



1、英语作文2021梦想贵在坚持英语作文2021梦想贵在坚持英语作文Even if a dark sky, also have star faint light, even boring life, also have a dream firmly. Past, moonlight rippling, mottled shadows, memories, vanity dream in which the time axis is infinitely into childhood, recalls pure childhood, someone asked: "what do you

2、want to be you grow up?” I raise your childish face said: ”I want to have a lot of”, then there is no decayed tooth posture like Colgate ads, he is a naive smile. The concept of childhood did not pursue, and then dream like flavor of ice cream, although the sweet, but eventually melt slowly over tim

3、e, and now that I think about it, the heart like evacuated a huge gap, because only in childhood, we are so simple without false thought out dreams, and the pursuit of dreams is like clouds floating in the sky.Present tense, the sunlight, the hustle and bustle of 4 vanity, future dream in which the

4、film back now, and this personality also be worn in the exam again and again, so I always dreamed of its carrying large capsule on books, let you like event, after saved all continue to work hard, and once for own dream smug.We may now this moment, the pursuit of dreams, is a ideal university, but i

5、t means that the current dream poem unusually hard, we must to the decision, the fate of our exam struggle to the end, but what does it matter to remember: we are in pursuit of their dreams.参考翻译:纵使漆黑的苍穹,也有星星微弱的光芒,纵使无味的生活,也有梦想坚定地力量。过 去时,月光荡漾,树影斑驳,回忆虚空,梦在其中,时间的坐标轴无限地伸向童年,回忆 道纯真的儿童时代,有人问道:“你长大想做什么呀?&qu

6、ot;我扬起幼稚的脸说:“我想做的 有许多”,那架势像极了高露洁没有蛀牙的广告,他露出了天真的微笑。儿时没有追 梦的概念,因而那时的梦想像原味的冰淇淋,虽然甜蜜,却终究随时间慢慢融化,以至现 在想起来,心底象被抽空了一块巨大的空白,因为只有在儿时,我们才会那么简单而不假 思地说出梦想,而对梦想的追寻却象白云一样飘在天上。现在时,日光泛滥,喧嚣四溢未来虚空,梦在其中,胶片倒回现在,而这种个性也在 一次次的考试中被磨平,于是总是梦想自己背着大大的形囊书本上,让“做自己喜欢的事 件”之后攒够一切继续努力,并且一度为自己的梦想沾沾自喜。也许,我们现在这一时刻该追求的梦想,就是一所理想的大学而己,可这意

7、味着现 时的追梦诗异常辛苦,我们必须为了那场决定,我们命运的考试奋斗到底,可是乂有什么 关系记住:我们是为了追求自己的梦想。Everyone has a dream, and all want to achieve your dream, all want to achieve your dream, all want to cut the so-called reality and dream, me too.In childhood, the scientist is the dream of every little boy, I am no exception, and now, I

8、want to be a doctor!The doctor is a great career, they heal the wounded and rescue the dying, the people most in need, and serve the people! In wenchuan and yushu after the earthquake, there have been some people. That is selfless "white angel”. They are running day and night, even the aftersho

9、cks could not prevent the doctors. They don't rest is in order to use the valuable time to save the lives of more weak. At the cost of any size, some people, and then save all lost in the process of life, but they said: ”it doesn't matter, this is should be.”Listen to mama said, in the perio

10、d of SARS epidemic, a "white angel" stand up, although they also gave birth to a serious illness, but still and for life; And they were wearing white coats, in dealing with a patient everyday, very hard and tired.If I became a doctor, I will concentrate, dare not to have any negligence, ca

11、reless I let children injections, blood tests and so on become less pain; r 11 let those special bitter potion inside put some rock sugar, can let the child no longer cry to drink medicine. Want to invent some medicine can cure all ills. The doctor doesn't need a lot of money, can let the poor t

12、o see a doctor. And hope to be able to let the people live to be 100 years old, at least let us more healthy, more comfortable, happy and beautiful life.If I became a doctor, I'11 study hard, to do all kinds of research. I for the Chinese dream even thorns everywhere, I will not retreat. China d

13、ream, a dream!参考翻译:每个人都有梦想,并且,都想实现梦想,都想实现梦想,都想把所谓的现实与梦想拉 近,我也是。在小时候,科学家是每个小男孩的梦想,我也不例外,而现在,我想当一名医生!医生是一个伟大的职业,他们救死扶伤,在人们最需要的时候站出来,为人民服务! 在汶川、和玉树等地震后,出现了一些人的身影。那就是无私的“白衣天使”。他们在日 夜奔波,连余震都阻挡不了医生们。他们不休息就是为了用这些宝贵的时间,去救更多弱 小的生命。不惜任何多大的代价,有些人,再救的过程中都失去了生命,但他们说:“没 关系,这是应该的。”听妈妈说,在非典流行时期,“白衣天使”们挺身而出,他们虽然也生着重病,但是 仍然和病魔争夺生命;乂是他们穿着白大褂,在和病人天天打交道,十分辛苦与劳累。如果我当了医生后,我会专心致志,


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