2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 21 Body language 人教版大纲第一册_第1页
2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 21 Body language 人教版大纲第一册_第2页
2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 21 Body language 人教版大纲第一册_第3页
2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 21 Body language 人教版大纲第一册_第4页
2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 21 Body language 人教版大纲第一册_第5页
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1、第一册Unit 21 Body languageI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1unfairness 2avoidance 3manager/management 4various 5gentle 6angry 7uselessness8occurence 9Specification高考须掌握的短语:1of 2hand 3through 4down 5up 6face 7in考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇 1avoid vt避免;消除eg: I avoided punishment/being punished by runn

2、ing away 我一跑了之,逃避惩罚。案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例题I crossed the street to meeting him,but he saw me and came running to wards me Aget Bavoid Ctry Dstop相关链接:avoidance n避免,避开 avoidable adj逃避的用法拓展:avoid sth/sb避免某事/避开某人 avoid doinu sth擗免做某事考题1点拨:答案为B。avoid meeting him避免见他,从下文“但他看到我并朝我走来”可知我不想见他。2contact优接触;联系e

3、g: He contacted me as soon as he arrived他一到就和我联系了。相关链接,contact,1接触;联系用法拓展be in/OUt of contact of和接触,有联系/脱离接触,失去联系 bring into/throw in contact with使接触,使与联系 come into/in contact with接触,碰上 lose contact with和失去联系,离开 have contact with接触到和有联系make contact with和接触/联系考题2 (典型例题)My father was so glad to meet h

4、is old friend again. You see, they with each other for nearly 30 years. A. lost contact B. had lost contact C. had been out of contact D. has been out of contact考题2点拨;答案为c。lose contact whe是非延续性动词词组,不可与较长的时间状语连用ibe out or contact with是表状态的动词词组,可与较长的时间状语连用;用过去完成时态,强调对过去的影响。3manage vt&vi设法做好;经营;管理e

5、g: The box is heavy but he managed to carry it箱子很重,但他仍设法搬动了它。 The store is badly managed这家商店经营不善。相关链接;management n管理;处理manager n经理;处理事务者 manageable adj可管理的;可应付的用法拓展:manage to do sth办得到某事eg: I managed to pass the exam我考试通过了。特别提醒;try to do sth设法做某事eg: 。 I tried to persuade him to give up smoking,but h

6、e didn't listen to me我设法想劝他戒烟,但他不听我的。考题3 (典型例题)-Would you like me to do it for you? -No, thanks. A. Im on my own B. It's my business C. It's up to you .D. I can manage myself考题3点拨;答案为D。从“No,thanks”可知谢绝了对方的帮助,后面用I can manage myself表示“我自己能应付得了”。4communicate v表达,传达;联系 eg:We communicate with

7、 each other by letter我们用书信彼此联络。相关链接:communication n通讯;联系用法拓展:communicate with sb/sth与联系/通信 have no communication with与无联系 be in communication with与联络考题4 (典型例题English Can help people and make them stay in a foreign country easy and comforta-ble. A. agree with B. communicate with C. communicate to D.

8、write to考题4点拨;答案为B。句意为:“英语能帮助你与人交流,并使你在外国呆得轻松舒服。”二、重点短语 5get through通过;度过;克服 eg:We got through a lot of difficulties while working on this project执行这一计划时我们经历了许多困难。用法拓展;get through还可表示:(1)电话接通eg:I can't get through to Paris我不能接通巴黎的电话。(2)让人了解eg:I can't get it through to him我不能让他了解。(3)完成,办完 eg:

9、when you get through with your work,let's go Out你完成你的工作,咱们就出去。(4)考试通过;熬过eg:to get through an exam/the winter通过考试/熬过冬天考题5 (典型例题 分)I tried to telephone you but I couldn't _ A. get ola B. get along C. get through D. get to考题5点拨:答案为C。get through表示“电话接通”。6hold up举起;拿起;举出 eg: Hold up your right ha

10、nd举起你的右手。相关键接:hold up还可表示“阻塞;阻滞”eg: The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather 新路的建造因恶劣的天气而受到阻滞。用法拓展lhold on别挂(电话)hold to坚持 hold out伸出;给予hold back阻挡;抑制;隐瞒考题6 (典型例题What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was in the traffic jam. A. broken up B. kept back C

11、. held up D. kept up考题6点拨;答案为C。hold up表示“阻滞”之意。三、重点交际用语7Would you mind, ?句式在口语交际中这是一个重点交际用语,可灵活运用为:would you mind fiIling out the form?请填一下这张表好吗? would you raind my/me smoking here?我在这里抽烟你不反对吧? would you mind if I smoked here?如果我在此抽烟,你不介意吗?特别提醒:在回答此句式时,如果表不介意,常用:0h,no,please/Certainly not/of course

12、not/Not at a11如果表示介意,常用:Im sorry,but I do/ Yes,I do mind/Im sorry,but youd better not 考题7 (典型例题)-Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?- A. No, you can't B. of course not, it's not allowed here C. Great! I love pets D. ld rather you didn't, actually考题7点拨;答案为D。对方问介不介意在这个楼里养宠物,婉转表示介意

13、的答语。四、重点句型8While there are many different interpretations of our body laugllage·some gestures seem to be universal尽管我们的身势语可以有许多种不同的解释,仍然有一些姿势似乎是全球通用的。 这里的while是从属连词,作“虽然,尽管”解,等于although/though,引导让步状语从句,此时的while常放在句首。 eg:while 1 understand what you say,I can't agree with you虽然我理解你的意思,但是我还是不同

14、意你的观点。w hile he loves his students,he is very strict with them尽管他爱他的学生,但他对他们很严格。 考题8 (典型例题) you may be right, I can't altogether agree. A. While B. As C. If D. Since考题8点拨;答案为A。white相当于although/though。句意为:“尽管你可能是对的,但我还是不能完全同意。”五、词语辨析9be used to do。be used to doing be used to do被用于干某事eg: The money

15、 is used to serve a special purpose这笔钱有特殊用场。 be used to doing习惯于做某事eg: He is used to getting up early他习惯了早起。考题9 The hammer is used to _ a nail into the wall, but Im not used to it. A. knocking; use B. knoek; using C. knoeking; using D. knocking; use考题9点拨:答案为B。句意为:“锤子被用来把钉子钉进墙里,但我不习惯用它。”语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有

16、余 动词的-ing形式作主语、宾语或表语 1动词的-ing形式作主语,泛指某种动作或行为,有时可用形式主语it来代替,而把动词-ing形式放在后边。 eg: Getting up early is a good habit早起是个好习惯。 Doing this can save a lot of time and money 这样做可节省很多时间和金钱。 It is useless trying to aryue with shybock 和夏洛克争辩没有什么用。2动词的-ing形式通常用作介词宾语或某些动词的宾语。 eg: She is interested in working for o

17、ur firm 她对为我们公司工作感兴趣。 I enjoy learning about new things我喜欢了解新事物。 3作表语的动词-ing形式放在系动词后面,泛指某种动作或行为,常用来说明主语的身份或内容。 eg: His favourite sport is hiking他最喜欢的体育项目是徒步旅行。 My job is playing all kinds of instruments 我的本行是演奏各种乐器。考题1 The mother asked her daughter not to delay the paper. A. handing in B. to hand in

18、 C. hand in D. having handed in考题2 -What made him so upset?_ _ A. Failing in the test B. He failed in the test C. Because he failed in the test D. To fail in the test考题3 He kept putting his dream to the test-even though it meant with uncertainty and fear of failure. A. living B. to live C. to be liv

19、ing , D. having been lived考题1点拨。答案为A。delaydoing耽误做莱事。delay后接名词或动名词。 考题2点拨:答案为A。这是一个省略回答。failingin the test回答了what一词的提问。考题3点拨:答案为A。mean doing表示“意味着做某事”。mean to do表示。打算做做事”,在此句中不合题意。IV专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:完形填空的命题新特点专题详解:近年来,高考完形填空改变了过去以考查语法、词的搭配和固定表达为主的局面,侧重考查考生逻辑思维和对具体语境的把握,特别是文意理解的能力。因此,完形填空在试题设计上把考查语

20、篇理解能力放在首位许多试题都需要在通篇阅读并理解之后才能选准答案,使完形填空在命题思路上更接近于阅读理解。完形填空试题为不等距离挖空,这种命题方式主要是根据考查目的进行挖空空白处的缺词能在上下文中找到依据。短文第一句不挖空,以便为考生理解全文留下足够的信息。1重在考查快速领悟文章主旨的能力 完形填空人为地设置了很多空格,使文章支离破碎,残缺不全,造成了理解上的障碍。考生必须跳过空格,快速领悟文章主旨。只有这样,才能保证思路连贯,理解不偏离文章中心。2侧重考查对文章的整体把握能力 对文章的整体把握是指根据文章的主旨,通过上下文暗示,对整个文章、整个段落或整个意群的整体文义的把握。3刻意考查把握文

21、章内在逻辑关系的能力 具体说,把握文章的内在逻辑关系是把握完整句子、意群、语篇之间的内在逻辑关系。4考查深层感悟能力 完形填空的考查具有深层次探询的可能性,这就要求考生不仅要理解表层含义,也要理解文章的深层含义。 5侧重考查排除干扰、词义辨析的能力 完形填空题干扰项的干扰一般与语法结构无太大关系,重在文意干扰。因此,只要把握了文意和具体的语境,通过对词义的辨析,一些错误的干扰项就会相形见绌。V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试考点 5 (典型例题 couldn't . The line was busy.A. go by B. go around C. get in D.

22、 get through1D点拨:get through接通电话。 回顾2 测试考点 8 (典型例题) _ modeling busi-ness is by .no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.A. While B. Since C. As D. If2A点拨:while相当于although/though“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。 回顾3 测试语法 (典型例题 分) Accustomed to the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reac

23、hing the top. A. climbing B. climb C. having climbed D. have climbed3A点拨:accustomed to表示“习惯于(某事)”,to是介词,后接动名词,climbing the sleep mountains作宾语。2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 年考情预测预测1:while作从属连词引导让步状语从句 预测根据:while是考生熟悉的一个词汇,且考生熟悉的是while引导时间状语从句,表示“在·期间/过程中”;而while作从属连词引导让步状语从句,相当于although/though的用法是许

24、多考生所不熟悉的,这也是典型例题while的此种用法时,许多考生没有答对该题的原因。考情预测 年高考题中,出现while此种用法的可能性大。 命题角度预测:while作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,在单项选择中出现的几率最大。设题时会与其他连词放在一起,要求考生清楚此用法并根据句意作出正确选择。预测2:Would you mind if I did sth?句式 预测根据:would用于疑问句,表示语气的婉转,这是考生所掌握的内容。在句型Would you mind if I did sth?中,if后的条件句要用虚拟语气,这一点是许多考生容易忽视的问题,也是高考大纲要考查的要点。 命题角度预测:此句型在单项选择中出现的几率较大,考生务必清楚此固定搭配牢记此句型。预测3:话题预测 本单元的中心话题是“身势语”,具体涉及“什么是身势语”,“如何理解身势语”,


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