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1、LOGOUnit 9A Major Question of MajorsSection BContentsReading Skills1Text B23Test YourselfN H C EReading Skills自测自测课文课文Like the other skills for your use, the skill introduced in this unit does render you better ability in reading.This practice is designed to help you get a deeper insight into the sk

2、ill for this unit.N H C E Previewing In order to read for information, you can also PREVIEWthat is, look ahead to the content of a passage in a number of ways. Here is how to preview a reading selection:自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 Practice To be continued Look at the title. Does it tell you what you will be readi

3、ng about? If so, you can then set a purpose for your reading. Very likely titles give the main idea of the selection.自测自测课文课文Practice Read the first paragraph carefully. The first paragraph usually tells just what the passage will be about. Read it, and then stop to think about it before going on. 随

4、随 笔笔 To be continued Either looking at the reading passage title or the first paragraph of the reading passage, you might have some predictions for what the passage is about. This is only to give you an idea what the passage is possibly about. You might either confirm it being correct or dismiss it

5、as you read further. Anyway, this is a good way to narrow down the possible idea of a reading passage to a reasonable area. Practice 自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 To be continued For example, when you see the title “College Success Made Easy”, think about it and predict what the passage is about. You might ask your

6、self the following question and at the same time have some predictable choices for answers: What is the passage mainly about? Example Practice 自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 To be continuedA. Ways or methods to make college success easy.B. Good computer software for college learning.C. Selecting college teachers or

7、your majors.D. Relying on modernized library services. Practice 自测自测课文课文You might think of more possibilities, such as good planning, physical exercises, etc. When you read on, you will find that “A” is the correct prediction. 随随 笔笔 Directions:Read only the title and the first paragraph of Text B be

8、fore you read further. Make your own choice according to your understanding. Introduction 自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 1. What is the passage mainly about according to the title? A. A major problem with many different majors. B. A big difficulty with choosing majors. C. An important question concerning majors. D.

9、A great confusion concerning majors. Introduction 自测自测课文课文 随随 笔笔 2. Who is telling the story in this passage? A. A Professor. B. A university student. C. A university graduate. D. A librarian. Introduction 自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 3. What is the problem? A. Major choosing is very important. B. Major choosing h

10、as become a catch phrase. C. The writer is worried about his future. D. The writer is not sure which major to choose. Introduction 自测自测课文课文随随 笔笔 Text B自测自测技巧技巧N H C E自测自测技巧技巧echovi./n. (声音声音) 回响回响 / C 回音回音hallwayn. C 走廊走廊; 通道通道 awaitvt.等候等候, 等待等待abortionn.1. C 堕胎堕胎 2. C 失败失败; 流产流产databasen.C 数据库数据库a

11、vailablea. 能得到的能得到的; 可利用的可利用的indecision n. U 迟疑不决迟疑不决ban vt./n. 禁止禁止; 取缔取缔 / C 禁令禁令Questions Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 New Words & Expressionspredict vt.预言预言 breakthrough n. C 突破突破; 重大发现重大发现 fate n. C 命运命运; 厄运厄运 hostvt./n. 接待接待; 主办主办 / C1.主人主人2.主持人主持人pose vt./vi. 提问题提问题 / 摆摆姿势姿势 instance n.

12、 C 事例事例 expert n./a.C 专家专家 / 熟练的熟练的; 有经验有经验的的 surgery n.U 手术手术 naval a. 海军的海军的 aircraft n. C (pl. aircraft)飞机飞机; 飞行器飞行器 自测自测技巧技巧New Words & ExpressionsQuestions Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 target vt./n. 瞄准瞄准 / C 目标目标 spoonful n. C 一匙的量一匙的量 navigation n. U 航空航空; 航海航海 numerous a. 很多的很多的 fluent

13、a. 熟练熟练的的; 流利流利的的mechanic n. 1.U (s) 机械学机械学 2.C 技工技工advertise v. 为为做广告做广告 advertising n. U 广告广告; 广告广告业业 waken v. 唤醒唤醒; 醒来醒来 enormous a. 巨大巨大的的, 庞大庞大的的 自测自测技巧技巧New Words & ExpressionsQuestions Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧enormously ad. 很很, 非常非常 oversleep vi. 睡过头睡过头 survey n./vt.C 1.概况概

14、况 2.调查调查;研究研究/调查调查best-selling a. 畅销的畅销的 filmmaker n. C 制片人制片人; 导演导演 prosperous a. 富裕的富裕的; 繁荣的繁荣的 involve vt. 1. 积极参与积极参与 2. 包含包含; 需要需要 drop out 中途退出中途退出; 辍学辍学 figure out 想出想出; 理解理解; 明白明白 would rather than 宁愿宁愿不愿不愿catch phrase 流行语流行语; 口头禅口头禅 New Words & ExpressionsQuestions Text Study Choice Mak

15、ing 随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧care about 关心关心 as to 至于至于; 关于关于 page through 翻看翻看; 浏览浏览 end up 以以结束结束; 最终达到最终达到 as long as 只要只要 do with 利用利用; 处置处置 Elkins 埃尔金斯埃尔金斯 (人名人名)Albertson 艾伯森艾伯森 (人名人名)Jacqueline Susann 杰杰奎奎琳琳 苏苏珊珊 (1918-1974, 美美国国作作家家)David Janssen 戴戴维维 简简森森 (1931-1980, 美美国国演演员员) New Words & Expressi

16、onsQuestions Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute, as required in the new type of examination “Fast Reading”, Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material. But, for this purpose, the best course of action is to know

17、what to scan for in your skimming. Thus, the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off. That is where the “Questions Previewing” comes in. New Words Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 1. While everyone was busy making a decision about their major the writer was _.

18、 2. The writers friends had confidence in him and they said he could _. 3. The writer would not choose business as his major because he _. 4. The writer took his parents friends coming for dinner as a rest because _. 自测自测技巧技巧New Words Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 5. His parents friends were talkin

19、g about _ all the dinner time. 6. When dinner was over, the writer paged through the list of majors again and found _. 7. The writer could not decide his major until he _. 8. Fifteen years later, the writer came to find that major choosing was _. 自测自测技巧技巧New Words Text Study Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para

20、. 1a It was a common question. It echoed through the hallways and out into every corner of the university. A Major Question of Majors Chinese自测自测技巧技巧To be continuedNew Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Everyone was asking it. It was the new catch phrase. It was the new pick-up line, more commonly

21、used than “Whats your sign?”Para. 1b But I had no answer. I hated the question. I was “undeclared” like some unborn baby in its earliest stages. And, by the way I was going, I was merely awaiting abortion. Looking at the database of available majors, I could not make up my mind. Would I have to drop

22、 out of school because of my indecision? Would I be banned from a happy life if I couldnt figure this problem out?Chinese自测自测技巧技巧Question 1New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 2 Tomorrow was the last day to declare a major. The last day! Everyone else was happily moving forward in their liv

23、es, choosing topics of study and 自测自测技巧技巧predicting futures. I still hadntmade my big breakthrough in making this all too significant decision. “Dont worry,” my friends would say. “You can always major in business.” ChineseQuestion 2New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 3 Business? Not me. I

24、 was an artist. I would rather die than major in business. In fact, I didnt even need college. I could just go out into the自测自测技巧技巧world, and my great skills and abilities would be immediately recognized. On the night before my fate was to be declared, my parents were hosting a dinner party for two

25、of their friends.ChineseQuestion 3New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 4 Finally, a rest! What would my parents friends care about majors? I could eat dinner in peace and take a break from being posed this question for a couple of hours. I was wrong. All they could talk about was majors. Th

26、ey both had to share their majors with me, and both had an opinion as to what I should be. All their advice didnt put me any closer to a major, though. It just confused me even more.自测自测技巧技巧ChineseQuestion 4Question 5New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 5 Neither of our dinner guests seemed

27、 particularly suited for his chosen job. For instance, Dr. Elkins, who claimed to be an expert at performing surgery, had trouble cutting his meat. And Mr. Albertson, the naval aircraft pilot, had difficulty targeting his mouth with his food. Every second spoonful was dropped to the ground. I couldn

28、t imagine what his navigation skills were like in a fighter plane. 自测自测技巧技巧ChineseQuestion 5New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 6 Dinner was over, our guests left, the night was getting later, and I was still “undeclared”. I got out the list of majors and began paging through the possibili

29、ties for the millionth time. Computers? There were already numerous computer majors. Chinese? Id always wanted to go to China, but it seemed I could go there without majoring in it or even becoming fluent in the language. Mechanics? No. Advertising? No, again. This was hopeless. 自测自测技巧技巧ChineseQuest

30、ion 6New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 7 As college students often do, I decided that if I just slept for a while and wakened up really early, I would be able to arrive at an answer to this enormously difficult question. I dont know exactly what it is in the college students brain that t

31、hinks some special process occurs between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. that will suddenly make everything clearer. It had worked for me in the past, but not this time. 自测自测技巧技巧ChineseQuestion 7New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 8 In fact, as college students are also likely to do, I overslept. I wok

32、e up at 10 a.m. I had missed my first class, 自测自测技巧技巧Survey of English Literature, and I had three hours to commit the rest of my life to something, anything. There was always business. ChineseNew Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 9 As I rushed to school, I passed a movie theater playing Onc

33、e Is Not Enough, based on Jacqueline Susanns best-selling novel and starring David Janssen. Wait a minute! Movies. I love movies! I could major in movies. No, there is no major in movies. “But there is one in filmmaking,” I thought. Thats it! I was lost, but now I was found. I was declared! 自测自测技巧技巧

34、ChineseQuestion 7New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 10 Fifteen years later, I think of all my friends who so confidently began college with their majors declared. Of those自测自测技巧技巧who went around asking, “Whats your major?” very few are working in their chosen jobs. I didnt end up a filmma

35、ker. And some days I still feel “undeclared.” ChineseQuestion 8New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 Para. 11 It really doesnt matter what you major in, as long as you have a prosperous university experience. Involve yourself in those things that interest you and自测自测技巧技巧enjoy learning about the wo

36、rld. There is plenty of time to decide what you will do with the rest of your life. ChineseQuestion 8New Words Questions Choice Making 随随 笔笔 1. While everyone was busy making a decision about their major the writer was _. A. banned from making a good choice B. asking everyone about how to choose a m

37、ajor C. waiting for his parents advice D. having problems choosing his major Refer to Para. 1自测自测技巧技巧New Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 2. The writers friends had confidence in him and they said he could _. A. predict a happy future B. make a breakthrough C. always major in business D. still wait

38、for a couple of days Refer to Para. 2 自测自测技巧技巧New Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 3. The writer would not choose business as his major because he _. A. thought business was a common major B. thought he was an artist C. had his abilities established D. did not need college educationRefer to Para. 3自

39、测自测技巧技巧New Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 4. The writer took his parents friends coming for dinner as a rest because _. A. dinner was the time for relaxing B. they could help him choose a major C. he would be able to have a break from the question of majors D. dinner would last for a couple of hou

40、rs Refer to Para. 4自测自测技巧技巧New Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 5. His parents friends were talking about _ all the dinner time. A. the best way for choosing majors B. being an expert at surgery C. navigation skills as a pilot D. majors suitable for their jobs Refer to Paras. 4-5自测自测技巧技巧返回返回 Para. 5

41、New Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 6. When dinner was over, the writer paged through the list of majors again and found _. A. he could choose Chinese as a major B. he could choose computer as a major C. it was easy to choose a major D. it was hopeless to choose a major Refer to Para. 6自测自测技巧技巧New

42、Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 7. The writer could not decide his major until he _. A. passed a movie theater B. saw the film Once Is Not Enough C. found he loved films D. found filmmaking as a major Refer to Paras. 7-9自测自测技巧技巧返回返回 Para. 9New Words Questions Text Study 随随 笔笔 8. Fifteen years later

43、, the writer came to find that major choosing was _. A. closely related to what you would become B. very important for ones future life C. not so important as long as you had a prosperous university experience D. to take a long time Refer to Paras. 10 & 11自测自测技巧技巧返回返回 Para. 11New Words Questions

44、 Text Study 随随 笔笔 Test Yourself课文课文技巧技巧N H C ETest YourselfDirections: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must make your choice. 21345768910课文课文技巧技巧 Reading 随随 笔笔 A) The woman feels sorry for the man.B) The man is a

45、 member of the staff.C) The area is for passengers only.D) The woman is asking the man to leave. 1.W: Excuse me, Sir. You are not supposed to be here. This area is for airport staff only.M: Im sorry, I didnt notice the sign. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 21345768910 Reading 课文课文技巧技巧随随 笔

46、笔 Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 2. A) Clean her house while she is away. B) Buy her some plants and take care of them. C) Water her plants while she is away. D) Water her plants when he is not at work.W: If I buy some plants for the house, will you water them for me while Im away?M: Sure I will,

47、if you water mine while I am on vacation.Q: What will the man do for the woman? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 3.A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) Its not his office hour.C) He doesnt have time. D) He is too tired after class.W: Excuse me, Professor Hill. May I ask you a few questi

48、ons?M: Yes, of course. But Im sorry I have class at ten. Why dont you come in my office hours. Thats 4 to 5 p.m. Monday, Thursday and Friday.Q: Why cant professor Hill answer her questions now? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 4.A) The woman insists on going out.B) The woman doesnt like watching TV.

49、 C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out.M: I dont feel like going out. Why dont we just stay home and watch TV instead?W: Come on! You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? Reading 课文

50、课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 5.A) There are too many courses offered to students.B) The woman should take fewer courses next term.C) The man will take four courses next semester.D) It is wiser to take more than four courses.W: Im thinking of taking five courses next semester.M: Wouldnt four be wiser?Q: Wh

51、at does the man mean? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 6.A) Ask Tom to send an invitation. B) Get the Johnsons address.C) Invite Tom to the party. D) Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons.W: I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party.Do you know their address?M: No. But I like them to come. I think

52、Tom can give you their address.Q: What is the woman going to do? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 7.A) Jane is looking for a summer job. B) Jane is packing for the summer vacation.C) Jane is on her way home. D) Jane is eager to go home for the vacation. M: Is Jane looking forward to going home for t

53、he summer? W: She is counting the days. Q: What does the woman imply? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 8.A) Spending more time on sightseeing. B) Visiting the city with a group.C) Touring the city on a fine day. D) Taking the man with her on the tour.W: I think I will take the half-day tour of the c

54、ity. M: Why not the whole day? Q: What does the man suggest? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 9.A) The woman is driving too fast.B) The woman is driving at a slow speed.C) The woman has broken a traffic rule.D) The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.M: This is a one-way street. Didnt you see

55、the sign? W: Sorry. I didnt. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? Reading 课文课文技巧技巧21345768910随随 笔笔 10.A) She can tell Joan when she sees her at noon.B) She should tell Joans brother about the reception.C) She must call on Joan after the reception.D) She may see Joans brother at lunch.W: I ough

56、t to call Joan, and tell her about the reception this evening. M: Why bother? You will see her at lunch. Q: What does the man mean? Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank above th

57、e passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Listening 课文课文技巧技巧随随 笔笔 convinced climate eliminated suggestinvolve occupation impossible devise worthless certainly advertising observed meaningful alternativelyappropriately So long as teachers fail to distinguish between te

58、aching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is 1 _ not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that “reading cannot be taught directly

59、and schools should stop trying to do the 2 _.”convinced climate eliminated suggestinvolve occupation impossible devise worthless certainly advertising observed meaningful alternativelyappropriately certainlyListening 课文课文技巧技巧impossible随随 笔笔 Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes.

60、 They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the 3 _ that will make it possible for children to 4 _ the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also public activity: It can be seen and 5 _.climateListening 课文课文技巧技巧devise随随 笔笔 convinced climate elim


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