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1、将军- 高一下学期期中考试英语试题a卷一.听力共两节,总分值30分第一节共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分请听下面5段对话,选出最正确选项。1. where does the conversation probably take place? a. at a bank.b. in a hospitalc. in a restaurant.2. what does the man mean? a. he couldn't work so fast as jane. b. he doesnt believe jane could work so fast. c. he believes

2、 the woman can work as fast as jane.3. what does the man think about tom? a. tom was hurt terribly.b. tom wasnt hurt terribly. c. tom loves dancing very much.4. what doesnt the woman like here? a. the people.b. the environment.c. the climate.5. what can we learn about the accident? a. the womans dau

3、ghter was hurt probably. b. something bad happened to the womans son. c. the mans son was hurt probably.第二节共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最正确选项。请听第6段材料,答复第6-7题。6. what is the probable relationship between the speakers? a. strangers.b. friends.c. brother and sister.7. what is the man going to do

4、tonight? a. see a film at the cinema.b. read papers at home. c. watch tv at home.请听第7段材料,答复第8-10题。请听第8段材料,答复第11-13题。11. why does the man make the phone call? a. to know about the flat.b. to know about the road. c. to know about the park.12. what is the probable relationship between the speakers? a.

5、friends.b. strangers.c. landlady and renter.13. what will the man do this afternoon? a. go to the park.b. do some shopping.c. meet the woman.请听第9段材料,答复第14-17题。14. where was the bomb? a. in a phone box.b. on a street corner.c. at a corner of the mans house.15. what did andrew do when he discovered th

6、e bomb? a. he threw it away.b. he called the police.c. he ran back home.16. what do we know about andrew? a. he was slightly injured.b. he was blamed for being late for school. c. he managed to deliver all the newspapers.17. whats the woman probably? a. a teacher.b. a radio host.c. a policewoman.请听第

7、10段材料,答复第18-20题。18. what is the talk mainly about? a. how the earthworm grows underground.b. the earthworm is useful out of the ground. c. the earthworm can improve the soil.19. which of the following dont earthworms drag to their holes?a. leaves.b. stones.c. grass.20. how much soil can 50,000 earth

8、worms carry to the surface of an acre of land one year? a. about eighteen tons.b. about eighty tons.c. about eight tons.第二局部 英语知识运用共两节,总分值45分第一节 单项选择(共15小 题;每题1分,共15分)21. dont you need a hand? thank you, but _. a. i can manage by myself.b. i am an experienced driver. c. it doesnt matter.d. you dont

9、worry.22. i had thought you couldnt deal with the situation. _ the contrary, thats quite _ my power. a. in; beyond b. on; out of c. over; withind. on; within.23. word came _ bill will recover from his injury in time for the football game. a. whichb. whoc. whetherd. that.24. actually, _ we will go ca

10、mping this weekend hasnt been decided. a. whetherb. ifc. thatd. what25. that kind of marriage customs still _ in many parts of china, which is not a surprise. a. livesb. liesc. existsd. appears.26. seeing the _ sight of the explosion, the tourists were nearly _ to death. a. terrifying; terrifyingb.

11、terrifying; frightening b. frightened; frightening d. terrifying; terrified27. all the teachers have _ that he is very patient _ the children. a. spotted; onb. discovered; aboutc. noticed; ond. spotted; with28. jack had a lot of parties recenthy. yes, that might _ why he didnt do well in the examina

12、tion. a. add up to b. count on c. sum upd. account for29. as is known to all, a driver shall be fined if he is found driving without a(n) _. a. allowanceb. suggestion c. permitd. permission30. the film is so interesting! i have never seen _ one. a. the betterb. the mostc. more d. a better31. accordi

13、ng to the school rules, no student _ go out of school during the weekdays without the teaehers permission. a. mustb. willc. mayd. shall.32.the headmaster hated his _ , so he just stood at the platform, _ him. a. cutting off; glancing at b. cutting down; staring at c. cutting out; watching outd. cutt

14、ing in; glaring at33. after the operation, tom has to do a lot of physical exercise to build up his _. a. energyb. mindc. strengthd. ability34. the chairman had something more important to do, _ he couldnt _ this evening. a. as a result; take upb. as a result of; pick up c. as a result; turn upd. as

15、 a result of; make up35. _ cousins trip across canada is really _. a. the; pleasedb. a; pleasantc. the; pleasantd. a; pleasing第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,共30分) one cold winter night, a fox woke up from his sleep. feeling very 36 he looked out of his foxhole to see what the weather was like. it had stopped

16、 37 but now every thing outside was white and frozen, and very 38 indeed. he reached the 39 and was happy to find that only 40 of it was frozen. so he sat at the edge of the frozen part and lapped up畅饮the water. when he was ready to leave, he had a 41 . his lovely red tail was frozen and stuck to th

17、e ice! he could have 42 really hard and he would have been 43 . but he didnt want to lose the beautiful white hairs at the 44 of his tail. he loved his tail very much. “ill wait for a while, thought the fox. “maybe the ice will thaw解冻soon and then my tail will be free again. he was not at all 45 . t

18、he people were still asleep and he was safe before 46 . the fox sat on the ice 47 . soon the sky started to get lighter. he looked at his tail but now the whole tail was 48 to the ice! the poor fox was frightened now. 49 it was dawn, men would come to the lake and they liked to 50 foxes. some people

19、 were coming towards the lake! he was terrified but he couldnt 51 a wolf ran past then and the fox called out to him for 52 . the wolf looked at the foxs tail. he knew how to 53 the poor fox. he went up to the fox and bit off his tail 54 . the 55 fox had lost his whole beautiful red tail just becaus

20、e he had not wanted to lose a few white hairs on the tip of it.36. a. hungryb. thirstyc. sleepyd. angry37. a. rainingb. blowingc. snowingd. flooding38. a. sunnyb. coolc. windyd. cold39. a. pondb. riverc. laked. sea40. a. bottomb. partc. holed. all41. a. swimb. restc. questiond. surprise42. a. pushed

21、b. avoidedc. pulledd. left43. a. aliveb. freec. silentlyd. safe44. a. tipb. backc. headd. top45. a. disappointedb. tiredc. excitedd. worried46. a. midnightb. darkc. dawnd. noon47. a. patientlyb. gladlyc. lovelyd. sadly48. a. trappedb. stuckc. tiedd. connected49. a. becauseb. beforec. sinced. once50.

22、 a. keepb. raisec. feedd. hunt51. a. seeb. listenc. speakd. move52.a. helpb. suggestionsc. informationd. favour53. a. saveb. punishc. teachd. kill54. a. quietlyb. secretlyc. carefullyd. immediately55. a. waitingb. hesitatingc. doubtingd. surprising第三局部 阅读理解(共20小 题;每题2分,共40分)a it was a village in ind

23、ia. the people were poor. however, they were not unhappy. after all, their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries. then one day, some visitors from the city arrived. they told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frogs legs. however, they did not have enough f

24、rogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other places. this seemed like money for nothing. there were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. all they had to do was to catch them. agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields

25、to catch frogs. every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. for the first time, the people were able to dream of a better future. but the dream didnt last long. the change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well. more worrying wa

26、s that the children fell ill more often, and, there seemed to be more insects around lately. the villagers decided that they couldnt just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. they would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides杀虫剂and medicines. soon there was no money le

27、ft. then the people realized what was happening. it was the frog. they hadnt been useless. they had been doing an important jobeating insects. now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing more rapidly. they were damaging the crops and spreading diseases. now, the people are still poor.

28、 but in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs. these sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning. 根据短文内容,从每题所给的四个选项a、b、c和d中,选出最正确选项。56. from paragraph 1 we learn that the villagers _. a. worked very hard for centuriesb. dreamed of having a bette

29、r life c. lived a different life from their forefathersd. were poor but somewhat satisfied57.why did the villagers agree to sell frogs? a. they needed money to buy medicine.b. the frogs were easy money. c. they wanted to please the visitors.d. the frogs made too much noise.58. what might be the caus

30、e of the childrens sickness? a. the crops didnt do well.b. there were too many insects. c. the visitors brought in diseases. d. the pesticides were overused.59. which of the following is true according to the passage? a. the visitors bought the frogs for medicineb. the villages didnt do anything to

31、protect their crops and childrenc. the villagers stopped selling frogs to the visitors after they realized what was happeningd. the villagers lived a happy life after they sold the frogs.60. what can you learn from the passage? a. man should go against nature.b. man can overcome nature. c. man shoul

32、d live in harmony with nature.d. man has stronger power than nature.b i was travelling in china a couple of years ago. we travelers were touring some very rural areas the particular location was the ancient city about 40 miles outside of wenzhou. i was the only brown-skinned person in sight. people

33、were quite fascinated with me, and would stare, and sometimes photograph me. i was getting a little annoyed, but i thought why not send my fellow travelers love in my thoughts. as we walked through this village we came upon a family making rice wine. they appeared to have few but happy smiles. as we

34、 got closer, i saw a small little figure dart into their little home. their little toddler, about 3 years old, approached me. she was an lovely little thing. she wore quite tattered clothes and had dirt on her face. as i bent down, she reached out and gave me a little ragged and tattered doll. her g

35、randmother explained that she only had a few toys but that she wanted to give this doll to me because as she saw me approaching she believed that i was an angel coming to bring her luck. i was in tears that this little baby girl felt that i was a symbol of goodness because i appeared more different

36、than others she had seen. she hugged me without fear. i felt that i couldnt possibly walk away with her doll, but i also understood the law of giving, and that what you give with all your heart, returns to you blessed and multiplied. that little girl and that sweet little hug will stay in my heart f

37、orever. any time i feel uncertain about giving, especially when my resources seem stretched i remember her ability to give without a second thought. who knows, she may grow up to be a head of state, but to me she was an angel that walks this earth as a constant reminder of love and compassion.64. th

38、e author thinks that when you give with all your heart, you will _ . a. become an angelb. become a head of state c. deserve high praisesd. receive a good return65. the little girl is important to the author because the little girl _. a. reminds the author of loveb. gave the author a happy hug c. has

39、 very happy smilesd. lived a poor lifecdear anne, i like your column very much. i met a girl four years ago at a gym. she was the one who originally approached me and we became good friends. then one day, she made me really angry, so angry that i just left and we never saw each other again. looking

40、back, i really regret ending things that way. it was a cowardly act on my part, but i had a terrible temper at that time and let the smallest thing get to me. recently, ive started thinking about her again and i looked up her e-mail address. i thought about writing to say “hi and apologize for what

41、i did but im not sure. she could still be angry with me, or maybe she has forgotten me. i feel very lonely and i want to see her again. what should i do?tomdear tom, she may still be angry with you, and she may have forgotten the friendship between you, but that doesnt mean she doesnt deserve an apo

42、logy. tom, how many of us have wished for the day that someone who treated us badly saw the light and finally owned up? but we rarely get that kind of expected result. so sure, e-mail her and say hi. tell her you have been thinking about her and just want to apologize for getting angry and being a c

43、oward by walking out on her. but you should remember if she thinks youre apologizing just because you are lonely, she might dismiss your sincerity. therefore, dont mention that. if she wants to see you again, shell make sure that happens. even if she doesnt want to be your friend, i can assure you,

44、shell appreciate the gesture. and it might make you think twice next time you get angry.anne66. in the letter, anne is probably _. a. toms friendb. toms teacherc. a columnistd. a woman reporter67. what is troubling tom? a. he cant get in touch with his former friend. b. he regrets letting his former

45、 friend leave him. c. he doesnt know whether to apologize to his former friend. d. he is uncertain whether his former friend can forgive him.68. the underlined phrase “owned up in the third paragraph probably means “_. a. returned ones wealthb. controlled ones feeling c. recovered ones couraged. adm

46、itted ones mistake69. which of the following is what anne advises tom to do? a. tell her that he expects to see her again. b. express his sincere apology to her. c. tell her that he is very lonelyd. beg her to give him another chance70. anne wants to tell tom that _. a. an apology is better late tha

47、n neverb. he should think twice before he gets angry c. its no use crying over spilt milkd. he should answer for his wrong doings.d without question, one of the most important festivals in many asian countries is the mid- autumn festival, also known as the moon festival. as the name suggests, this f

48、estival is held in the middle of autumn every year. because the precise date of the mid- autumn festival is based on the chinese lunar calendar, it is held on a different date every year, but it is always on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. this date usually falls sometime in late august

49、 or september. there are many legends about the origins of this festival. one ancient chinese myth tells of a great archer, hou yi, and his wife, chang o (or change). according to the legend, at one time there were ten suns in the sky, rather than the one we have today, and the world was in danger o

50、f dying. hou yi used his bow to shoot nine of the suns, and save the earth. as a reward, the goddess of the western heaven gave hou yi the elixir of immortality. however, the curious chang o drank it accidentally. she found herself becoming lighter and lighter until eventually she reached the moon,

51、where she lives in her palace to this day, with a rabbit who makes magic potions for the gods. in china as well as in other countries, this festival is marked by family reunions, gazing at the moon, and by friends and family exchanging “moon cakes. the moon cake is a small round cake, stuffed with s

52、uch things as red bean paste, five different types of nuts, lotus paste, and the yolk from a duck egg. in hong kong during the mid-autumn festival, a table is set outside the house, with dishes of round fruit (which represent the full moon), moon cakes, rice, wine, and tea. korea also celebrates its

53、 own version of the mid- autumn festival. all stores and businesses take the day off so that families can spend the day together. on the morning of this holiday, almost everyone dresses up in their finest clothesmen in suits and women in the national dress of korea. for many people, the first busine

54、ss of the day is to visit the family burial place where families offer sacrifices of traditional food at graves. the family then comes together for dinner. the mid- autumn festival in vietnam is seen as a childrens festival, but it is also enjoyed by adults. moon cakes are exchanged and enjoyed by e

55、veryone. paper lanterns are also an important part of the celebration in vietnam, many shops begin selling the lanterns long before the festival, and children may be seen playing with them for several days before the actual day of the celebration. on the night of the mid- autumn festival, children put candles into their lanterns, and then they all take their lanterns out onto the streets where the colorful parade of glowing shapes lights up the night under the full moon.71. what is the best title for this passage?a. celebrating the moon fe


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