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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Join in英语五年级下册期中测试卷(1)附答案【笔试部分】(70分)六、请将下列单词补充完整(10分)1)c_ ll (叫做) 2) st_ r (明星) 3)w_n t (想要) 4) s n_ w (雪) 5) _ a r l y(早期的) 6)L_k e(湖泊) 7) g_t (收到) 8)_ll(有病的) 9) w_r k (运转) 10) w r_n g (有问题的) 七、请在后面三个单词中选出与前面同类的单词,并将选项填在括号内。(10分)( )1. polar bear A. floor B. panda C. head( )2. sister A.

2、 mother B. fish C. snow( )3. usually A. some B. never C. teacher( )4. interesting A. hot B. ever C. boring( )5. me A. them B. he C. she( )6. thousand A . like B. cartoon C. hundred( )7. Saturday A. April B. Easter C. Sunday( )8. jump A. run B. over C. up( )9. south A. pole B. north C. arctic( )10. m

3、orning A. afternoon B. mall C. fun八、读句子,选择出正确的答案,将序号写在前面的括号里。(10分)( )1. The science fiction film_ at half past five. A.begins B.begin )2. She often_sports programmes. A. watches C. watchs( )3. When does the cartoon begin?- _.A.The cartoon ends in seven. B. The cartoon begins at seve

4、n. C. The cartoon begins on seven.( )4. My brother and my sister_watch detective films.A.dont B. doesnt C. havent( ) 5. There is a cartoon _Dora e m on.A. calls B. call C. called( ) 6. He is a star _ TV. A. in B. at C. on( ) 7.Their uncle _ many CD-ROMs.A. has got B. have got C. is( )8.The film is _

5、. I dont like it.A. Great B. interesting C. boring( ) 9. Nicola and her grandpa get some fish _lunch.A. To B. in C. for( ) 10. I always send messages _ my mobile phone.A. with B. at C. in. 九、连词成句:(10分) 1. are they boring She thinks _ 2. sports programmes brother My watches often _3. phone mobile wit

6、h a What you can do _?4. like she Does film fiction science _?5. begin does When romantic the film _ ?十、选出与下面句子意思相同的选项,在相应的括号里打“”。(10分)1.My mother is going to play table tennis tomorrow.A.( )My mother is playing table tennis. B.( )My mother will play table tennis tomorrow.2, Li Ming will play basket

7、ball with Tom.A. ( ) Li Ming and Tom are going to play basketball.B. ( ) Li Ming and Tom are playing basketball.3. There are no books in his desk.A. ( ) There arent any books in his desk.B. ( ) There are some books in his desk.4. Lets go fishing this Sunday.A. ( ) Can you go fishing this Sunday?B. (

8、 ) Can we go fishing this Sunday?5. What will you do tomorrow?A. ( ) What are you going to do tomorrow?B. ( ) What are you doing?十一、选择正确单词或词组填空。(10分)(1)What _(do, does) your father do?(2)Where are you _ (go, going)?(3)What is Miss Li going to_ (do, doing)?(4)Lisa _(has to, have to) get up before 7:0

9、0.(5)Can we go _ (fish, fishing)?(6) Do you often _ (watch, watches) sports programmes?(7) Betty likes _ (watch, watching) TV.(8)The detective film _(begin, begins) at quarter past nine.(9)Alice _(havehas) got two big eyes.(10)She can _(seessee) films with her mobile phone.十二、 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的打“,错误的打

10、“×”。(10分)500元以上1224%开了连锁店,最大的好处是让别人记住你。“漂亮女生”一律采用湖蓝底色的装修风格,简洁、时尚、醒目。“品牌效应”是商家梦寐以求的制胜法宝 。Lisa and his sister like watching TV. They always watch on Saturday and Sunday.营销环境信息收集索引Lisa likes cartoons. She thinks they are interesting. This evening, there is a cartoon on called Garfield. It begins a

11、t twenty to nine. Lisa will watch it.(二)大学生对DIY手工艺品消费态度分析Her sister Lily doesnt like cartoons. She thinks they are boring.She never watches them. She will watch Man and nature this afternoon.It begins at twenty past five in the afternoon.This programme is really great!”She says. She sometimes watche

12、s TV with her mobile phone. And she also visits the websites with the mobile phone.( )1.Lisa and her sister like cartoons.情感性手工艺品。不少人把自制的手机挂坠作为礼物送给亲人朋友,不仅特别,还很有心思。每逢情人节、母亲节等节假日,顾客特别多。( )2.Lisa and Lily think the cartoons are interesting.(二)上海的人口环境对饰品消费的影响( )3.The film called Man and Nature begins at

13、 twenty past four in the afternoon. ( )4. Lily has got a mobile phone. ( )5.Lily and Lisa sometimes watch TV with their mobile phone after school. 五年级期中测试卷4 答案笔试部分6、 请将下列单词补充完整。a 2.a 3.a 4.o 5.e 6.a 7.e 8.i 9.o 10.o7、 请在后面三个单词中选出与前面同类的单词,并将选项填在括号内。1-5 BABCA 6-10 CCABA8、 读句子,选择出正确的答案,将序号写在前面的括号里。1-5 AABAC 6-10 CACCA9、 连词成句。1. She thinks they are boring.2. My brother often watches sports programmes.3. What can you do with a mobile phone?4. Does she like science fiction film?When does the romantic film begin?10、 选出与下面句子意思相同的选项,在相应的


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