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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1survive v生存;幸存 survival n生存,存活;残存物,幸存事物survivor n幸存者2intend vi.& vt.想要,计划;意指intention n打算,计划3refer v查阅,参考;提到,谈及reference n提到,谈及;参考,查阅;参考书目4limit n限度;极限;范围 limited adj.有限的5contain v容纳 container n容器;集装箱,货柜6wise adj.明智的wisely adv.

2、明智地wisdom n智慧,才智,明智;知识,学问7benefit n优势;益处 beneficial adj.有益的,有用的1wisdom n智慧,才智,明智;知识,学问The government in its wisdom has decided to support the ban.智慧Many Tibetans have expressed doubts about the wisdom of the decision.明智The received wisdom is that they cannot win.知识2refer to 查阅,参考;提到,谈及;指的是Her mother

3、 never referred to him again.提到,谈及This paragraph refers to the events of last year.涉及,指的是You may refer to your notes if you want.查阅,参考Words and Phrasessurvival n生存,存活;残存物,幸存事物(教材P44)Thanks to her discovery of qinghaosu,malaria patients all over the world now have had a greatly increased chance of su

4、rvival.由于她发现了青蒿素,世界各地的疟疾患者现在有了极大的生存机会。例1 If you develop AIDS,your chance of survival is very small.如果你得了艾滋病,生存的概率很小。例2The ceremony is a survival from pre­Christian times.这种仪式是从公元前遗留下来的。造句如果癌症早被发现,存活的概率就高。If cancers are spotted/discovered early,there's a high chance of survival.知识拓展(1)surviv

5、e vt.& vi.生还;残存;比活的时间长survive on. 仅靠维持生计survive sb.by. 比某人多活 (2)survivor n. 生存者;残存者;幸存者即学即练单句语法填空She survived her husband by twenty years.Life became a struggle for survival(survive).Luckily,most of the passengers survived(survive)the terrible accident.Millions of people survive on a very limite

6、d end vi.& vt.想要,计划;意指(教材P44)In the 1960s,many people were dying of malaria,and in 1969 Tu became head of a team that intended to find a cure for the disease.20世纪60年代,许多人死于疟疾。1969年屠呦呦担任了一个课题组的组长,这个课题组计划找到该疾病的治疗方法。例1 I intend that you(should)be invited by them.我打算让他们邀请你。例2What do you inte

7、nd doing when you get to this place?你打算到这里干什么?造句他打算明年去国外留学。He intends to study/studying abroad next year.知识拓展(1)intend to do/doing sth.打算做某事intend sb.to do sth. 打算让某人做某事(2)intended adj. 打算的;计划的be intended for. 为打算(或设计)的be intended to do. 打算做(3)intention n. 意图,目的;企图with the intention of 有的打算/目的have n

8、o intention of doing sth.have no intention to do sth. 无意做某事without intention 无意地,不是故意地即学即练单句语法填空He went to Paris with the intention(intend)of learning French.He intends his son to manage(manage)the company.I had intended(intend)to do it,but I'm sorry I forgot.This is a new book intended(intend)f

9、or little children.refer to 查阅,参考;提到,谈及(教材P45)When they failed to produce any promising results,Tu referred to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again.当它们未能产生预期效果时,屠呦呦再次查阅历代中医典籍。例1In his speech,he referred to a recent trip to Canada.在他的讲话中,他提到了最近的加拿大之行。例2Marcia had referred to him as

10、 a dear friend.玛西娅把他称为好朋友。造句我答应过再也不提这事了。I promised not to refer to the matter again.知识拓展(1)refer v.参考;提到;查阅;涉及refer.to. 把提交给refer to.as. 把看作(2)reference n. 参考,查阅;提到,谈及;介绍信,介绍人make(a)reference to 谈及,提及;参考in/with reference to 关于reference book 参考书;工具书即学即练单句语法填空He made no reference(refer)to his illness

11、but only to his future plans.He is referred(refer)to as a living Lei Feng.The question referred to at the meeting is hard to answer.I have nothing to say in/with reference to that case.(教材P45)However,it was hard to produce enough qinghao extract for large trials because research resources were limit

12、ed然而,由于研究资源有限,难以生产出足够的青蒿提取物进行大型试验。(1)trial n试用,试验;审讯,审判;考验vi.& vt.测试,试验例1She agreed to employ me for a trial period.她同意试用我一段时间。例2We had the machine on trial for a week.这台机器我们已经试用了一个星期。造句 我把车开出去在公路上试了一下。I took the car out for a trial on the roads.知识拓展be on trial正在受审stand/go on trial 受到审判on trial

13、在试验/测试中trial and error 反复试验即学即练单句语法填空Now he is on trial for his life.She will go on trial for murder.Children learn to use computer by trial and error.(2)limited adj.有限的例1The amount of money we have is limited.我们拥有的那笔钱是有限的。例2Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.电影业对女演员来说机会有限。造

14、句此次减价时间有限。This offer is for a limited period only.知识拓展(1)limit vt.限制nC 限度,限制limit.to. 把限定在be limited to 局限于there is a limit to. 是有限度的(2)limitless adj. 无限制的,无止境的(3)limitation n. 限制;局限即学即练单句语法填空We are doing our best with the limited(limit)resources available.The teacher limited his students to 500 wor

15、ds for their compositions.There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.Families are limited(limit)to three free tickets each.小片段助记A man's life is limited,but there is no limit to serving the people.I will devote my limited life to the limitless job of serving the people.container n容器;集装箱,货

16、柜(教材P45)When there was no research equipment,they had to extract herbs using household water containers.当时没有研究设备,他们只能用家用的盛水容器提取青蒿。例1Do not fill the container more than two­thirds full.加入的量不要超过容器总容量的2/3。例2This container can hold a can of fruit.这个容器能装一罐水果。造句她将水注入了容器里。She poured the water into the

17、 container.知识拓展contain vt. 包含;容纳;容忍;控制,克制contain oneself 克制自己即学即练单句语法填空He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself(he).I don't know how much oil is in this old container(contain).The girl went to pick up the bag containing(contain)much money.Our school lecture hall contains(contain)1,

18、000 people.明辨异同contain,includecontain表示包含所含之物的全部,还指某种物质中含有某成分或含有其他物质。另外,contain还有“克制,抑制”之意。include意为“包含;包括在内;计入,算入”,指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,在句中常构成分词短语sb./sth.included或including sb./sth.。选词填空contain,includeThis little book contains all the information that you need.I have to prepare food for seven people in

19、cluding me.speed up(使)加速(教材P45)To speed up the process and ensure its safety,Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on themselves first.为了加快进程并确保安全,屠呦呦和她的团队自愿先在自己身上测试青蒿提取物。例1You notice that your breathing has speeded up a bit.你注意到你的呼吸已加快了一点。例2This system helps speed up access times.这个系统

20、有助于加快读取数据的时间。造句我已经采取措施加快解决这个问题。I had already taken steps to speed up a solution to the problem.知识拓展at a speed of. 以的速度at low/high/full/top speed 以低/高/全/最高速pick up speed 加速即学即练单句语法填空Once outside the station,the train began to speed upA sudden stop can be a very frightening experience,especially if yo

21、u are travelling at high speed.This flight is now heading for Paris at a speed of 1,000 kilometres an hour.Many countries are faced with the problem how to speed up economic development.pay off 成功,奏效,达到目的(教材P45)The efforts of Tu and her team finally paid off.屠呦呦和其团队的努力终于有了回报。例1It will take him the r

22、est of his life to pay off that loan.那笔贷款将需要他的余生才能还清。例2They doubted whether all this work would pay off.他们怀疑这样干是否划得来。造句他们的努力最终有了回报。Their efforts paid off in the end.知识拓展pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清,还清pay for 为付钱;为付出代价pay back 还钱;报复名师点津pay off表示“得到回报”时,无被动语态,且一般用表示事物的名词作主语;表示“偿清”时,用人作主语。即学即练单句语法填空The effort

23、s made by Jack and his parents paid(pay)off.Can you lend me some money?I'll pay you back on Friday.At last,the young people's hard work paid(pay)off.The couple were happy to know that their son's debt had been paid(pay)off.beneficial adj.有益的,有用的(教材P45)Perhaps the next generation of scien

24、tists,drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine,will indeed discover more medicines beneficial to global health care.也许下一代的科学家借鉴中医的智慧,确实会发现更多有益于全球医疗的药物。例1To take exercise indoors is less beneficial than in the open air.在室内锻炼不如在室外锻炼更有益。例2Being exposed to a foreign culture is beneficial fo

25、r us to learn the local language.在外国文化环境中熏陶有利于我们学习当地语言。造句水对植物和动物都有益。Water is beneficial to both plants and animals.知识拓展(1)be beneficial to对有益,对有用(2)benefit v. 对有用,使受益n. 益处benefit from/by 得益于,得利于be of benefit to 对有利for sb.'s benefitfor the benefit of sb. 为了某人的利益即学即练单句语法填空Your advice is very benef

26、icial(benefit)to me.You must study hard for the benefit of your own.This is an agreement which is of great benefit to both parties.Both sides have benefited from/by the talks.小片段助记I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week,which I think is beneficia

27、l to their learning.The notes will be of benefit to everyone concerned.1(教材P44)Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize,awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria,one of the deadliest diseases in human history.分析此句为

28、简单句。不定式 to receive a Nobel Prize作后置定语,修饰名词scientist;过去分词短语awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria作定语,相当于定语从句which was awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria;名词短语one of the deadliest diseases in human history是 malaria 的同位语。译文屠呦呦成为中华人民共和国第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家。她获奖是因为她在抗击疟疾

29、中做出的贡献,疟疾是人类历史上最致命的疾病之一。2(教材P45)However,it was hard to produce enough qinghao extract for large trials because research resources were limited.分析此句为主从复合句。句中 because 引导原因状语从句。主句中it 为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语to produce enough qinghao extract for large trials。译文然而,由于研究资源有限,难以生产出足够的青蒿提取物进行大型试验。3(教材P45)Perhaps th

30、e next generation of scientists,drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine,will indeed discover more medicines beneficial to global health care.分析此句为简单句。句中“drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine”为v.­ing短语作定语,修饰名词 scientists。译文也许下一代的科学家借鉴中医的智慧,确实会发现更多有益于全球医疗的药物。教材高考1.In

31、 the 1960s,many people were dying of malaria,and in 1969 Tu became head of a team that intended to find a cure for the disease.(2020·天津卷)Making a full­length clay(黏土)figure would not exhaust my strengthand that is what I intend to do!2.When they failed to produce any promising results,Tu r

32、eferred to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again.(2020·新高考全国卷)What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?3.However,it was hard to produce enough qinghao extract for large trials because research resources were limited.(2019·江苏卷)Misjudgments on the influe

33、nces of new technology can lead to a waste of limited resources.4.To speed up the process and ensure its safety,Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on themselves first.(2020·全国卷)They will speed up energy production.5.In her Nobel Lecture,she encouraged scientists to further expl

34、ore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level.(2020·全国卷)What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture?(2020·全国卷)Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage,walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum.单句

35、语法填空1Scientific research shows that women tend to survive their husbands by 510 years.2She went to this city with the intention(intend)of finding a good job.3It was foolish of him to refer to his notes during that important test.4The report will be published(publish)on the Internet.5At worst we'

36、ll have to sell the house to pay off our debts.6Her menu was so limited(limit)that few customers came to her restaurant.7The new rules will be beneficial(benefit)to every student.8I think Mary is a woman of great wisdom(wise).9Take the machine on trial for a week.10An animal's sense of smell is

37、still crucial to it's survival (survive).短语填空refer to;speed up;pay off;make a difference;thanks to;succeed in;day and night;give up;large amounts of;draw on1I'll have to draw on my savings to afford it.2It was all a great successthanks to a lot of hard work.3Did he give up or keep on trying?

38、4Study this example and refer to the explanation below.5After a month's hard work,his effort paid off at last.6He succeeded in getting a place at art school last year.7Whatever you choose to do,it will make a difference8Speed up your pace and try to arrive there on time.9Students should not play computer games day and night10The server is designed to store large amounts of data.课文语法填空Tu Youyou has become 1.the first(one)female scientist of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize,which was a


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