



1、学习必备欢迎下载Topic7B unitl Dream homesNamePeriod1Teachi ng1. Be aBie31!?)1get the key informationfromiste ningmaterial.Aims and2. To know the furniture in different kinds of homes .Dema nds3. Master the expressions about making a phone call.1. To master the followingwords: forksfridge ,shower, sofa,Teach

2、i ngvideo ,may, messageCon te nts2. To learn to use these phrases :be fullof ,of one s own ,takeCl 1 1 IDOOCiyDMain andI.Get the key information through the listening material toDifficultfill in the bla nks of the text.Poi nts2.To lear n to make a call in En glishTeach ing proceduresStudents activit

3、iesStep1.Lead inStude ntsPlay the song the happy home in class .Some stude nts areliste ntothefamiliar with it .They can sing following the music .song, and singThen ask stude nts :Do you want to have a happy home ? Dofollowing have a dream home ?Help student lead in todays topic Dream homes?

4、(设计意图:通过播放孩子们熟悉的歌曲快乐老家,让孩子们跟唱,导入本课话题 Dream homes,引起学生感情的共鸣, 调动课堂气氛。)Step 2 Prese ntati onI.Show the pictures of mydream homes, then introducetheWatch the scree n,furniture at my home.Help studentsknow the fur nitureandKnow furn it ureremember the new words .Read the new wordsrb.宀丄r伙未 冃宀r(设计意图: 学生冃疋好

5、奇老师梦想家园里有 哪些物口口,通and remember them.示这些物品, 帮助学生自然的认识各种居家设施, 并且自然呈 现生词,教授生词。为下面的听力环节扫清生词障碍。)Torevise2.Show somequesti onsaboutNeil shome intheReadi ng ,read ing ,help stude nts know Neils home .Andan swer.Where is Neil from ?questi ons.Which place does Neil like best in the house ?(3).Where does Neil

6、have fun with his dog ?Stude ntslabel(设计意图:通过回顾 Reading 中 Neil s home ,帮助学生对thepictures,听力的背景有所感知。)writeoutthe4. Show thepictures in A1,askstude nt to labelthe学习必备欢迎下载-第1页correct names of学习必备欢迎下载第3页pictures, write out the correct n ames of the places.5.Play the tape ,students listen and put the pict

7、ures into correctorders.6.Play the tape again then check the answers together.(设计意图:由于前面已经为听力扫清词汇障碍, 并且对听力背景也了解,故学生听起来很轻松。)Step3 Part A21.Get students to read the names of the furniture in thebox in A2 freely,then play the tape ,students listen andlabel them in the pictures in A1 correctly .(设计意图:本环

8、节处理起来很快,因为通过前面的环节,他们 已经对家居设施了然于胸。本环节只是通过操练,加强巩固。)2.Show more questions,get studentsto read themfirst ,then play the tape in A2 ,let students know moreabout N eil s home.Do T or F exercises.1There are two bathrooms on the sec ond floor .2Neil has a big liv ing room .3Neil can see the garden from the

9、window of the kitchen.4There are many trees in the garde n .5There are six rooms on the first floor.6The picture of Neil s favorite sin ger is on the wallof his bedroom.(设计意图:通过这部分的拓展听力练习,指导学生听力技巧, 先看问题,带着问题听,在有限的时间内抓捕关键信息。)Step4.Part A3Students read PartA3 ,then fill in the blanks. Check theanswers

10、 and read the article together .Teacherasksstude nts to expla in some Ian guage poin ts.(设计意图:通过完成 A3,学生对本课听力内容有了完整的认识 和理解,通过阅读加深理解,并且锻炼了阅读能力。通过学生 讲解重点句子,锻炼他们自主解决问题的能力,毕竟学生才是 课堂的主人。)Step5 Prese ntati on1.Show Sim on s home .Ask and an swer with stude nts-Why is he very happy?-He has a new home.the p

11、laces .The ncheck the an swers.Then order thepicturesListe n to the tape ofA2, and label thefurniture.Liste n to the tapeagain ,then do T or Fexercises.ReadA3,the nfinishthearticle .Check the answers. Read thearticle,the nexpla intheIan guage poin ts.学习必备欢迎下载第4页-He is talk ing to Daniel on the phone

12、 ?Liste ntothe-Do you want to know what they are talking ?tape, and answerOk, listen to the tape and answer the following questions .questi ons Is Daniel at home ? What s Simon s new teleph one nu mber?(设计意图:由 Simon 搬新豕,给 Daniel 打电话,自然过渡到Speak up,学生带冋题听录音,训练听力技能。)2.Play the tape again ,students list

13、en and read followingRead the dialoguethe tape. They read a lot ,then try to act it out in roles .afterthe3.Ask some pairs to act it out .Then the teacher makes atape,the nnew dialogue with one student .Help they know how to makepracticeitaa teleph one call.lot. SomepairsUseful expressi ons:act it i

14、n roles.-May l speak to ?-Who is (that) speaki ng ?-This isspeak ing.-Hold on please. wait for a mome nt.-May I take a message ?-Wha s your telepho ne nu mber?To remember the4.Make stude nts make more dialogues to practice how toexpressi onstomake a call.make a call.Step 6 .Games.Get stude nts to ma

15、ke calls with their part ners. Then asksome pairs to act it out in front of the class.(设计意图:通过学生听录音,跟读录音,角色表演,编造新Practicecalli ng对话,表演打电话。锻炼了学生听说读写综合技能。达到了从each otherin伪交际到准交际,最后到真交际的教学意图。让学生学以致用,English ,thenmake帮助学生提高综合运用英语语言的能力。)newdialogues,andStep7 Expa nsionact it out.Show the idioms.1. East o

16、r west , home is the best.2. Where there is a love ,there is a home .Students read the idioms ,and understand the meaningsTolear ntheof Dream homes.idioms ,(设计意图:本环节对孩子进仃情感教育,让他们知道真正Know thereal的理想家园是充满爱的家园。)meaning ofdreamStep 8 Homeworkhomes.1. To make a call with your friend in English .学习必备欢迎下载第5页2. To write a passage about your dream home .Blackboar dDesig nNeil s home in the UKroomsandplacesThe related in formati ondi


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