1、第第8 8讲讲Unit 2 Unit 2 The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games必修二必修二第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语早 读 晨 背第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1_ adj古代的;古老的2_ vi比赛;竞争_ n比赛;竞争_ adj有竞争性的_ n竞争者3_ adj巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的_ adj魔术的;不可思议的;n魔法,魔术_ n魔术师4_ n志愿者;志愿兵adj志愿的;义务的vt &a
2、mp; vi自愿_ adj自愿的;自发的萃萃荟荟词词单单ancientcompetitioncompetitivecompetitormagicalmagicmagicianvolunteervoluntarycompete第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语5_ adj规则的;定期的;常规的 _ n规则;制度_ v规定;管制;整顿6_ n(plbases)基础;根据7_ n运动员;运动选手8_ n(plstadiums or stadia)(露天大型)体育场9_ vt做东;主办;招待_ n男主持人,男主人_ n女主
3、人,女主持人10_ n责任;职责_ adj有责任的,对负责的regularregulationregulatebasisathletestadiumhosthosterhostessresponsibilityresponsible第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语11_ vt取代;替换;代替12_ vt & vi收费;控诉n费用;主管13_ adj物理的;身体的_ n物理_ n物理学家_ n内科医生14_ vt & vi做广告;登广告 _ n广告_ n广告客户15_ adj没有希望的;绝望的_ v
4、 & n希望_adj充满希望的16_ vi讨价还价;讲条件 n便宜货17_ vi & vt应受(报答或惩罚);值得replacechargephysicalphysicsphysicistphysicianadvertiseadvertisementadvertiserhopelesshopehopefulbargaindeserve第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1take part _ 参加2stand _ 代表3_ four years 每四年4a _ of 一组;一套5be admitte
5、d _ 被准许进入记记晨晨语语短短inforeverysetto第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语6_ an important role in 在中起重要作用7_ well as 也;又;还8_ charge 主管;看管9one _ another 陆续地;一个接一个地10pick _ 拾起playasinafterup第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1I lived in _ you call“Ancient Greece” an
6、d I _write about the Olympic Games a long time ago 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。 粹粹选选句句佳佳whatused to第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语2No other countries could join in, _slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。3Theres _ much competition among countries to host the Olympics_
7、 to win Olympic medals国与国之间争取奥运举办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。nor couldasas第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语Perseverance(毅力)Perseverance is a long word It means to keep on until we succeed Sticking to a piece of work till we have done it In spite of difficulties, failures and defeats It
8、 is the opposite of getting tired before we finish, being discouraged by difficulties, and giving up in despair诵诵背背文文美美第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语Perseverance is necessary to success in anything The proverb, “Well begun is half done”, is only half a truth It is good to
9、begin well, but if we do not go on well until we finish, we shall never do anythingA student begins to work for an examination at college His subjects are new and interesting At first he finds them easy and studies well But after a bit, the subjects get more difficult He loses interest, or he gets d
10、iscouraged At last he gives up regular study and wastes his time When he goes up for examination, of course he fails第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语If we would succeed in anything, we must persevere This is also the lesson of the old tale of the race between the slow tortois
11、e and the swift hare, which was won by tortoise by steadily plodding on第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语思维导图 考点梳理第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语图图导导维维思思第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语单词单词1compete vi 比赛;竞争,对抗比赛;竞争,对抗理理梳梳点点考考W
12、e should compete for our survival我们应该为生存而竞争。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1competitor 参赛者;competition 竞争;competitive adj竞争的,竞争性的2compete in sth 参加比赛;在竞争I hope to compete in the English contest 我盼着去参加英语竞赛第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语3compete for
13、为得到而竞争宾语常用 championship(leadership, the post, the gold medal, the scholarship, the contract) 竞争冠军(领导权、职位、金牌、奖学金、合同)She is competing for the title, Miss America 她在竞争美国小姐的桂冠4compete with/against 与竞争We cant compete with them on price 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语
14、英语compete, contestcompete指为争得名次、奖品、合同等而进行的,没有征服对手之意。contest指友谊竞赛或敌意的竞赛,侧重于比试技能、能力、力气、耐力等。How many students are contesting in the spoken English match? 有多少学生参加英语口语赛?第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语compete多用作不及物动词,其后必须跟适当的介词才能接宾语。表示“与某人比赛”用with或against;表示比赛的目的用for;表示比赛参与的项目时用i
15、n。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1We cant other countries in trade if we dont develop our national economyAcompete forBcompete againstC catch upD catch with【解析】考查动词短语辨析。按照句意此处有与竞争之意;compete against符合。【答案】B第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语2(2014吉安一中月考
16、)More than thirty students competed each other in the English competitionBut they could only compete three medalsAagainst; withBagainst; onCwith; forDon; for【解析】compete with sb“与某人竞争”; compete for sth“为而竞争”。【答案】C第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语单词2 admitvt& vi准许进入;容许;接纳(常
17、用被动结构) I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes我愿意承认我确实会犯错。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语be admitted as 被接受为be admitted (to/into) 被准许进入admit (to) sth/ doing 承认某事/干过某事admit that 承认admit sb/sth to be 承认是It is/was admitted that 普遍认为 第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点
18、梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语admit表示“允许加入某组织或参加某项活动”时,常常用被动形式。此外,admit后不能接不定式,只能接动名词作宾语。误:He admitted to have done wrong正:He admitted having done wrong他承认自己错了。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1Will you _broken the window?你承不承认你打破了窗户?2They freely _ they still have a lot to learn他们坦率承认,他
19、们要学的东西还很多。3He was _ a member of the basketball team他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。admit havingadmit thatadmitted as第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语4Only 200 children were _the school every year 每年只有200名儿童获准入学。5He _ his words to be mistaken他承认自己的话错了。admitted to/intoadmitted第8讲Unit 2 The Olym
20、pic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语6May I know your age, for people over 40 clubAdont admit intoBarent admitted to C cant enterD are refused by【解析】句意:我可以知道你的年龄吗? 因为40岁以上的人禁入该俱乐部。应用被动语态。【答案】B 第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语7(2014宜春市模拟)Little Tom admitted in the examinati
21、on, that he wouldnt do that in futureAto cheat; to promiseBcheating; promisedChaving cheated; promisingDto have cheated; promised第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语【解析】句意:小汤姆承认在考试中作弊,并保证以后不再那样做了。admit后通常要接动名词作宾语,即admit doing或admit having done,据此排除A、D两项。由于第二空前缺少连词,因此admit与promis
22、e不是两个并列的谓语动词,用promised是错误的,此处用现在分词promising作伴随状语,故答案为C。【答案】C第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语单词单词3replace vt 代替;取代代替;取代The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语replace sb as 取代而成为replace
23、sb/sth with/by 用替换;以接替in place 在适当的位置out of place 在不适当的位置in ones placein place of 代替take the place ofreplace 代替;替代take place 发生;举行take ones place 就位;就座instead of 代替;而不是(介词短语)第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1Teachers will never be _ by computers in the classroom课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。
24、2She _ her husband _ the local teacher她取代丈夫成了当地的老师。3I _ the wornout tools _ new ones我用新工具来替换那磨损不堪的。4With everything _, she started lesson一切就绪,她开始讲课。replacedreplacedasreplacedwith/byin place第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语5Bob is ill today Who can him in our football match?Ar
25、eplaceBtake placeC instead ofD in the place of 【解析】考查短语辨析。按照句意此处有代替之意,并且需要动词作谓语,replacetake the place of。instead of是个介词短语,不能作谓语。【答案】A第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语单词4 charge vt& vi 收费;控诉 n费用;主管He may still face criminal charges他可能仍然要面临刑事指控。 第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早
26、读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1charge sb for sth 收费,要价charge sth to sth 记帐charge sb with sth /doing sth 指控;起诉;指责2free of charge 免费in charge of 主管;负责in the charge of 由负责/掌管take charge of 主管;负责第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语in charge of A 是指“照料(负责、管理)A”;而in the charge of A是指“由
27、A来照料(负责、管理)”,也可说成 in ones charge。 加the与不加the,意义变化较大的还有:1in front of before 在的前面in the front of 在内部前面2in possession of 拥有in the possession of sb /in ones possession (某物)归所有3out of question 毫无疑问;不在话下out of the question 不可能的;不必谈的第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1Do you think mus
28、eums should _admission?你认为博物馆应该收入馆费吗?2He was _ murder他被指控犯有谋杀罪。3He _ the farm after his fathers death父亲去世后他掌管了农场。charge forcharged withtook charge of第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语4Would you please give us an example your opinion on“Two Olympics, equal splendor”?Ain charge
29、of Bin want ofC in favor ofD in honor of【解析】句意:你能给我们举一个例子来支持你关于“两个奥运,同样精彩”的观点吗?in charge of 负责,主管;in want of 需要,缺少;in favor of 支持,赞同;in honor of 为纪念,为向表示敬意。【答案】C第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语5The children were left charge of a nurseAinBto theC in theD with【解析】be in the cha
30、rge of “由负责,由照管”,表被动意思;in charge of“主管,掌管,看管”。【答案】C第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语单词5 bargainn协议;廉价物;v(与某人)讨价还价;洽谈成交条件;谈判第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语make a bargain with sb about/over/for sth 就某事与某人达成协议bargain with sb about/over/for sth 就某事与某人讨价还
31、价第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1At this price the wine is a _这种葡萄酒卖这个价真是很便宜。2Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to _ 千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是。bargainbargain第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语3Youve got a good _ there你做了一笔很上算的交易。4The unio
32、ns _ (with management) for a shorter working week工会为缩短工作周而(与资方)讨价还价。bargainbargained第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语5I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real AexchangeBbargainCtradeDbusiness【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在一次降价销售活动中花10美元买了一件连衣裙,真是便宜。bargain“廉价货;便宜货”,a
33、real bargain意为“真便宜”。exchange“交换;交流;兑换”;trade“交易”;business“商业;生意”。【答案】B第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语单词6 deserve vt& vi 应受(报答或惩罚);值得 Government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well政府官员显然也应当承担部分责任。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语第8
34、讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语deserve和need,require等动词一样,后接动名词时用主动表示被动,也可以用动词不定式的被动形式。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1They didnt _win他们不该赢。2The report _ careful consideration这报告应该给予认真考虑。3He _ be locked up for ever for what he did He deserves locking
35、up forever for what he did他做了这样的事,应该终身监禁。deserve todeservesdeserves to第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语4The brave man was greatly honoured when the organizer announced, “You a medal!”ApreserveBexpectCdeserveDreserve【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当组织者宣布“你理所应当地荣获一枚奖牌”时,这位勇者感到无上光荣。preserve“维持;
36、保护”;expect“期望”;deserve“值得;应该”;reserve“保留;预定;预约”。【答案】C第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语短语短语1take part in 参加;参与参加;参与How many athletes are going to take part in the London 2012 Olympic Games?有多少运动员将参加2012伦敦奥运会?第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1join指参加(党派、
37、团体、组织等),并成为其中一员;join(sb)in sth意为(与某人一起)参加某项活动,还可用join in/join sbin doing sth表示“参加某人所从事的活动”2attend指参加会议、婚礼、典礼,上课、上学、听报告等,一般指成为观众或听众3be presentat在某种场合,出席在场4go in for指参加某项比赛或考试5take part in多侧重于参加集体活动或运动并起作用第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语take part in意为“参加”,尤指参加某项活动。当part前有形容词时,
38、需用不定冠词;该短语不能用在被动语态中。如:take an active part in积极参加第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1He took _part in organizing the class meeting他在组织这次班会方面起了积极作用。2The most famous games of all,the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to _friendly competition最出名的运动会奥运会让全世
39、界的运动员走到一起参加友谊赛。3Who could not _the ancient Olympic Games?谁不能参加古代奥运会?an activetake part intake part in第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语短语短语2as well as 也;又;还也;又;还She can speak Japanese as well as English 她会说英语和日语。as well as 连词,常用来连接主语、宾语、表语或状语等并列成分,一般不可置于句首,其侧重点在于前者。因此通常先译后者,再译
40、前者。He as well as his wife was invited to the party他和他的妻子都被邀请参加那个聚会。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数须与前面的主语保持一致。例如:John, as well as his friends, hasnt yet read the book 约翰和他的朋友们一样,都没有读过那本书。2as well as连接两个谓语动词时,前后动词的时态须保持一致。They are watching TV as well
41、 as discussing the problem他们在讨论这个问题,同时也在看电视。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语3as well as连接两个不定式时,若第一个带to,则as well as后的不定式通常省略to。I came to see him as well as learn of the truth 我到来既是为了解真实情况,也是为了看望你。4as well as连接人称代词时,用主格和宾格含义不同。He wrote to you as well as me 他写信给我,也写了信给你。第8讲Uni
42、t 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语5as well as 位于句首,意思为“除之外”;后接名词、代词、动名词。As well as breaking the leg, he hurt his arm他除了摔断腿外,还伤了胳膊。6as well as 侧重点在前,not onlybut also侧重点在后。谓语动词数遵循就近原则。Not only he but also we are fond of the popular song不仅他而且我们也喜欢流行歌曲。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导
43、图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语7as well as 还可以用在比较状语从句中,意思为“与一样好”。8as well 为副词also, too,用于句末,意思为“也”。may (just) as well do 不妨干第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1Save time and money _the planet节约时间和金钱同样是在拯救地球。2We may _pass over the details细节我们不妨略而不谈。3China possesses enormous quantities
44、of coal and is rich in other minerals _中国拥有大量煤炭,其他的矿藏也很丰富。as well asas wellas well第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语4(2012四川高考)This training program can give you a lift at work, increase your income by 40%Aas well asBso long asCso much asDas soon as【解析】考查介词as构成的短语的用法。句意:这个培训项目
45、除了可以增加你收入的40%之外,还能够让你在工作方面得到提升。A项意为“除之外(还有);和”;B项意为“只要”;C项意为“与一样多”(不用于肯定句);D项意为“一就”。【答案】A第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语5(2014南昌一模)The boy can speak English his elder brother, and his written work is just excellentAas good as; thanBas easy as; thanCas well as; asDas fluent
46、as; as【解析】考查“as形容词/副词(原级)as”结构。第一个空需要副词修饰动词speak,所以用well;题中后半句excellent后面省略了“as his”,答案为C项。【答案】C第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语句型1nor/neither系动词(助动词、情态动词) No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理
47、经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1句型“nor/neither系动词/助动词/情态动词另一个主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“也不”,相当于either用于否定句。2句型“so系动词/助动词/情态动词另一个主语”用于肯定陈述句之后,表示前句所说的情况也适合于另一个人或物。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语3句型“So it is(was)with另一主语”既能表示肯定意义,又能表示否定意义,其主要用于以下情况:上下文有两个分句;上下文有两个(或两个以上)不同谓语;上下文既有肯定也有否定。4句型“so主语系动词/助动
48、词/情态动词”中的主语与前一句的主语通常是指同一个“人”或“物”,主语,谓语不需要倒装。这种句型表示说话者赞同前句所提到的情况或事实,其中的so作“不错;确实如此”讲。5句型“主语doso”中so和动词do连用,替代上文中出现过的动宾语结构或动状结构,以避免重复。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语含有否定意义的介词短语,副词或连词位于句首时引起部分倒装。这类词有:in no way, on no condition, in no case, by no means, never, little, hardly, s
49、eldom, not only, not until, at no time, not before, no sooner等。第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1I havent been to Shanghai before and _ has my sister我以前没去过上海, 我妹妹也没去过。2 _ before have I seen such a film以前我从来没有看过这样的影片。3 _ does she go out alone她很少一个人出门。neitherNeverSeldom第8讲Unit
50、2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语4_word did he say at the meeting他在会上一句话也没说。5He _ smokes _drinks他不抽烟也不喝酒Not aneithernor第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语6(2014临川二中联考)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and AI was neitherBneither was ICI was
51、 eitherDeither was I【解析】句意:比尔对贾森作报告推迟这件事很不高兴,我也不高兴。“neither/nor系动词/助动词/情态动词sb”表示“某人也不”,故选B。【答案】B第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语句型2as much as表示“与一样多” Its just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。第
52、8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1asas 结构 意为“像一样,正如”,第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词的原级。asas同级比较的三种形式:as adj/advasas adj可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词asas adja/an可数名词单数形式as第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语否定形式的同级比较的第一个as可以换成so。第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句,从句常用省略形式,在否定句中可改为not as/so同级比较前可有修饰成分
53、,像倍数、百分数、分数等。这种结构中的第二个as可以是介词,后接名词,也可以接数量词表示某种性质达到了什么程度。 第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语2有关asas 的短语as soon as 一就as/so long as 只要as much/many as 多达;达到之多so/as far as 远至;就而言as well as 也;又asas possible 尽可能as good as 实际上;几乎等于第8讲Unit 2 The Olympic Games早读晨背思维导图 考点梳理经典题集训抢分课堂抢分课堂英语英语1I felt _ calm _ ever我觉得和以往一样平静。2His bedroom is _neat _ his sisters他的寝室没有他姐姐的整洁。3This is _an example as the other is这是一个像另一个一样好的例子。
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