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1、商务英语高级习题集参考答案TEST 1READINGPART ONE1. D 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. E 8. CPART TWO9. B 10. A11. E12. C13. D14. FPART THREE15. B16. D17. A18. D19. B20. APART FOUR21. B22. C23. A24. D25. A26. B27. D28. D29. C30. APART FIVE31. AS32. WHY 33. NOT/HARDLY 34. WHO/THAT35. OF36. FOR37. SO/THUS38. HAVE39. MUCH

2、40. LIKEPART SIX41. CORRECT42. THEY43. CORRECT44. BEING45. WHICH46. FOR47. CORRECT48. SHOULD49. WHEN50. CORRECT51. THEIR52. THATWRITINGQuestions 1Sample AThis report describes the movements of the balance of trade between 1991 and 2001, for a particular country, concerning manufacturing and agricult

3、ure.ManufacturingImports increased constantly during this period. The figure sows a rise of $4bn within the whole period and no fluctuations are to be remarked.Exports rose from nearly $3bn in 1991 to approximately $7bn in 2001, suffering minor fluctuations all the way through. In general, the balan

4、ce of trade remained slightly positive through the period considered.AgricultureImports increased slightly, ending the period around $1bn over their starting level. They suffered a temporary fall between 1992 and 1994, followed by a steady recovery. After peaking at around $2.5bn in 1999, imports fe

5、ll slightly to their final value.Exports figure shows the same performance although at level $4bn higher than imports.Consequently, the balance of trade remained markedly positive throughout the period.Band 4All content points are included. There is a relatively natural use of language and a good ra

6、nge of structure, despite some inaccuracy. There is also evidence of a wide range of vocabulary and the report is well organised.Sample BIntroductionThe aim of this report is to describe the imports an exports of the Manufacturing and Agricultural sectors in the years 1991-2001 in European countrys.

7、Manufacturing ImportsIn the first year (1991) the imports were just above $2bn, at the end of 2001, the imports were almost on the $6bn.Manufacturing ExportsIn 1991 were just below the $3bn, a the end of 2001 were almost of $6bn. The exports in this period showed a general upward trend.Agricultural

8、ImportsIn the first two years the imports showed a general upward trend. At the end of the third year (93) they peaked down to $1bn, but in 1995 they recovered reaching the $2bn in the last year (2001).Agricultural ExportsIn the first 3 years were a bit fluctuated but finally in the next years they

9、recovered reaching the $6bn.ConclutionBoth sectors showed a general upward trend reaching more $bn at the end of the 10 year period.Band 2All content points are covered, with adequate organisation. However, the range of language is limited and there are a number of frequent basic errors.Question 2Sa

10、mple CThis report aims at outlining which aspects of our department function most effectively, which ones need improvement and how to achieve an efficient improvement.First of all, it needs to be stressed out that the majority of the team generally shows a real team spirit, is willing to do his best

11、 to prioritize some smooth interactions with customers and is not reluctant to work outside the normal working hours.On top of that, every member of the team has been carefully selected for his/her excellent qualifications in terms of negotiating skills and communications abilities.As a result, it c

12、ame out of the recent survey, conducted with most of our customers, that our department has an excellent image outside the company.Unfortunately, however, some aspects appear to be less brilliant. As part of our sales force, people spend most of their time on the phone and cannot fit any training co

13、urse within their schedule. As there is no clear strategy to encourage the employees to attend training courses, they may feel guilty to decide to use part of their working time to get a better knowledge on a computer software for instance.This being, said, I strongly recommend to define a clear str

14、ategy encouraging people to register, at least, to two training courses, each year.This would help them to understand that, whatever their initial qualifications may be, it may bring benefit to both them and the company to improve them.Band 3A reasonable achievement of the task. There is an adequate

15、 range of structure and vocabulary and reasonable control, although occasional awkwardness may cause some confusion. Organisation is satisfactory while cohesion is good.Sample DA survey on performance of our department which is Customer Service, was carried out amount employees and customers. A few

16、findings are developed in this following report.First of all, to start with positive points, it was reported that management fosters team spirit, and it is well followed by employees. Moreover, excellent feedbacks from our customers were received, they were all fully satisfied with services provided

17、 to them. In addition, sales results exceeded plan this year, which refect our effectiveness.Secondly, unfortunately, there is still weaknesses which could be improved. For instance, the questionnaire sent to employees outlines the lack of motivation within our team, people dont work with gusto. Lik

18、ewise, they all complain about a lack of communication between Technical Service and Sales Department, which can affect our customers. Our competitors may take advantage of it.Finally, I am confident that we can achieve improvement. Regarding the lack of motivation I would recommend our Human Resour

19、ces department to review their salary statements, indeed, Employees fell a bit of gap between their salary and the ongoing rate, thus pay people what they worth. Moreover, praise people and publically recognize their individual performance and leader should define clearly each employee objectives.In

20、 terms of communication, I suggest that our management leader start setting up regular meeting including sales and technical people and foster open dialogue.Band 3All content points are included. This is an ambitious attempt at the task with evidence of a range of lexis and structure, but a number o

21、f basic errors make it a Band 3.Questions 3Sample EDear Sir,In response to your letter of complaint about the employer you received from my company, I would like to apologize. We know and understand your complaints but we really care about our customers and that is why in this letter we will try to

22、give our reasons about what happened.The person you received last week was a lier. One week before you asked for the employer, this young man came into my office and told me he was an administrative assistant and showed me his CV. In the curriuculum he presented to me, he was wonderful, it said that

23、 this person was graduated from Oxford University with a wonderful average, and his work experience was very extended. Two weeks ago I heard from a friend that this young man bought his CV and did not had it.This is the first time in the story of my company that this happens. I would like to tell yo

24、u that this case was exceptional. This young man came to my office for certain circumstances but I am shure this will not happen again. But to be shure the next time I get a CV I will call to all numbers written on it, to be certain that the employer is not a lier.Knowing that this case is exception

25、al and giving you the reason of your complaint, I would like to give you some kind of compensation. Next week, if you like, I will send you another administrative assistant, free of companys charge. I hope you reconsider this chance and write back an answer.Yours faithfully,Band 3This is well-organi

26、sed answer, with an adequate range of structure and vocabulary. All content points are included. There are a large number of non-impeding errors, but they do not distract the reader unduly.Sample FTo: Mr. MainDate: 30, NovemberSubject: Apologising and compensation about the complaintDear Mr. MainI a

27、m terribly sorry about your complaint. And I understand enough the reason why you are angry with my company and express your opinion which you will not be using my agency.I know you wanted the person who has a exellent skill at operating computer, especially office programme. So I was looking for a

28、candidate who has a special certificate on computer. I finally found appropriate person and sent you her. However, the certificate which she gave me was fake.Im so sorry about that and Id like to tell you that was exceptional.So Ill sent you new assistant and Id like to compensate anything what you

29、want.I apologize you.Yours sincerely,Band 2All content points are addressed. However, the limited range of structure combined with frequent basic errors mean this is a Band 2.Question 4Sample GPROPOSAL ON WAYS TO IMPROVE XYZS WEBSITENOVEMBER 2002The proposal aims to set out various ways and possibil

30、ities available in order to improve our website.A SWOT AnalysisAs a result of a SWOT analysis, the following points summarise our main findings.Strengths· We were the first major company in one sector to set up a website· We benefit from a very high rate of brand recognition and therefore

31、internet users remember or find our site easily through search engines.Weaknesses· Our of date: Despite being the innovators when launching our website, the information provided online is, in many cases, out of date (prices, phone numbers)· Not user friendly. The structure of our paper is

32、very rigid, potential customers cannot, do not have freedom of movement.· No online purchase facility available.B Suggestions and RecommendationsIt was felt that in order to remain ahead of our competitors we should carry out some of the following improvements.· A more user friendly websit

33、e allowing the user to have more freedom. Then, surveys have shown that such facility increase sales.· Regular update of the information and services available. Such update will encourage our clients to consult our paper regularly and to keep them inform on any specific sale.· Online purch

34、ase facility.It was felt that this facility is now a must-have for every big company.Such facility will also enable us to collect precious data which imported into our database will be a good marketing tool.By doing so we should be able to keep our clients informed when we have sales on their favour

35、ite purchase.· Online NewsletterAgain, the use of our database could improve significantly our customer communication such newsletter could be produced on q quaterly basis.· FAQ A frequent Ask Questions should be instauredC Benefits of such improvementsMost benefits have been explained abo

36、ve however, we recommend strongly to carry out such improvements as soon as possible.This might be possible either by training our in-house marketing team on website production and management or either by contracting a web designer specialist. We would like to highlight the fact that although e-mail

37、 marketing is a very powerfull tool, we must keep up to date with any legislation regarding data protection.Band 4A good realization of the task. Effectively organised with a good range of structure and a wide range of vocabulary. There is a fairly natural use of language, with a number of non-imped

38、ing errors. Sample HTo: John Cooper (Managing Director)From: Jens Müller30th November 2002Proposal for the improvement of our websiteDear Mr. Cooper,Since the internet is becoming more important every day, we have to consider to recreate our website.We made progress in increasing the range of p

39、roducts offered on our website and the improvement of updating it every day shows that we have learned from the past. But there are still things that need to be implemented. So far, the customer had no possibility to communicate will us through the internet.Furthermore, we just accept credit-card pa

40、yments with online purchases.In order to make our website more attractive for potential customers, we should introduce those services to our site.What we should do is to place an email-address on the website that will deal with complaints, questions and feetback. Customers will notice that we are al

41、ways happy to help and that not just via telephone. They will appreciate it and are more willing to buy online when all their questions concerning the product are answered quickly.The second aspect is that we need to allow customers to pay with a debit-card. Many people simply do not have a credit-c

42、ard and are therefore not able to buy online. We are losing customers every day for a reason that could be solved easily. In order to keep these customers there is no other way than to enlarge the way of payment and to introduce customer services.With these measures it will be very easy for us to in

43、crease our sales. Addionally, we will increase satisfaction among our customers.Yours sincerely,Jens MüllerHead of Customer ServicesBand 3All content points are covered, with some points developed. There is reasonable control of language, with a few non-impeding errors. Organisation and cohesio


45、7. E18. A19. B20. F21. C22. DPART THREE23. C24. A25. B26. C27. B28. C29. B30. ATEST 2READINGPART ONE1. E 2. C 3. E 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. APART TWO9. C 10. E11. F12. B13. G14. APART THREE15. C16. D17. A18. D19. B20. CPART FOUR21. B22. D23. D24. A25. B26. C27. A28. B29. C30. DPART FIVE31. FROM32. AS3

46、3. ALTHOUGH/THOUGH/WHILE/WHILT34. WHERE 35. SUCH36. HOW37. WITH38. WHICH 39. ON40. IFPART SIX41. ALSO42. BY43. WHOLE 44. CORRECT45. BUT46. EVEN47. OF48. CORRECT49. THE50. ON51. CORRECT52. CORRECTWRITINGQuestion 1Sample AIntroduction:The aim of this report is to summarise the changes in production an

47、d average prices of wheat between 1990 and 2000.Findings:Focusing our attention on wheat production it can be seen from the graph that the output rose steadily over the period. A general upward trend from 0,9 millions of tones in 1990 to 2,3 MofT in 2000 is clearly recognisable.On the other hand, th

48、e average price of wheat totaled 1,400£/T in 1990, but in 1995 it increased rapidly reaching a peak of 2,900£/T. In 2000 the price fell to 2,400£/T which was however more than the minimum price in 1990.Conclusion:As can be seen from both graphs average price of wheat did not show the

49、same characteristics as total wheat production.Band 4This is a good realisation of the task set, showing very good organisation, a wide lexical range and a variety of sentence structure. Occasional minor errors (e.g. steadilly, more than the minimum price) and a weak conclusion do not detract from t

50、he overall positive impression.Sample BThis report shows the wheat production and price changings over the last ten yearsThe wheat production soared continuously from under 1 million tones up to more than 2 million tones.The second chart shows first an rise in the average price of wheat from about &

51、#163;1500 in 1990 to £2800 at peak in 1995 and second a slight reduction to £2200 each tonne. In contrast to the production the price changes nearly doubled whereas the production rose slightly during the first years.Although production grew from 1995 to 2000 prices plunged £600.Band

52、2An inadequate attempt at the task with some contradictory information (e.g. soared continuously but rose slightly). Although there is some attempt at cohesion, basic structures are weak. The target reader may be misled.Question 2Sample CReport: Training coursesIntroductionThe aim of this report is

53、to summarise and assess the training courses I have recently attended for the use of the Training Manager.CoursesIn my opinion, the most useful courses were:· Managing people and· Trends in Electronic Commerce.Managing People was a one-day course focused on management techniques and their

54、successful implementation. It examined different management styles and their benefits and disadvantages.Trends in Electronic Commerce was a practically oriented one-day course. The main issues discussed involved: the latest trends in e-commerce, security of information, business to business (B2B) tr

55、ading and potential savings enabled by e-commerce.BenefitsBoth of these courses were very interesting for me, as I work as a Purchase Manager. I am going to use some of the management techniques in my department. I would like to improve the current approach to motivation or organization of meeting f

56、or example. I think that motivating people is a key aspect of my job. Trends in Electronic Commerce course was also very useful for me as we are set to start ordering process using the Internet technology.ConclusionNext year, I would like to attend at least one of the following courses:Effective Neg

57、otiationsTime ManagementCommunication a key factor for success. As all of these topics are closely related to my profession, I am sure that it would be to my and also companys benefit if I would attend these courses.Band 4This is a good realisation of the task and all major content points are includ

58、ed. It is well organised and the language is clear with a very good range of lexis. However, there is the occasional lapse, for example with articles.Sample DI have recently attended four different one-day courses out of which I found the most useful course on Trends in Electronic Commerce and course on Developing my Potential.The course on Electronic Commerce gave me a new belief that it is mighty tool g


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