Section 20 投诉索赔Complaints and Claims_第1页
Section 20 投诉索赔Complaints and Claims_第2页
Section 20 投诉索赔Complaints and Claims_第3页
Section 20 投诉索赔Complaints and Claims_第4页
Section 20 投诉索赔Complaints and Claims_第5页
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1、Section 20 投诉索赔投诉索赔Complaints and Claims I. 要点概述要点概述Main Points 1. What is a complaint?1. What is a complaint? In international trade, a complaint is usually the written expression of some dissatisfaction concerning the quality of the products, the package, the shipment, the delivery and services, e

2、tc. A complaint is actually an indication that questions should be asked concerning a certain way of being or doing things. You make a complaint when you are not happy and satisfied with the standards of goods and service you have received from your business partners or other organizations. 2. How t

3、o file a claim? Your complaint is an expression of concern or dissatisfaction against other company. If you are to file a claim you have to contact someone in authority at the company or business in question, for example, the owner, the president, or the consumer complaint department to resolve the

4、complaint. When you contact the company for the purpose of getting resolution by you talking or writing the person in charge at the company you should be very courteous and remain calm. Try to explain the problem by providing dates, the amounts paid, important documents, and presenting as many facts

5、 as possible. Then explain what type of remedy you are seeking and state whether you are willing to negotiate. Meanwhile, remember that in many disputes, neither side is totally correct.3. What tactics can be adopted in making a complaint? When making a complaint you need to complain in factual term

6、s as it relates to their responsibility rather than emotional consequences. You have to make clear copies of all the documents including receipts of a transaction, a bill or communications and something like that. Store the original documents in a safe place. Clarify the problem in factual terms and

7、 write down specific problems and details to serve as proof and then find out how the company usually handles complaints or disputes. Write a letter, send an email message, make a phone call or visit the company. Address your complaint to the person in charge. Remain calm yet firm, and tell the comp

8、any what you want them to do to adjust things. Failing to resolve the problem on your own, you can seek the services of a mediator to help resolve issues between you two, but the mediator has no legal power to enforce the final decision. If you still find it hard to settle the matter you can seek le

9、gal consultation. Your lawyer can tell you whether you have a case or not and what your chances of winning are if taking a legal action. The lawyer can help you decide whether to proceed with representation and inform you of alternative methods of solving the problem. II. 商界名言商界名言 Business Sayings 1

10、. Fault-finding is the easiest. 最容易之事,莫过于找茬。 2. He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。 3. You have a bone to pick with almost everyone. 无论是谁,你都找茬。 4. Children and fools tell the truth. 小孩和傻瓜,才会讲实话。 5. The end justifies the means. 只要目的正当,便可不择手段。 6. Respect yourself,

11、or no one will respect you. 要人尊重,先要自重。 III. 核心词语核心词语Core Words and Phrases (omitted) 要求课前背诵重要术语要求课前背诵重要术语 IV. 经典句式经典句式Typical Sentences (omitted) 要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路径?变换词性、主语、从句会产生什么不径?变换词性、主语、从句会产生什么不同的效果?同的效果?V. 段落写译段落写译 Paragraph Writing and Translating 1. 考虑到你们向厂方提出索赔较为困难,我们愿意接受

12、你方提出的友好解决方案,即再给我方5%的折扣,以摆平此事重开业务。 1. 考虑到你们向厂方提出索赔较为困难,我们愿意接受你方提出的友好解决方案,即再给我方5%的折扣,以摆平此事重开业务。 In consideration of your difficulty in lodging a claim against the manufactures, we are prepared to accept your proposal to straighten out the matter in an amicable way by paying us a rebate of 5% so as to

13、start with a clean slate. 2. 经过仔细检验,我们发现这些货物不合我方订货质量要求,颇为失望。所用材料与你们寄送的样品质量相距甚远,其中一些质量如此低劣,让人感觉订购的时候有没有搞错。 2. 经过仔细检验,我们发现这些货物不合我方订货质量要求,颇为失望。所用材料与你们寄送的样品质量相距甚远,其中一些质量如此低劣,让人感觉订购的时候有没有搞错。 Having examined the commodities carefully and, to our great disappointment, we find that they were not of the qual

14、ity we ordered. The materials used did not match the samples you sent us. The quality of some of them was so poor that we felt that a mistake had been made in making up the order. 3. 我们已经一再提出,干这一行迅速交货实属必要。如果再发生这样的延误,我们只好另寻货源。事实上,您使我们失望已不是第一次了。 3. 我们已经一再提出,干这一行迅速交货实属必要。如果再发生这样的延误,我们只好另寻货源。事实上,您使我们失望已

15、不是第一次了。 Prompt delivery is essential in this trade as we have pointed out time and time again. We shall have to find another source of supply if such a delay is repeated. As a mater of fact, this is not the first time that you have let us down. 4. 很高兴得知,贵方答应在接到我方投诉后将在三个工作日之内发出确认信函,并由董事会提名的官员负责调查投诉,他

16、将在15个工作日(公休日除外)内予以回复。 4. 很高兴得知,贵方答应在接到我方投诉后将在三个工作日之内发出确认信函,并由董事会提名的官员负责调查投诉,他将在15个工作日(公休日除外)内予以回复。 We are happy to know that you promise to send us an acknowledgement letter within three working days once you have received our complaint and have it investigated by a nominated officer in the director

17、ate concerned and the officer will then reply to our complaint within 15 working days (not including public holidays). 5. 我们发现贵公司运来的货物编号为GD39,而非我方订购的GD36。原以为是打字员搞错了,但开箱检验后发现发来的货物确实不是我方所订购的,因此有请贵公司早日换货。 5. 我们发现贵公司运来的货物编号为GD39,而非我方订购的GD36。原以为是打字员搞错了,但开箱检验后发现发来的货物确实不是我方所订购的,因此有请贵公司早日换货。 We find that yo

18、u have sent us an article marked GD39 instead of the GD36 we ordered; we take it that this was due to a typists error, but after opening the box we found that the articles sent were not of the type we ordered, we therefore have tot ask for replacement by the correct number as soon as possible.VI. 讨论

19、评估讨论评估 Discussion and Assessment关于外语教学法的优劣问题一直争论不休,就商务英语写作而言,语法翻译法与交际教学法并不是矛盾对立的、而是相辅相成,在商务英语写作教学中应当努力追求两者的完美结合,翻译往往是实现写作目的的有效手段,也是检验写作质量的重要标准。下面首先讨论翻译方法的重要意义和运用方法,然后分析如何加强商务写作中的时态意识?1)讨论: 有的学生在拿到一份要他翻译的外贸信函时老实承认,知道大概的意思,但是即便查考词典也难于译成令自己满意的中文。究其因,当今交际教学法风行一时,有人完全忽视了翻译教学法的精神。事实上,诸如此类的教法之争并没有多少实际意义,任何

20、教法都有其合理的成分和存在的理由,一个老师也不可能在某一堂课尝试所有哪怕是很先进的方式,主导的方法就在于这种方法的独特性和不可替代性。翻译行为中的规范因社会文化不同而大相径庭(Baker 1993)。在翻译过程中,由于母语影响的客观存在,语码转换的偏差和错误是正常的。由于目的任务的不同导致学习者语言表现形式产生差异的原因在于他是更注重形式还是意义。 在实际表演训练中有无他人,比如熟人或陌生人在场可对任务完成有不同程度的影响。在实际教学实践中,受年龄性别及生长环境等多种因素的影响,其言语水平会受到不同程度的影响,比如,有的人可能表现主动,有的人可能表现被动,有的人流利地将事先准备好的要点重新整合

21、,快速流利地说出来,而有的人会不由自主地重复某一单词,而后,自顾按自己的思路说下去。对于学生冥思苦想也表达不出来的词语,教师和其他同学可以及时地予以提示和补充。2)时态选择要合乎逻辑: 从你处买来的机器又坏了,虽然现在还处于三年保修期内,但本公司实在不愿等候维修,而是希望贵公司能换台新的好的。我们正是因相信贵公司的产品和服务质量,才购置这台机器的,该机器一再出现故障,妨碍正常运作,我方将无法承受。 这是关于产品质量的抱怨。对于汉语原文中隐含的动作、行为以及事件之间在时间上的关系,根据原文写作或翻译时需要借助于动词的变化来体现,因而必须考虑选择正确的时态以保证写作的句子合乎逻辑。隐含的意思是,本

22、来因为“相信对方产品和服务”,并且“已经”购买了对方的机器;“现在”机器反复出现故障,“我方”“打算”换货,“将来”不能容忍故障。这样看来,一系列动作的先后顺序一目了然,相应的完成时、过去时、将来时等就不难选取了。应用写作不同于文学写作的重要一点,就是要求译者按“功能优先”的原则对原文进行必要调整,尽量采用we用作主语以强调“我方”立场。 笔者试译: The machine we purchased from you has broken down again. Although free service is included on a three-year warranty, we do

23、not want the machine serviced again. Instead, please replace it with a new one of better quality. We bought this machine primarily because we were confident of the quality of your products and services, but we can no longer afford the interruptions caused by repeated breakdowns.VII. 应用写作应用写作 Applied

24、 Writing A. Write a letter to make a complaint about either the quality of a certain product or service received a) contact the person in charge; b) explain the problem in factual terms; c) provide dates, the amounts paid, documents, and presenting as many facts as possible; d) offer possible method

25、s of solving the problem.B. Sample writing 1. Notice of Rejection of Goods 1. Notice of Rejection of Goods To: _ (Supplier)We are in receipt of merchandise shipped to us pursuant to your invoice or order number 28, dated June 6, 2009. Certain goods as listed on the attached sheet are defective for t

26、he following reasons: DescribeAccordingly, we reject said defective goods, demand credit or adjustment and intend to re-ship said goods to you at your expense.Please confirm credit issue and issue instructions for return of defective goods.Very truly,Gloria2. Request for Replacement of Damaged Merch

27、andiseDearThree of the (quantity and product) that we received from you on (date) pursuant to our purchase order No. 258, were either broken or chipped upon delivery.We would appreciate it if you would arrange for the replacement of the damaged items and advise us how you wish to handle the return o

28、f the broken merchandise. Best regards, Rudolf What are the main reasons for people to complain about the products ordered or bought? How to write a letter to complain about the delivery, the quality, or the package of a certain product? How to deal with relevant claims? 1 In the same way that thank

29、ing a customer for their first order and subsequent large ones can help to establish and build relations. 2 Open by thanking the customer for their custom, which focuses their attention and puts them in a positive frame of mind towards you. 3 Remind them what has happened over the past year or so-in

30、 essence, what you have done and achieved for them. Perhaps low prices have been sustained or the range of goods available has been increased. 4 Say what is going to happen over the coming year. Encourage them to keep trading by telling them about your exciting plans for new services, and so forth. 5 Round off the


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