



1、1. Why do you choose this job?A. your personal experieneeB. support from your family2. How do you understand the iob of teaching?A. This question is not so much about teachers themselves, but rather about the relati on ship betwee n the teacher and the stude nts.B. Good teachers care more about thei

2、r students learning than they do about their own teachi ng.C. Successful teachers are those people who can identify with the hopes, aspirations and difficulties of their students while they are teaching them.D. Good teachers believe that its worthwhile taking more effort to ensure that the quiet, sh

3、y stude nts also get a cha nee.E. The teacher has to measure what is appropriate for a particular student in a particular situation.F. Lear ning how to man age stude nts and how to con trol classes is one of the fun dame ntal skills of teachi ng.3. What's your understanding of Student-centered t

4、eaching?A. It requires teachers to share and understand studentsf feelings in the class.B. Before giving the lessons, teachers must ask themselves the following questions: What is the important information I am trying to convey? What must the stude nts know if they are to complete this activity succ

5、essfully?Which in formati on do they n eed first? Which should come n ext?C. There are two general rules for giving instructions: they must be kept as simple as possible, and they must be logical. When teachers give instructions, it is important for them to check that the students have un derstood w

6、hat they are being asked to do.4. What can be called a successful English lesson?A. Did the stude nts enjoy the less on? Did they lear n any thi ng from them?B. Establish goals and objectives in the less on.C. Focus on the ability of students to use English effectively in real com muni cati on situa

7、ti on.5. How can you enhance studentseading interest and ability?A. The reading texts are suitable for students.B. The topics and types of reading text are worth considering too.C. Help students realize how to read for different purposes- including read ing for pleasure and readi ng for detailed com

8、prehe nsion.D. Exploit reading texts to the full.6. How do you prepare a listening lesson?A. Focus on the levels and interests of the students as they will determine the kind of liste ning that teachers use.B. Teachers need to liste n to the tape all they way through before they take it into class.

9、That way, they will be prepared for any problems, noises, accents etc. that come up. That way, they can judge whether students will be able to cope with the tape and the tasks that go with it.C. Stude nts n eed to be made ready to liste n. This means that they will need to look at pictures, discuss

10、the topic, or read the questions first, for example, to be in a positi on to predict what is coming. Teachers will do their best to get stude nts en gaged with the topic and the task so that they really want to liste n.7. What methods will you use when you teach a new word?A. Try to provide a visual

11、 or physical dem on strati on whe never possible, using pictures, photos, video clips, mime or gestures to show meanin gs.B. Provide a verbal con text to dem on strate meaning. The n ask stude nts to tell the mea ning first before it is offered by the teacher.C. Use synonyms or antonyms to explain m

12、eanings.D. Use lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanin gs, e.g. cook: fry, boil, bake, grill, etc.E. Tran slate and exemplify, especially with tech ni cal words or words with abstract meanin gs.F. Use word formatio n rules and com mon affixes to build new lexical kno wledge on what is already known.G. Thi nk about the con text i n real


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