



1、unit 5 第1课时warming up.单词拼写根据以下句子所提供的汉语提示或所给单词的首字母,写出各单词正确的形式(每空限写一词)。1i wanted to go out, but i had no money. i had no a_to staying at home.2the morning's work was constantly,_(打断)by phone calls.3during the disaster years, many people had died of s_.4dogs have an a_sense of smell.5the kitchen

2、9;s always so m_after we've had guests. give me a hand to do it over, will you?6p_man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones.7we agreed with his acute_(分析)of the political situation.8the s_for college students of doing a part­time job means more than money and experience.9_(删除)his na

3、me from the list. 10this is one of the songs on her latest a_.11the river forms the d_between the heavy industrial and light industrial areas of the city.12the doctor felt her p_on her wrist.f13the audience warmly a_when the performance came to the end.14a reward has been offered for information tha

4、t leads to the a_of the murderer.15it was very s_of you to repair my bicycle.16please come out with your _(试探性的)ideas at the meeting.17r_of how creative and skillful you are, we urge you not to do this.18the children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the _(幼儿园)19the _(接待员)answered my

5、call and made an appointment with the doctor.20sunshine, fresh air, and rest often a_ a person's recovery from sickness.答案:1alternative我想出去,可是没钱;只能待在家里。2interrupted上午的工作不断被 铃声打断。3starvation灾年中很多人饿死了。4acute狗的嗅觉很敏锐。5messy家里来了客人之后,厨房总是那么乱,请你帮助我们清扫一下好吗?6primitive原始人用尖石块和动物的骨头制造工具。7analysis我们都同意他对政治形

6、势的深刻分析。8significance大学生打工的意义还不仅在于钱和经验。9delete把他的名字从名单上删去。10album这是她的最新歌集唱片里的一首歌。11division这条河成了这座城市重工业区和轻工业区的分界线。12pulse这位医生在她的手腕上号脉。13applauded当演出接近尾声时, 观众热烈鼓掌。14arrest有人悬赏,征求缉拿谋杀案凶手的线索。15skilful/skillful你修好了我的自行车, 技术真好。16tentative请把你的初步设想在会上讲一讲。17regardless不管你多么有创造力和富于技巧,请你一定不要这样做。18kindergarten孩子

7、们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。19receptionist接待员接的 ,帮我和医生预约了一个时间。20accelerate阳光、新鲜空气和休息常会促使病人早日康复。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a,b,c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。“everything happens for the best,my mother said whenever i_1_disappointment.“if you can carry on, one day something_2_will happen. and you'll realize that it

8、wouldn't have happened if not for that_3_disappointment.mother was right,_4_i discovered after graduating from college in 1932. i had decided to_5_a job in radio, then work my way up to sports_6_. i hitchhiked to chicago and_7_on the door of every station but got turned_8_every time.in one studi

9、o, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an_9_person.“go out in the sticks and find a small station that will give you a_10_, she said.i thumbed home to dixon illionis,_11_there was no radio­announcing job in dixon, my father said montgomery ward has opened a store and

10、wanted a local athlete to_12_its sports department. since dixon was where i had played high school football, i_13_. the job_14_just right for me. but i wasn't hired.my disappointment must have_15_.“everything happens for the best, mom_16_me. dad offered me a car to hunt for a job. i tried woc ra

11、dio in davenport, iowa. the program director, a wonderful scotsman named peter macarthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.as i felt his office, my frustration_17_. i asked aloud,“how can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?i was waiting for

12、the elevator_18_i heard macarthur calling,“what was that you said about sports? do you know anything about football?“then he asked me to stand before a microphone and to broadcast a(n)_19_game.on my way home, once again i thought of my mother's words. i often wonder what_20_my life might have ta

13、ken if i had gotten the job at montgomery ward.文章大章:本文是一篇记叙文。“一切都会好起来的是母亲对作者的劝慰。作者大学毕业后,想谋求一份播音员的工作,却屡遭拒绝。每当作者流露出失望的表情时就会想到母亲的这句提醒。最后,作者如愿以偿。1a.facedbreceivedcconsidered dmet答案:a句意:无论我什么时候面对失望,母亲都会告诉我一切都会好起来的。2a.useful bhelpfulcwonderful dgood答案:d与上文的“失望相对应,这里表示“如果坚持下去,就会有好的结果。3a.old bpreviouscorigi

14、nal dearly答案:bprevious表示“(时间上)稍前的,刚刚出现的,符合语境;而original表示“最初的,早先的,不符合语境。4a.when bascwhere dwhile答案:bas引导非限制性定语从句,其先行词为前面的整个句子。5a.try out btry onctry for dtry over答案:c根据上下文内容可知,此处表示“试图获得,力争赢得。try out“试验;try on“试穿;均不符合句意。无“try over这一搭配。6a.player bannouncercmanager dfan答案:b依据下文“there was no radio­a

15、nnouncing job以及“hired an announcer可知,此处表示作者想做一名体育节目的播音员。7a.knocked barrivedcapproached dhunted答案:a根据下文“on the door of every station可推知,此处应该是指敲门。8a.out boffcon ddown答案:d由“but以及本句前面的内容可知,这里表示“每次都被拒绝。turn out“证明是;turn off“关闭;turn on“翻开;turn down“拒绝。9a.unexpected bimpossiblecinexperienced dfrightened答案:

16、cunexpected“意想不到的;impossible“不可能的;inexperienced“(指人)没有经验的;frightened“受到惊吓的。根据句意可知,此处表示大的电台不会雇用没有经验的人。10a.job bsuggestioncchance dadvantage答案:c联系上下文内容可知,此处意为“到小的电台可能会有时机(chance)。job“工作;suggestion“建议;chance“时机;advantage“优势。11a.while bwhencwhich dso答案:a依据前后句的意思可知,此处应用“while,意为“尽管,表示让步。12a.work breceive

17、carrange ddesign答案:awork“经营,管理;receive“收到;arrange“安排;design“设计。13a.accepted bagreedcapplied dpromised答案:c 联系上下文语境可知,这里表示申请(这份工作)。accept“接受;agree“同意;promise“承诺;均不符合句意。14a.sounded bbecamecgot dgrew答案:a从下文“but i wasn't hired.可知,作者没有得到这份工作。15a e bshowncdisappeared dbrightened答案:b句意:我失望的表情一定流露出来了。com

18、e“到来;show“流露出;disappear“消失;brighten“使明亮。16a.recovered bencouragedchugged dreminded答案:drecover“恢复;enourage“鼓励;huge“拥抱;remind“提醒。从文中反复出现的“ everything happens for the best这句话可知,此处是母亲在“提醒作者。17a.boiled over bturned overcrun over dtook over答案:a从下文的问句内容可知,这里应用“boiled over,表示作者沮丧到了极点。turn over“打翻;run over“辗

19、过;take over“接管,均不符合句意。18a.after bascwhen dbefore答案:c依据句意可知,此处应用when表示“正在这时。19a.forceful bclosecimaginary dordinary答案:c依据语境可知,答案选imaginary“抽象中的;foreceful“强有力的;close“接近的;ordinary“普通的,均不符合句意。20a.side bactioncapproach ddirection答案:d考查名词辨析。此处表示作者自己的人生“方向。side“边,面;action“行动;approach“靠近,方法;direction“方向。.阅读

20、理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最正确答案。(3月市高考模拟考试)rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a major cause of climate change, and now a new study has confirmed that atmospheric co2 is also affecting the ocean chemistry and potenitally harming sea life.montans state university scientist rober

21、t dore has been researching the water in the pacific ocean for almost two decades.“we've been going to the same spot in the pacific ocean, and we try to characterize long­term change in the open ocean environment. and one of the key things that we measure is co2 levels. and we've been a

22、ble to record this increasing quantity of atmospheric co2 into the ocean.scientists expected that as atmospheric co2 increased, more and more of the carbon dioxide would be absorbed into the ocean, affecting the chemical balance of the sea water with a potentially harmful impact on shellfish and cor

23、al in particular.“as carbon dioxide dissolves(溶解)in the water or seawater in this case, it forms a weak acid, carbonic acid,“dore explains.and therefore, as the concentration of co2 in the atmosphere goes up and that exchanges with the surface seawater, it drives the ph down, and makes it more acidi

24、c.the seawater dore and his collegues have analyzed confirms what the theory predicts.the effect was particularly striking at about 250 meters down, and again at 500 meters. dore and his collegues came up with two possible explanations. it could be that surface water picked up co2 and then moved to

25、those depths. or there could be a biological explanation.“it's important to realize that the oceans are really becoming acidic. and it could have negative impacts on a whole variety of sea life from fish to coral. it's potentially catastrohpic.文章大意:空气中二氧化碳含量增加是气候变化的主要原因,也影响到海水的化学构成,伤害到海洋生物。1

26、what can be the best title of the passage?asea life facing dangerbscientist researching seawatercoceans becoming more acidicdclimate change affecting seawater答案:a主旨大意题。文章为研究结果的报道,开篇点题。第一段中的“.atmospheric co2 is also affecting the ocean chemistry and potentially harming sea life为主题句,下文围绕此展开说明,故a项正确。2with the increase of atmospheric co2,_.amore corals will appear in the seabthe surface water is becoming warmercthe chemical balance of the sea


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