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1、范亭中学复习课大赛选修六模块一课时二 句型句型+ +语法复习语法复习 主讲人:主讲人:范亭中学范亭中学 韩晓敏韩晓敏 前测 15分背诵每日一题听写 三维目标 1、学会并能正确应用时间状语从句连接词; 2、扩充对比It is estimated that相关易混句型,并通过不同训练如选择、翻译、句型转换、完成句子等形式提升学生能力。 3、复习情态动词need以及相关信息,通过练习,归纳方法。 课堂40分句型句型1 教材原句:教材原句:Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.译文:每当我张口,就会出错。译文:每当我张口,就会出错。步骤:朗读步

2、骤:朗读 解读解读 归纳归纳 时间状语从句连词常用when, while, as, until, till , before, after, as, since, whenever;你能讲出表示“一就”的连词吗?表示 “一就” (高频考点)1) as soon as, 2) the moment/minute/instant, 3) the second, the day, the month, the week, etc.3) any time, next time, 每次,4) the first time, the last time 第次5) immediately, instantl

3、y, directly6) hardly/scarcely when, no sooner than 7) on +n./v-ing 助记:助记:the + 瞬间时间名词,瞬间时间名词,the +时间名词,时间名词,adj. + timethe+序数词序数词+ timeadv. 句型句型2教材原句:教材原句:It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk. 译文:据估计,百分之八十的英语会话是闲聊。译文:据估计,百分之八十的英语会话是闲聊。 步骤: 解读 仿写 对比 仿写:据报道在这次事故中没有乘客受伤

4、。_no passengers were injured in the accident. 仿写:据报道在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。It is reported that no passengers were injured in the accident. 仿写:据报道在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。 It is reported that no passengers were injured in the accident.(主语从句)对比1: No passengers are reported to have been injured in the accident.(不定式)对比2:As i

5、s reported , no passengers were injured in the accident. (定语从句) 仿写:据报道在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。 It is reported that no passengers were injured in the accident.(主语从句)对比1: No passengers are reported to have been injured in the accident.(不定式)对比2:As is reported , no passengers were injured in the accident. (定语从句) 中

6、测(一): 小组合作,题组冲关 学生解答,小组互评 点拨: 看主语,定结构;看句意,定连词。一句多译: 我一见到他就认出他来了。 I recognized him as soon as in saw him. I recognized him the moment/the minute/instant I saw him. I recognized him immediately/directly/instantly I saw him.一句多译: 我一见到他就认出他来了。 I recognized him as soon as I saw him. I recognized him the

7、moment/the minute/the instant I saw him. I recognized him immediately/directly/instantly I saw him. 2、句型转换:Its reported that the accident has caused five deaths. The accident is reported to have caused five deaths. As is reported, the accident has caused five deaths. 2、句型转换:Its reported that the acc

8、ident has caused five deaths. The accident is reported to have caused five deaths. As is reported, the accident has caused five deaths.中测(二)语法冲关(难点突破)1、单元语法冲关 小组合作, 完成1-4小题。 (暴露问题,解决问题)中测(二)语法冲关(难点突破) 小组合作,通过单元语法冲关练习,完成下小组合作,通过单元语法冲关练习,完成下列任务:列任务:2、区别区别didnt need to do和neednt have done。(单号小组完成)。(单号小

9、组完成)3、归纳归纳“与过去事实相反的表情绪的与过去事实相反的表情绪的”情态情态动词,同时区别表动词,同时区别表“推测推测”的情态动词的情态动词(双号小组完成)(双号小组完成)2、区别区别didnt need to do和neednt have done。(单号小组完成)。(单号小组完成)结构含义用法翻译didnt need to do 过去没必要做,也没做陈述事实不必neednt have done过去本不必做,但事实已经做了表达情绪(后悔,遗憾等 本不必,却。3、归纳归纳“与过去事实相反的表情绪的与过去事实相反的表情绪的”情态动词,情态动词,同时区别表同时区别表“推测推测”的情态动词(双号

10、小组完成)的情态动词(双号小组完成)表与过去事实相反的表与过去事实相反的情绪,情绪,“本该,事实本该,事实却并非如此却并非如此”。 表与过去事实相关的表与过去事实相关的“推测推测”肯定肯定couldshouldwould +have donemightneedought tomust(强)(强)may + have donemight(弱)(弱)否定否定情动情动+not+ have donecant/couldnt(强强)maynt /mightnt(弱)(弱) +have done 考题必研1(2011新课标全国新课标全国卷卷)They_have arrived at lunch time

11、but their flight was delayed. Awill Bcan Cmust Dshould 考题必研1(2011新课标全国新课标全国卷卷)They_have arrived at lunch time but their flight was delayed. Awill Bcan Cmust Dshould 分析:分析:should have arrived but “过去本该过去本该但是事实是航班延误了但是事实是航班延误了.”考题必研2 (2011江西高考江西高考)It _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock.

12、A. mustnt B. cant C. wont D. neednt 考题必研2(2011江西高考江西高考) It _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock. A. mustnt B. cant C. wont D. neednt 分析分析: 否定强推测否定强推测 . 答案应为答案应为B考题必研3(2012日照高三调研日照高三调研)We _ have hurried all the way to the airport the flight was called off because of the foggy weather.Amustnt BcouldntCneednt Dwouldnt考题必


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