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1、初二英语初二英语期末复习专题练习期末复习专题练习一一人教朗文版人教朗文版【同步教育信息同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:期末复习专题练习一【模拟试题一模拟试题一】一. 译以下各词组:1. 准时 2. 在 9 月份 3. 良好的祝愿 4. 有一个好主意 5. 害怕 6. 不再 7. 浪费时间 8. 野外旅游 9. 去钓鱼 10. 去划船 11. 去徒步旅行 12. 后天 13. 赶快 14. 我们的美丽的国家 15. 中秋节 16. 过来 17. 感恩节 18. 在野外 19. 收获季节 20. 喂牛 21. 一张有趣的照片 22. 较慢地 23. 种小麦 24. 同意意见 25. 去滑冰 26

2、. 在城镇 27. 上大学 28. 在校门口 29. 在草地上 30. 在森林里 31. 在电影院 32. 第二十个熊猫 33. 21 位妇女 34. 在右边 35. 仍然 36. 在第一个转弯处 37. 2 公里远 38. 此刻,同时 39. 昨天上午 40. 保持健康 41. 长大 42. 刚刚 43.被绊倒 44. 打 45. 外出 46. 晨报 47. 辞别 48. 一直,始终 49. 首先 50. 开音乐会 51. 7 位歌手 52. 倒下 53. 继续 54. 到尽头 55. 匆忙地 56. 结婚 57. 写下 58. 一年到头 59. 有时,偶尔 60. 看电影 61. 捎/留口

3、信 62. 和相同 63. 把翻过来 64. 春节 65. 上演 66. 取出 67. 在白天 68. 零下 69. 以后 70. 听收音机 71. 许多观看者 72. 多过以上 73. 读报 74. 早餐时 75. 在世界上 76. 靠近 77. 少于 78. 过得愉快 79. 自用 80. 起先 81. 等一等,别挂断 82. 照顾 83. 开花 84. 穿衣服 85. 跌落、掉下 86. 立刻、马上 87. 洗衣服 88. 上上下下 89. 顺便说一下 90. 最好做 91. 第二天 92. 讲故事 93. 在前面 94. 不同种类的海鲜 95. 举行篮球赛 96. 半小时以前 97.

4、前天 98. 有一个好的记忆力 99. 好运气 100. 上个月 101. 许多葡萄 102. 一个非常著名的岩石 103. 从二月到四月 104. 堆雪人 105. 与不同 106. 变冷 107. 在阴雨天里 108. 去电影院 109. 不得不 110. 在农场上 111. 干农活 112. 又快又好 113. 帮助母亲做饭 114. 问问题 115. 离开 116. 聚会 117. 在那天 118. 尝一尝 119. 一个较大的苹果 120. 有空 121. 兵马佣 122. 一次有趣的野外旅行 123. 入睡 124. 到达超市 125. 一种新水果 126. 爬山 127. 我们的

5、家乡附近 128. 有些问题 129. 走错路 130. 休息一会 131. 买东西 132. 下星期一下午 133. 每年这个时候 134. 与他一起散步 135. 买票划船 136. 庆祝丰收 二. 用所给词语适当形式填空:1. theyre going to have fun learnand speakenglish this term .2. we are haveour onechinese lesson .3. september 10th is teachday .4. here is a diary for you with our good wish.5. thank yo

6、u for teachus so well .6. there bea football game next week .7. we are thinkabout the names .8. there are a few differentbetween them .9. the meanof this word is important .10. he is calljames .11. can you help cleanthe house ?12. chinese people are very friend.13. we often ask him what school he go

7、to .14. he not want spellit any more .15. i would like a chinese name like you.16. the students can go hikethere .17. lets go boaton the lake .18. she likes go fish.19. ed starts carrythe bag .20. he cant run quick.21. they have some problem getthere .22. can you guess what the students are going sa

8、y.23. i want to go fastthan you .24. my mother often dosome shopin the market .25. when is she comeback ?26. its going to be fun.27. it takeme too long .28. the woman are eata new kind of fruit .29. would you like comewith us ?30. please talk about them comefield trip .31. im going to see the waveup

9、 on the water .32. thats what they are sellat the store .33. this cake is bigthan that one .34. i want to know manyabout china .35. familyget together .36. the moon looks brightand roundon that day .37. thank you for askus .38. it havesomething sweet inside .39. the ones with nuts are niceof all .40

10、. mrs green is tallof the three .41. whose drawis the goodof all ?42. its much bigthan a chicken .43. harry is the youngof ourthree .44. he has gethome to do his work .45. my job is cleanthe street .46. my works going be interesting.47. we have some friends helpyou .48. the jeep gothe fastest of all

11、 .49. they dont use animals any much.50. which do you like well, the city or the country ?【模拟试题二模拟试题二】第 i 卷 笔试选择题 60 分一. 单项选择共 30 小题,计 30 分a从 a、b、c、d 中找出其划线局部与所给词划线局部读音相同的一个。 1. heara. sweaterb. seac. idead. meal 2. neara. dearb. earlyc. peard. wear 3. machinea. matchb. shirtc. catchd. cheap 4. whos

12、ea. whereb. whenc. whited. house 5. washa. pastb. pandac. whatd. water b从 a、b、c、d 中选择最正确答案。 6. in the river is good your health . a. swimming , for b. swim , for c. swimming , to d. swim , to 7. im the board , but i can nothing . a. look , see b. looking , see c. seeing , book d. looking at , see 8.

13、 dont look out the window in class . a. from b. to c. of d. for 9. youd better some flowers behind the house . a. to grow b. grows c. growing d. grow 10. the station is the factory . a. next b. next to c. the next d. the next to 11. she keeps me for three hours . a. waiting b. to wait c. wait d. to

14、waiting 12. there is a tree the classroom . a. in the front of b. in front of c. on the front of d. on the middle of 13. lucy dumplings very much . a. enjoys b. enjoyes c. enjoy d. enjoying 14. the singer went on at the concert . a. sing b. singing c. to sing d. sang 15. do you watch tv in the eveni

15、ng ? for about one hour .a. how long b. how often c. when d. what time 16. do you often take after supper ? a. walk b. a walk c. work d. worker 17. there are many people the train . a. to b. for c. with d. on 18. on her birthday , well plays . a. take b. put on c. put off d. give 19. please be when

16、you do your homework . a. careful b. care c. carefully d. carry 20. look ! your pen is under the table , please . a. pick it up b. put it on c. pick up it d. put on it 21. what do you say when your teacher calls your name ? . a. im here b. here it is c. its me d. thank you 22. when you come to class

17、 late , what do you say ? . a. im sorry im lateb. welcome here c. it doesnt matterd. come earlier next time 23. may i swim in the river , mum ? .a. no , you arentb. why do you ask mec. no , you cant d. i cant go with you 24. kate is taller than in her class . a. other girls b. any girls c. any other

18、 girl d. other girl 25. why play table-tennis ? a. not b. dont c. not you d. not to 26. do you write to your parents ? once a month . a. how long b. how often c. how d. how much 27. is your mother ? a nurse . a. who b. what c. where d. how 28. would you like another piece of bread ? . im full .a. ye

19、s , please b. no , thanks c. certainly d. ok 29. can i have a cake eggs inside ? a. in b. has c. with d. have 30. mr. black lives on floor of that building . a. the nineth b. nineth c. the nine d. the ninth二. 完型填空共 10 小题,计 10 分从每题 a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出最正确答案,完成短文。good afternoon , boys and girls . i have so

20、mething to 31 you , were going to 32 some cleaning after school . the radio says it will be 33 at night , so please dont forget 34 the doors and windows . the temperature will fall 35 zero tomorrow morning . please remember to put on 36 clothes . mr. wang is away today . he is ill and in 37 . i hope

21、 you can go to see him . but you neednt buy 38 for him . by the way , there is 39 homework for you this evening . you must finish it and bring it to school tomorrow morning . so youd better 40 tv . now , school is over . lets begin our cleaning . 31. a. sayb. speakc. telld. talk 32. a. dob. makec. t

22、aked. have 33. a. fineb. cloudyc. sunnyd. windy 34. a. to openb. openc. to closed. close 35. a. downb. belowc. upd. above 36. a. coolb. coldc. warmd. hot 37. a. schoolb. factoryc. homed. hospital 38. a. somethingb. anythingc. nothingd. everything 39. a. nob. littlec. manyd. a lot of 40. a. watchb. t

23、o watchc. not watchd. not to watch三. 阅读理解共 10 小题,计 20 分 阅读短文,根据短文选择正确答案。amrs baker lived in a small town . her husband worked in a factory several years ago . he was able to do everything . but the boss老板was bad to the workers and he was paid付给little . sometimes his family were hungry . he had to le

24、ave there and went to sydney . the factory needed the workers like him and he easily found work there . he worked hard and made much money . he went to england for his holiday once a year . he missed思念his wife and children very much . one day he called mrs baker . on the telephone he asked her to go

25、 to travel in australia . of course they were all happy .its very far from england to sydney . mrs baker and her children had to take a plane . they left their country for the first time and they were travelling in a plane for the first time , too . they were all excited冲动的. the two children did not

26、 feel tired though they couldnt fall asleep the night before . their mother stopped them , but they didnt listen to her . one of them nearly hit an air hostess空中小姐with some plates in her hands . mrs baker became a bit unhappy and said , “ dont run wild胡闹here ! go and play outside ! 41. sometimes the

27、 bakers were hungry because . a. the boss had not enough moneyb. the boss paid mr baker little c. mr bakers family was larged. they were very lazy 42. as , mr baker easily found work in sydney . a. he was born in england b. australia is a big country c. he was very abled. he had worked in a factory

28、43. mr baker wanted his wife and children to go to sydney because . a. he wanted very much to see themb. he couldnt go back to england c. they hoped to travel in australiad. they hoped to move to sydney 44. , so the two children couldnt fall asleep the night before . a. they would play in the plane

29、b. their mother would work in sydney c. they would take a plane for the first time d. they would study in australia 45. which of the following is true ? a. mrs baker forgot they were in a plane . b. mrs baker didnt love her children . c. the two children were too excited to fall asleep in a plane .

30、d. mrs baker was afraid to take a plane .bthe great ship , titanic泰坦尼克号, set off for启程去america in april 1912 on its first trip . it was carrying more than 2,000 people .the titanic was the largest and finest at that time . people thought it was safe平安to be on the ship because it had 16 compartments密

31、封舱with it . even if即使4 of those were broken被撞破, it would still be able to stay on the sea .four days later , when the titanic was crossing the sea , the man on watch值班suddenly saw a very large iceberg冰山ahead . the great ship turned quickly on time , but before long there was a sound form below . the

32、 captain船长went down to see what was the matter . to his surprise , he found the ship was sinking下沉fast because 5 compartments had been broken被撞破! many people jumped out into the water . as there were not enough lifeboats救生船, about 1,500 people died . 46. the titanic set off from england to . a. the

33、u.s.a. b. australia c. canada d. europe 47. people thought it was safe to be on the ship because . a. it had 16 compartmentsb. it could not sink if 4 compartments were brokenc. it had more lifeboats than other ships d. both a and b 48. the ship was hit . a. soon after it had crossed the seab. when i

34、t started to cross the seac. when a very large iceberg was suddenly seen aheadd. soon after it turned quickly on time 49. which of the following is not true ? a. the captain didnt find anything wrong with the ship .b. hundreds of people jumped out into the water .c. the ship began to sink because 5

35、compartments had been broken .d. about , 1,500 lives were lost . 50. which of the following is true ? a. the ship could carry less than 2,000 people .b. the ship had enough lifeboats .c. the ship could still be safe even if four of its compartments were broken .d. the ship was the biggest and safete

36、st in the world .第 ii 卷 笔试非选择题 40 分四. 句型转换计 6 分51. mr turner found his ticket yesterday evening .改一般疑问句 mr turner his ticket yesterday evening ?52. was the boy born in america ?改陈述句 the boy in america .53. joan stayed in the park for 3 hours last sunday .就划线局部提问 joan stay in the park last sunday ?54

37、. mike had a busy day yesterday .用tomorrow 改写 mike a busy day tomorrow .55. jim was born in 1982 . li lei was born in 1982 , too .改同义句 jim li lei born in 1982 .五. 用动词的正确形式填空共 10 小题,计 10 分56. listen ! who singin the next room ?57. jane not watchtv every day .58. they pickpears on the farm last week .

38、59. shall i closethe door ?60. ill go to the park if it not raintomorrow .61. id like you meetmy parents .62. would you help me carrythe box ?63. i dont like siton toms right .64. dont keep the boys waitso long .65. what do you say when someone meetyou for the first time ?六. 用所给词的正确形式填空共 10 小题,计 10

39、分66. your father looks very health.67. you must look after you.68. readin bed is bad for your eyes .69. he beill yesterday .70. i stayed away from school for littlethan a week last term .71. you benot here yesterday morning .72. doing eye exerciseis good for your eyes .73. do you like eating vegetab

40、le?74. she was away for manythan three weeks last year .75. i usualget to school very early .七. 汉译英9 分76. 吃得太多,有害于你的健康。 too bad your health .77. 我听到此事感到很难过。 im very .78. 你去年缺课多长时间? you not last year ?79. 学生们正在公园里尽情玩乐。 the students a good time in the park .80. 我希望你现在好多了。i you are now .八. 补全对话5 分a:its

41、 sunday tomorrow , you know . what are you going to 81 ?b:im going to 82 a basketball match . its between a japanese team and a chinese team .a: 83 ! 84 is it going to be ?b:at four oclock in the afternoon . i have two tickets here . i can let you 85 one . dont you want to go ?a:of course . i 86 , b

42、ut i cant . were going to have a football match tomorrow afternoon .b:i see . 87 are you going to play with ?a:a team 88 the no.7 middle school .b:where are you going to have the match ?a:at the childrens palace . oh , wheres li ping , do you know ?b:he isnt 89 . i think you can find 90 at home .a:t

43、hank you . bye-bye . 【试题答案一试题答案一】一. 译以下各词组:1. on time2. in september3. best wishes 4. have a good idea5. be afraid 6. no longer , not any longer 7. a waste of time8. a field trip 9. go fishing10. go boating11. go hiking12. the day after tomorrow13. hurry up 14. our beautiful country15. mid-autumn da

44、y16. come over17. thanksgiving day18. in the open air19. harvest time20. feed the cows21. an interesting photo22. more slowly23. grow wheat24. agree with 25. go skating26. in town27. go to college28. at the school gate29. on the grass30. in the forest31. at the cinema32. the twentieth panda33. twent

45、y-one women34. on the right 35. all the same36. at the first turning 37. two kilometres away38. at the same time39. yesterday morning40. keep healthy41. grow up42. just now / a moment ago43. trip over44. call sb / telephone sb / ring sb up45. be out46. morning paper47. say good-bye to48. all the tim

46、e49. first of all50. give a concert 51. seven singers 52. fall down53. go on 54. at the end of 55. in a hurry56. get married57. write down58. all the year around59. at times60. see a film61. take a message62. the same as63. turn over64. the spring festival65. on show66. take out67. in the day68. bel

47、ow zero69. later on70. listen to the radio71. many visitors72. more than73. read newspapers74. at breakfast75. in the world76. near to77. less than78. have a good time79. help oneself to 80. at first81. hold on 82. take care of / look after83. come out 84. get dressed85. fall off86. at once 87. do s

48、ome washing88. go up and down89. by the way90. had betterdo91. the next day92. tell a story93. in front of94. different kinds of seafood 95. have a basketball match96. half an hour ago97. the day before yesterday98. have a good memory99. good luck 100. last month101. a lot of grapes102. a very famou

49、s rock103. from february to april104. make a snowman 105. be different from106. get cold107. on rainy days108. go to the cinema109. have to110. on the farm111. do farm work112. faster and better113. help mother cook114. ask a question115. leave school 116. get together117. on that day118. have a taste119. a bigger apple120. have time / be free121. terra cotta warriors122. an interesting field trip123. fall asleep124. get to the supermarket 125. a new kind of fruit 126. climb the mountains127. near our hometown128. have some problems129. go the wrong way130. have


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