



1、学习必备欢迎下载Module 1Unit 1two and a half hours 两个半小时three and a half days 三天半how far多远 (距离 )how long( 多长时间 )from to 从 到travel to 到旅行like doing,loving doing,enjoy doing喜欢 ( 干什么 )more than 超过people in Bangkok曼谷人huge department store 大百货公司famoushotels 著名的酒店the capital of . 的首都15 million people 1500 万人口sout

2、h-west of Tokyo东京的西南部1. Which city is the capital of China? Beijing is the capital of China. 中国的首都是哪个城市?北京是中国的首都。 Where is it? It s north of Shanghai.它在哪?在上海的北面。2. There are more than 15 million people in Beijing. 在北京有 1500 万人口。3. Which city is the capital of Japan? Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 日本

3、的的首都是哪个城市?东京是日本的首都。Where is it? It s north-east of Shanghai.它在哪?它在上海的东北面。4. How far is it from Shanghai to Bangkok? Its 3,050 kilometres. 上海距离曼谷有多远?有3050 千米远。5. How can we travel to Beijing? We can travel by train. 我们怎么去北京?我们能坐火车去。6. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Tokyo by plane? I

4、t takes about two hours thirty minutes.从上海到东京坐飞机要多长时间?大约要两小时三十分钟。7. People in Beijing like eating dumplings. 北京人喜欢吃饺子。8. They love visiting the famous places. 他们喜欢参观这些著名的景点。9. A lot of tourists enjoy swimming in the sea. 许多游客喜欢在海里游泳。10.Do you know which city is the capital of Japan ?你们知道哪个城市是日本的首都?U

5、nit 2brought a camera 带了一个相机got some US dollars 有一些美元called Aunt Judy 打电话给茱迪阿姨packed the suitcase 收拾行李箱at the airport在机场plane ticket飞机票several silk scarves 几条丝绸围巾written down Aunt Judy's address写朱迪婶婶的地址departure time 起飞时间arrival time到达时间 enough space 足够的空间economy class 经济舱 Los Angeles 洛杉矶Flight

6、No. 航班1. They have lived in Los Angeles for six years. 他们住在洛杉矶已经六年了。2. Mrs Wang has not been to the USA before.王太太以前没去过美国。3.They plan to stay there for two weeks. 他们计划在那儿呆两个星期。4.They have already done a lot of things. 他们已经做好了许多事情。5.Have you written down my address? Yes, I have./ No, I haven t./不,没有。

7、你已经写下了我的地址了吗?是的6.I have bought a plane ticket 我已经买过一张飞机票了。 .7. What time does your plane leave for Tokyo? At four o clock in the afternoon. 飞机什么时候去东京?下午四点。8. Have you brought your passports yet? No, we haven t.你们带了护照吗?不,没有。9. Were going to Los Angeles, the USA, this Sunday to see Uncle Mike. 我们这个星期天

8、将去美国洛衫矶看麦克叔叔。10. Grandma has bought Aunt Judy plenty of T-shirts and several silk scarves. 奶奶给茱迪阿姨买了大量的 T 恤衫和几条丝绸围巾。Unit 3lost a battle on that day打了败仗jumped into a river在那天dragon boat race 龙舟赛跳入一条江中 rice dumplingsgive advice to 给 建议粽子a salty /sweet rice dumpling一个咸/学习必备欢迎下载甜粽子two thousand years ago

9、 两千年前remember Qu Yuan纪念屈原the fifth day of the fifth lunarmonth 农历五月初五 rice dumpling with/without meat /beans 有 /没有肉 / 豆子的粽子 would rather ( = d rather)宁愿(后跟原形动词) take one's advice 接受劝告 in danger 处于危险中 Dragon BoatFestival 端午节1. What was Qu Yuans job? His job was to give advice to the king. 屈原的职业是什

10、么?他的职业是给国王提意见。2. Why was he sad? Because the new king didn ttake his advice and the country was in danger. 为什么他那么伤心?因为新国王不听他的意见,国家处于危险中。3. When is the Dragon Boat Festival? It s on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 端午节是什么时候?是农历的5月5日。4. How do people remember Qu Yuan today? They eat rice dumpli

11、ngs and have dragon boat races. 今天人们怎么来纪念屈原?他们们吃棕子和赛龙舟。5. I like sweet rice dumplings with beans, but I don tlike salty ones without meat. 我喜欢吃有豆子的甜粽子,但是我不喜欢吃没有肉的咸粽子。6 Would you like some moon cakes? Yes, please. I like moon cakes. 你想吃些月饼吗?是的,谢谢。我喜欢吃月饼。7. Would you like some pudding? No, thanks. I d

12、on tlike pudding. I d rather have pizza. 你想吃些布丁吗?不,谢谢。我不喜欢吃布丁。我宁愿要一片比萨。8. Qu Yuan was born about two thousand years ago in China. 屈原生于 2000 年前的中国。Unit 4playing basketball 打篮球watching television 看电视playing computergames玩电脑游戏 go cycling骑车go fishing 钓鱼making a model 做模型going on a picnic去野餐collecting st

13、amps集邮have a stomach ache 胃痛have a fever 发烧have toothache 牙痛have a sorethroat 咽喉疼痛wear enough clothes 穿 足够的衣服playing tennis 打网球 doing puzzles 做拼图wear more clothes 穿多一点衣服seeing a film 看电 影 have a barbecue 去烧烤野餐indoor/outdooractivities 室内 /室外活动1.Whats your favourite indoor activity? I like playing the

14、 piano.你最喜欢的室内活动是什么?我喜欢弹钢琴。2.Whats your favourite outdoor activity? I like flying kites. 你最喜欢的室外活动是什么 ?我最喜欢放风筝。3. Why do I always have a headache? It s because you watch too much television. 为什么我总是头疼?因为你电视看的太多了。What should I do? You should watch less television. 那我应该怎么办?你应该少看一些电视。Module 2Unit 1in fr

15、ont of 在前面take a photograph 拍照lookon the back 在背面in 15 yearstime15 年以后poor at 不擅长做某事come back 回来,返回1 Ill be taller and heavier.Ill be 165 centimetres tall.我将更高和更重。我将有 165 厘米高。for 寻找wait for 等待put out fires 灭火be good atIll weigh 55 kilograms.我将有 55 公斤重。come out 擅长做某事出现beIll be more beautiful.Ill be a

16、n astronaut.我将更漂亮。我将成为一位宇航员。学习必备欢迎下载2. I think Peter will be a fireman in 15 years time. Yes, I agree.我认为 Peter15 年后将成为一名消防员。 是的,我同意。3. I think Jill will be a teacher in 15 years time. No, I don tagree. Shell possibly be a singer.我认为 Jill 15 年后将成为一名老师。不,我不同意。她可能会成为一名歌手。4. He will not wear glasses. 他

17、将不戴眼镜。5. What will Peter be like in 15 years time? Hell be tall and strong. 15 年后 Peter 将会是什么样子?他将会又高有壮。6. What will he possibly be in 15 years time? Hell possibly be an astronaut.15 年后他将可能成为什么?他将可能成为一名宇航员。7. Ill possibly be a policewoman or a teacher. But, I d like to be a doctor.我有可能成为一名女警察或者是一位老师

18、。但是,我想成为一位医生。8. Im good at Chinese, but I m poor at English and Maths. 我擅长语文,但是我不擅长英语和数学。9. I have to practice English and Maths more. 我得多练习英语和数学。10. I have to learn how to make sick people better. 我得学会怎样使病人康复。11. Im good at playing football, but I m poor at dancing. 我擅长踢足球,但是我不擅长跳舞。Unit 2make snowm

19、en 堆雪人inthe canteen 在餐厅uniformsinwinter/summer冬季 / 夏季校服lateNovember11 月下旬early April四月上旬red scarf 红领巾red scarves 红领巾(复) blouse with shortsleeves 短袖(女士)衬衫soft drinks(不含酒精的)hot drinks 热饮料keep warm 保暖 air-conditioned有空调的 wear red scarf 带红领巾1. Many flowers grow in the garden. 花园里生长着许多鲜花。2. Many bees and

20、 butterflies fly around. 许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶四处飞舞。3. Not many students like playing in the playground because it is very hot. 没有许多学生喜欢在操场上玩因为很热。4. Many students like studying in the library because it is air-conditioned. 许多学生喜欢在图书馆学习因为有空调。5. Many students like having ice-cream and soft drinks after lunch. 许多学生喜欢

21、在午饭后吃冰淇淋喝饮料。6. Many students like running in the playground because it helps them keep warm. 许多学生喜欢在操场上跑步因为能有助于保暖。7. Boys must wear white shirts with the long sleeves, grey trousers, red jackets, grey socks and black shoes.男孩们必须穿白色长袖衬衫,灰色长裤,红夹克,灰短袜和黑鞋子。Unit 3all of 全部most of 大多数some of 一些none of 没有a

22、 double-decker bus 双层公交车air-conditionedbus 空调公交车a public transportation card 公共交通卡flyovers立交桥traffic交通堵塞a bus conductor 公交车售票员fare box 投币箱an jam1. In the past, there were only single-decker buses.在过去,只有单层公交车。2. In the past, none of the bus drivers were women. All of them were men. Nowadays, some of

23、the busdrivers are women, but most of them are still men. 在过去, 没有公车司机是女的。 全部都是男的。 如今,一些公车司机是女的,但是大多数仍然是男的。3. What will travelling be like in 10 yearstime? Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams and more underground stations.十年后的旅游将成为什么样?可能将会有更少的交通堵塞和更多的地铁站。4. Perhaps none of the people will travel

24、 by ferry. 可能没有人乘渡船旅行。学习必备欢迎下载Module 3Unit 1blowslightly轻轻地吹move quickly迅速地移动hold raincoat tightly紧紧地裹住雨衣wind 微风a strong wind 强风a typhoon 台风 blow fiercely猛烈地吹slide show 幻灯片1. I can see leaves blowing slightly in parks and flags flying in the sky when there is a gentle wind.a gentle 当有微风的时候我能看见公园里的树叶

25、轻轻地吹动,旗帜在空中飘扬。2. I can see clouds moving quickly and people windsurfing on the sea when there is a strong wind. 当有强风的时候,我能看见云朵快速地移动,人们在海上进行帆板运动。3. I can see people holding raincoats tightly and people taking flower pots into their flats when there is atyphoon. 当有台风的时候,我能看到人们紧紧地裹住雨衣,人们把花盆拿到他们的公寓里。4.

26、What may happen when there is a typhoon? A strong wind may break windows. 当有台风的时候可能会发生什么?一股强风可能会打碎窗户。Unit 2three quartersinstead of 代替四分之三on the earthsave water 节约用水在地球上sea animals 海洋动物take a shower淋浴stop pulltingturn off关掉sea horse 海马禁止污染dripping tap漏水的龙头1. Almost three quarters of the Earth is wat

27、er. 地球几乎四分之三是水。2. Whales are the largest animals on the Earth.鲸是地球上最大的动物。3. Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals. 海豚是最聪明的动物之一。4. Sharks are one of the most dangerous animals.鲨鱼是最危险的动物之一。5. Starfish and sea horses are interesting and beautiful sea animals海.星和海马是有趣美丽的海洋动物。6. We must stop p

28、olluting the oceans.我们必须停止污染海洋。7. If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink, to wash our clothes or to wash the dishes.如果没有雨,我们将没有水喝,洗衣服或洗碗。8. Farmers need water to water the crops and vegetables on their farms.农民需要水浇灌他们农场上的农作物和蔬菜。9. Cooks in restaurants will have no water to cook food. 餐馆的厨师们将没有水烧饭。10. If there is no rain,


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