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1、BoPing Junior High School English Contest Paper for Written EnglishI、Words 10% 按照括号内的要求写出下列各词的相应形式.1. bed (复数) _2. careful (副词) _3. speak (过去式) _4. see (过去分词) _5. run (现在分词) _6. seven (序数词) _7. new (反义词) _9. interesting (最高级) _10. long (比较级) _II、Phrases:10%11. take care ofA. a lot of B. the first mo

2、nth of the yearC. look after D. come or go into ( )12. enterA. come or go into B. the first month of the yearC. be able to D. look after ( )13. dirtyA. come or go into B. look afterC. the first month of the year D. not clean ( )14. canA. be able to B. happenC. the first month of the year D. not clea

3、n ( )15. manyA. a lot of B. the first month of the yearC. come or go into D. be able to ( )III. Reading Comprehension: 30% (A) Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered. The Roman emperor Nero may have mad

4、e a kind of ice cream. He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China. Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles enjoyed that tre

5、at very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. Americans alone eat more than two billion quarts a year.1 .The passage says that most Americans _ A. think that ice cream is very new B. think that i

6、ce cream was an American idea C. know that ice cream has a long history D. do not know what ice cream is2. The Roman emperor Nero hired men to _ A. make ice cream for him B. bring ice cream from China C. guard the secret of ice cream D. bring ice to cool his drinks3. Charles I of England wanted to _

7、 A. make ice cream popular B. keep the secret of ice cream for himself C. develop new kinds of ice cream D. bring ice cream recipes from China (B) Ben Johnson is one of the few men ever buried standing up. As the story goes, King Charles I once made him a promise. The king told the great writer that

8、 he would be buried in England's famous Westminster Abbey. But that wasn't all. Johnson could choose any place he liked for his grave. Johnson died in 1637. Then it was found that the spot he had picked was already filled. The ground space left in it was just eighteen inches square. King Cha

9、rles 1 kept his words. He had Johnson's coffin placed on its end in the small place. That's the way it would just fit.4. Which probably happened first? A. Johnson picked a place in the Abbey. B. Johnson died. C. Johnson received Charless promise. D. Johnson told the king of his choice.5. Cha

10、rles I found out the place filled after _ A. Johnsons death B. Johnsons burial C. the reading of Johnsons will D. 16386. Johnsons coffin was placed upright so that it would _ A. face the west B. look bigger C. take less room D. reach the floor7. The story shows that Charles tried to _ A. role Britai

11、n well B. keep his promise C. learn about art D. write poems and stories (C) Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round forms of exercise. It can help to increase your strength and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and a stronger heart. But increasing your strength

12、 is not the only advantage of cycling. Because you're not carrying the weight of your body on your feet, it's a good form of exercise for people with painful feet or backs. However, with all forms of exercise it's important to start slowly and build up gently. Doing too much too quickly

13、can damage muscles that aren't used to working. If you have any doubts about taking up cycling for health reasons, talk to your doctor and ask his/her advice. Ideally you should be cycling at least two or three times a week. For the exercise to be doing you good, you should get a little out of b

14、reath. Don't worry if you begin to lose your breath. Shortness of breath shows that the exercise is having the right effect. However, if you find you are in pain then you should stop and take a rest.8. The words "Along with" (in Para. 1, line 1) most probably means _ A. In accordance w

15、ith B. Except forC. In addition to D. Instead of9. Cycling is good for people with painful back because _ A. they can avoid putting all their weight on their feet B. they can have some exercise on their back C. they must start slowly and build up gently D. they can relieve pain from the back10. The

16、probable result of sudden exercise is that _ A. you might get a little out of breath B. you will lose your breath C. you can get your muscles hurt D. you' ll find you are in pain with your heart11. What is the writer's purpose of writing this article? A. To give amusement B. To make criticis

17、m C. To give advice D. To give warning (D)Dear Sir, I am writing to make a strong complaint about the impolite treatment my guests, my colleague and I received when we visited your restaurant last Friday evening. On booking a table for four by telephone on Tuesday we were assured that there would be

18、 room for us despite the fact that your restaurant had been open only for a few weeks and all the tables had already been booked. We appreciate that there must be great demand for restaurant meals at this time of the year in such a popular and historic area but we were not expecting such an ill-mann

19、ered reception on the part of your head waiter. Our Chinese friends are currently touring the 'Shakespeare Country' and were looking forward to a traditional English dinner in such a charming setting. But our hopes for an enjoyable evening out were instantly spoilt when your head waiter info

20、rmed us that he had received no booking in our name and, so, no table was reserved for our party. My colleague and I protested at this and asked to speak to the Manager, who, we were told, was unavailable. Your staff then offered us a table which we all had to share with another couple and no effort

21、 was made to smooth over the unpleasantness we had experienced. We also had to wait for some considerable time before the menu was brought to us. I trust you will give this complaint your prompt attention as the whole embarrassing incident was a great disappointment to our guests and set a bad examp

22、le to our English hospitality.Yours sincerely,Mr. Paul J. Weller12. Mr. Weller could be described as being _ A. disappointed B. impolite C. moderately dissatisfied D. hurt and angry13. The writer had the unpleasant experience in _ A. a hotel B. a Chinese restaurant C. a restaurant in Shakespeares bi

23、rthplace D. a bar in London14. Mr. Weller hopes that this letter of complaint _ A. will be looked into at once B. will embarrass the manager C. will result in the restaurant being closed D. will cause the quick dismissal of the head waiter (E) Like mother, like son 1955 Dear Mummy I hate this boarding school. Food Awful, prefects bully me. Please take me home. Love, David. Dear David Nonsense! Chin up. Mother 1997 Dear DavidI hate this home.


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