



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. guide vt.指导,操纵This book guides us in using English words and idioms.We guided a ship through a storm.n. 指导者, 导游 A tourist guide will show you around.guidable adj.可指导的guidance n.指导, 导航 an electronic guidance systemgive guidance to sb. on sth.under the guidance of 在 指导下he handbook give

2、s helpful guidance on writing articles.guide dog 导盲犬2. tour n. 旅行;旅游 tourist tourism n. 旅游业 tourist guide The guide conducted us on a tour of the oldest museum in the country. tour v. 旅游;旅行;参观 She spent her vacation touring Italy.3. suggestion n. C. 建议 make some suggestions suggest v. 建议,暗示suggest d

3、oing sth. / suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth./ suggest sbs doing sth./ suggest sth. to sb. My friend suggested my getting a job in a bank.She suggested that she did not want me to tell the truth.派生adj. 暗示的;提示的 可建议的adv. 提示地;引起联想地;暗示地advice n. U. give some advice 给出建议 take ones advice

4、 / suggestions 采取某人的建议advise v. advise doing sth. / advise sb. to do sth.We strongly advise you to rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking.派生adj. 咨询的;顾问的 an advisory committee  考虑过的;细想过的 (advisedly adv.)n. 顾问(等于advisor) 深思熟虑;劝告take sth. under advisement 对某事深思熟虑4. take part in =

5、join in 参加活动 attend 参加会议join 参加组织、团队 enter for 报名参加5. sightseeing n. 观光;游览Tourists usually go there for sightseeing and fun. a sightseeing bus观光旅游车 a sightseeing tour观光旅游6. competition n. 比赛 compete v. 竞争 compete with/against compete for sth. 为竞争Animals in the wild have to compete for petiti

6、ve adj. 充满竞争的,好胜的 He is too petitiveness n. u竞争力,好胜心 competitor n. c 竞争者7. reason n. 原因Heres the reason for my absencethe reason for sth./doing sth. vi. 推论;劝说 It is useless to reason with her. vt. 说服;推论 We'd better present the facts and reason things out instead of quarreling.brin

7、g someone to reason使某人恢复理智by reason of 因为;由于come to reason 醒悟for no other reason than that 只是因为have reason for (或to do) something 有做某事的根据(或理由)lose one's reason 失去理性out of (all) reason不可理喻的派生 adj.  合理的  不合理的adv.  合理地;相当地;适度地n.  推理;论证;评理 合理;妥当 cause n. 起因;缘故 (导致严重结果的原因)the

8、 cause of the accident/ fire /flood/ typhoon/ death8. design v. 设计 design sth. to do sth.be designed forwell-designed adj.设计巧妙的 badly-designed designedly adv. 蓄意地 n. 计划;设计; She attended a school of dress design. designer 设计师9. technology n. 科技Many people call the age we live in the age of technology

9、. technologic adj. 强调工艺上的technological adj. 强调科技的 technological revolution 技术革命technologist n. 技术专家;工艺学家technique n. 技术 (skill)technical adj. 技术的 a technical report 10. be famous for = be well-known to= be celebrated for因为而出名be known as 被认为;被誉为11. Surprising à sth. Surprised àsb. sb. be su

10、rprised with sth.to ones surprise To my surprise, the plan succeeded.12. What do you think of sth. ? = How do you like?13. in the south/north/west/east of northeast,northwest,southeast, southwest A is in the south of B. (B包含A) A is on the south of B. (A和B接壤) A is (to the) south of B. (A和B不相邻)on Chon

11、gming Island14. “in+一段时间”的结构有以下两种含义: (1)表示“在一段时间之内”,常用一般现在时或过去时。 The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. The artist could draw a beautiful horse in five minutes. (2)表示“在一段时间之后”,常用一般将来时。 My father will be back from America in two days. 15. floating adj. 浮动的 floating

12、restaurants floating population 流动人口float vi/vt. 漂浮,浮起 Dust floats in the air.They floated the logs down the river. Idle thoughts floated through his mind. 散布;传播:A rumour about her is floating around town.16. local n.局部;当地居民adj. 当地的;局部的 local call 本地电话 locally adv.局部地;在本地n. locality位置;地点 The bi

13、rds are found in over 70 different localities.localization地方化localism地方主义v. localize 使局限,找出的地点animals ability to localize sounds 动物确定声音发自某处的能力17. orient 'rnt (orientate'rntet BrE.)vt.1.调整,使适应We must orient our work to the needs of the markets.to orient oneself to new surroundings2.确定的方位You c

14、an easily orient yourself in the city by the famous buildings.3.使朝向,以为方向;以为目的,重视(与to,towards连用):The stadium is oriented south and north.oriented 导向的;定向的;以为方向的oriental 东方的;东方人的 oriental languages n. orientation 方向;定向 oriental 东方人18. botany 'bt()n n. 植物学adj.    b'tænkl 植物学的 n. &

15、#160;'btnst植物学家vi./ vt. 'btnaz研究植物;采集植物19. observe b'z:vvt. 1.看到,注意到:It was observed by none.2.(科学目的的)观察,观测:to observe an eclipse观察日食/月食3.评论:He observed that honours do not always went to those who deserved them.4.遵守: observe the rules strictly派生:observer n. 观测者,观察员observation n. c,u 观察,观测 The result is based on the scientific observationc评论 He began by making a few general observations abo


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