1、 对外经济贸易大学远程教育商务英语专业学位英语考纲(附样题) 考试目的 远 学 ?学位的 ?程教育 ?英语教学 ? 英语专 ?业 学 ?对英语 ?质量。 ? 程 ?业 适用对象 大纲适用 ? 对外经济 ?贸易大学远 ?程教育英语 ?专业的学 ?。 考核内容 考核学 ? 用 ?语 的 ? 学 对 ?语 语用 的 ? 程 。 目 语 ?考试 ?考试的 ? ? 的考 ?试。( 大学 ?英语 ? 大学英?语六 ) I. ? (Vocab? ulary? and Struc? ture) 语 ? 的 ?目的 试 ?考 用 ? 语 语 ? 的 ?。 的 ?试时间为 3?0 钟。 II. 辨别错误 (Err
2、or ? Ident? i fica? tion) 辨别错误 ? 的目的 ? 试学 对 ? 语 语 ?的 ? 对错误的 ? 别辨 ? 。 的 ?试时间为 1? 0 钟。 III. 完形填空 (Cloze ? ) 完形填空 ? 的目的 ? 试学 ? 用语 ?右) 留有 1?5 空 空 为 ? 题 ? ? 文的 ? ?试时间为 1? 5 钟。 IV. 阅读 (Readi ? ng Comp?r ehens? i on) 阅读 ? 的目的 ? 试学 ? 阅读 ?的 。 题 ?熟悉 适 的 ? 文(200 题有 4 ? 考 ? 内 ?容的 ? 完 。填空的 ? ? 。 的 ? 的 ? ? 有 ? 的
3、。 ?各种题 (社会 活 政治 经济 人物传记 ? 考 3?0 钟的时间 ?内 阅读普 ) 体裁 ( 议论文 记叙文 明文 应用文 ) ?总 数 3 总阅读量 ?850 ?右( ) /1100 ? 右(六 )的 ?的文 ?。 考 ? 读 ?的大 ? 有 的 ? 体 辨别 的 有 ? ?的 ?断。 V. 英汉翻译 (Engli? sh-Chine? se Trans? Iatio?n) 英汉翻译 ? 试题 ?目的试学 ?英语 用汉语 ? 的 ? 试题 用 ?翻译的形?式。 的 ?试时间为?5钟。 VI. 英语写(Writi ? ng) 文写 ?的目的 ?试学用 英语 3 的 ?。考试时间为 32
4、)钟。考 写?岀 12 0 右的 ?文。试 ? 岀题目 ? 岀 ? 写 ? 岀 ? 写岀 ? 文。 ? ? 大语 错误。写的内容? 活 ? 。 考试形式 考题 ? 考试 ?形式。试题的 73%用 的 题形式题 ?题 ?学试考 ?英语 ?的目的。 考试题型 辨别错误完形填空阅读 英汉翻译英语写 考试时间 120 钟 序号 题号 各 ? 题目数 计 考试时间 I 1-40 ? 40 20 30 钟 II 41-50 辨别错误 10 10 10 钟 III 51-65 完形填空 15 15 15 钟 IV 66-80 阅读 15 30 30 钟 V 81-85 英汉翻译 5 15 15 钟 VI 8
5、6 英语写 1 10 20 钟 计 86 题 100 120 钟? ?的总题量?为 86题?题目数记考试 时间体 ?下 9)He will be in a wheel ? chair? for _? _ of his life. A. the remai ? ning B. the rest 对外经济贸 ?易 大学远程 ?教育 商务英语专 ?业 学位英语 ?考试样题 I. ? (Voca?b ulary? and Struc? ture) 20% 1) _ I don t think ? the first ? ? _ of the play will be telev _ ? ised li
6、ve. A. view B. sight ? C. perfo ? rman?ce D. actio ? n 2) _ He left early ? ?_ he shoul ? d miss the last subwa ?y train?. A. in case B. in case of C. in order ? that 3) _ 3. There ? is no doubt ? ?_ _ the earth ? goes round? the sun. A. wheth? er C. if D. why 4) _ Is Fanny ? the cleve ? rest of ? _
7、 in this class ? A. any stude ? nts B. any other ? stude? nt C. any of the stude ?nts D. all the stude ? nts 5) _ We start ?ed ? _ get there ? befor? e noon. A. as early ? as to B. early ? enou?g h so C. so early ? as to D. enoug? h early ? to 6) _ ? _ not for your help, I would A. It was C. It were
8、 7) Gener? ally speak ? ing, a well-behav A. born up C. got up 8) _Peter? will fail the exam _ ? A. if C. until ? ? be in troub ? le. B. Was it D. Were it ed child ? has been prope ? rly _? B. broug? ht up D. raise ?d up he works? hard. B. provi ? ded D. for fear of B. that by his paren ? ts. 9)He w
9、ill be in a wheel ? chair? for _? _ of his life. A. the remai ? ning B. the rest D. unles ? sC. the remai ? n D. rest A. over that B. that 10) _ It was not until ? she took off her dark glass ? es _ ? _ I reali ?zed she was a famou ? s film star. A. that B. so that C. befor ? e D. when 11) _ I have
10、seen the pictu? re dozen? s of times? , and it s alway? sas new to me _ ? _ I had never ? seen it befor ? e. A. as B. as if C. thoug? h D. like 12) _ The man stand? i ng by the windo ? w is my frien ?d, Phil. He is exper ?t _ ? _ope?r ating? a compu ?ter. A. for B. to C. at D. with 13) _ I didn t ?
11、_ to take a taxi but I had to as I was afrai _ ? d that I would ? be late for class? . A. assum? e B. suppo? se C. mean D. consi ? der 14)Few anima? ls were found ? in the fores ? t, as most of them seeme ?d _ ? _ kille ? d. A. to have been B. to be C. they were D. that they had been 15)The perso ?
12、nnel manag? er asked? Mary wheth? er she would ? _? to start ? work the next day. A. admit ? B. agree? C. appro? ve D. accep? t 16)Unfor? tuna?t ely, my aunt died of a heart ? attac? k _ ?_ her last novel ? still ? unpu?bl ishe? d. A. while ? B. with C. but D. befor ? e 17)The count ? ry has, as exp
13、ec ? ted, got itsel ? f into socia ?l unres ? t _ ? _ the gover ? nment? has C. the remai ? n D. rest A. over that B. that lost contr ? ol.C. over which D. which? A. a help B. an aid C. a hand D. an arm ?_ go swimm? ing as it s raini ? ng hard. 18)I would ? rathe? r you A. did not B. do not C. not D
14、. will not 19)The ? _ girl is Ruth s niece ? . A. Canad? ian littl ? e prett ? y B. prett ? y littl ? e Cana?d i an C. Canad? ian prett ? y littl ? e D. littl ? e prett ? y Cana?d i an 20)His fathe ? r often? said to him, You are old enoug ?h to make your own livin ? g inste ?ad of livin ? g _? _ yo
15、ur paren ? ts. A. off B. for C. by D. with 21)The weath? er here is fairl ? y _ ? _ in sprin ? g, which? make?s it diffi ? cult to know what to wear. A. varia ? ble B. varie ? d C. varie ? ty D. vario ? us 22)I shoul ? d like ?_ earli ?er A. havin ? g infor ?med B. to have infor ?med C. to infor ? m
16、 D. to have been infor ? med 23)Does the newsp ? aper repor ?t sugge? st that an econo ?mic crisi ? s ? soon? A. occur ? B. there ? is C. there ? will be D. will occur ? 24)The persp? ectiv? e in which ? you view the probl ?em is ? _ mine. A. contr ? ary to B. contr ? ast from C. oppos? ite from D.
17、disag ? reea?b l e to 25)The tools ? ?_ the furni ? ture is assem ?bled are packe ?d in the packa ?ge. A. with that B. in which ? C. with which ? D. by which ? 26)I have some diffi ? culty? in impro? ving my compo? sitio ?n. Could? you lend me 36)Since? he didn t feel like ? _ to the movie ? s, I su
18、gge ? sted ? _ cards? at home. 27) “ Woul?d you care for a cup of coffe ? e?” “No, thank ? you. I d have _? _ coffe ? e” A. somet? hing besid ? es B. nothi ? ng but C. every ? thing? besid? es D. anyth? ing but 28)It so happe ? ned that Jim knock ? ed over the candl ? e and the table ? cloth? _ ?_ _
19、 fire. A. made B. got C. set D. caugh? t 29) She went to the ticke _ ?t offic ? e, only ? _ that the ticke ? ts for the perfo ? r man?cehad all been sold out. A. told B. to be told C. being ? told D. was she told 30)_ ? _ when the traff ?ic accid? ent took place ?. A. He happe? ned to be passi ?ng b
20、y B. It so happe ? ned to him to be passi ?ng by C. It so happe ? ned for him to be passi ?ng byD. He happe? ned that he was passi ?ng by 31)_ He ? _ me by two games? to one. A. beat B. conqu? ered C. gaine ? d D. won 32)_ ? _ any instr ? uctio? ns from their ? gove?r nmen?t , they could ? not give
21、an answe ?r. A. Havin? g not recei ?ved B. Not havin ?g recei ? ved C. Recei? ving not D. Not recei ? ving 33)Nowa?d ays, the news media ? keep us infor ? med of what _ ?_ in the world A. is happe ? ning on B. is getti ? ng on C. is takin ? g on D. is going ? on 34)Metal? s _ ? _ as they grow cool A
22、. reduc ? e B. conde? nse C. contr ? act D. compr? ess 35)She is not as _ ? _ as her class ? mates? . A. an activ ? e stude? nt B. activ ? e the stude ? nt C. activ ? e a stude ? nt D. the activ ? e stude? nt C. every ? one think ? s Key 2) A. in case 4) D. all the stude ? nts 6) D. Were it 8) D. un
23、les ? s 10) A. that 12) C. at 14) A. to have been 16) B. with 18) A. did not 21) A. varia ? ble 22) D. to have been infor ?med 23) D. will occur ? 24) A. contr ? ary to 25) C. with which ? 26) C. a hand 19) B. prett ? y littl ?e Canad? ian 20) A. off A. going ? , playi ?ng C. to go, playi ?ng 37)It
24、has come to my notic libra ? ry. A. profi ? t C. advan? tage 38)For all those ? years? , she was none the A. far C. very 39) _ ? _ do they go shopp ? ing toget ? her. A. Somet? imes B. to go, to play D. going? , to play ethat peopl ? eare not takin ? gfull _ B. benef? it D. oppor? tunit? y _ ?_ beau
25、t? iful. B. less D. least ? B. Often ? of the facil i ties? of the C. Occas? i ona?l ly D. Seldo? m 40) _Not every ? one likes ? his idea; howev ? er, ? _ it might ? be worth? a try. A. no one think ?s B. anyon? e think ? s D. some think 1) C. perfo ? rman?ce 3) B. that 5) C. so early ? as to 7) B.
26、broug? ht up 9) B. the rest 11) B. as if 13) C. mean 15) B. agree? 17) C. over which ? 27) D. anyth? ing but 28) D. caugh? t 29) B. to be told 30) A. He happe? ned to be passi ? ng by 31) A. beat 32) B. Not havin ? g recei ? ved 33) D. is going ? on 34) C. contr ? act 35) C. activ ? e a stude ? rt 3
27、6) A. going ? , playi ? ng 37) C. advan? tage 38) B. less 39) D. Seldo? m 40) D. some think ? II.辨别错误(Error? Ident?ifica?tion) 10% 41) Rabb?ts and hare? look much like and are often ? mista ken for each other?. A B C D 42) Buyin? g cloth ? es are often ? a very time-consu ? niing pract ? i ce A B be
28、ca?se those? cloth?es that a perso ?n likes? are rarel ?y the ones that fit him or her. C D 43) Thou? hhe had won sever ? a prize ?s in the compe ? titio ? n many of us A B C hated ? the way which? he treat ? ed other? peop? e D 44) He admir? es her so much that he is alway ? s ready? to do that she
29、 asks him to do. A B C D 45) The athle ? te, toget ? her with his coach ? and sever? al relat ? i ves, are A B C D trave ? l ing to the Olymp ? ic Game? 46) Tom show a stron? g inter ?est in insec ? ts, and he spend ? s A B most of his spare ? time colle ?ct butte ? rfly speci ? nens. C D 47) Geo e
30、has got a well- paid job as an assis ? tant mana? er in a big compa ? ny A B and his new apart ? nent is in a twelv ? &stori ? es build ? i ng near the Fifth ? Avenue. 48) Smith? sold most of his belon ? cgngS?. He has hardl ? y nothi ? ng left in the house 49) Pione? er woma? in the West had mo
31、re oppor ? tunit? i es to work than A they had had in the East. 50)AII the blood ? in the body passe ? s throu? gh the heart ? at least ? twice? the minut? e. A B C D Key: 41 (B) 42 (A) 43 (D) 44 (D) 45 (D) 46 (D) 47 (D) 48 (C) 49 (A) 50 (D) III.完形填空 (Cloze? ) 15% Ever human beings, no matte?r what
32、he is doing ? , gives? off body heat. The usual ? probl ?emis how to dispo ? se of it. But the desig ? ners of the Johns ?town campus of the Unive ? rsity? of Pitts ? burg? set thems? elves? abou? the 51 probl ? em - how to colle ? ct body heat. They have desig? ned a colle? ction? syste? mwhicl? ut
33、ili ?zes not only body heat, but the heat given? off bulbs? and refri ? gerat? crs as well. The syste? mwork? so well 52 no ? dto make the campu ? s six build ? i ngs comfo? rtabl? e more than ampl? heat? d by peop? eand light ? s and some? imesmust be air-condi ? tione? d 54 in by such objec? ts as
34、 light ? conv? ntion? al fuel is neede Someparts? of the build? ings theat? res and offic ? es 53 class ? rooms are winte? r. The techn ? ique of 55 heat and redis ? tribu? ting it is 56 Heat recov?ery ” . A few mode?n build? ings recov?er _57_ ?_, but the unive ? rsity? s syste? mis the first ? to
35、recov ?e heat 58 some build ? ings and reuse ? it in 59 . Along ? the way, Pitt has learn ? ed a great? deal about? some of its heat produ ? cers. The 60 a stude ? nt studi ? es, the more heat his body 61 . Male stude ?nts emit more heat than 62 stude ? rts. And the large ? r a stude hotte? st prosp
36、? ect for the Johns ?town campus would? be a 65 , overw B. wrong? ? eight? male geniu? s. C. oppos? i ng D. oppos? ite52?) A 51) A. simil ? ar ? B. then C. that D. there ? fore 53) A. inclu ? dng B. as well C. with D. as well as 54) A. even B. so C. ever D. much 55) A. savin ?g B. being ? save? C. d
37、ispo ? sing D. being ? disposed 56) A. talke ? d B. thoug ? ht C. sugge? sted D. calle ? d 57) A. loss B. cold C. tempe? ratu? e D. heat 58)A. to B. from C. with D. for 59) A. the other ? B. other ? C. other ? s D. the other ? s the .which ?n, the more heat he 63 . It is temp? i ng to 64 that 51. D.
38、 oppos? ite 52. C. that 53 D. as well as 54. A. even 55. A. savin ? g 56. D. calle ? d 57. D. heat 58. B. from 59. C. other ? s 60. C. harde? r 61. B. gives ? off 62. B. femal ? e 63. A. produ? ces 64. B. concl ? ude 65. C. hard-worki ? ng IV. 阅读 (Readi?ng Comprehension) 30% Pass? ge 1 After ? a bus
39、y day of work and play, the body needs ? to rest. Sleep ? is neces? sary for good healt? h. Durir? g this time, the body recoV? es from the activ? i ties? of the day befor? e The rest that you get while ? sleep? ing enab? es your body to prepa ?re itsel ?f for the next day. There? are four level ?s
40、of sleep? , each being? a littl ? e deep r than the one befor ? e. As you sleep? , your muscl? es (肌肉)relax ? littl ? e by littl ?e Your heart ? beat? more slowl? y, and your brain? slow down. After ? you reach? the fourt ? h level ?, your body shift ? s back and forth ? from one level ? of sleep ?
41、to the other ?. Altho ?ugh your mind slows ? down, from time to time you will dream ? . Scientists? who study ? sleeps state? that when dream ? i ng occur? s, your eyeba ? l ls begin ? to move more quick ? l y (altho ? ugh your eyes are close ? d). This stage ? of sleep ? is calle ? d REM, which? st
42、and? s for rapid ? eye move?mnt. If you have troub ? le falli ? ng aslee?p some peopl? e recon? rend breat ? hing very slowl ?y and very deepl ? y. Othe? peop? e belie? ve that drink ? i ng warm milk will help make you drows ? y There ? i s also an old sugge ? stion? that count ? i ng sheep? will pu
43、t you to sleep ? ! 66) A good title ? for this passa ? ge is A. Sleep ? C. Dream ? s 67) The under ? l ine(? word “drow? y” A. sick C. aslee ? p 68) This passa ? ge sugg sts that not getti _ ? _ . A. dream ? more often? C. prepa ? red for the next day 69) Durin ? g REM, _ ? _ . A. your eyes move qui
44、ck ? l y C. you are restl ? ess D. both A and B 70) The avera ? ge numb?e r of hours ? of sleep ? that an adult ? needs? is _? _. Key 60) A. hard 61) A. takes ? in 62) A. woman? 63) A. produ ? ces 64) A. start ? 65) A. easy-going B. harde? st C. harde? r D. more hard B. gives ? off C. girl B. manuf?
45、 actur? es B. concl ? ude B. femal ? e B. fun-makin ? g C. gives ? in D. boy C. desig? ns C. end C. hard-worki ? ng D. takes? out D. assen? bles D. begin? D. good-for-nothi ? ng B. Good Healt ? h D. Work and Rest in the last parag ? raph mean? _ ? _ , B. stand ? up D. sleep? y ng enough h sleep? mig
46、ht? make you B. have poor healt ? h D. breat ? he quick? ly B. you dream? A. about ? six yours ? B. aroun? d ten hours ? C. not state ?d in the passa ?ge D. about? eight? hours? Key 66) A. S1eep ? 67) D. s1eep ? y 68) B. have poor healt ? h 69) D. both A and B 70) C. not state ? d in the passa ? ge
47、Passa? ge 2 Ask three? peop?l e to look out the same windo ? wat a busy stree ? t corne? r and tell you what they see. Chanc ? es are you will recei ? ve three? diffe ? rent answe? rs. Each perso ? n sees the same scene? , but each perce ? ives somet? hing diffe ? rent about ? it. Perce? i ving? goe
48、s on in our minds ? . Of the three ? peop?l e who look out the windo ? w, one may say that he sees a polic ?eman givin? g a motor? ist a ticke ?t. Anoth? er may say that he sees a rush hour traff ?ic jam at the inter ? secti? on. The third ? may tell you that he sees a woman ? tryin ? g to cross ? t
49、he stree? t with four child ? ren in a row. For perce? ption? is the minds inter ? preta ?ti on of what his sense ? s - in this case our eyes - tell us. Many psych? ologi? sts today? are worki?ng to try to deter ?mine just how a perso ?n expe?r i ence ?sor perce? ives the world ? aroun?d him. Using?
50、 a scien? tific ? appro? ach, these? psych? ologi? sts set up exper?imen?tsin which? they can contr ?ol all of the facto ?rs. By measu? ring and chart ?ing the resul?ts of many exper? i men?t s, they are tryin ?gto find out what makes ? diffe ? rent peopl? e perce ?ive total ?ly diffe ? rent thing ?
51、s about? the same scene? . 71) Seein?g and perce?iving? are _ ? . A. the same actio ?n B. two separ ?ate actio ?ns C. two actio ? ns carri ? ed on entir ? ely by eyes D. sever?al actio ?ns that take place ? at diffe ? rent times? 72) Peopl?e perce? ive diffe ?rent thing ?s about? the same scene? bec
52、a?u se _? _. A. they see diffe ? rent thing ? s B. they canno ? t agree? abou?t thing? s C. some have bette ? r eyesi?ght D. None of these ? 73) Psych? ologi? sts study ? perce?ption? by _ ? . A. setti ?ng up many exper? imen?t s B. askin?g each other ? what they see C. looki ?ng out of windo ? ws D
53、. study?ing peopl? es eyes 74) Which? of the follo ?wing state ?ments? is impli ?ed but not state ? d? A. Psych?ologi? sts do not yet know how peopl ? e see. B. The best exper ? imen?tsare those ? in which? all facto ? rs are contr ? olled? A. was a newsp? aper edito ? r from 1926 to 1968 C. The stu
54、dy ? of perce ? ption? is going ? on now. D. Perce? ption? does not invol ? ve psych? ologi? cal facto ? rs. 75) The best title ? for this selec ?tion is _ . A. What Psych? ologi? sts Perce? ive B. Learn? i ng Our Minds? Throu? gh Scien? ce C. How We Perce? ive D. How to Becom? e an Exper?iment? al
55、Psych? ologi? st Key 71) B. two separ ? ate actio ?ns. 72) D. None of these ? . 73) A. setti ? ng up many exper ? i men?t s. 74) B. The best exper ? i men?t sare those ? in which ? all facto ? rs are contr ? olled? . 75) C. How we perce ?ive. Passa? ge 3 Bill Grant ? was a famou? s newsp? aper edito
56、 ?r ( 编辑) in the Unite ?d State? s. He worke ? d for the same newsp? aper from 1926 to 1968. He start ? ed as a clerk ? but by 1948 he had becom ?e the edito? r . That was the posit ? ion he held until ? he retir ?ed. Bill wrote? his first ? story? for the paper? the day the NewYork Stock? (股票 ) Mar
57、ke? t crash ?ed in 1929. Two of the paper ?s repor ? t ers were thirt ? y miles? from town check ? i ng on an airpl ?ane crash? . The other ? one was in San Franc ?isco inves ? tigat? i ng China? town. When the first ? news of the stock ? mark?e t came into the offic ? e Bill immed ? i atel? y sat d
58、own and wrote? up the story ? . The edito ? r liked ? it so much that he used the story ? . And he didn t make any chang ? es in it. After ? that the edito ? r decid? ed Bill shoul ?d be a repor ? ter. He felt he was not using ? his real abili ? ty worki ? ng as a clerk ?. After? this first ? story?
59、 Bill becam ? e espec? i ally? inter? ested? in finan ?cial news. But he wrote? stori ? es on just about ? every? thing? . In 1945 he spent ? five month ? s in Europ? e. His edito ?r had decid? ed he shoul? d write ? abou?t the end of World? WarII. His paper? was the small?est one with a write ? r i
60、n Europ ? e. One of Bill s great ? est mome?n t s came in 1946. A story ? he had writt ?en on war won the Natio? nal Newsp? aperm? an s Award? . Bill took the prize ? but he gave all the credi ?t ( 荣誉 ) to his edito ?r. Bill had a heart? attac? k in 1957. He recov? ered fully ? but in 1961 he began? suf
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