1、宝安区2017-2018学年第一学期期末调研测试卷七年级英语I .听力(15分)略II.单词辨音(4小题每小题1分,小计4分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合单词读音的音标A. is bad forB. is good atC. is in terested in()16. dreamB. /drem/C. /dr?m/()17. n atural()18. disappear()19. withoutA. /'n e?/A. /?dais?*pi?/A. /wi*e ?ut/B. /?dis?'pi?/B. /wi' 0 ?/C. /nei't?r?l/C./
2、Kio9co9/C. /wi'eaut/III.词汇(共15小题,每小题1分,小计15分)i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(5小题)()20. Could you tell me the way to the library, please?Yes, of course! Go along this road until you get to the Peop* Square. The library is in the center of the square.A. middleB. frontC. back()
3、21. What do you th ink of your new En glish teacher?一She's very friendly, so all of my classmates love her very much.A. bad and uglyB. free and excitedC. nice and kind()22. What do you thi nk of the book Dream of Red Man sio ns San dy?It sso amazing! Many people like the book so much that they r
4、ead it again and againA. good and surpris ing B. in teresti ng but frighte ning C. bori ng but unu sual ()23. I hear that Joh n got a full mark in the maths exam, is that true?That's true. After he becamea junior high school student, it seemedthat everything cha nged. He worked very hard.A. some
5、 thi ngsB. all thi ngsC. a few things()24. What did you do last weeke nd, Tim?I went to Hong Kong Disn eyla nd with my pare nts and we had a good time there.How won derful!A. got lostB. did a showC. enjo yed ourselvesii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子, 并在答 题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(10小题)()25. If you want t
6、o know someonWs, you want to find out how old he or she is.A. ageB. hobbyC. dream()26. People can look at or buy thi ngs at a.A. stopB. fairC. museum()27. What do you know about the latest iPho ne X, Henry?It is reported that there are some problems with it. Sometimes it doe well.A. useB. endC. work
7、()28. What are we going to talk about in the class meet ing this after noon. Miss Gree n?We are going to talk about safety problems. It is importa nt for us to lear n to ourselves whe n someth ing dan gerous happe ns.A. shineB. protectC. provide()29. I always feel before taki ng an exam. What should
8、 I do, Mr. Li?Take it easy! You can take a deep breath and I am sure it will make you feel better.A. n ervousB. n aturalC. surprised()30.1 will go shopping later, will you come with me?I ' love to, but my friend Jack will come to see me soon.A. i n a long timeB. i n a short timeC. by a diff ere
9、nt way()31. Do you like to watch the music program calledthe Rap of Chi nd?Of course! Its _ popular in China now. Even my grandma likes it.A. hardlyB. reallyC. usually()32. Hi, Mike, how do you like our new classmate Joh n?He gets on quite well with us. Every one likes him in our class.A. fight ing
10、withB. shouti ng atC. making frie nds with()33. Congratulations! Tim. You got the first place in the match.Thanks a lot, Miss Chen. I cantmake i your help.A. forB. withC. without()34. Accord ing to a rece nt study, more and more tee nagers in Chi na are starti ng towearglasses from a young age.That&
11、#39;terrible! One reas on is that they use mobile phones or computers too much. It their eyes.IV,完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,小计10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并 在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。Lon g, I ong ago, travelli ng on land was slow and 35, sometimes it was terrible. Before theinvention of engines (弓 I 擎),p
12、eople used _ 36 like horses for helping. In those days, people did not travel I ong dista nces. Most people live 37 their place of work, so they could go there on foot. Because there were no buses or trains, people 38 _ visited friends or relativesn faraway places.Travelli ng on the sea was also slo
13、w and difficult. People crossed large areas of 39 in a saili ng ship driven (3区动)by the wind. It was very dangerous if they met a storm. It was difficult to find their way, too. Some sailors had compasses 指南针)to tell them the 40 of n orth, south, east or west. Others could 41 which way to go with th
14、e help of the Sun and stars.How do you like the life in those days? Well, some people like that life becausethere was 42 pollution. People at that time walked more, so most of them lived a healthy life. Children did not move far from home whe n they grew up 43 it was easy and fast to go back home. T
15、owns and villages were frie ndly places because n early every one 44 each other.B. niceB. trai nsB. far away fromB. seldomB. desertsB. weatherB. hearB. muchB. so thatB. knewC.difficultC.an imalsC.in the centre ofC.sometimesC. forestsC.direct ionC.smellC. littleC.that isC. taught()35. A. easy()36. A.
16、 buses()37. A. close to()38. A. ofte n()39. A. water()40. A. time()41. A. tell()42. A. only()43. A. such as()44. A. hadV.阅读理解(20小题,每小题V5分,小计30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字 母编号涂黑。ALi Ming, a junior high school stude nt in Shen zhe n, is see ing the huge cha nges in Shen zhe n in rece
17、 nt years. Herfe some cha nges he talked about to his e-frie nd in the USA.Firstly, the Internet makes people' lives easier. If we n eed to buy our own class uni forms for some activities at school, we can not only have many choices from the Intern et, but also order the fashi on able and cheap
18、ones from it. Sometimes my pare nts are very busy with their jobs, so they don ' have time to cook lunch for me. But they can use the mobile phone to help me order lunch on the App Meitua n. I can enjoy my delicious lunch as soon as I get home.Besides, more and more people pay attention to the e
19、nvironment. The river near my house used to be dirty and smelly. But last year, it was cleaned up and trees were planted on either side.Lastly, the high tech no logy (科技)makes peoples lives more enjoyable. For example, at the weekend, my family always go to some places that we like by metro or share
20、d bike. Is much easier for us to go outside no w. It becomes less polluted in this way.All in all, we live a happy life in Shen zhe n. ()45. Li Ming is a(n) in She nzhe n.A. doctorB. teacherC. stude ntD. engin eernd ()46. What does the underlined word Hn in the 2 paragraph refer to?A. the jobB. the
21、riverC. the school D. the In ternet()47. How many cha ngesin She nzhe n did Li Ming talk about to his e-frie nd in the USA?A. OneB. TwoC. Three D. Four()48. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT TRUE accord ing to the passage?A. The river near Li Ming ' house was dirty and smelly in the pas
22、t.B. Stude nts in Li Min g*s class can buy school uni forms on the Intern et.C. Li Mi ng 'family always go outside by metro or shared bike at the weeke nd.D. If Li Mi ng *s pare nts are very busy with their jobs, Li Mi ng cooks lunch himself.BThere is a new school called Deep Gree n Bush School
23、in New Zeala nd. The headmaster, called Moncarz, said to the teachers, Please do'tell kids it is time to do reading, writing or maths. MHeadmaster Mon carz said, ff the weather is sunny, the stude nts spe nd the day outdoors. They can play in the bush or on the grass, lear n to fish or hunt, the
24、y can also pick apples and oran ges, collect leaves and butterflies. At noon time, they cook lunch on an open fire. After school, they learn about the pla nts around their home or do someth ing they like. There is no homework or classes. The students begin to learn more traditional school skills, su
25、ch as reading, writing and maths, only after they show an in terestin them. MWell, is this school an "experimentin'education? Headmaster Moncarz answered no,Most of the stude nts are busy and un happy in most traditi onal schools and their pare nts are worried about that. The idea comes fro
26、m a lot of study. We just want the students to learn what they want to learn, do what they want to do. n()49. The new school called Deep Gree n Bush School in the passage is in .A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. New York D. New Zealand()50. When do the students do reading, writing or maths in Deep Green Bush
27、School?A. After school.B. After they show an in terest.C. At noon time.D. Before they show an in terest.()51. When it is fine in the morning, the students in Deep Green Bush School can.A. Si nging. B. Shopp ing. C. Pick ing fruit. D. Pla nti ng trees.()52. What can we lear n about Deep Gree n Bush S
28、chool in New Zeala nd from the passage?A. It is a traditional school.B. It is an "experimentineducation.C. There's no homework after school. D. There're no teachers in the school.C thDuring the 14 Shajing Golden Oyster 虫毛)Festival, lots of travelers and local people go to visitShajing.
29、Shajing is in Bao an District, Shenzhen. It is famous for its oysters. If you go there, you'd better not miss the following four places of interest.Jia ng An cestor HallBuilt in the early years of the Qing Dy nasty (1644-1911), the hall is a traditio nal Chi nese build ing.The most unu sual part
30、 of it is the oyster shell walls.Add: 204 Bucho ng Village, Shaji ng, Ba6an District Metro:Line 11, Houti ng Stati on, Exit A and the n take a taXi on gji nStone PagodaBuilt in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), it was used to protect Shajing and its people, who believed that the pagoda could dr
31、ive away river mon sters.Add: In side Shasi V川age, Shajing, Bada n DistrictMetro: Line 11, Shajing Station, Exit B1 and then take a taxiShajing Oyster Culture MuseumMore than 100 items are on show at the Shajing Oyster Culture Museum. It was built to rememberthe long history of Shaji ng oyster raisi
32、 ng 养殖).Add: 299 Shajing Boulevard, Badan DistrictMetro: Line 11, Houting Station, Exit A and then take a taxiTin Hau TempleTin Hau, or Mazu, a Chin ese sea goddess, is travelli ng around the sea and protect ing her Ie.peo| The local people thi nk Mazu is a powerful Quee n of Heave n.Add: Xi nbia n
33、Road, Shajing, Baoa n DistrictMetro: Line 11, Houting Station, Exit A and then take a taxi()53. If you would like to see oyster shell walls, you can go to.A. Tin Hau TempleB.Lon gji n Stone PagodaC. Jia ng An cestor HallD.Shajing Oyster Culture Museum()54. Which of the followi ng place is to show lo
34、ve for Mazu?A. Tin Hau TempleB.Lon gji n Stone PagodaC. Jia ng An cestor HallD.Shajing Oyster Culture Museum()55. We can tell from the passage that.A. People can only visit the four places above during Golden Oyster Festival.B. People cant take the metro to all the four places above directly in Shaj
35、ing.C. Shajing is in Bao'an District, Shenzhen, so very few people go to visit it.D. The people in Shajing have been raising oysters for only a few years.( )56. We can find this passage most probably in .A. text bookB. story book C. film poster D. travel guideDI'm sure you*ve heard of yoga b
36、ecauseit is becoming more and more popular all around the world. Not only adults, but also kids and tee ns can do yoga, because it can help you feel good to stretch out 延 伸)your body, slow dow n your breathi ng, and relax your mind.What You NeedA yoga class can be a great way to get started because
37、the teacher can teach you how to get into the poses. Find a large eno ugh space. No TV or people, if possible. Wear comfortable trai ning clothes and no shoes or socks. A yoga mat 垫子)can be helpful because it protects you a little and keeps your feet from slipp ing.Why Yoga for Stress (压力)?Whe n you
38、 get n ervous, many thi ngs can help you feel better. Talk ing with somee pare nt or a friendis a great idea becausethey can help you a lot and deal with the problems. In addition, exerciseis helpful. It makes sense that yoga is a favorite activity among people who want to feel stron ger and more re
39、laxed. Yoga also focuses on calm thoughts. Practic ing yoga is a cha nee to lear n stretching, breathing, thinking sk川s that you can use to calm yourself down the next time you feel worried.Have Fun with YogaYoga can help you in serious ways, but it also can be a lot of fun. You can smile duri ng yo
40、ga, and even laugh to help you forget your stress. Yoga can be done alone or with friends. And you can do it at home, at a yoga studio, or in a park. So why not take part in yoga!()57. Why is yoga so popular?A. It can help you feel good to stretch out 延彳申)your body.B. It can help you slow down your
41、breathing.C. It can help you relax your mind.D. All of the above.)58. If you want to do yoga, what do you n eed?B. A school un iform.D. A few computers.A. A large eno ugh space.C. Some shoes and socks.)59. Which way is NOT men ti oned whe n we want to calm ourselves dow n?B. Surfing the Intern et.D.
42、 Doi ng some exercises.B. Have Fun with Yoga.D. What You Need for Yoga.EA. Practici ng yoga.C. Taiki ng with frie nds.()60. Whafs the best title for this passage?A. Why Yoga for Stress.C. Somethi ng about Yoga.Recently, Yang Li, a girl without arms touched the hearts of millions of people by sharing
43、 her daily life on the In ternet.At the age of 3, Yang Li lost her arms. After that, she met many difficulties. But Yang Li is a brave girl, she always smiles and keeps optimistic 乐观的)to life. After she shared her first video in July this year, her micro blog (微博)became a hit, and she has more than
44、2,000,000 followers now. People call her wingless an gel (天使)“The wi ngless an gel "said, Un like other hosts, I don 's ing, tell jokes or act to be cute in my videos. I just show them how I live my life. I wish to spread kindness by putting my life on the Intern et. If I drop someth ing in
45、 the street, there's always some one who helps me. I share these mome nts in my videos so that more people can experie ndfeis kindn ess.”In fact, Yang Li does everyth! ng with her feet while people usually do with their han ds, from wash ing, cook ing and eati ng to shopp ing, and eve n putt ing
46、 on makeup on her face. Some people say something bad about her. They think all she did is to make money by making use of her disability (残 疾).But Yang Li smiles and says, / don' care about it becausemost people are friendly and kind to me.” In fact, Yang Li worked hard and she studied at Anhui
47、Agricultural Un iversity in 2007 and now she works at a compa ny, she earns her own livi ng.()61. What does the underlined word wingless" in the 2 paragraph mean?A. with arms B. with legs C. without arms D. without legs()62. Yang Li touched the hearts of millio ns of people byA. si nging in her
48、 videosB. telli ng jokes in her videosC. acting to be cute in her videosD. show ing her daily life in her videos()63. What can we lear n from the passage?A. Yang Li is a brave girl and she earns her own living.B. Yang Li does everything with her hands like people often do.C. After los ing her arms,
49、Yang Li did not go to school any more.D. Before working at a company, Yang Li studied at Beijing University.()64. Which of the follow ing words can describe (描述)Yang Li accordi ng to the passage?A. Shy.B. Bad.C. Optimistic. D. I nterest in g.VI.词汇填空(10小题,每小题1分,小计10分)1 .请在下面空格中填入一个合适的词,使句子语法正确语义完整。(5
50、小题)65. We won 'go on a picnic it rai ns tomorrow.66. Look! There is Australian student flying a kite over there.67. Aunt Li said to the girls with asmile, Take your seats and make at home.68. Our parents provide u a lot of things, so we should always be thankful to them.69. ThereYe many places of interest in Shenzhen, such the Window of the World andSple ndid Chi na.ii.请根据所给词汇用适当的形式填空,使句子语法正确语义完整。(5小题)70. Si nee everyon
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