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1、.GrammarGrammar构词法构词法 (一一) (Word FormationWord Formation)高考英语语法总复习高考英语语法总复习.If you meet the new words while reading, what will you do ?Its not always necessary to understand the meaning of every word, just go on reading! Guess the meaning!Guess the meaning! . When we deal with the problems in readin

2、g comprehension, we can use Word Formation to help us, but the context( (上下文,语境上下文,语境) ) is also very important.根据根据构词法构词法猜词猜词1. I will not make friends with a dishonest person.2. When the little boy finished, his father was speechless.3. A bad-looking pickpocket stole my wallet. 首先要熟悉基本的构词法及其规律首先要熟

3、悉基本的构词法及其规律, 其其次要掌握一定的词根和词缀。如次要掌握一定的词根和词缀。如:un-,im-, mis-, -less, -ness等。等。小小结结dis+honest 不诚实的不诚实的speech+less 说不出话的说不出话的pick+pocket 扒手扒手.构词法构词法派生法派生法(Derivation)合成法合成法(Compounding) 转化法转化法(Conversion)缩略法缩略法(Abbreviation) able unable; teach teacherspace+ship spaceshipvisit v. visit n.Do it yourself. D

4、IY.合成词合成词 Compoundpain-killer.color- blind.sleep-walksleep-walker.一、一、合成法合成法(Compounding)highwaywaiting-roomkind-hearted 把两个或两个以上独立的词合成把两个或两个以上独立的词合成一个新词。一个新词。.合成词汇展厅合成词汇展厅一一.合成合成名词名词 seafood greenhouse二二.合成合成动词动词 overcome whitewash三三.合成合成形容词形容词 snow-white man-made四四.合成合成副词副词 however ; anyway五五.合成合成

5、代词代词 something; everything六六.合成介词合成介词 within inside.fire+fighter=firefighter friend+ship=friendshippasser+by=passer-bywell+known=well-knownsea+side=seaside Make compound words after the models. A: passer, well, sea, fire, friend, B: side, fighter, ship, by, known, Model: part + time = part-timePract

6、ice I.二、二、转化法(Conversion):指一个词不变词形,而由一种词类转化为另一种词类或几种词类。tasten. 味道v.尝起来It has a good taste.It tastes very good.hand n.手手v.递送递送. We always walk hand in handPlease hand me the book.转化法例释.三、派生法三、派生法 Derivation指在词根上加上前、后缀构成另一个与原意略有变指在词根上加上前、后缀构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词化或截然相反的词派派生生法法前缀前缀后缀后缀名词后缀名词后缀形容词后缀形容词后缀副词后

7、缀副词后缀动词后缀动词后缀否定前缀否定前缀其他前缀其他前缀. 加前缀:加前缀: happy -happy - _happyhappy 加后缀:加后缀: develop -develop - developdevelop_ 既加前缀又加后缀:既加前缀又加后缀: employ -employ -_employemploy_注意:派生词的前缀一般只改变词义,不改 变词类;后缀一般只改变词类,不引起 词义变化.unmentunment. Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep?1. ove

8、r- : too muchoverwork , overeatabove sth; across overcoat, overheadSome important prefixes: The trains are _ on Friday evenings. (crowded)overcrowded. He enlarged his vocabulary by reading widely.2.en- 动词前缀动词前缀enable, endanger, Reading can _ your life.(rich)enrich.常见的常见的否定前缀否定前缀中学英语课本中有许多单词带有否定前缀,如果

9、能理中学英语课本中有许多单词带有否定前缀,如果能理解这些否定前缀的含义,使用和记忆单词是很有帮助解这些否定前缀的含义,使用和记忆单词是很有帮助的。否定前缀加在一个词的前面就完全改变或否定了的。否定前缀加在一个词的前面就完全改变或否定了这个词的原来意义这个词的原来意义。.Some important suffixes:-ment, -ion, -ness, -tion, -ful, -able, -less, -en等等sharpen a pencilstrengthenbrightensharp adj. sharpen v._strength _ bright. Practice IIGue

10、ss the meaning of the underlined words1.Many countries import most of the oil they use.2.He studied biophysics at college.3.It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.4.All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train.5.My cousin has an excellent voice. Her dream is t

11、o become a superstar.进口进口生物物理学生物物理学合作合作运输运输明星明星.四、四、缩略法缩略法( Abbreviation )DVVIPSOSWWWDigital VideoVery Important PersonSave Our ShipWorld Wide Web.Practice Makes Perfect ! rain(形容词形容词) _ agree(反义反义)_ nation(形容词形容词)_ farm(人人)_ recent(副词副词)_ friend(形容词形容词)_ hope(形容词形容词)_ back(形容词形容词)_ visit(名词名词)_ hom

12、e(形容词形容词) _ eight(序数词序数词)_ true(名词名词)_ America(形容词形容词)_ China(形容词形容词)_按括号内的要求改写下列单词按括号内的要求改写下列单词rainynationalrecentlyhopefulvisitoreighthAmericandisagreefarmerfriendlybackwardshomelesstruthChinese.u 请做下列高考真题。请做下列高考真题。 1. (2013) That would be a very _(reason) thing to do in a big city. 思路点拨:思路点拨:reas

13、onable 在名词前作定语要用形在名词前作定语要用形容词。容词。. 2. (2013) But such a small thing couldnt _ (possible) destroy a village.思路点拨:思路点拨:possibly 修饰谓语动词修饰谓语动词destroy作状语,用副词。注意:以作状语,用副词。注意:以-ble接尾的形接尾的形容词,其副词形式通常是将容词,其副词形式通常是将ble改为改为bly。. 3. (2012) For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt _ (please), because there

14、were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasnt her 思路点拨:思路点拨:pleased 在系动词在系动词felt后作表语,用后作表语,用形容词,表示形容词,表示“高兴的高兴的”。. 4. (2016) We drank together and talked _ (merry) till far into the night.思路点拨:思路点拨:merrily 修饰动词修饰动词talked作状作状语,用副词。语,用副词。. 5. (2015) He must be _(mental) dis

15、abled. 思路点拨:思路点拨:mentally 修饰分词形容词作状语,修饰分词形容词作状语,用副词。用副词。 6. (2014) His teacher took a deep drink,smiled _ (warm),and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. 思路点拨:思路点拨:warmly 修饰动词修饰动词smiled作状语,用作状语,用副词形式。副词形式。.1. Write out the original words.unchangeable adj. _ dislike v. _ impossibility n. _ unfriendly adj._overwork v. _ misunderstanding n. _athletic adj._ misread v. _translator n. _ changelike possiblefriendlook understandathletereadtranslate.2.给下列单词加上前缀给下列单词加上前缀dis-, un-, in-或或im-, 构构成意思相反的词。成意思相反的词。1. agree _2.


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