



1、unit 4 第1课时.单词拼写1in this quiet way, the first_(两星期)of her visit soon passed away.2much new knowledge is_(遥远的)from the immediate interest of the ordinary person.3there is an active demand for_(作口译的人)during the trade fair.4an officer climbed on to the_(平台)and spoke to him.5i can not understand so abst

2、ract c_.6what things do you do w_or monthly, but not every day?7he tried to a_his daily plan to leave time for everything.8what you said is not r_to the matter in hand.9do you know how a(n)_(宇航员)flies in a spacecraft?10the rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this_(角度)11they celebrate

3、their wedding a_annually.12the government calls on the youth to d_their blood voluntarily.13the purposes of the united nations are to maintain international peace and s_.14the quickest way to sew is with a s_machine.15he gave his son some money for the p_of his school books.16getting the balance bet

4、ween two_(政治的)forces involves a lot of arts.17the children's _(门诊部)was open during school hours.18having lost his job, he'd begun to interest himself in local_(志愿的)work.19it is quite necessary to know the age_(分布)in the population.20all the machines are listed in the_(目录).完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中

5、(120)所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个最正确答案。this story is about a 92­year­old proud lady. she is fully_1_each morning by eight, with her hair fashionable coifed(戴头巾)and makeup perfectly applied,_2_she is legally blind. she is moving to a nursing home today. her husband of 70 years old recently_3_, makin

6、g the move necessary.after many hours of waiting_4_in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when_5_her room was ready. as she directed her walker to the elevator, i provided a visual_6_of her tiny room, including the eyelet(圆孔眼)sheets that had been hung on her window.“i_7_it,she stated w

7、ith the enthusiasm of an eight­year­old who had just been_8_with a new puppy(小狗)“mrs jones, you haven't seen the_9_yet. just wait.“that doesn't have anything to do with it,she replied.“_10_is something you decide on ahead of time. whether i like my room or not doesn't_11_how th

8、e furniture is arranged. it's_12_i arrange my mind. i already_13_to love it. it's a decision i make every morning when i wake up.“i have a_14_. i can spend the day in bed listing the difficulty i have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be_15_for the ones tha

9、t do. each day is a_16_, and as long as my eyes open i'll focus on the new day and all the happy_17_i've stored away.just for this time in my life.“old age is_18_a bank account.you withdraw from what you've put in. so, my advice to you would be to_19_a lot of happiness in the bank accoun

10、t of memories. thank you for your part in_20_my memory bank. i am still storing.文章大意:这是一篇夹叙夹议文,介绍一位92岁高龄的老人积极的人生态度:人生就像储蓄账户一样,我们应在年轻时多储存美好的记忆,以便在年迈时有丰富的记忆可提取。like表示“像一样;如同。1a.preparedbdevotedcoccupied ddressed答案:d根据下文“with her hair fashionable coifed(戴头巾)and makeup perfectly applied推断她每天穿戴整齐,衣着讲究。2a

11、.as if beven thoughcin case dso that答案:b尽管(even though)已经失明,她还是坚持这样(穿戴打扮)。3a.took over bpassed awaycpassed by dturned away答案:b她丈夫最近“去世了,搬家就很有必要了。pass away“去世,符合语境。take over“接收,pass by“经过,turn away“拒绝。4a.anxiously beagerlycpatiently dexcitedly答案:c92岁的老人等待数小时还甜甜地微笑,说明她很有“耐心。5a.told bwarnedcexplained d

12、suggested答案:a这是“when she was told that.的省略。当她被告知房间准备好时,她甜甜地笑了。6a.appreciation bselectioncdescription dexpression答案:c当她拄着拐杖走向电梯时,我对她的小房间进行了视觉上的描述。description表示“介绍,描述。7a.love bbelievecneed dtake答案:a从下文来看,老人是在用积极的心态面对生活,这里意为:我热爱我的房间。8a pared bdesertedcstatisfied dpresented答案:d她说话时就像一个八岁的孩子得到了一只小狗一样快乐,富

13、有激情。9a.puppy bwindowcroom dnurse答案:c老人还没有住进房间就说很喜欢,这让人很惊讶。10a.life bluckchappiness dsuccess答案:c老人说那没有关系。幸福(happiness)是你提前决定好的事情。11a.look on bdepend oncfocus on dtake on答案:b我是否喜欢房间与里边的家具摆设没有关系。depend on“依靠,取决于。12a.how bwhatcwhether dwhen答案:a我如何安排我的想法才是重要的。13a.agreed bforgotcremembered ddecided答案:d由上文

14、的“you decide on ahead of time可知答案。14a.purpose bdecisioncchoice dpower答案:c老人认为自己每天起床都面临一个“选择:是积极面对还是消极应付。15a.upset bthankfulclucky dhelpful答案:b是数落自己身体上不方便的地方,还是为那些还很管用的部位心存感谢呢?16a.process bgiftcstep dpuzzle答案:b每天都是(上帝赐予的)礼物(gift)。17a.experiences bcharacterscscenes dmemories答案:d根据最后一段可知,平时应多储存幸福的记忆,那是

15、年迈时的财富。18a.beyond blikecover damong答案:b老人比喻说,人生就像储蓄账户一样,年轻时多储蓄美好的记忆,年迈时就有丰富的记忆可提取。like表示“像一样;如同。19a.store bgaincwin dtaste答案:a根据下文“i am still storing可知答案。store表示“贮存;储藏。20a.opening bfindingcfilling dadding答案:c谢谢你充实(fill)我的记忆宝库。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最正确答案。long ago, poems were recited out lo

16、ud instead of being written down. when the greeks first started the olympics, they held poetry contest as well as athletic competitions.now, poetry competitions have been revived(恢复). this year 120,000 high school students competed in the first poetry out loud national recitation contest, performing

17、 poems from memory for $100, 000 in prizes.the first competitions were held in classrooms. the winners went on to school­wide contests, and then they competed in city and state competitions. finally, the 50 state champions, along with the district of columbia champion came to washington, dc. la

18、st week for the last showdown. after the 51 champions competed against one another,12 went on to the finals. then the field was narrowed to five. the final five had one last chance to“performa poem. the overall champ, jackson hille, a high school senior from ohio, won a $ 20,000 scholarship.the nati

19、onal endowment for the arts and the poetry foundation started poetry out loud because they realized that hearing a poem performed is a different experience from reading it on a page.it's not just a matter of saying the words in the right order. it's the tone of voice, the pauses, the gesture

20、s, and the attitude of the person performing that bring the words to life.“each time we hear somebody recite a poem, we find something fresh and interesting about it,says national public radio broadcaster scott simon, master of ceremonies for the finals. hearing it in a new voice offers something ne

21、w to the listener.not only do the people hearing poems have a new experience, memorizing and presenting poems helps the participants(选手)understand those poems in a new way. another benefit of a competition such as poetry out loud is that the participants learn public­speaking skills that can he

22、lp them for life.文章大意:诗歌仅仅在书上阅读是远远不够的,通过朗诵和聆听,同一首歌会给人带来新的感受。1from the first paragraph, we can know_.athe greeks were the first to write poemsbthe olympics used to start with poem recitingcpoems were spread orally in the pastdathletes were asked to recite poems before competing答案:c推理判断题。从第一段中的“long a

23、go, poems were recited out loud instead of being written down.可知,在很早以前诗歌只是口头朗诵的,故可知当时诗歌的传播方式为口头传授,应选c。2how many rounds of competitions did the champions take before they went to washington, dc.?athree. bfour.cfive. dsix.答案:b细节理解题。从第三段的介绍中可知,参赛者经过在班里、在、然后在市里和州里的比赛后,才到华盛顿进行决赛。故b项正确。3according to the passage, hearing a poem recited by different people can_.abring a new life to listenersbhelp listeners find their interestcmake listeners learn the wordsdoffer something new t


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