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1、租赁协议英文LEASE AGREEMENT承租方 /LESSEE: (以下简称为承租方/Hereinafter referred toas Lessee)出租方 /LESSOR: (以下简称出租方/Hereinafterreferredto asLessor)以下合称为双方/Hereinafter referred to as the Parties双方在此同意/The Parties hereby reach the Agreement asfollows:1、同意租赁/GRANT OF TENANCY在本租赁合同规定的条款和条件下,出租方同意出租,承租方同意承租 ,带有本合同附件一中所列之

2、附属设施和电器的物业。(以 下简称“物业”)The Lessor shall let and lease and the Lessee shall hire andtake lease from the Lessor the Property, equipped with the fixturesand appliances listed in Appendix 1, ( hereinafter referred as theProperty), under the terms and conditionsprovided for in this Lease Agreement.与出租方的所有

3、权和使用权有关的证明文件和租赁许可证在本合同附件二中列明。The relevant documents and permits regarding the Lessor sright of use and ownership are attached in Appendix 2.2、租赁期限/ TERM出租方与承租方一致同意合同租赁期为12 个月,自2005 年 月日至年 月 日止,如另一方没有违约行为,承租方和出租方中的任何一方都不得提前退租。 Both the Lessor and the Lessee hereof agree thatthe lease periodshall last

4、 for a period of twelve months from to Neither party of theLessor and Lessee may earlyterminatethisAgreement in case the otherparty abides by the Agreement.本合同期限届满后,如出租方仍继续出租物业的,承租方享有优先续约并继续承租“物业”的权利,但必须在初始期满前壹(1)个月通知出租方。优先租期(初始期后的租期)内的租金由双方按照初始期到期时物业的市场租金价格另行约定。双方将签订含有续租条件和条款的租赁合同。Upon the expirati

5、on of the lease period the Lessee has a priority toextend the month prior be decidedLease Agreement withnotifyingthe Lessor at leastoneto the expiringdate.The rentforthe renewed periodby both Partiesaccordingto the currentmarket rental(1)shallvalueof the Property at that time and the Parties shall e

6、nter into a newagreement for the extended term.合同期内,出租方必须保证承租方为唯一的、合法的“物业”使用者。同时,未经出租方事先同意,承租方不得擅自将“物业”转租给任何第三人。For the whole duration of this Lease Agreement, theLessor shall be responsible for ensuring the Lessee s privilege ofusing the Property exclusively, and shall obtain the Leasing Permiton t

7、he said Property. At the sametime, the Lessee shall not have theright to transfer or assign the Lease of Property or sublease theProperty to any third party without the prior consent of the Lessor.The Property is for residential use only.承租方之雇员及/ 或承租方之联营或下属公司之雇员应将出租房屋用作住宅。 说明常住人员,并依法及时到公安机关办理暂住证。若承租

8、方需变更使用人,须提前通知出租方,并依法及时到公安机关办理暂住证。Employee of the Lessee and/or employee of the associatecompany or subsidiary company shall use the Property only forresidentialpurpose.The lessee shallexplainuse people permanently,and go to the publicsecuritybureau to handle the temporaryresidencepermit in time in a

9、ccordance with the law.Ifthe Lessee intendsto change the occupant of the Property, the Lesseemust keep the Lessor informed in go to the public security bureau tohandle the temporary residence permit in time in accordance with thelaw3、保证金/SECURIT Y DEPOSIT承租方须以向出租方支付保证金,为人民币元整( RMB)The Lessee shall p

10、ay to the Lessor a Security Depositof RMB ¥ .在本租赁协议届满或提前终止时,出租方将检查“物业”是否存在因承租方的使用不当而造成的损坏。Uponexpirationor earlyterminationof thisLease, the Lessorshall inspect the Property for any damagesresulting from the Lessees improper use.赔偿该损坏的费用(不包括正常的磨损及折旧),如果有,将按照双方达成的书面赔偿协议从保证金中予以扣除。于上述检查完毕 之日或双方达成扣除金额(如

11、有)的协议之日起拾伍( 15)天内,出 租方应将该“保证金”以承租方当时支付给出租方的相同币种返还给 承租方(不计利息)如出租方逾期归还保证金,则承租方有权按 0.1% 每天的罚息率就迟延返还的保证金要求出租方支付罚息,直至出租方 返还“保证金”。Afterdeductingcompensation , in accordance with the writtenagreement on compensation entered into by the Parties, for theaforesaidlosses ( fair wear and tearexcluded) and allth

12、eexpensespayableby theLessor, the Lessor shall, within fifteen(15) daysfollowing the date of inspection or the execution of the agreement oncompensation, refund such Security Deposit to the Lessee(withoutinterest) inthe same currency as itwas paid.For any delayed refundof Security Deposit, the Lesse

13、e has the right to charge an interestof 0.1% per day on the delayed payment, until the said Deposit isrefunded.如“保证金”不足以赔偿因上述损坏而发生的费用,承租方应按双方就赔偿达成的书面协议补偿不足部分。In case the depositis not enough to cover the cost of damages,the Lessee shall make up for the amount uncoveredaccording to the written agreem

14、ent on compensation reached between the Parties.4、租金支付/PAYMENT OF RENT(1) 承租方应在本协议签署后十五 ( 15) 天内支付本协议第 三条所规定之“保证金” 。The Lessee shall to in Article 3 within fifteenpay the (Lessor ,the Security Deposit referred 15) days after signing the Agreement.(2)承租方向出租方支付的月租金为人民币( RMB,其中 包括物业管理费,保安系统费,有线电视费.The

15、total monthly rent to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessoris RMB( RMB) The monthly rentis includingthe Managementfee , securityalarm fee, CATV fee .(3) 承租方应按季支付租金, 每季为 3 个月,自租期开始后起算。第一期租金在租赁期开始后十五天内支付,以后每期租金在上一季度的最后一个月提前支付。如承租方迟延支付租金,则承租方应 按本协议第十条的规定承担违约责任。The Lessee shallpay the Lessor the rentquart

16、erly.A quartermeans three months and will commence with the term oflease.The first installment of the rent shall be paid within15 days afterthe term of lease begins.The lesseeshallpay thefutureinstallment of the rent in the last month of the previous quarter inadvance. In case of any delay in paying

17、 the rent by the Lessee lessee shall bear breach liability in accordance with Article 10 in,thethe Agreement.(4)“保证金”和月租金将由承租方以人民币(币种)并以现金支付或通过银行转帐支付至出租方指定的以下帐户,转帐之日即视作付款之日。Payment of the Security Deposit and rental hereinafter shall be madein RMB to the Lessors bank accountas stated below by cash o

18、r bank transfer. The date of transfer shallbe the date of payment.开户行 /Bank :帐 号 /Beneficiary:受益人 /Account No.:双方同意,承租方向上述帐户付款视为是向出租方支付租金。Asagreed by the Parties, the payment by the Lessee to the account hereabove shall be deemed as the payment of the rentby the Lessee to the Lessor5、承租方的义务/OBLIGATI

19、ONS OF THE LESSEE承租方同意在协议期内履行以下义务/The Lessee agrees with theLessor for the duration of the Tenancy as follows:( a) 按时支付租金。( b) 按照独立计表的读数和国家相关事业单位的帐单按时 支付各项公用事业费,其它费用,即水、电、和电话费,必须直接支 付给相关的事业单位。Pay other utilities fee, i.e. water, electricity, and telephonefee in time to relevantbureau accordingto the

20、 parameter of independentmeter and the bills issued by the releva nt bureau(c) 未经出租方的事先书面同意,不得擅自安装、移动和改变附属设施及添加、改变“物业”的结构。Not to erect, install or remove anyfixtures or partitions or to make any structural additions oralterations to the Property without the prior written consent of theLessor .( d) 应

21、严格遵守中华人民共和国的有关法律、法规,尤其禁将“物业”用于任何不合法或不道德的目的。To strictly comply with and adhereto allthe laws , regulationsand decrees of the People Republic of Chinaapplicable to the use of Property and specifically not to permit theProperty to be used for any unlawful or immoral purpose.( e) 有义务(合情理的)保护“物业”免受自然灾害或自

22、然现象如风、雨等类似情况带来的损害,应适当地使用物业和内部财产。承租方应对因不当使用造成物业地损害和破坏承担全部责任。To take all reasonableprecautionto protectthe interiorof the Propertyagainstdamagesfromwind , rain and the like, and to use its best efforts to make surethat the door( s) and thewindows of the Property are locked while the Lessee is away fro

23、m theProperty for a long period of time.6、出租方的义务/OBLIGATIONS OF THE LESSOR(a)出租方在此声明及保证其享有合法地位出租此“物业”予承租方,基于本协议而租赁此“物业”之事宜,出租方已取得有关政府部门的批准,包括抵押权人的同意(如该“物业”以用作抵押)出租方于本协议中所作出的声明及保证,如有错误、虚假或违反者, 出租方须就承租方因此而遭受的任何损失、损害、支出及其他一切相关费用作出全部赔偿The Lessor hereby represents and warrants that it has thenecessary le

24、gal capacity to lease the property to the Lessee.The Lessor has also relevant authoritiesobtained in theallthe necessaryPeople s Republicauthorizations of China infrom respectallofthisAgreement and the leasingof the propertyto the Lessee , includinggovernment approval and/or mortgagee consent( if ap

25、plicable) TheLessor shall indemnify and keep the Lessee harmless from and againstall and any losses,damages, expenses and cost in case of anymisrepresentation, false representation or violation of warranty.(b)如在本协议期内,该“物业”发生所有权全部或部分转移或其他影响承租方权益的情形时,出租方应确保受让人或其它可能使承租方的权益受到影响的第三方将继续遵守本协议的规定。否则的话,出租方应负

26、责补偿承租方由此所遭受的损失、损害、支出及其他一切相关费用。If during the term of the tenancy, all or part of theleased property is transferred or the Lessees right to useleased propertyisaffected, the Lessor shallensure thattransfereeor third party having effect on the Lessee's rightto usethe leased property will continue t

27、o abide by the terms of thisAgreement. Otherwise, the Lessor will be liable toindemnify the Lessee for all and any losses, damages, expenses orother cost that the Lessee may suffer.(c) 出租方将负责维修“物业”的结构、房顶、进出物业的排水、上、下水管道、电路以保证其在整个协议期内处于良好的适租 状态。但因承租方的不恰当使用而造成的除外。The Lessor agrees to maintain the struc

28、ture, roof,drains, pipes and cables leading into or from the Property in goodand rentable conditions at all times during the term of this LeaseAgreement. Apart from the abnormal use of the Lessee.( d) 出租方同意保证提供给承租方的家电性能良好,对于并非由于承租方的不恰当使用而造成的损坏,承租方应以恰当的方式通知出租方或其代理人要求其对家用电器进行维修,不能修复时出租方应负责更换。出租方应保证承租方

29、安宁地使用该“物业”。The Lessorguarantees the Lessee to supply the Lessee with appliances in goodworking order.In the event ofto the abnormal use of the Lesseea breakdown of the appliances, not due, the Lessee shall properly informthe Lessor or its Agent, requiring the repairs of the appliances. Incase of bei

30、ng unable to repair, the Lessor shall be liable to changethe above said broken appliances. The Lessor should guarantee a quietenjoyment of the Property to the Lessee.(e ) 出租方应向承租方提供以下各文件的复印件/The Lessor shall provide the Lessee a copy of购房发票复印件/ a copy of the invoice for the Property授权书原件/ Certificat

31、e of authorization original paper;房东和代理人身份证复印件/ a copy of the ID Card of the Lessorand the agent and the original of the proxy.7、出租方向承租方提供的服务/ THELESSOR S DUTIESTOPROVIDESERVICES( 1)提供冷暖分体空调、( 1)门 IDD 电话、烤炉、供水、煤 气、供电( 30A)以保证承租方稳定的使用。Providing the Lessee with split heating/cooling airconditioning, a

32、t least one( 1) IDD telephone lines, stove withoven, water, gas and electricity( 30A) in order not tohamper the Lessee in his quiet enjoyment of the Property.( 2)提供给承租方的物业管理包括: 二十四( 24)小时保安, 整体维护,垃圾清运及对于公用区域和通道的清洁。Providing the Lessee with Property Managementincluding atwenty-four( 24)hours security

33、guard ,a general maintenance ,rubbishclearing, and a clean up of the common area and drive way.(3)提供装修和照明(装修要求详见附件1)Providing decoration and lighting( decorationrequirement refers to appendix 1)8、税收 /TAX出租方应支付与其出租物业的行为有关的各项税款,并在收到租金及物业管理费后的十(10)日内,向承租方提供正式税务发票。The Lessor shallpay the taxrelated to t

34、he lease of the Property and supply theLesseewith the tax receipt for the rent and management fees the lessee haspaid , within10 days afterthe Lessor has receivedthe payment of therent.9、违约责任/ LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF AGREEMENT(1)双方应在整个租赁期限内严格遵守本协议的各项规定,任何一方有违反协议的行为的, 应就其违约行为给对方造成的一切经济损失,包括诉讼费、律师费及其他

35、导致的费用。对于违约行为双方均有过错的,应由双方分别承担违约责任。The Parties shall strictly comply with provisions hereof inthe whole term of the lease. In case of any breach ofthe Lease Agreement by a Party, it shall compensateall the economicloss of the other party caused by the breach behavior including courtfee , attorney fee

36、and other expenses incurred. In case of the faultof both Parties, each party shall shoulder part of the liability asthe case maybe.( 2)协议任何一方违反本协议项下之义务时,另一方则有权拒绝或中止履行其协议项下相对应之义务,并向违约方发出书面通知,要求其在收到该书面通知后的十个工作日内纠正其违约行为。如果违约方在收到对方向其发出的书面通知后的十个工作日内仍未纠正其行为,守约方有权向违约方提前五个工作日发出书面通知(以下简称为终止通知)立即终止本协议。In case

37、 any party fails to fulfill its duties andobligations under this Agreement, the other party is entitled to arefusal or suspension of its performance of subsequent obligations.Such non-defaultingpartyshallsend a writtennoticeto the defaultingparty, requiring itdays afteritsreceiptto remedy itsdefault

38、to remedy to cure its defaultwithin tenworkingof such notice.Should the defaultingstillfailswithinsuch prescribedperiodof ten working days, thenon-defaultingpartywillhave the rightto immediatelyterminatethisAgreement by sending a written notice fiveworking days in prior(hereinafter referred to as th

39、e Noticeof Termination)( 3)如果由于承租方的违约行为,出租方依前述第二款的规定终止本协议,承租方必须在终止通知载明之限期内交还该“物业”。 同时出租方有权没收承租方依第3 条的规定缴付的保证金。如果该保证金不足以赔偿其因此而遭受的损失,出租方有权向承租方进一步索赔。 In case the Lessorterminatesthe Agreement forthe Lessee s defaultas per Sub-article2 hereof , the Lessee must returnthe Propertyto the Lessor on or befor

40、ethe date specified in the Notice of Termination. Furthermore,theLessor has the right to forfeit the Security Deposit the Lessee haspaid according to Article 3 hereof, without prejudice to its rightto claim for compensation should such Security Deposit is notsufficient to compensate its losses.( 4)如

41、果由于出租方的违约行为, 承租方依前述第二款的规 定终止本协议,出租方应在承租方向其交还物业前或交还物业时向承 租方返还保证金并同时向承租方支付相当于保证金的数额作为违约金。 如果该违约金不足以赔偿承租方因此而遭受的损失,承租方有权向出 租方进一步索赔。In case the Lessee terminatesthe Agreement forthe Lessor sdefault according to Sub-article 2 hereof, the Lessorshall refund the Security Depositwithout any interest) tothe L

42、essee on or beforethe Lessee returnsthe Propertyto the Lessor ,and shall also pay a compensation equivalent to the deposit to theLessee as a penalty without prejudice to the Lessee' s right to claimfor compensation should such penalty is not sufficient to compensatethe losses.10、不可抗力/FORCE MAJEU

43、RE因发生地震、台风、暴雨、大火、战争及暴乱等其他不能预见的,其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力致任何一方不能履行协议时,遇有上述不可抗力的一方应立即用任何可能的方式通知另一方,并应在十五(15)天内,提供不可抗力详情及协议不能履行,或者部分不能履行,或者需推迟履行的证明文件。该证明文件须由上述不可抗力事件或行为所在地的公证机关出具。ShouldAgreement due toany suchparty be incidentspreventedfromexecutingtheas earthquake,typhoon ,stormLease, firedisaster, war , rebellion and other unpredictable Force Majeure itshall notify the other party by any way and submit ( 15 ) days , the detailed situationsofForce, within fifteen Majeure andthecertificateof the reason thatthe Lease Agreement or partof the LeaseAgreement cannot be executed or it needed to be exec


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