已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、主从复合句主句是主体,从句只是句子的一个成分,换言之,将句子(除谓语外)的各个成分扩展开来就成了从句。关联词分五类:疑问代词:who(whom/whose), which, what, 关系代词:who(whom/whose), which, that, 疑问副词:when, where, why, how关系副词:when, where, why 从属连词:that (无词义), whether, if, although, after because, before, when, since, as soon as, as long as只有从属连词没有句子功用,即不担任句子成分。从句分为

2、五类:主语从句宾语从句表语从句 前三项都是名词性从句,句中作用如同名词。一般都不用逗号,所用关联词相同:1,连词that/whether/if 2, 疑问代词who/what/which 3, 疑问副词when /where /how /why(引导间接疑问句)定语从句状语从句记住一个句子学会一种句法现象。一主语从句subject clause,也可分为三种:that引导的主从 / 由连接代副词引导的主从 / what和whoever等引导的主从。 1由that引导的主从,用得最多。(that 后面是主语)“That she became an artist may have been due

3、 to her fathers influence.” 她成为画家可能是受其父亲的影响。上面句子看着别扭陌生,换成it引导的句子就熟悉了,因为一般除强调外都后置而由it代替,有五种形式:(1)It + be + adj + that 、 It is natural that they should have different views. (2)It + be + noun + that、 Its a wonder that you are still alive. (3)It + verb (+ object(宾语) or adverbial(副词) + that、 It seems th

4、at youre right. It struck me that we ought to make a new plan. 我忽然想起我们应该制订一个新计划。It never occurred to me that perhaps she was lying. 我从未想到或许她是在说谎 (4)It + be verb-ed + that、 It was rumored (It is said) that you was suffering from a stone in the kidney. 谣传说/据说你得了肾结石。(5)It + verb be + that、 No, no, it c

5、ouldnt be that they were interested in him. 不,不,他们不可能对他有兴趣。口语中that可以省略:It was clear(that) his words pleased her. 显然他的话使她高兴。2由连接代/副词引导的主从When hell be back depends much on the weather. Who is to be sent there hasnt been decided. Its clear enough what he meant. 两种结构都能用,但是it结构更多, 有四种形式。it + be + adj + c

6、lauseIt was not clear to me why he behaved like that. 我不太清楚他为什么会这样做。it + be + noun + clause Its a puzzle how life began. 生命如何开始是一个谜it + verb (+ object or adverbial) + clause It doesnt matter much where I live. 我住在哪里都没多大关系。it + be verb-ed + clauseIt is not yet settled whether I am going to American.

7、3由what / whatever / whoever引导的主从What will be, will be. 该发生的事总会发生。红色为从句What is over is over. 过去的事就过去了。Whatever my dad did was right. 俺爹做的都是对的。Whatever she says goes. 一切她说了算。Whoever comes will be welcomed. 谁来都欢迎Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪个,哪个就归你。二宾语从句object clause. 1由that引导到宾从,有时that可省略I suspecte

8、d that it was a trick to get our money. 我怀疑这是一个骗我们钱的圈套Who can guarantee that hell keep his word? 谁能保证他会遵守诺言?You can depend upon it, I shall be there. 先行宾语(现行宾语中间要有逗号)你放心,我会去那里的。I take it they have left for home. 我猜想他们已经回家了。2由连接代词或副词引导宾从Write me how you got home. 写信告诉我你怎能到家的Only you can decide who th

9、e best choice is. 只有你能决定谁是最佳人选。I wonder what you call this stuff. 我想知道,你管这玩艺叫什么。3由whether/if引导的宾从Im wondering whether you would care to spend the evening with me. 不知道你是否愿意跟我们共度今宵。I asked her if I might call and see her. 我问她是否可以去看她。4由关系代词what引导的宾从Show me what youve bought. 把你买的东西给我看看。I could not expr

10、ess what I felt. 我无法表达内心的感受As a friend of yours, I want to tell you what I hear. 作为你的朋友,我想把听到的事告诉你。5作介词的宾从,其他从句这样用较少:Dont oke your nose into探听what doesnt concern you. 别多管闲事。?6 whatever/whichever/whomever这类词也可引导宾从:Ill just say whatever comes into my head. 想到什么就说什么。Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。Giv

11、e it to whomever you like. 你愿意给谁就给谁。三表语从句predicative clause,有二类1由that引导的表语从句The fact is (that) she never liked him. 事实是她从未喜欢过他。His only fault is that he lacks ambition. 他唯一的缺点是缺乏雄心大志。2 由连接代/副词引导的、由关系代词型的what引导的Thats not what I meant. 这不是我的意思。The question is whos responsible for what has happened. 问题

12、是发生了这事该谁负责。Times arent what they were. 时代不同了。Thats what I am here for. 这就是我来这里的目的。(四定语从句attributive clause 没看!1 定从的关联词有二:关系代词(在从句中作主/宾/定)who(whom/whose), which, that和关系副词(在从句中作状语)when, where, why等。例如:Girl who works in restaurant is called waitress. This is Johnson, whose wife work at a department st

13、ore.2 Which和that的区别:关系代词which指物,做主语和宾语。限制性定从中作宾语时可省略。关系代词that, 指物也指人,做主语和宾语,指物时与which相同。There are the things that(which)you need. 这些就是你要的东西。A dictionary is a book, which gives the meaning of words. 词典是解释词义的书。Who is the person that is working at a computer over there. 在计算机上干活的那个人是谁?3 在下列情形下,只能用that:

14、(1)先行词是all / everything / nothing / something(有时例外用which) / anything / little等不定代词时。Is there anything (that) I can do for you in town? 有什么事我可以在城里代你办吗?Thats all (that) I know. 我知道的就是这些。(2)先行词为序数词所修饰时。The first thing (that) I should do is to work out a plan. 我该做的第一件事是订个计划。(3)先行词为形容词最高级所修饰时。This is one

15、 of the most exciting football games (that) I have ever seen. 这是我看过的足球赛中最激烈的一场。4 限制性定从和非限制性定从:意义上可缺否,形式上有无逗号。(1)that引导的定从大多是限制性的。 注意:非限制性定从不能使用that和关系副词why, 也不能省略任何关系副词,这类从句主要出现在书面语中。如:This is the best film that I have ever seen. Last night I saw a very good film, which was about the Anti-Japanese W

16、ar. “昨晚我看了一部很棒的电影,是关于抗日战争的”只是补充说明,翻译时多译成并列句:Sunday is a holiday, when people do not go to work. 礼拜天是假日,这一天人们不上班。(2)非限制性定从中which/whom常可以跟of或其他介词连用。Mr. Smith, for whom I was working, was very generous about overtime payments. 史密斯先生是我的老板,她付超时工资很大方。 The buses, most of which were already full, were surro

17、unded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大多都已满载,周围是一大群愤怒的人。 My kids, both of whom study abroad, ring me up, saying Hi, every week. 我的俩孩子都在国外读书,每周给我打来电话问安。 (3)在限制性定从中,当关系代词在从句中作宾语时,大多可省略,特别是在被修饰的词为all / everything等词时。如:Thats the only thing we can do now. 这是我们现在唯一能做的事。All you have to do is to fill out this form.

18、你只需要填这张表就行了。关系副词when时间状语, where地点状语,why原因状语。Do you remember the time when he fell off his bicycle? 你记得他从自行车上摔下来的时间吗?The book is on the table where you left it. 那书在你拉在那儿的桌子上。I dont know the reason why he was so rude. 我不知道他为什么这么无礼。(4)注意,有些时间定从并不由when引导,特别在某些句型中。Every time the telephone rings, he gets

19、nervous. 电话铃一响他就紧张。Come any time you like. 你随便什么时候来都行。She made me feel at home the moment I arrived. 我一到达她就使我感到无拘无束。(5)在way后面的定从,不跟关系代词或副词。 Thats the way I look at it. 这就是我对这事的看法。 I did not like the way he eyed me. 我不喜欢他瞪着我瞧的样子。(6)关系代词which的先行词,有时是整个主句或部分意思,这时which的意思相当于and this。They rely on themsel

20、ves, which is much better. 他们依靠自己,这样好得多。He drank beer, which made him fat. 他喝啤酒,这使他发胖。(7)Which有时在定从中作定语I called him by the wrong name, for which mistake I should apologize. 我把他的名字叫错了,对此错误我应道歉。 (8) 定语从句被分词短语代替由who 或 that (which) 作主语的限制性定从,有时可以被分词短语代替,更为简练。There are many students who are studying Engl

21、ish in this school. - There are many students studying English in this school. (9)一些其他定语从句 as主要和such 连用,也可用作关代引导定从:Such money as he earned was spent on spirits烈性酒and tobacco. 他挣的那点钱都花在烟酒上了。There was a look of fear in his eyes, such as people have when they are suddenly awakened. 他眼中透出一种人们突然被叫醒时露出的惊恐

22、情绪。 as可以单独引导定从He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 我可以从他的口音中听出他是个外国人。You are a teacher, as is clear from your manner. 你是位教师,这从你的举止上可以看得很清楚。As was expected, he performed the task with success. 正像预料的,他成功地完成了任务。 (10) But也可用作关系代词来引导定从,意思接近于that (who)not。这种用法已显陈旧。 There is no tree but bears som

23、e fruit. 没有不结果的树 There are very few but admire his talents. 很少有人不佩服他的才华。 Surely there isnt a teacher but faces this problem. 可以肯定,凡是老师都面临着这个问题。 (11)Whereby, wherein, whereupon也可以引导定从Theyve set a plan whereby (=by which) you can spread cost over a period. 他们定出了一个办法,照此你可以分期付款。He gazed once more around

24、 the room, wherein (=in which) were assembled his entire family. 他再次注目于屋内各处,那里聚集了他全家。I told her she looked fat, whereupon (=upon which) she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears. 我告她她看上去胖了,听了这话她把平底锅里的东西都向我泼来,然后便放声大哭。五状语从句adverbial clause状从句修饰动词,形容词和副词等,由从属连词引导。其位于句首时,常用逗

25、号;而放在句末一般不用。八种状从:时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,方式,让步,条件。1时间状语从句Adverbial Clauses of Time:when / as当,一边一边 / while在、期间 / after / before / as soon as / since / till(until) / whenever 等等All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是先难后易。On and on he went, till/until he reached the outskirts of the wood. 他走啊走啊,直到走

26、到树林边。Once youve finished, go to bed. 你一干完就去睡觉。Come and talk to me whenever you feel lonely. 感到寂寞时就来和我说说话。注意when / as / while的区别:when从句动作可以和主句动作同时发生,也可以先于主句动作。As和while都是同时。It was raining when we arrived. 同时发生When I pressed the button the radio stopped. 从句动作先于主句动作。She sang as she worked. 同时,边、边、While

27、you were away, two persons came to see you. 同时。你不在时有两个人找你。注意2:有些时状从句不用连词引导He came directly I called. 我一叫他就来了。He had no sooner reached the door than he came back. 他刚到门口又走了回来。2地点状从of Place:where / wherever / anywhere例如:Well go wherever you say. 你说到哪,就到哪。You can go anywhere you want. 你想去哪就去哪。He was alw

28、ays ready to give help where help was needed. where还可表示处境等,译法灵活。Its your fault that she is where she is. 她今天这样是你的错。Where others are weak, he is strong. 别人的弱点正是他的优势。Where bees are, there is honey. 有蜂就有蜜。3原因状从of Reason: because / for / since既然 / now that既然 / as由于例如:Maize is also called Indian corn bec

29、ause it was first grown by the American Indians.因为玉米是美洲印第安人首先种植的,所以又叫印第安玉米。(回答why,语气最强,是全句的重心所在)As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.你是自作自受。-表示较明显原因,常放在主句前面Since Im here today, I saw everything. 今天我既然在这,我一切都看见了。(跟as相似,表示稍加分析后的原因,且多少是对方已知熟悉而不待言的原因)The days are short, for it is now December. 白天

30、短了,因为现在已经是十二月了。(跟because相似,但for只能表示上文未表示的新情况,只能放在句末)Now that you have the chance ,you had better avail yourself of it. 既然你有了机会,你最好利用起来。Please dont try to back out now that everything has been arranged. 现在一切都安排好了,请不要打退堂鼓。Now youre here, you may make yourself useful. 你已经来了,不妨帮帮忙。Considering(专门存在这个词不是派

31、生) hes only just started, he knows quite a lot about it. 考虑到他才刚刚开始,他对此已经懂得相当多了。4目的状从Adverbial Clauses of Purpose:that以便 / so that以便 / in order that以便 / “We have so arranged matters that one of us is always on duty”. 我们作了这样的安排,以便我们总有一人值班。(so that / in order that从句中都常用may/might,但so that引导的从句也可用can/cou

32、ld)I spoke slowly and in simple English in order that the students might understand what I said. Ill show you so you can see how its done. 我将做给你看,以便你知道怎样做。They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard. 他们低声说话,以防被人听见。Shut the window for fear that it may rain. 关好窗子以防下雨。5结果状从Adverbial Clause of Resu

33、lt:sothat (so that) 如此、以至于 / suchthat / that / otherwise / or else (else) So many people came to the concert that some couldnt get in. 那么多人来听音乐会,以致有些人没法进来。Shes so ill (that) she cant get out of bed. 她病得很重,都下不了床了。English is such a difficult language that you have to apply yourself. The situation is s

34、uch that agreement is unlikely. 局势是这样,达成协议的可能性不大。There was such a draught(dra:ft), it is no wonder he caught a cold. 过堂风这样厉害,难怪她感冒了。Im so busy; I have no time to write a letter. 我忙极了,没时间写信。She had intellect; otherwise I would have scorned her. 他很聪明,否则我早就瞧不起他了。Run or else youll be late. 快跑,否则就迟到了。Dri

35、nk this, else youll be sick. 把这个喝掉,否则你会生病。6方式或比较状从of Mannerof Comparison:as正如 / like / as if (as though) 好像,宛如 / than比 / asas / not as(so)as / the more the more Unit ten is not so difficult as Unit Nine. Do it like I do. 照我那样做。When at Rome, do as the Romans do. 入境随俗。She looked a bit queer, as if she

36、 knew something. 她看起来有点怪,好像她知道什么似的。不用连词引导Now they dont do it the way we did it. 他们现在的做法和我们以前不一样。Youre behaving the same way your elder sister used to. 你的表现和你姐姐过去的表现一样。Arrange the hours however you like. 你的时间怎么安排都行。He earns less than his wife (does). 他挣的钱比他妻子少。You know much more than I did at your ag

37、e. 你知道的东西比我在你这个岁数时知道的要多得多。He is as tall as his father. I havent done as much as I should have liked. 我做得没有我希望的那么好。7让步状从 of Concession:虽然though(although) / while / whereas / even if (even though) 即使 / no matter不管Although/though he had very little money; he always managed to dress smartly. 虽说他没有几个钱,却总

38、是穿得很时髦。I wouldnt do it, even if / even though you paid me a thousand pounds. 即使你付我一千英镑,我也不敢这事。Some praised me, whereas (而)others condemned me. 有人赞扬我,而另一些人却谴责我。Late as it was, he continued the work. 尽管时间不早了,他仍在工作。(as从句的表语常放在句首形成倒装)Come what may, he would never let her down. 不管发生什么情况,他绝不会做对不起她的事。She s

39、ays shell follow him no matter who tries to stop her. 她说不管谁来阻拦,她都要跟他走。Wherever you are ,Ill be thinking of you. 不管在哪里,我都会想着你。no matter who = whoever no matter what = whatever no matter which = whichever no matter how = howeverno matter when = whenever no matter where = wherever8条件状从Adverbial Clauses

40、 of Condition:if / unless / suppose (supposing)假设 / providing (provided)假若 / as(so) long as只要If I were you, Id learn English at once. We have a meeting every Friday, unless there is noting to discuss. Suppose you had a million pounds, how would you spend it? Supposing (that) you are wrong, what will

41、 you do? 假如你错了,你怎么办?You may go out providing you do your homework first. 如果你先把作业做了,那就可以先出去玩。She may come with us provided (that) she arrives in time. 如果她及时到达,她可以和我们一道去。You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock. 只要你答应11点前回来,可以出去。In case the house burns down, well get the insu

42、rance money. 如果房子烧毁了,我们会领到保险金。You may borrow the book, on condition that you dont lend it to anyone else. 你可以借这本书,条件是别把它借给别人。Granted that hes not brilliant, he is at least competent and work hard. 就算他不够出色,他至少称职而且卖力干活。If引导的条件状从,有时可把if省略而倒装从句Were it not for your assistance, we would be in serious diff

43、iculty. 如果不是你帮忙,我们会陷入严重的困境。Shall she call, what would I tell her? 万一她来电话,我怎么对她说?汉语的“虽然、但是” “因为、所以”,在英语中只用一个。Although he is very busy, he has never been absent from the evening class. 虽然他很忙,但从不缺席夜校的课。Because it looked like rain, they decided to cancel the trip. 因可能会下雨,所以他们决定不去了。10主从复合句学习的四个关键 &#

44、160;  主从复合句是高中英语学习的一 个难点,也是一 个重点。如何学习主从复合句,我认为应从以下四个关键着手:一 : 概念   主从复合句属于句子的种类,它包括简单句、并列句和复合句。简单句是由一 套主语和谓语构成;并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句并列构成,常用and ,but, so 等并列连词连接。复合句是由一 个主句和一 个或一 个以上的从句构成。主句是全句的主体,往往可以独立存在;而从句仅是句子的一 个成分,故不能独立存在,必须有一 个关联词引导。引导从句的关联词共有七类:1) 从属连词 :有 whether ,when, although, beca

45、use, if 等。I dont know if he will come.2) 疑问代词  : who ,whom, whose, which ,what 等。I dont know what you mean .3) 疑问副词 :when ,where ,how ,why等。I asked him where he was going to stay. 4) 关系代词:who, whom , whose, which, that what 等,主要引导定语从句。The young man who is standing there is my English teacher.5)

46、 关系副词:when, where, why.也可以引导定语从句。That was the time when we stayed together.6) 复合连接代词:what ,whatever, whoever, whichever 等。You can do whatever you like.7) 复合连接副词:wherever, whenever, however 等。You can come whenever it is possible.特别强调:主从复合句必须有连接词。英语是形和而汉语是意和。如汉语可以说“你来我走”,中间没有连接词。如翻译成英语必须根据意义加上连接词if ,否则句子就错误。If you come , I will go.再如“有饭同吃”,也要加连接词:If there is any food , let us share it.如果一 个句子前面用了一 个逗号,逗号前面决不能是个句子,但可以由以下几个成分:1


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