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1、1 Whether we,ll go Climbing tomorrowthe weather.A. depend OnB. depends OnC. dependent OnD. was dependent On答案:B2 -一 Sue, what,s your Plan for the COming weekend? 一 I've decided to See a film. go With me ?A. Why not youB. Why notC. May youD. Why do you答案:B3 difficulty he meets with, he always thi

2、nks Of WayS to Cleal With it.A-WhateverB. No matter WhatC. H OWeVerD. D. A&B答案:D4 When do you PIay football?A. On WeekendSB. On the PIaygrOUndC. Once a WeekD. With my ClaSSnIateS 答案:A5 He must be helping the Old man to Water the flowers,A. is heB. isn,t heC. mst heD. mustn,t he6 I don,t Iike the

3、 Wayhe IaUghed at me.A. thatB .whichC. asD. when答案:A7 ThiS novel WaS COnCernedthe SeCOnd WOrlcl War5 WhiIe most teenagers areInOre COnCernedthe hero,s IOVe story.A. with, aboutB. with, atC. for, aboutD. about, With答案:A8 SOme StUdentS think ChineSe isthan EngliSh to learn.A. easyB. easierC. the easie

4、stD. very easy答案:B9 the Challenge Of advertising this event, OVer One million PeOPle in at IeaSt 65COUntrieS are expected to join in the next BUy NOthing Day.A. AlthoughB. ThoughC. DespiteD. In SPite答案:C10 -一YOU IOOk unhappy.一-1 Want to go swimming,my mum doesn,t allowme.A. andB. orC. butD. as答案:COU

5、t to take a walk?11 11 is SUnny today. Why notA. goB. goingC. to goD. went答案:A12 YeSterday I ShOWed my friendsOur factoy.A. toB. forC. aroundD. near答案:C13 The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight COVID-19. They think more OfOtherS than OfA. theyB. themC. themselvesD. their答案:C14 Did they

6、 Win the badminton match yesterday? NOt reallythey all triedtheir best, they IOSt it.A. Only ifB-AlthoughC. As thoughD. As if答案:B15 -一EXCUSe me. COUld you tell me the Way to the NarrOW WeSt Lake?-一 Sorry, m a Stranger here.A. Thanks, anywayB. It doesn't InatterC. Never mindD. No PrOblem 答案:A16 W

7、hen father WaS young, hefrom morning till night.A. was made WOrkB. WaS made WOrkingC. made to WOrkD. was made to WOrk答案:Dfrom the COUntrySide Of the city.17 Of the StUdentS in Ollr CIaSSA. Three-fifths; isB. Three-fifths; areC. One-fifths; areD. Three-five; are 答案:B18 It,s time to Say goodbyetime fl

8、ies!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an答案:A19 一-Hello, Green HOteL Can I help you? - Yes. Ia reservation in your hotelfor a Single room Of two nights.A. bookB. broughtC. didD. made答案:D20 -一do you StUdy for a test? 一-1 StUdy by IiStening to tapes.A. WhatB. WhichC. HowD. Where 答案:C21 一-is it from your ho

9、me to your company? -一It,s about fifteen minutes* walk.A. How IOngB. How farC. How manyD. Where答案:B22 一-OUr CIaSS got the first PlaCe in the 4*100 relay race! 一! TOgether We areStrOnger.A. CeremoniesB. COngratUlatiOnSC. CelebrationsDeConiniunications答案:B23 -一YOUr new Car is nothing but aOf money. 一I

10、 think your WOrdS are just sourgrapesA. lackB. loadC. wasteD. question答案:C24 WhO is On duty today?It,s me. WhatS up?Look. The blackboard needs right nowA. to CleanBxleanedC. cleaningD. clean答案:C25 make the Other StUdentS hear me clearly, I WaS encouraged to read aloud byOUr EngIiSh teacher.A. so tha

11、tB. so as toC. in Order thatD. in Order to答案:D26 YOU ShOUIdan apology to your teacher for being late.A. haveB. doC. takeD. make答案:D27 My father USedTV after dinner. BUt now he,sa WaIkeA. to watch; USed to takeB. WatChing; USed to havingC. to WatCh ; USed for takingD. to watch; USed to taking 答案:D28

12、Eddie, there isMr. JOhnSOn On the PhOne for you-Thank you!A. thisB. thatC. aD. the答案:C29 HaVen,t you ever been to the CaPital Of JiangSU Province? 一 Nanjing ismy mother,s hometownA. Yes, I haven,tB. No, I haveC. No, I haven,tD. Yes51 have30 MOniCa is glad that hefor his good job at the meeting.A. pr

13、aisesB. praisedC. is PraiSedD. was PraiSed答案:D31 一-1 haven,t finished the PaPer by now. -一A. Neither have IB. So am IC. So I amD. Neither I have答案:A32 WeNeW COnCePt EngIiSh II by the end Of next month.A. shall have finishedB. finishedC. have finishedD. had finished答案:A33 一 Tommy, you ShOUId finish y

14、our homeworkyou go OUt to play. I know,mum.A. beforeB. afterC. WhenD. while答案:A34 In Order to get to the bus StatiOn On time, We ShOUldearly.A. set OUtB. come OUtC. hang OUtD. bring OUt答案:A35 一-DO you feel tired after the basketball match? 一 No.Ajust a IittleB. not a bitCjust a bitD. not a IittIe答案:

15、Ba newspaper and Waiting for a bus to come.Ok, you may USe ityou don,t keep it too36 LOOk He is Stiil Standing there,A. to readB. is readingC. readD. reading答案:D37 一-Can I borrow your CiiCtiOnary? long.A. as SOOn asB. as IOng asC. as far asD. as Weil as答案:B38 What does She IOOk like? A. Very kind.B.

16、 Very interestingC. Tall and slim.D. Funny and OUtgOing 答案:C39 一-1 WiSh you SUCCeSS in your career. 一A. YOU are WeICOmeB. I think SOC. Yes5 PIeaSeD. The Same to you40 一HOW is your new neighbor?一-JUSt SO so. The boyOften makes a IOt Ofnoise A. who IiVe next ClOOrB. which IiVeS next doorC. whom IiVeS

17、next ClOOrD. that IiVeS next door答案:D41 My SOn goes to SChOOl every daySatUrday and Sunday.A. notB. besidesC. withoutD. except答案:D42 一-EXCUSe me, do you have any COmiC books? -一 Sorry, I don,t have ASkRose, I think She may hasA. some; SOmeB. any;anC. any; SOmeD. some; any答案:C43 Ito Send her a bag as

18、 a birthday gift, but I Sent her a WatCh in the end.A. planB. had PlannedC. have PlannedD. haven,t PIanned答案:Byou Win improve your English.44 WOrk hard,A. orB. butC. otherwiseD. and45 WhO is that guyUnder the Pear tree?A. layB. lainC. lyingD. laying答案:C46 -一What do you think Of the movie Titanic?It,

19、s I have never Seen a betterone.A. boringB. attractiveC. st rangeD. terrible答案:B47 I COnSidernecessary to be a team Player in OUr company.A. thatB. itC. asD. its答案:B48 一Whats your hobby?-1 enjoyin my SPare time.A. to PraCtiCe Playing PianOB. practicing Playing PianOC. practicing Playing the PianOD.

20、to PraCtiCe Playing the PianO 答案:C49 On the top Of the tower, and you Can See the WhOle city.A. StandingB. To StandC. StoodD. Stand答案:D50 HJVe you ViSited the Vinagethe famous general WaS born?A. whereB .whichC. thatD. in that答案:A51 There is Iittle rain in the north;there is Plenty Of rain in the so

21、uth.A. whileB. asC. WhenD. so答案:A52 May I ask about my? SUre 3,500 yuan a month After three months,you,ll get 4,000 yuan a month.A. work hoursB. dutyC. salaryD. workplace答案:C53 一EXCUSe me, Inay I COme in? -一NOt yet. PleaSe Waityour name is called.A. andB. untilC. afterD. since答案:B54 Why do you Often

22、 Play COmPUter games? 一JUStA. for restB. for funC. for interestD. for jokes-一 HOW come? He is devoted to his work. ThatS unfair!55 JaCk gotA. retiredB. tiredC. firedD. hired 答案:C56 The teacher and Writermy fathers Old friend.A. areB. has beenC. isD. have been答案:C57 AS a receptionist, you Will be ask

23、ed to Wearand a name tag When working.A. an UnifOrmB. a UnifOrmC. an UniOnD. a UniOn答案:B58 YaO Ming isfamousall the basketball fans in the WOrld know him.A. too: toB. enough; toC. so;thatD. as; as 答案:C59 -一It ShOUIdn,t take IOng to Clear UP after the Party if We all help. 一 That,s right.A-Something

24、is better than nothing.B. The more, the happier.C. The SOOner begun, the SOOner doneD. Many hands make Iight WOrk 答案:D60 一-WOUId you Iike to have SOme tea Or milk? 一-, thank you I have just hadenoughA. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. Each答案:B61 一Take a seat, Annaand help yourself to anything you Iike 一-OK

25、, thanks.A. Take your timeB. It doesn,t matterC. Make yourself at homeD. Don,t WOrry答案:C62 一-HoW is your new job? -I really IOVe the WOrking atmosphere.A. Don,t mention it.B. It COUldn,t be better.C. n PIeaSedD. Not bad.答案:B63 IS everybody here?No. JOe is StillA. in the WayB. on the WayC. by the Way

26、D. in a Way答案:B64 OUr monitor is really into Jay ZhOUS music.He has at IeaStJay ZhOirSCDs.NO WOnder he Can Sing every SingIe SOng Of Jay Zhou,s Very WelLA. three SCOreS OfB. three SCOre OfC. three SCOreD. score Of65 Mark isboy.A. a eighteen-year-oldB. an eighteen-years-oldC. a eighteen-years-oldD. a

27、n eighteen-year-old 答案:D66 一-LOng time no see. What,s new?一-1 have been to PariS and I developed afor fine art While I WaS thereA. habitB. tasteC. WayD. relation答案:B67 -一LOOk YOUr grandfather is PIaying tennis again.m glad he is in good health.EVen though he is, he Still PIayS tennis now and thenA.

28、in the eightiesB. at his eightiethC. in his eightiesD. at the eightieth答案:C68 SPOrtS Can help you keepand get in touch With nature.A. fitB. healthC. fitnessD. healthily答案:A69 They WiII travel to China,they Plan to Stay for SeVen days.A. whereB .whichC. WhenD. there答案:A70 一EXCUSe me. Can,t you See th

29、e Sign OVer there? We are notto SmOke OnCamPUs.- m terribly SOrry. I didn,t know it.A. advisedB. allowedC. hopedD. suggested答案:B71 一-WOUld you Iike assistance With your bags? 一 No, thanks I OnIy have one. I Can it myself.A. succeedB. tryC. m anageD. hold答案:C72 Hi, ZhaO Lan, how WaS your trip to Xiam

30、en? -一! I enjoyed myself in thebeach Very muchA. Good ideaB. Wait a minuteC. That,s too badD. Pretty good答案:D73 TOnl has to Carry OUt his plan,A. hasn,t heB. hasn,t TOmC. doesn,t heD. doesn,t TOm答案:C74 ThiS river USed toa terrible SmelL but now it is Clear and clean.A. give inB. give UPC. give awayD

31、. give Off75 一-IS it all right if I Sit there? , sir. The SeatS are for elderly PeOPle OnlyeA. Better notB. Go aheadC. As you PleaSeD. Don,t mention it答案:A76 -一I WOnder how SOOn you Will have my PiZZa ready? -一about a quarter.A. ForB. AtC. WithD. In答案:D77 DO you know Tim quarreled With his brother?

32、一-1 don,t know,A. no don't I CareB. nor ClO I CareC. I didn,t CareD. I didn't Care either答案:B78 My brother fell in IOVe With the IaPtOP and then hehis savings.A. made UPB. took UPC. used UPDoOked UP答案:C79 一-Mum, ChineSe is too hard for me. -一Tommy, WOrk hard,you Wiil find iteas y.A. butB. or

33、C. andD. so答案:C80 NOWildayS WeChat isUSed in Our daily life.A. hardlyB. widelyC. merelyD. strongly答案:B81 He has a SiSter WhO is five yearsthan me.A. elderB. olderC. eldestD. oldest答案:B82 一-HoW about Chatting OnIine this evening? -一ItS much CheaPer than talkingOn the PhOneA. So what?B. Why not?C. Wha

34、t for?D. That s right.答案:B83 I won,t Ininda COmPUter With my roommate. We Can help each other.A. sharingB. havingC. givingD. making答案:A84 AS a taxi driver, he has to drivebusy StreetS every day.A. acrossB. throughC. overD. cross 答案:B85 一-What makes you SO upset? 一PeOPIe PrOdUCerubbish each year, Whi

35、Chis Very WaStefULA. tons OfB. million OfC. a Iarge number OfD. a amount Of答案:A86 Jane, along With three Other students,to PhOtOgraPh the trees, Write abouttheir CharaCteriStiCS and SO on.A. isB. haveC. areD. has答案:D87 The new employees are not familiar With their work, SO they requireA. trainedB. b

36、eing trainedC. trainingD. to train答案:C88 一Jack,When Win your family Pay a ViSit to the SUlnmer Palace?We haven,t decided yet.A. Take your timeB. Hurry UPC. It just dependsD. No hurry答案:C '89 -一 EXCUSe me. COUld you tell me the Way to the nearest SUPermarket please? 一WaIk Straight along this Stre

37、et till you COme to the SeCOnd traffic IightSyou,llSee the SUPennarket On your IeftA. andB. butC. soD. yet答案:A90 一 GOOd morning, this is the CUStOmer SerViCe May I help you? 一 IOne Ofyour SCannerS two WeekS ago, but it doesn't Seenl to be running PrOPerly.A. to buyB. buyC. will buyD. bought答案:D9

38、1 -一 Shall I take this Chair to your room? -一.I'll do it myself.A. Yes, PleaSeB. Good ideaC. No, thanksD. Never mind答案:C92 一-DO you Want to go to Beijing this SUmmer VaCation? 一-Yes, Of course. When I heard that I Wollld go to Beijing With my parents, I COUIdn,t helpA. sing and jumpB. singing an

39、d jumpC. singing and jumpingD. sing and jumping答案:C93 一-Did you go to the ChriStmaS Party IaSt night?Yeah EVery boy and every girl inOUr CIaSSinvited A. wereB. have beenC. has beenD. was答案:D94 -一HoWiS your new SChOOl life? 一-Pretty PleaSant. My ClaSSmateS areto me.A. friendlyBAVellC.likingD friendsh

40、ip答案:A95 NOt Only Peter but also his ParentSgoing to HOngkOng next month.A. isB. areC. willD. has答案:B96 A/Anis a PerSOn WhO has a good knowledge Of COmPUter SCienCe andtechnolog y.A. waiterB. programmerC. accountantD. operator答案:B97 My SiSter got UP Very early this InOrningShe COUId CatCh the first

41、bus.A. sinceB. so thatC. becauseDAVhen答案:B98 DO you think the film isWOrth Seeing again?A. veryBAVenC.soD. too 答案:B99 It WaS foolish Of him tohis notes during the examination AS a result, he gotPUniShed A. stick toB. refer toC. point toD. keep to答案:BIOO AIiCe does WeilEnglish.A. byB. inC. forD. at答案

42、:B101 COninS IOOkedbecause he didn,t PaSS his maths exam.A. sadlyB. saddestC. sadD. sadness答案:C102 He has failed twice, but he,ll trythird time.A. theB. the otherC. anotherD. a答案:D103 We got to the classroom, OUr maths teacher WaS there.A. IfB. UnlessC. SinceD. When 答案:D104 Hi, boys and girls, PleaS

43、e helpto SOnIe apples.A. youB. yourselfC. yourselvesD. your答案:C105 Whatjust now ?I don,t know.A. happensB. happenC. WaS happenedD. happened答案:D106 EVeryOne Of US ShOUld Iearn toSOIne money monthly in CaSe We may needSOme SOIne day.A. set asideB. set UPC. set OffD. set OUt答案:A107 一John, StOP COmPlain

44、ing about others.!一PIeaSe Iet me explain.A. I have had enoughB. That,s all rightC. YOUre WelCOmeD. Don,t mind it答案:A108 一-Let,s go ice-skating,?-一GOOd idea!A. will youB. shall WeC. aren,t youD. don,t you 答案:B109 一-HOW WaS the EngliSh evening party? EVeryOne had a IOt Of fun.A. It WaS really boringB.

45、 It COUldn,t be better.C. It WaS a WaSte Of time.D. It COUIdn,t the WOrSe答案:B110 Don,t make any noise in the IiVing room! My grandpa is SleePing.一-A. Sorry, I won,tB. It doesn,tmatterC. Excuse me, m WrOngD. Certainly51 Will 答案:A111. -一DO you Iike PIaying soccer? -Yes, m reallyit.A. forB. againstC. i

46、ntoD. on答案:C112 Li DOng is not going to Xiamen byPIane Instead, he is takingtrain.A. /;aB. a;/C. a;theD. the;a答案:A113 -一What is POPUlar among young people?一The younginterested in rockmusic A. isB. haveC. hasD. are 答案:D114 The reason Why he WaS Iate this morning WaShis bike broke down On theWay to WO

47、rkA. thatB .whichC. becauseD. since答案:A115 JOhn really IikeS driving. I think being ais just right for him.A. workerB. soldierC. teacherD. driver答案:D116 Ifproperly, time is the money in the bank.A. usingB. usedC. to USeD. use答案:B117 failing three times, Wang Liang didn't give UP and finally SUCC

48、eeded in PaSSingthe driving test.A. As a result OfB. Because OfC. Thanks toD. In SPite Of答案:D118 一Are there any new regulations for mobile PhOneS in SChOOlS now? -一Yes.StUdentSnot to USe mobile PhOneS in OUr SChOOl now .A. askB. asksC. are askedD. asking答案:C119 TraVeIing to SPaCe is no IOngerjuSt a

49、dream Chinathe first hotel in SPaCe inthe near future .A. buildsB. will buildC. builtD. has built答案:B120 Wiil you go to the football match tonight?-No, I WOn,t The PriCe Of the tickets isfor me.A. too much expensiveB. mIlCh too expensiveC. much too highD. too much high答案:C121 When you are reading, b

50、e SUre to Underlineyou think is Of great importance.A. whichB. thatC. WhereD. what答案:D122 一-GOOd morning, this is 什Ie CUStOmer SerViCe Can I help you? -一Yes. There,s With the COmPUter I bought in your StOre IaSt week.-一OK. Wait a moment. I Will IIaVe a repairman See to it.A. wrong SOInethingB. nothi

51、ng WrOngC. something WrOngD. anything WrOng 答案:C123 YOU IOOk WOrried What,s WrOng With you? - My daughter isaboutOnIine ShOPPing and WaSteS IOtS Of her time and my noney.A. interestedB. fondC. crazyD. keen答案:C124 一-IS your Car Still in good COndition? -一Yes. I have taken good Care Of itbought it fiv

52、e years ago.A. beforeB. afterC. sinceD. until答案:C125 一-GOOd morning Can I help you, madam? -一d Iike to have the applesA. weighB. weighingC. to WeighD. weighed答案:D126 When you PrOmiSe to do SOme什ling, you'd betterit.A. turn toB. get toC. stick toD. apply to答案:C127 一- What does Canada export? -一 L

53、arge amounts Of WheatSent abroad.A. is答案:CB. haveC. areD. is being 答案:C128 Jack, you IOOk tired today. WhatS wrong?I WaSbusyIClidn,t go to bed Until midnight yesterday.A. too; toB. enough; toC. so;thatD. such; that答案:C129 Well go fishing if ittomorrow.A. won,t rainB. isn,t going to rainC. don,t rainD. doesn,t rain答案:Dto Stay at home having130 -一HOW WOUld


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