



1、学习必备欢迎下载Grammar Exercise: Subjun ctive MoodChoose the correct an swer.1._ you were notin, I wouldn t have telephoned you.a. If I knewb. If I have knownc. Had I knownd. If I know2.Suppos ing you_write, what would you do?a. couldntb, cantc. may notd. are unable3.My parents are going to Shanghai this w

2、eek. If_my job, Id go with them.a. there weren b.there werent forc. it werent d. it werent for4._ today, he would get there by Friday.a. would heb. Was he leavi ng c. Were he to d. if he leaves5.I wish you_ such a bad cold because Im sure you would have enjoyed the party.a. hadntb. hadnt had c. didn

3、t haved. hadnt have6.I_Professor James had taught us this equati on.a. believeb. wishc. deeply thinkd. am guess ing7.Mr. Chairma n, I move that the matter_after lun ch.a. is discussed b. would be discussedc. be discussed d. were to discussed8.Its high time we_ off.a. are b. werec. be d. will be9.If

4、he_ yesterday, he would arrive tomorrow.a. set off b. has set off c. had set offd. were to set off10.The scar looked as if it_by a bad burning.a. was madeb. would be made c. might be maded. might have bee n11.It was recommended that requirements _ more with performanee than with specificdetails of m

5、aterials.a. are concerned b. be concerned c. would be concernedd. might be concerned12.If the sun_ rise in the west, my love would be un cha nged for good.a. wouldb. werec. were tod. shall13.Its about time we_ a new computer.a. getb. can getc. shall getd. got14.It is stra nge that such a thing_to he

6、r.a. will happe n b. happe nsc. should happe nd. happe ned15._ he come late, give him the message.a. Hadb. Should c. Would d. Did16.Your exam in ati on results were quite satisfactory, but_ better if you had spe nt less timein play ing video games?a. wouldnt they have been b. wouldntytbec. wont they

7、 bed. wont they have been17.Should they come to us, I_ ask them to give us some help.a. askb. will askc. would askd. would have asked18.Ill give you his telephone number in case you_need his help.a. should b. willc. shalld. can学习必备欢迎下载The boss ordered that the problemat once.Alaska was sold to the U

8、n ited States; otherwise Russia n_ there now.a. is spoke nb. will be spoke n c. would be spoke n d. would have bee n spoke nThe flower give n by my friend_ well, but I forgot to water it.a. would grow b. might grow c. would have grow nd. grewThe teacher in sisted that we_ in our homework at once.a.

9、shall handb. hand c. must handd. will handI_my red dress, but it has a sta in in the front.a. shall wearb. would wear c. weard. woreWe are going to play tennis this after noon if it_ raining.a. is going to stopb. will stopc. would stop d. were to stop“Would you like to visit Kunming on your vacati o

10、n?”If Ia week off.”It was arran ged that they_the follow ing week.a. is b. be c. wasd. will beit is n atural that an employeea. fini shesb. fini shedc. can finishIf only you_ with greater care!a. workb. are work ingc. had workedBut for the fog we_ our dest in ati on long ago.a. reachedb. have reache

11、dc. would reachThe committee voted that all its members_a raise n ext year.a. will be give nb. be give nc. are give nd. were give nMr. White prefers that he_ with him pers on ally.a. speak b. speaks c. will speakd. can speak_ , we should be very happy.a. They arrive tomorrow morningb. Would they arr

12、ive tomorrow morningc. They were to arrive tomorrow morning d. Were they to arrive tomorrowId rather you_ anything about it for the time being.a. do b. didn t do c. dontd. didntBut for his havi ng a very strong con stituti on, the operati on_ him.if he weren t a reliable person, he_ promoted to mana

13、ger.a. wouldnt have been b. will not bec. will not have beend. couldn t beI wish I_ the letter sooner,a. had wroteb. have writte nc. could be writi ngd. had writte n19. have b. hadc. have hadd. would havea. leftb. have leftBut for his help,

14、I_.a. should not have succeededd. Have not succeedHe said that he really did nc. shall leaveb. had not succeedd. should have leftc. did not succeedt deserve she_so kind.hisworkd. finishd. will workd. would have reacheda. killedb. wouldc.wouldd. wereto kill学习必备欢迎下载39._ your help, I should have bee n completely lost.a. Had it not been forb. Hadn t it been ford. If it not had bee n for40.We would have helped you, but you_us.a. didn t ask b. hadn t astkedouldn t askKey:1-5cadcb6-10bcbc d11-15bcdcb16-20acac c21-25bbdbd26-30abdc d but31-35badbc36-40addc a26. for=without 后接虚拟语气的句子34. would rat


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