



1、必修2. 1Module 4 Fine Arts Westem,Chinese and Pop Arts啊輕自?Ml=ra耳础僵蛊自茎幄测.一、语基必备知识(一)重点词汇一一分类记忆I.阅读词汇一一在不认识的词汇前划V【_artist n.Icon temporary adj.匚 draw ing n.pa int vt.pain ter n.Ipa in ti ng n.匚 aspect n.imitate vt.style n.!unu sual adj.【la ndscape n.portrait n.n.核心词汇写其形1. colourful adj.彩色的2. scene n.景色;

2、风景3. alive adj.有活力的;有生气的4. aim vi.以为目标;打算;意欲5. stand vt.忍受6. destroy vt.破坏;毁坏川.拓展词汇一一通其变1. like n.爱好;嗜好Tdislike n.憎恶;不喜欢2. delight n.高兴 v.使高兴Tdelightful adj.令人愉快的:可爱的Tdelighted adj.高兴的3.tradition n.传统;习俗 traditional adj.传统的;习俗的 traditionally adv.传统地4.observe vt.观察;注意到宀 observer n.观察者宀 observation n.

3、观察;观测;观察力5.adopt vt.采纳;采用Tadoption n.收养,过继;采取6.exhibit v.展览Texhibition n.展览7.express v. 表达Texpression n. 表现; 表达& realise vt.领悟;了解;实现;实行Trealistic adj.现实主义的;写实主义的Treality n.真实;现实;逼真1前缀 a-表语形容词大全 alive有活力的 asleep睡着的 awake醒着的 afraid害怕的 alone单独的 ashamed羞愧的2否定前缀 un-形容词一览 unu sual不寻常的 unfit不合适的 un com

4、fortable不舒服的 unfrien dly不友善的 unfortun ate不幸的 un successful不成功的3.名词+ alT形容词 traditi onal传统的 n atural自然的 cultural文化的 magical有魔力的 educati onal教育的 musical音乐的(二)重点短语一一记牢用活1. be/get tired of对厌烦2. be fond of喜欢;喜爱3. tfill by从可以看出4. put of推迟;延期5. take turns轮流6. a series of一系列的7 develop an interest in对产生兴趣l.t

5、ell 短语聊一聊 tell by从可以看出 tell.from.辨别 tell the truth讲真话 tell.apart将.分开 tell a lie/lies说谎2. “ be+ adj. + of” 短语荟萃 be tired of对厌烦 be fo nd of喜欢;喜爱 be proud of为而自豪 be afraid of害怕 be aware of意识到. be short of短缺的3.表示“推迟/耽搁”的词汇小聚 put off hold up delay postp one set back(三)重点句式一一背熟巧用句型公式教材原句句型 1: consider+ sb

6、./sth.+ (to be) adj ./n 认为.疋.This is a pain ti ng by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso,considered to be the greatest western .artist of the twen tieth cen tury.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是20 世纪西方取伟大的画豕。句型 2: with +宾语+宾语补足语Cubist artists pain ted objects and people,with different aspects of the object or

7、 person showing at the same time.在描绘物体或人的时候,立体派画家会冋时展现对象的多个不冋 侧面。句型 3: What do you makeof.你认为. 怎么样?What do you make of(it)?你认为(它)怎么样?、语境强化训练I.语境填词一一根据提示写出该词的适当形式A 根据汉语提示写出下列单词1.We must do something to keep the excellent tradition alive( 有活力的 )forever.2.Robert can t stand(忍受)catching the bus, so he a

8、lways goes to work by bike.3. The young man knew following others never made a unique writer, although he imitated( 仿 效)his idols in his very early works.4. Her words touched me, and I suddenly realised(领悟)that family were the most important in theworld.5.When choosing a career, you should consider

9、all the aspects(方面)of a job.B .根据所给单词写出适当形式6.It is because of various colours that we have a colourful world. (colour)7. The education program aiming(aim) to combine brain work with manual labor is being widelyspread throughout the coun try.8. With more forests being destroyed (destroy) , huge quant

10、ities of good earth are being washed awayeach year.9.If the teaching method is adopted(adopt), students will be more interested in English.10.Jane Goodall spe nt about forty years observing (observe) and study ing the chimps in the jun gle.n.语境品词一一写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义1.(2019 浙江卷 6 月)They became the hottest

11、 thing on the pop music scene in England.界;领域2 . (2019 天津卷)I m talking about people who have stopped learning on growing becausethey have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years. 采取3 . (2019 浙江卷 6 月)Rock music consists of many different styles.风格4 . (2018

12、苏卷)With a new farm bill to be debated in Congress, consumers must take astand with young farmers.立场川.选词成篇tell by; all the time; be fond of; get tired of; take turns; put off; a series ofMr. Smith is a famous writer and he writes 1.a _series_ of works about country life. We can2.teJJ_by_his works tha

13、t he 3.is_fond_ ofaun try life and 4.gets_ tired of city life. I n order to finish hisnew writing, he even 5.puts_ off going abroad.IV .完成句子1.在 2019 年女排世界杯上中国队被认为是最好的球队之一。The Chinese national team was_ considered_ (to_ be)_ one_ of_ the_ best_ teams in 2019 Women sVolleyball World Cup.2.随着冬天的来临,天气变得

14、越来越冷了。With the win ter approach ing /draw ing n ear/coming, it is beco ming colder and colder.3你认为昨晚上映的新电影怎么样?What do_you make of the new film that was show n last ni ght?血10词汇精研lEl alive adj.活着的;有活力的;有生气的,活跃的基础练习- 选词填空(alive/live/living/lively)I watched a live TV program, in which there was a livel

15、y boy liking all living things. He kept a ljve fish in a small jar. But later on he decided to free it and hoped to keep the fish living/alive in the riverhappily.能力提升完成句子6(2018 全国卷川)当大猩猩和我相互恐吓对方时,我很高兴发现它们都还活着。When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find_them_ alive .7店铺的门一

16、扇扇打开了,整个街又慢慢有了生气。Doors of stores ope ned one by one, and the n eighbourhood slowly came alive.8他的幽默故事使这次会议的气氛变得真正活跃起来。His humorous story brought the atmosphere of the meet ing really alive .come alive变得活跃起来brin g.alive使.变得活跃keep.alive使.生存下去易混辨析alive作表语、补语或后置定语除了表示“活着的”夕卜,还表示“有活力的;有生气的”live通常作前置定语除了表

17、示“活的”夕卜,还表示“现场直播的”livi ng作表语或疋语指“所有的生物”要用 all livingthings ;表示 活着的人 ,要用 thelivi nglively作定语、表语或宾语补足语既可指人,也可指物,意为“活泼的”“活跃的” “充满生气的”i3 observe vt.& vi.看到,观察,注意到;遵守(法律,习俗等);庆祝(节日等)一词多义-写出下列句中 observe 的含义1(2019 天津卷)We can observe that artificial intelligenee has already made an impact on ourlives in

18、 many ways.观察2(江苏卷Therefore, rules should be worked out and strictly observed.遵守3I d like to tell you something about how we observe the Spring Festival.庆祝4She observed her best friend walking on the opposite side of the road. 注意至 U能力提升完成句子5当我经过他的房子时,我看到他正在院子里玩耍。When I passed by his house, I observe

19、d him playing in the yard.6刚才他被看到拿着一本书走进了办公室。He was observed to enter the office with a book in his hand just now.observe sb. doing sth.看至 U 某人正在做某事observe sb.do sth.看到某人做了某事observe sb./sth. done看到某人 /物被.佳句背诵Also known as Tomb- Sweeping Day, the Qingming Festival is usually observedaround April 5 an

20、d is a time for honoring deceased family relatives.清明节,也就是人们熟知 的扫墓日,通常在 4 月 5 日左右,人们常在这一天祭祀亡故的亲人。名师点津observe 作观察; 注意”讲时,可用省去 to 的动词不定式或 v.-ing 形式作宾语补足语;但如果用于被动语态,省去的动词不定式符号watch, notice, hear, feel, make 等。to 要还原。类似的词还有 see,幻standvt.忍受;经受vi.站立;处于(某种状态)n.看台,立场;支架基础练习单句语法填空(2018 天津卷)Suddenly I sensed

21、a man standing(stand) behind me. “ Where do you thinkyou are?” he asked. She will have to find another job, for she can t stand working(work) overtime any more.能力提升完成句子3(湖南卷)多萝西在我印象中很突出,她是在偏远地区活得很精彩的一个人。Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who “ bloomed inher remote area.4在中国,中国结代表友谊、爱和好运。In China

22、, Chinese knotting stands_ for friendship, love and good luck.归纳拓展(1)can t stand sth./(sb.) doingsth.(2)stand bysta nd forsta nd out不能忍受某事/(某人)做某事袖手旁观;支持(某人)代表,象征显眼,突出名师点津(1)stand 意为忍受”时,常与 can, could 连用,用于否定句和疑问句,其后常接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式;不能用于进行时态。表示忍受”的词汇还有 bear, endure, put up with。H put off 推迟;延期基础练习单

23、句语法填空(天津卷)We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, when the weather may bebetter. Con sideri ng your in come, you should be able to put aside at least twenty dollars a week. Kathy, don t be so discouraged. If you put away such feelings, you will do better next time. Jack couldn t put

24、up with the pressure of his work, so he chose to leave the company.put forward提出(意见、建议)put on穿上;上演put awayput up with放好(某物),储存容忍,忍受put dow n放下;写下;镇压put aside储存备用;留下供专用佳句背诵Never put off what you can do today till tomorrow.今天能做的事绝不要拖到明天。目 take turns轮流,依次基础练习单句语法填空1At the meeting they took turns puttin

25、g/to= put(put) forward a number of suggestions aiming topromote the reform of educatio n system.2It s your turn to_clean(clean) the room and wash the dishes.3We decided to clea n our classroom by turns but now he has broke n our agreeme nt.能力提升完成句子/句式升级4(普通表达 )People try to avoid public transportati

26、on delays by using their own cars, and this inturn(反过来)creates more problems.5(高级表达)People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, which i_turn creates more problems .(非限制性定语从句)(1)take turns doing/to do sth.轮流做某事It s one s turn (to do sth.)轮到某人(做某事)了。(2)by turns反过来;依次佳句背诵W

27、e will take turns speaking, so don t all try to speak at once.按次序发言,别抢话说。2Work in pairs. Take tur ns to read outand an swer the questi onn aire.两人一组,轮流朗读并回答问卷。2旬型精析What do you make of.你认为.怎么样?(教材原句)What do you make of (it)?你认为(它)怎么样?基础练习单句语法填空轮流着in turnput aside储存备用;留下供专用1What do you think of the su

28、ggesti on he has put forward in the meeti ng?2How do you find Tokyo, the host city of the 2020 Olympic Games?能力提升完成句子3他的演讲我大部分都听不懂,因为全是用俄语讲的。I couldn t make much of his speech because it was all in Russian.4如果没有最好的,就充分利用现有的。If you cannot have the best, make the best/most of what you have.询问某人对有看法的表达

29、:What do you make/th ink of.What your opinion of.How do you like/fi nd.(2)make someth ing/nothing of重视/轻视;理解/不理解make much/little of理解/几乎不理解;器重/轻视make the best/most of充分禾 U 用佳句背诵What do you make of the film you saw last night?1. The book was written on the basis of careful observations(observe) and d

30、etailed studies.2. Paul s mother had him adopted(adopt) because she couldn look after him.3. (安徽卷)ln the past hun dred years, huma ns have begu n destroyin g(destroy) rain forests insearch of some major resources.4. I can t stand being interrupted(interrupt) by others when I am talking.5. Then a dis

31、cussion will be held, aiming(aim) to improve mutual understanding.维度二在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词1. Have you heard the sports meet ing might be put off?Yes, it all depe nds on the weather.2.The professor could tell by_theblank look in her eyes that shedidn understand a single word.3. When he was only six years o

32、ld, Johnson developed an interest in painting.4. Jack was tired of being in terrupted, so he left the city secretly.你认为昨晚你看的那部电影怎么样?维度一在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式5. London is known for its rainy weather, so don t forget to take an umbrella with you when goingthere.维度三派生词练习1. In reality, I have realised that I

33、must stop daydreaming and be realistic . (realise)2 . To our delight, the delightful picture drawn by my brother made all the judges delighted, so he gotthe first prize.(delight)3. He expressed in his speech that he would support us and the expression on his face suggested thathe meant what he said.

34、(express)4. After many years of observation, he has observed that lions have their unique way to com municate.(observe)5. Tom, an adopted child, was adopted at the age of four and his success in life was largely due to theadoption . (adopt)6. It s traditional for women to keep house at home, but man

35、y women have broken with tradition andare en teri ng traditionally male jobs.(traditi on)维度四易错混用1. How do you make of the plan we made yesterday ? How What2. While in university, he developed a interest in classical music.a an3. I observed the musician to enter the building with a book in his hand.

36、删除 to4. There was only one dictionary so the three students had to take turn using it.turn turns5 . He was tired of the long walking. As a result, he didn t go to the concert with his friend last n ight.ofwith/from提能一语段填空(短文中黑体部分为本模块核心知识点,请补全短文,并背诵体会黑体部分用法)One day, John was about to go to the art mu

37、seum to enjoy a famous 1.painting( paint ) when he heardloud barking 2.made(make) by the dog outside. John had a dislike for the dog so he could n stnd 3.it any Ionger. He walked out, 4.aiming( aim) to drive the dog away. But whe n he walked closer, he found a baby lyingin the bushes beside the dog.

38、 He 5.observed(observe) it carefully and found the baby was still 6.alive(live).He was determined to put 7.f visiting the museum and send the baby to hospital immediately. To his8.delight( delighted ), the baby was all right. Seeing the babys smiling 9.expression(express), he felt reallyhappy and de

39、cided 10.to_adopt(adopt) the baby.提能二话题写作(用本模块词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)假设你是李华,是你校学生会主席,在你校艺术节到来之际,请写一篇短文介绍当地的 一名画家。要点如下:1简要介绍画家;2绘画风格;3其他情况。1.补全要点句(黑体部分请用本模块所学词汇)1他被认为是一位著名的 画家,他喜欢画令人愉快的风景画。Hewas considered_to_beawell- knownpain ter.Hewas fond of_drawing delightful Iandscape .2人们能从他的绘画中 看出他观察自然界很仔细。People co

40、uld tell by his pain ti ngs that he observed the world o_n ature carefully .3为了使他的画更有 活力,他采用了 一种写实主义的绘画风格。Aiming to_make his_pain ti ngs more alive, headopted_arealistic paintingstyle .4尽管他不得不忍受他人的嘲笑,他相信他的梦想一定会实现。(动名词作宾语)Though hehad to sta ndbeing laughed_atby others, he believedhis dream would be_

41、realised .5因为他的画中展现了许多 生动的场景,他大获成功。As vivid scenes were shown in his paintings, he achieved great success.2.升级平淡句6用分词作状语升级句Considered to._be a_well-known_ painter,= he_ was= fond= of_ drawing_ delightful. Iandscape.7用“ with +宾语+宾补”结构升级句With vivid_ scenes shown in_ his_ paintings._he_achieved_great_

42、success.3.衔接成美文(注意用适当的过渡衔接词汇:however, eventually)One possible version :Con sidered to be a well - known pain ter, he was fond of draw ing delightful la ndscape. People couldtell by his paintings that he observed the world of nature carefully.However, aiming to make his paintings more alive, he adopt

43、ed a realistic painting style. Though he hadto stand being laughed at by others, he believed his dream would be realised. Eventually, with vivid scenesshown in his paintings, he achieved great success.课后达标检测_ (建议用时:35 分钟)I阅读理解A(2020 大连高三双基测试)In Mark Turin s article “Protecting Our Public Spaces ” in

44、 issue 14, heclaims that “ all graffiti(涂鸦)is vandalism(故意破坏财物的行为), pure andsimple, and offers no ben efit to our public spaces ” . I would like to point outthat many people believe that graffiti is an art form that can ben efit our publicspaces just as much as sculptures, fountains, or other more a

45、ccepted art forms.People who object to graffiti usually do so more because of where it is, not what it is. They argue thatpost ing graffiti in public places is con sidered an illegal act of property damage. But the location of suchgraffiti should not prevent the images themselves from being consider

46、ed real art.I would argue that graffiti is the most important public art form. Spray paint is a medium unlike any other.Through graffiti, the entire world has become a canvas( 画布).These works of art dott ing the urba n Iandscape are available, free of charge, to every one who passes by.To be clear,

47、I do not consider random words or names sprayed on stop sig ns to be art. Plenty of graffitiis just vandalism, pure and simple. However, there is also graffiti that is breathtaking in its complex detail, itsrealism, or its creativity. It takes great tale nt to create such in volved desig ns with spr

48、ay paint. Are thesecreators not artists just because they use a can of spray paint in stead of a pain tbrush?To declare that all graffiti is vandalism, and nothing more, is an overly simplistic statement.Furthermore, graffiti is not going any where, so we might as well find a way to live with it and

49、 enjoy its benefits. One opti on could be to make a perce ntage of public spaces ope n to graffiti artists. By doing this, thepublic might feel like part owners of these works of art, rather than just the victims of a crime.【解题导语】本文是一篇议论文。文章通过论述涂鸦与公共空间的关系,进而探讨涂鸦是否为艺术。作者认为判断其是否为艺术应该根据涂鸦的质量而非存在的地方。1.

50、Mark Turin apparently believes that graffiti_A . is not an art formB . is too simple to be considered artC. can only sometimes be considered a work of artD . should be restricted to places where it is allowedA 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一句 In Mark Turin s article Protecting Our PublicSpaces in issue 14, he clai

51、ms that all graffiti(涂鸦)is vandalism(故意破坏财物的行为 ),pureand simple, and offers no ben efit to our public spaces .” 可知,Mark Turin 显然认为涂鸦不是一种艺术形式。2.The author argues that graffiti_ .A . is the only art form that is freeB . is best viewed on public walls rather tha n can vasesC. provides more public ben e

52、fits tha n sculptures doD . should be judged on artistic qualities rather than placesD 解析:细节理解题。根据对全文的整体理解,尤其是第二段最后一句But the locationof such graffiti should not preve nt the images themselves from being con sidered real art.可知,作者认为评价涂鸦应该根据其艺术品质而不是其所在地点。3.The author con cludes his passage by_ .A . re

53、stating his positionB . questi oning the magaz ineC . offeri ng an an swer to the matterD . ide ntify ing the ben efits of graffitiC 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容尤其是One option could be to make apercentage of public spaces open to graffiti artists.可推知,作者是通过提供一个解决办法来结束文章的。B(2020 郑州第一次质量预测)Are you a procrastinato

54、r(拖延者)? It a com mon problem. And it can be harmful, as previous research has shown thatpeople who procrastinate have higher levels of stress and lower well - being,reported the Association for Psychological Science in the US. But a new study has found a way to deal withthis problem: Be more conn ec

55、ted to your future self.Psychologists think that each person believes that they are really two people :“ Present Meand “ Future Me People act as if they prefer their current selves needisl desires to those of their futureselves , ” wrote psychologists Neil Lewis and Daphna Oyserman.Oyserman and Lewi

56、s decided to try to find a way to make “ Present Me” imagine exactly how“ Future Me ” would feel the night before a big paper was due, though “ Present Me” hadn t startedyet. They made “ Present Me” think about a far- off event a number of days away, not mon ths or years.Thinking about events in thi

57、s way_ meant that something like a friend s wedding seemed 16.3 dayssooner whe n con sidered in days rather tha n mon ths and 11.4 mon ths sooner whe n con sidered in months rather tha n years.The researchers also tried to find out whether people would take action sooner if they were told acertain e

58、vent was happening in several days rather than years. For example, participants imagined they hada newborn child, and that the child would need to go to college in either 18 years or 6, 570 days. Theresearchers found those in the “ days” condition planned to start saving four times sooner tha n thos

59、e inthe “ years” con diti on.So if you thi nk of your life in days in stead of years, you may get things done quicker.【解题导语】 本文主要探究了一种应对拖延症的方法。4.What did Oyserman and Lewis intend to do through their study?A . To work on a soluti on to test if some one is a procrast in ator.B . To find out whether h

60、uman beings usually have two different characters.C. To discover procrastinators are more likely to have a lower sense of well - being.D . To prove it s helpful to connect our current selves more with future selves.D 解析:细节理解题。根据对第三段的整体理解可知,Oyserman 和 Lewis 想要通过他们的研究去验证把“现在的我”和“将来的我”联系起来是否会对应对拖延症有一定的帮助,故选 D。


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