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1、感谢你的观看2015 年考研英语冲刺模拟试题及答案解析 ( 一)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Readthe following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)As former colonists of Great Britain, the Founding Fathers of the United States adopted much of the legal syst

2、em of Great Britain. We have a “ common law” , or law made by courts 1 a monarch or other central governmental 2 like a legislature. The jury, a 3 of ordinary citizens chosen to decide a case, is an 4 part of our common-law system.Use of juries to decide cases is a 5 feature of the American legal sy

3、stem. Few other countries in the world use juries as we do in the United States. 6 the centuries, many people have believed that juries in most cases reach a fairer and more just result 7 would be obtained using a judge 8 , as many countries do. 9 a jury decides cases after “ 10 ”, or discussions am

4、ong a group of people, the jury s decision is likely to have the 11 from many different people from different backgrounds, who must as a group decide what is right.Juries are used in both civil cases, which decide 12 among 13 citizens, and criminal cases, which decide cases brought by the government

5、 14 that individuals have committed crimes. Juries are selected from the U.S. citizens and 15 . Jurors, consisting of 16 numbers, are called for each case requiring a jury.The judge 17 to the case 18 the selection of jurors to serve as the jury for that case. In some states, 19 jurors are questioned

6、 by the judge; in others, they are questioned by the lawyers representing the 20 under rules dictated by state law.1 .Aother than Brather than Cmore than Dor rather2 .Aagency Borganization Cinstitution Dauthority3 .Apanel Bcrew Cband Dflock4 .Ainnate Bintact Cintegral Dintegrated5 .AdiscriminatingBd

7、istinguishing CdeterminingDdiminishing6 .AIn BBy CAfter DOver7 .Athat Bwhich Cthan Das8 .Aalike Balone Caltogether Dapart9 .AAlthough BBecause CIf DWhile10 .AdeliberationsBmeditations CreflectionsDspeculations11 .Aoutline Boutcome Cinput Dintake12 .AargumentsBcontroversiesCdisputesDhostilities13 .Af

8、ellow Bindividual Cpersonal Dprivate14 .Aasserting Balleging Cmaintaining Dtestifying15 .Asummoned Bevoked Crallied Dassembled16 .Aset Bexact Cgiven Dplaced17 .Aallocated Ballotted Cappointed Dassigned18 .Aadministers Bmanages Coversees Dpresides19 .AinspectiveBirrespectiveCperspectiveDprospective20

9、 .Abodies Bparties Csides DunitsSection H Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts .Answer thequestions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text OneIt s plain common sense the more happiness you feel, the less unhappine

10、ss you experience. It s plain commonsense, but it s not true. Recent research reveals that happiness and unhappiness are not really two sides of the same emotion. They are two distinct feelings that, coexisting, rise and fall independently.People might think that the higher a person s level ofunhapp

11、iness, the lower their level of happiness and vice versa. But when researchers measure people s average levels of happiness and unhappiness, they often find little relationship between the two.The recognition that feelings of happiness and unhappiness can co-exist much like love and hate in a close

12、relationship may offer valuable clues on how to lead a happier life. It suggests, for example, that changing or avoiding things that make you miserable may well make you less miserable, but probably won t make you any happier. That advice is backed up by an extraordinary series of studies which indi

13、cate that a genetic predisposition for unhappiness may run in certain families. On the other hand, researchers have found happiness doesn t appear to be anyone s heritage. The capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.Psychologists have settled on a working definition of the feel

14、ing happiness is a sense of subjective well-being. They have also begun to find out who s happy, who isn t and why. To date, the research hasn t found a simple formula for a happy life, but it has discovered some of the actions and attitudes that seem to bring people closer to that most desired of f

15、eelings.Why is unhappiness less influenced by environment? When we are happy, we are more responsive to people and keep up connections better than when we are feeling sad. This doesnt mean, however, that some people are born to be sad and that s that. Genes may predispose one to unhappiness, but dis

16、position can be influenced by personal choice. You can increase your happiness through your own actions.21. According to the text, it is true thatA unhappiness is more inherited than affected by environment.B happiness and unhappiness are mutually conditional.C unhappiness is subject to external mor

17、e than internal factors.D happiness is an uncontrollable subjective feeling.22. The author argues that one can achieve happiness byA maintaining it at an average level.B escaping miserable occurrences in life.C pursuing it with one s painstaking effort.D realizing its coexistence with unhappiness.23

18、. The phrase “To date ” (Para. 4) can be best replaced byA As a result.B In addition.C At present.D Until now.24. What do you think the author believes about happiness and unhappiness?A One feels unhappy owing to his miserable origin.B They are independent but existing concurrentlyC One feels happy

19、by participating in more activities.D They are actions and attitudes taken by human beings.25. The sentence “ That s that ” (Para. 5) probably means: Some people are born to be sadA and the situation cannot be altered.B and happiness remains inaccessible.C but they don t think much about it.D but th

20、ey remain unconscious of it.Text TwoWhat are the characteristics of a mediator? Foremost, the mediator needs to be seen as a respected neutral, objective third party who is capable of weighing out fairness in theresolution of a conflict. The mediator must be trusted by both parties to come up with a

21、 solution that will protect them from shame. While the central issue is justice, the outcome needs to be win-win, no losers. The abilities to listen impartially, suspend judgment, and accurately gather and assess information are other important characteristics. Finally, to function effectively the m

22、ediator must have power (financial, status, position), so that both parties will take seriously and abide by the mediator s judgment. If one party refused to cooperate, he or she should fear the possibility of being shamedand losing face before the mediator and the whole community. If that real poss

23、ibility does not enter the minds of both parties, the mediator will be ineffective.In several countries mediators are still used to find a bride for a man. Usually this is a job for the parents, and they in turn employ the services of a mediator. Because this event takes much planning, the parents w

24、ill try to identify the mediator well in advance. Since these services sometimes require reward, moneymust be saved. Or in somecases parents try to do a number of favors for the mediator so that he or she will feel indebtedness and perform the service as a kind of repayment.The parents will try to g

25、et the most influential mediator possible, to boost their chances of being approved by the potential bride s parents. The young woman s parents will not want to risk shame by turning down a request from such an important person so the reasoning goes. Of course, the higher-ranked the mediator, the hi

26、gher the cost of the services.Complicating the process is the fact that turning down the mediator is also a slight of the potential groom and his parents, which will likely generate conflict between the families. If the parties are not careful, the entire community can take sides. One way to allevia

27、te this eventuality is for the young womans family to identify a flaw that would makeher a less desirable prospect. They might say, “ She is sickly. ” or “ She maynot be able to bear children. ” Although none of these statements may be true, and probably everyone knows they aren t, they do provide a

28、 way for the young man s parents to withdraw their request for a perfectly legitimate reason. Everyone saves face, at least at the surface, and peace is preserved.26. The characteristics of a mediator include all of the following exceptA unbiased judgment of arguments.B hard prudence in decision-mak

29、ing.C impartial treatment to a conflict.D remarkable insight into controversies.27. The author deems it important for a mediatorA to be quite wealthy and considerate.B to be powerful to shame either party.C to justify the solution of a conflict.D to have high status to fear arguers.28. In some court

30、iers, young people s marriageA is independent of their parents will.B needs careful valuation in advance.C costs a small fortune of their family.D is usually facilitated by a mediator.29. The request of the groom s parents may be turned down unlessA they manage to hire a qualified mediator.B they ma

31、ke their best choice at all risks.C the young woman s parents want to lose face.D the bride s parents dare to offend the mediator.30. It may be the best way to resolve a conflict forA the entire community to offer support.B a mediator to be identified by both sides.C the outcome of mediation to be a

32、cceptable.D a valid excuse to spare both sides blushes.Text ThreeThe Internet, like its network predecessors, has turned out to be far more social than television, and in this respect, the impact of the Internet may be more like that of the telephone than of TV. Our research has shown that interpers

33、onal communication is the dominant use of the Internet at home. That people use the Internet mainly for interpersonal communication, however, does not imply that their social interactions and relationships on the Internet are the sameas their traditional social interactions and relationships, or tha

34、t their social uses of the Internet will have effects comparable to traditional social activity.Whether social uses of the Internet have positive or negative effects may depend on how the Internet shapes the balance of strong and weak network ties that people maintain. Strong ties are relationships

35、associated with frequent contact, deep feelings of affection and obligation, whereas weak ties are relationships with superficial and easily broken bonds, infrequent contact, and narrow focus. Strong and weak ties alike provide people with social support. Weak ties including weak online ties, are es

36、pecially useful for linking people to information and social resources unavailable in people s closest, local groups. Nonetheless, strong social ties are the relationships that generally buffer people from life s stresses and that lead to better social and psychological outcomes. People receive most

37、 of their social support from people with whomthey are in most frequent contact, and bigger favors come from those with stronger ties.Generally, strong personal ties are supported by physical proximity. The Internet potentially reduces the importance of physical proximity in creating and maintaining

38、 networks of strong social ties. Unlike face-to-face interaction or even the telephone, the Internet offers opportunities for social interactions that do not depend on the distance between parties. People often use the Internet to keep up with those with whom they have preexisting relationships. But

39、 they also develop new relationships on-line. Most of these newrelationships are weak. MUDs, newsgroups, and chat rooms put people in contact with a pool of new groups, but these on-line “ mixers ” are typically organized around specific topics, or activities, and rarely revolve around local communi

40、ty and close family and friends.Whether a typical relationship developed on-line becomes as strong as a typical traditional relationship and whether having on-line relationships changes the number or quality of a person s total social involvements are open questions. Empirical evidence about the imp

41、act of the Internet on relationships and social involvement is sparse. Many authors have debated whether the Internet will promote community or undercut it. Much of this discussion has been speculative and anecdotal, or is based on cross-sectional data with small samples.31. The text is mainly about

42、A the dominance of interpersonal communication.B strong and weak personal ties over the Internet.C the difference between old and modern relationships.D an empirical research on the Internet and its impact.32. It is implied in the text thatA the Internet interactions can rival traditional ones.B tel

43、evision is inferior to telephone in social effect.C strong links are far more valid than weak ones.D the Internet features every home and community.33. The word“ buffer ” (Para. 2) can probably be replacedbyA deviate. B alleviate. C shield. D distract.34. According to the author, the Internet canA e

44、liminate the hindrance of the distance.B weaken the intimate feelings among people.C provide people with close physical contacts.D enhance our ability to remove social stresses.35. From the text we can infer thatA the evidence for the effect of the Internet seems abundant.B the social impact of the

45、Internet has been barely studied enough.C somediscussions are conclusive about the function of the Internet.D random samples have witnessed the positive influence of the Internet.Text FourLeadership is hardly a new area of research, of course. For years, academics have debated whether leaders are bo

46、rn or made, whether a person who lacks charisma (capacity to inspire devotion and enthusiasm) can become a leader, and what makes leaders fail. Warren G. Bennis, possibly the possibly the world s foremost expert on leading, has, together with his co-author, written two best-sellers on the topic. Gen

47、erally, researchers have found that you can t explain leadership by way of intelligence, birth order, family wealth or stability, level of education, race, or sex. From one leader to the next, there s enormous variance in every one of those factors.The authors research led to a new and telling disco

48、very: that every leader, regardless of age, had undergone at least one intense, transformational experience what the authors call a “crucible ” (severe test). These events can either make you or break you. For emerging leaders, they do more making than breaking, providing key lessons to help a perso

49、n move ahead confidently.If a crucible helps a person to becomeleader, there are four essential qualities that allow someoneto remain one, according to the authors. They are: an “ adaptive capacity ” that lets people not only survive inevitable setbacks, heartbreaks, anddifficulties but also learn f

50、rom them; an ability to engage others through shared meaning or a commonvision; a distinctive and compelling voice that communicates one s conviction and desire to do the right thing; and a sense of integrity that allows a leader to distinguish between good and evil.That sounds obvious enough to be

51、commonplace, until you look at some recent failures that show how valid these dictums (formal statements of opinion) are. The authors believe that former Coca-Cola Co. Chairman M. Douglas Ivester lasted just 28 months because “ his grasp of context was sorrowful. ” Among other things, Ivester degrad

52、ed Coke s highest-ranking African-American even as the companywas losing a $ 200 million class action brought by black employees. Procter & Gamble Co. ex-CEODurk Jager lost his job because he failed to communicate the urgent need for the sweeping changes he was making.It s striking, too, that th

53、e authors found their geezers (whose formative period, as the authors define them,was 1945 to 1954, and who were shaped by World War II) sharing what they believed to be a critical trait the sense of possibility and wonder more often associated with childhood.“ Unlike those defeated by time and age,

54、 our geezers have remained much like our geeks (who came of age between 1991 and 2000, and grew up “ virtual, visual, and digital” ) open,willing to take risks, hungry for knowledge and experience, courageous, and eager to see what the new day brings ” , the authors write.36. The text indicates that

55、 leadership researchA has been a controversial study for years.B predicts how a leader comes to be.C defines the likelihood to be a leader.D probes the mysteries of leadership.37. According to Bennis, the trait shared by leaders consists ofA top levels of intelligence and education and devotion.B re

56、markable ability to encourage people with loyalty and hope.C striking qualities of going through serious trials and sufferings.D strong personalities that arouse admiration and confidence.38. The favorable effect of a crucible depends on whether a leaderA proves himself/herself to be a newly emergen

57、t one.B accepts it as a useful experience for progress.C shrinks back from tiring and trying experiences.D draws important lessons for his/her followers.39. A leader can hardly maintain his/her position unless he/sheA fulfils all necessary quality requirements.B helps people to prevent defeats and sorrows.C fails to attract people with common concerns.D lacks appealing and strength of character.40. The authors dictums can be justified by the fact thatA Douglas Ivester defeated


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