶片数为62.5.8精算叶轮外径1.叶片出口排挤系数2.出口轴面速度3.出口圆周速度4.叶轮外径与假定值接近,不再进行计算。2.5.9 叶轮进口速度1.叶轮进口圆周速度进口分点半径为式中: 所分的流道

16、数 从轴线侧算起欲求的流线序号如图所示,中间的流线序号为,所分的流道则:2.叶片进口轴面液流过水断面面积3.C流线处叶片进口角(假定) 2.5.10 叶轮出口速度1.出口轴面速度(由上述计算得) 2. 出口圆周速度3. 出口圆周分速度4. 无穷叶片数出口圆周分速度4.校核由轴面投影图假设,与假设相近. 2.5.11 叶轮强度计算一、盖板强度计算盖板中的应力主要由离心力造成的,半径越小的地方应力越大,叶轮简图如下图1-4.11所示:图2-4.111.叶轮外径:2.材料密度:3.叶轮简图: 4.叶轮出口圆周速度的值按下式计算:式中:出口圆周速度系数 根据比转数查叶片泵设计手册图5-3得5.在和处的

17、应力近似用下式计算:6.按等强度设计盖板,盖板任意直径处的厚度按下式计算式中:材料密度() 许用应力 对钢,对铸铁材料的屈服强度材料的抗拉强度该盖板符合要求二、叶片厚度计算根据叶片工作面和背面的压力差,可近似得出下面计算叶片厚度的公式:式中:泵的扬程叶片数叶轮外径A系数,与比转数和材料有关,查【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著,宇航出版社。】表19-9取A=3.1根据实际情况和铸造工艺要求取为合适。三、轮毂强度计算1.叶轮轮毂和轴配合的选择对一般离心泵,叶轮和轴是采用过盈配合,为了使轮毂和轴的配合不松动,运转时离心力产生的变形应小于轴与轮毂配合的最小公盈。离心力在轮毂中产生的应力亦可用下式计算,即轴与

18、轮毂的配合:孔 轴最大间隙:最小间隙:式中:轮毂平均直径材料的弹性模量2.轮毂强度计算轮毂中的应力为装配应力(有过盈时)和停泵后轮毂和轴心温差应力之和温差应力:安全系数:2.6 轴的设计计算2.6.1 扭矩的计算轴按悬臂梁简化其受力情况如图5.3所示式中: 扭矩()计算功率 取2.6.2 根据扭矩计算泵轴直径的计算式中: 材料的许用切应力() 查【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著】 表7-12取现取泵轴的最小轴径取,泵轴的最大尺寸取2.6.3 画出轴的受力简图如图5.3所示 图2-5.3叶轮的左边用螺母锁紧,右边用轴套定位,轴套内径取45mm,外径取60mm。2.6.4 轴的强度计算(1)叶轮所受径向

19、力的计算()式中: 泵扬程 叶轮外径 包括盖板的叶轮出口宽度() 试验系数 查【现代泵技术手册关醒凡编著】 图17-30取则 (2)叶轮所受径向不平衡离心力的计算(N)式中: 最大半径处的残余不平衡质量(g)取叶轮的最大半径() 则(3)水平总的受力: 垂直总的受力: (4)计算水平面支承反力: 计算垂直面支承反力:(5)计算水平面弯矩: 如图5.4所示计算垂直面弯矩: 如图5.4所示(6)计算合成弯矩:如图5.4所示 (7)计算当量弯矩查【机械设计吴宗泽主编】表2-7 由插入法得 叶轮中线截面处:电动机第一轴承处:如图5.4所示(8)校核轴径叶轮中线截面处:电动机第一轴承处: 轴的截面形状是

20、影响轴刚度的重要因素,当将实心轴改为外径为原直径的2倍的空心轴,并使空心轴的质量为原实心轴质量的2倍时,轴的强度提高到实心轴强度的6.5倍,刚度提高到实心轴刚度的13倍,所以该空心轴符合要求。2.6.5 轴的弯矩图 2-5.42.7 壳体壁厚计算因涡壳几何形状复杂,且受力不均,故难以精确计算,下面可以用来估计壁厚式中: 泵扬程(m)泵流量() 许用应力(Pa) (铸铁)当量壁厚,按下式计算 则2.8 压出室和吸入室的水力设计此处省略NNNNNNNNNNNNNN字,如需全套设计和图纸资料请联系扣扣九七一九二零八零零。致谢短短几个月的毕业设计即将结束在文美纯老师和刘吉普老师的指导下我成功的完成了毕

21、业设计。在此特向两为老师表示衷心的感谢! 通过这次毕业设计我巩固了以前的专业知识,学习了一些新东西。我初步掌握了Pro/ENGINEER和CAD 的一些基本操作,温习了工程制图。并认识到这些软件的功能强大和自己所学的不广与不精。最后,再次感谢文老师和刘老师对我的帮助。同时也要感谢我的室有对我的帮助。参考文献1.离心泵与轴流泵丁成伟著 南宁:机械工业出版社,19852.现代泵技术手册关醒凡著 北京:宇航出版社,19953.机械设计手册(第二卷)机械设计手册编委会编著北京:机械工业出版社,2004.84. 机械设计标准应用手册(第二卷)汪凯著 北京:机械工业出版社,1997.8 5.机械设计手册

22、单行本。润滑与密封/成大先主编 北京:化学工业出版社,2004.16. 材料力学罗迎社 主编 李卓球 主审 武汉:武汉理工大学出版社,2007.7 7.机械设计吴宗泽主编 北京:高等教育出版社,2001英语翻译: Pump's outlineThe pump is the application very widespread general machinery, may say that is place of the fluid flow, nearly has the pump in the work. Moreover, along with science's and

23、 technology's development, pump's application domain is expanding rapidly, according to the over-all state statistics, pump's power consumption approximately composes the national total output of electrical energy 1/5, obviously the pump is natural consumes energy the wealthy and powerfu

24、l family. Therefore, raises the pump technical level to save the energy consumption to have the important meaning.First. Centrifugal pump's principle of workThe drive leads impeller revolving through the pump spindle to have the centrifugal force, under the centrifugal action of force, the liqui

25、d is flung along the leaf blade flow channel to the impeller export, the liquid sends in after the volute collection the eduction tube. The liquid obtains the energy from the impeller, causes the pressure energy and the speed can increase, and depends upon this energy the hydraulic transport to the

26、operating location. while the liquid is flung which exports to the impeller, the impeller eye center has formed the low pressure, has had the differential pressure in the imbibition pot and between the impeller center liquid, in the imbibition pot's liquid under this differential pressure functi

27、on, after inhales the pipeline and pump's suction chamber unceasingly enters in the impeller.Second, centrifugal pump's structure and main spare part A centrifugal pump mainly by the pump body, the impeller, the packing ring, the rotation axis, the axis seals parts and so on box to be compos

28、ed, some centrifugal pumps are also loaded with the guide pulley, the inducer, the balance disc and so on. 1. Pump body: Namely pump's shell, including suction chamber and delivery chamber. Suction chamber: Its function is enables the liquid to flow in evenly the impeller.Delivery chamber: Its f

29、unction collects the liquid, and sends in it the subordinate impeller or guides the eduction tube, at the same time reduces the liquid the speed, causes the kinetic energy to further turn the pressure energy. The delivery chamber has the volute and the guide vane two forms. 2. Impeller: It is in the

30、 centrifugal pump transmits the energy for the liquid only part, the impeller with the bond fixation on the axis, leads revolving along with the axis by the prime mover, passes to through the leaf blade prime mover's energy the liquid.Impeller classification: According to liquid inflow classific

31、ation: Single suction impeller (in impeller's one side has an entrance) and double attracts the impeller (liquid from impeller's lateral symmetry liudao impeller passage). Is opposite according to the liquid in centerline's flow direction classification: Runoff type impeller, axial-flow

32、propeller and interflow type impeller. According to impeller's structural style classification: Shrouded impeller, open type impeller and semi-opened impeller.3. Axis: Is transmits the mechanical energy the important components, the prime mover's torque passes to the impeller through it. The

33、 pump spindle is the pump rotor's major parts, on the axis is loaded with components and so on impeller, axle sleeve, balance disc. The pump spindle depending on the both sides bearing supporting, makes the high speed rotation in the pump, thus the pump spindle in a big way wants the bearing cap

34、acity, to be wear-resisting, to be anti-corrosive. Pump spindle's material selects the carbon steel or the alloy steel and after the quenching and retempering treatment generally.4. Packing ring: Is installs in the rotation impeller and the static pump housing (center-section and guide vane'

35、s assembly) between packing assembly. It is function is through controls between the two gap method, increases in the pump between the high and low pressure cavity the fluid flow resistance, reduces divulging. 5. Axle sleeve: The axle sleeve is uses for to protect the pump spindle, causes it not to

36、corrode and the attrition. When necessity, the axle sleeve may replace. 6. Axis seals: The pump spindle and around packing box between end cover's installs short for axis to seal, mainly prevents in pump's liquid divulging and the air enters in the pump, achieves seals and prevents the air a

37、dmission to cause the pump cavitation goal. the axis seals form: Namely has skeleton's rubber seal, the packing seal and the mechanical seal.7. axial force balancing unit.Third. Centrifugal pump's prime task parameter 1. Current capacity: Namely the pump in unit of time discharges the liquid

38、 quantity, usually indicated with the Unit of volume that mark Q, the unit has m3/h, m3/s, l/s and so on, 2. Lifting: The transportation unit weight's liquid (pump suction flange) (pump discharge flange) from the pump inlet place to the pump exit, its energy's increment, indicated with H, th

39、e unit is m. 3. Rotational speed: Pump's rotational speed is the pump each minute revolving number of times, expressed with N. Electrical machinery rotational speed N generally about 2900 n/min. 4. Net positive suction head: Centrifugal pump's net positive suction head is expressed that pump

40、's performance's main parameter, uses the symbolic representation. 5. Power and efficiency: Pump's power input is shaft power P, is also electric motor's output. Pump's output is the active power.Fourth, pump proper energy loss Pump mechanical energy which obtains from the prime

41、mover, has a part to transform into the liquid energy, but another part because in the pump consumes loses. In the pump all losses may divide into the following several items: 1. Hydraulic loss by the liquid in pump impact, the turbulent flow and the surface friction creates. The impact and the eddy

42、 current loss are because the liquid flow change direction produces. The liquid flows through the flow channel general meeting which contacts to present the surface friction, from this produces the energy loss is mainly decided by flow channel's length, the size, the shape, the surface roughness

43、, as well as liquid speed of flow and characteristic.2. Volumetric loss: volumetric loss was already obtained the energy liquid to have a part to flee the result which in the pump the class and leaked outward. Pump's volumetric efficiency is 0.930.98 generally. Improves the packing ring and the

44、seal structure, may reduce the leakage, raises the volumetric efficiency. 3. Mechanical loss mechanical loss refers to the impeller lap side and the pump housing friction loss between the liquid, namely the disc loses, as well as pump spindle when packing, bearing and balancing unit and so on mechan

45、ical part movement friction loss, generally before primarily.Fifth, pump's speed change-Proportionality law 1. Centrifugal pump's speed change: A centrifugal pump, when its rotational speed change, its rated flow, lifting and the shaft power will have the change according to the certain prop

46、ortion relations. At present, uses the frequency conversion velocity modulation electrical machinery to realize centrifugal pump's speed change, is a new important energy conservation way. 2. proportionality law expression: In the formula, Q, H, N- pump's rated flow, lifting and shaft power

47、The subscript 1,2 express the different rotational speed separately n- rotational speedSixth, centrifugal pump's ratio rotation Compared to the rotation is the comprehensive parameter which derives by the law of similarity, it is the operating mode function, to a pump, the different operating mo

48、de has differently compared to the rotation, for ease of carries on the comparison to the different type pump's performance and the structure, the application optimum condition (the peak efficiency spot) the ratio rotation represents this pump. When chooses the pump, may according to job require

49、ment Q, H and unifies electrical machinery's rotational speed, calculates the ns number, determines pump's type approximately. At that time, used the positive displacement pump generally, at that time, used the centrifugal pump, the interflow pump, the axial flow pump and so on.Seventh,centr

50、ifugal pump's cavitation andinspirationcharacteristic 1.Cavitation phenomenons The pumping station transportation medium's liquid condition and the gas are can transform mutually, the transformed condition is the pressure and the temperature. Under certain temperature, the liquid starts the

51、critical pressure which vaporizes for the vaporization pressure. The temperature is higher, the liquid vaporization pressure is higher. Pump when revolution, if its overflow part local region (for example impeller blade import later somewhere), the liquid absolute pressure drops when pulled out deli

52、vers the liquid at that time under the temperature vaporization pressure, the liquid then in this place starts to vaporize, the bubble formation (air bubble internal pressure approximately was equal to vaporization pressure). When these air bubbles along with liquid flow forward motion to high press

53、ure region, down to around the air bubble high-pressured liquid causes the air bubble to reduce suddenly congeals. While air bubble vanishing, the liquid particle by the high speed packing hole, occurs hits mutually forms the intense pressure surge, causes the overflow part to receive the corrosion

54、and the destruction. The above process is called the cavitation. 2. Cavitation will cause serious results: (1). has the vibration and the noise. (2). is influential to pump's operating performance: When the cavitation develops the certain extent, the steam bubble produces massively, will stop up

55、 the flow channel, will cause pump's current capacity, lifting, the efficiency and so on obviously to drop. (3). will have the destruction to flow channel's material quality: Is mainly nearby the leaf blade entrance the metal weary disintegration.3. centrifugal pump's inspiration characteristic: (1). Pump has the cavitation basic condition is: Under leaf blade entrance lowest liquid flow pressure <= this temperature liquid vaporization pressure .(2). effective net positive suction head: The pump entry (potential head is the entire flood peak which zero


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