



1、2013年cet6试题:12月14日六级选词填空模拟试题阅读理解之选词填空Directions: In this section, there is apassage with ten bla nks. You are required to select one word for each bla nkfrom a list of choices give n in a word bank follow ing the passage.Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in th

2、e bankis ide ntified by a letter. Please mark the corresp onding letter for each item on An swer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any ofthe words in the bank more tha n on ce.A novel way of making computer memories, usingbacteria FOR half a cen tury, the (1)of progress

3、in thecomputer in dustry has bee n to do more with less.Moore'slawfamouslyobservesthatthe nu mberoftran sistorswhichcan becrammedintoa given spaceevery18 mon ths.The amount of data that can be stored has grown at a similar rate.Yet as (3)get smaller, making them gets harderand more expe nsive.On

4、 May 10th Paul Otelli ni, the boss of In tel, a big American chipmaker, put the price of a new chip factory at around $10 billio n.Happily for those that lack In tel's resources, there may be a cheaper opti on n amely to mimic Mother Nature,who has bee n build ing tiny (4), in the form oflivi ng

5、 cells and their comp onen ts, for billio ns of years, and has thus got rather good at it.A paper published in Small, a nano tech no logyjournalsets out the latest example of the (5).In it, a group of researchers led by Sarah Stan ila nd at theUn iversity of Leeds, in Brita in, describeusing n atura

6、llyoccurri ng prote ins to make arrays of tiny magn ets,similar to those employed to store informationin diskdrives.The researchers took their (6) fromMagn etospirillum magn eticum, a bacterium that is sen sitive to the Earth's magneticfield thanks to the presenee within its cells of flecks of m

7、agn etite, a form of iron oxide.Previous work has isolated the protein that makes theseminiature compasses. Using genetic engineering,the teamman aged to persuade a differe nt bacterium Escherichia coli,a ubiquitous critter that is a workhorse of biotech no logy to(7)this protein in bulk.Next, they

8、impri nted a block of gold with a microscopic chessboard patter n of chemicals.Half the squares contained anchoring points for the protei n.The other half were left un treated as con trols.They the n dipped the gold into a soluti on containing theprote in, allow ing it to bind to the treated squares

9、, and dunkedthe whole lot into a heated (8)of ir on salts.After that, they examinedthe results with an electronmicroscope.Sureeno ugh,groups ofmagn etitegrains hadmaterialised on the treated squares, shepherded into place by the bacterial prote in.In prin ciple, each of these magn etic doma ins coul

10、d storethe one or the zero of a bit of in formatio n, accord ing to how it was polarised.Gett ing from there to a real computer memory would bea long road.For a start, the grains of magnetiteare not strongeno ugh magn ets to make a useful memory, and the size of each doma in is huge by moder n compu

11、ti ng (9).But Dr Stan ila nd reck ons that, with eno ugh tweak ing,both of these objecti ons could be dealt with.The (10)of this approach is that it might not beso capital-inten sive as buildi ng a fab.Growing things does not need as much kit as making them.If the tweak ing could be done, therefore, the result mightgive the word biotech no logy a whole new meaning.A) comp onent


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