



1、鎵樼 鐪熼 2012骞?鏈?3鏃?/div>(鎬诲垎锛?20.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細 90鍒嗛挓)涓?銆?b>Question 1(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細20.00)I.How do you make sure to finish all your assignments on schedule? Please include specific details in your explanation.锛堝珞鏁帮細20.00锛?/div>姝g'绛旀锛?Topic: I have two ways to make sure that I get my assignmen

2、ts done on time.Reason 1: The first way is to remain organized. I keep notes of all my classes in, proper folders and notebooks. It is surprising how helpful this can be when studying several subjects at once.Reason 2: Most importantly, I keep a strict study schedule and try to follow it daily. For

3、example, if I set aside two hours for math on Thursday, I make sure to study for those two hours, and also to study only math during that time.) 瑙 f 瀽锛?strong>Alternative Wording(鏇挎崲琛揪)Synonyms (a)at once 鈥攕 imultaneously (b)strict 鈥攔 igorous(c)set aside 鈥攔 eserve, save (d)make sure to 鈥攎 ake a p

4、oint ofParaphrases 1. It is amazing how effective this can be for studying a number of subjectssimultaneously./It is very helpful when studying several subjects at once.2. Of paramount importance is adhering to a rigorous schedule.浜屻?b>Question 2(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細20.00)2.Do you prefer outdoor activit

5、ies or indoor activities? Please include specific details in your explanation.锛堝珞鏁帮細20.00锛?/div>姝g'绛旀锛?Topic: I prefer to do outdoor activities as much as possible.Reason 1: When I have some free time, I don't want to spend it indoors. I would rather go out into the sunshine and enjoy the

6、 freedom!Reason 2: Also, going outside can make me appreciate nature and remind me just how wonderful and precious our natural world is, and the importanee of protecting it. Conclusion: Therefore, I'd prefer to spend my free time doing outdoor activities so I cantake in the sunshine and the wond

7、er of the natural world.)瑙 f 瀽锛?strong>Alternative Wording(鏇挎崲琛揪)Synonyms (a)natural world 鈥攏 atural order (b)importance 鈥攃 ritical need of (c)protect 鈥攑 reserve (d)free time 鈥攍 eisure timeParaphrases 1. I would much rather go outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and freedom!2. Being outside, I am forc

8、ibly impressed with the need to protect the fragile nature. 涓夈?b>Question 3(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細20.00)3.A Letter from a StudentAs a student here at William and Mary, I am embarrassed. It is one of the oldest colleges in the United States. Well, the furniture in the library looks older than the college!

9、The chairs are all dusty with holes in the cloth covering. The tables are wobbly, with writing scribbled all over them. The ink has soaked into the wood and you can't wash it off! The school desperately needs to buy new furniture. This will afford a more comfortable and relaxing environment to l

10、ibrary patrons. Also it might even attract more patrons: the library is a good place to study!Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal to replace the old furniture in the library. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Now hear a conversatio

11、n between two students.A Letter from a StudentAs a student here at William and Mary, I am embarrassed. It is one of the oldest colleges in the United States. Well, the furniture in the library looks older than the college! The chairs are all dusty with holes in the cloth covering. The tables are wob

12、bly, with writing scribbled all over them. The ink has soaked into the wood and you can't wash it off! The school desperately needs to buy new furniture. This will afford a more comfortable and relaxing environment to library patrons. Also it might even attract more patrons: the library is a goo

13、d place to study!Question: The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal to replace the old furniture in the library. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Now hear a conversation between two students.锛堝垎鏁帮細20.00锛?/div>姝g'绛旀锛?The letter suggests th

14、at the college should buy new furniture for its librarybecause the old furniture is uncomfortable.The woman opposes this proposal of library furniture renovation for two reasons. The first is that the purpose of a library is to store books and provide a place for study.Comfort is not necessary. A pe

15、rson in a comfortable environment might not focus on study, but sleep.Second, the reason few people use the library is not lack of comfort, but a lack of electrical outlets. This is what keeps laptop users away. For example, students with laptops cannot find a proper place to set up their computers.

16、 In short, she believes that the new furniture wouldn't be helpful to the existing problems.)瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃M: Did you see this letter?W: What letter?M: A student wrote a letter suggesting that the school replace the old furniture in the library.W: That doesn't sound right. The library is for sto

17、ring books and studying. It's not a hotel. If you make it too comfortable, people will get sleepy and be unable to concentrate.A relaxing environment is not beneficial for students studying. A little discomfort keeps you awake.M: That's true, people go to the library to learn, not because th

18、e place is cozy.W: Definitely, the reason I always hear people say they don't go to the library is that it is a really old building. There aren't enough electrical outlets to plug in computers. Since most students study with their computers, this drives people away.M: That's right. It

19、9;s too hard finding a place to use a laptop in the library. I have tocarry a bunch of books back to my dorm.W: There, see what I mean? This letter really missed the problems with the library.Alternative Wording(鏇挎崲琛从揪)Synonyms (a)sleep 鈥攏 od off(b) a lack of 鈥攁 shortage of, a dearth of(c) keep away

20、 鈥攄 rive away(d)in short 鈥攊 n briefParaphrases 1. Comfort is not a necessity.2. It is a want of electrical sockets, not lack of comfort that alienates potential users. 锲涖?b>Question 4(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細20.00)4.Frustration ToleranceFrustration tolerance refers to the ability to withstand frustration wi

21、thout developing and/ or displaying inappropriate or inadequate responses. Such responses include excessive nervousness, grief, neurosis, and aggression. Ideally, this tolerance rises incrementally as children learn how to manage or tolerate frustration while they grow up. But cases of adults with l

22、ow tolerance levels, of course, abound.Question: Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain how the professor's example of his son is related to the reading passage.Now hear a talk on the same subject.Frustration ToleranceFrustration tolerance refers to the ability to withstand

23、frustration without developing and/ or displaying inappropriate or inadequate responses. Such responses include excessive nervousness, grief, neurosis, and aggression. Ideally, this tolerance rises incrementally as children learn how to manage or tolerate frustration while they grow up. But cases of

24、 adults with low tolerance levels, of course, abound.Question: Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain how the professor's example of his son is related to the reading passage.Now hear a talk on the same subject.锛堝珞鏁帮細20.00锛?/div>姝g'绛旀 锛?To give an example of frustrati

25、on tolerance, the professor talks about his son building a tower with blocks.According to the lecture, the boy tried to build a tower but failed and cried. The professor agreed to help, but always came a little later when his son asked him for assistance. The professor did this because he wanted his

26、 son to overcome difficulties and tolerate frustration on his own. In the end, the son could build a tower and also learned to solve his problem without crying and screaming first. So the boy built both towers and frustration tolerance.)瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃M: Like today's textbook reading said, ideally we

27、 are able to bear frustration better as we grow up. However, to tolerate frustration is never easy. We have to work hard on our own and sometimes even need others to help us.Take my son as an example. When he was about three, he was busy one afternoon trying to build a tower with his building blocks

28、. Only the tower fell down every time it got more than a few blocks high. And, since the boy was only three, he cried. He also asked me for help finally.Well, I always say kids should learn to be independent, and helping him to finish the workis not beneficial for him. Kids need to learn to solve pr

29、oblems on their own. But, didn't want to listen to a sniveling little kid all afternoon. So I helped him build a tower, but a little later every time he asked. I was careful too, to explain why his towers kept falling down.After that, every time he had trouble, I came to help a little later. Wit

30、hin a few weeks, my son could build his own towers. Plus he had learned not to ask for help and try to solve the problem on his own first, instead of crying or screaming when he had difficulty. So he was not only building towers, he was building frustration tolerance, too.Alternative Wording( 鏇挎崲琛从揪

31、)Synonyms (a)build 鈥攢 rect, construct(b)to help 鈥攖 o come to one's aid(c)overcome 鈥攙 anquish(d)cry and scream 鈥攖 hrow a tantrumParaphrases 1. The professor was willing to lend aid, but gradually came later and laterwith each call for help.2. Thus the boy learned both to build towers and to bear

32、frustration.浜斻??b>Question 5(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細20.00)5.Question: The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the woman's problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.Question: The speaking discusses two possible solution

33、s to the woman's problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.锛堝珞鏁帮細20.00锛?/div>姝g'绛旀 锛?The woman's problem is that she will soon graduate from university, and her parents are coming for the ceremony. Unfortunate

34、ly, all of the local hotels near the un iversity are full.The woman's friend suggests that her parents can stay in the student's apartment. If that is not feasible, she can rent a hotel room for her parents within twenty minutes driving distance.I think her parents should stay with her since

35、 she has limited money and cannot afford to pay for a car rental as well as the hotel. It is true that her place is small, but her parents will only be here a short time. A few nights on a sofa is all right.)瑙f瀽锛歔錫姏鍘熸枃M: Karen! It's almost your Graduation Day! You should be happy.W: I would be h

36、appy, but there's a problem.M: Tell me, I'll try to help.W: Well, my mom and dad want to come to my graduation ceremony, of course. But they live out of state, so they have to fly. I've been trying to find a hotel for them, but they are already booked up. I'm so stupid! I waited unti

37、l too late to book the hotel.M: Why not just have them stay in your apartment with you?W: You've seen my place. It's so small. I'd have to move all the furniture and rearrange my room if they live with me.M: Maybe clean it as well?W: No jokes! I'd even have to sleep on the sofa!M: Th

38、en get them a hotel a little farther from the university.W: But that's twenty minutes away by car. Plus rd have to rent them a car. They're myguests, and I really can't afford it.M: You had better think fast. There's not a lot of time left!Alternative Wording( 鏇挎崲琛从揪)Synonyms (a)be f

39、ull 鈥攈 as no vacancy(b)driving distance 鈥攄 rive(c)has limited money 鈥攂 e running short of funds(d) sofa 鈥攃 ouchParaphrases 1. She can find lodgings for her parents within a short drive, if staying at her place is not practicable.2. While the apartment is small, their planned stay witl be short.鍏 ?b&

40、gt;Question 6(鎬婚 鏁帮細1锛屽珞鏁帮細20.00)6.Question: Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two changes birds exhibit before migrati on.Question: Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two changes birds exhibit before migrati on.锛堝珞鏁帮細20.00锛?/div>姝g'绛旀锛?The lecture is abou

41、t bird migration, and there are two types of changes birdsexhibit before actually migrating.One change has to do with body weight: birds eat a lot and gain a lot of weight just before migrating because they have little time to look for food during the long trip. Since much energy is needed in order to fly long distance, birds will eat a lot to store fat before migration. The example the professor gives is of the red-winged blackbird, which gains about 20% more weight.The second one is the change of social habit. Those birds are usually not sociable, but they


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