



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上(1) Taking a taxi in a certain Eastem European country can be 31 shocking experience. It is said 32 some taxi drivers have metal wires stuck into the passenger seats. And 33 a button is pushed, the seat will give you an electric shock. These taxi drivers don't do this 34 fun. They d

2、o it to tourists 35 argue about the ridiculous fares they charge. Some drivers charge as much 36 ten times the legal fare.They have a secret switch which 37 (make) the meters much faster. If you refuse to pay, you are really in for a shock.In one case, a German woman had no 38 but to pay US' $12

3、0 for a US $ 20 ride from the airport. She said that she was "really taken for a ride," but what could she do? Besides the electric shock, she was verbally 39 (abuse) and threatened with physical violence. She has only one piece of advice for tourists, "Take the bus 40 stay at home.&q

4、uot;(2)In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 31 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 32 , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly

5、, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success 33 language learning. 34 good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only 35 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of

6、 words and 36 meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 37 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of 38 (advise) for those 39 are studying a new language. Practice

7、is important. We must practise speaking and 40 (write) the language whenever we can.(3)Many people say that e - mail is just a faster way to deliver letters. The fact is that letter writing and e -mail are (31)_ (complete) different processes. Letters travel in envelopes through actual space and tak

8、e time getting (32)_ one place to another. The time and distance, as a matter of fact, influence the letter - writer. If I am writing on paper to my brother in Kenya, I will be ( 33 ) _ (little) likely to complain about the breakfast I had this morning. I will probably write about my relationships a

9、nd some things that Ive been thinking about.I will also take more care with my style, (34)_(try) to write in a way (35)_ is interesting and worth reading. My brother might save my letter; he might read it back to me years from now.E - mail is different. It is instant, traveling from point to point.

10、( 36 ) _ you dont print it out, the message doesnt physically exist. With e -mail, geography is no obstacle and time is not important. I can send (37)_ message to Kenya whenever I want to, and(38)_ gets there almost in a second. The ease of this kind of writing and sending probably makes for a diffe

11、rent kind of communication. I can complain about the breakfast I had this morning or rattle on about friends and movies. That is ( 39) _ I am not so focused on style. The downside is, I might be less likely to say something deeper. My brother might glance at my mail, have a laugh, and then delete (4

12、0)_.(4) Storms_31_produced at least 13 tornadoes swept along New Mexico's border with Texas on Friday, _32_(destroy) homes and other buildings and injuring at least 16 people, several critically, authorities said.The _33_ (bad)damage was reported in the towns of Logan and Clovis, which are about

13、 80 miles apart, police said.The tornadoes damaged several_34_(new) built buildings, toppled power lines _35_ sparked fires that were later extinguished in Clovis, police Lt. James Schoeffel said.Thirteen people from _36_area were hospitalized at the Plains Regional Medical Center. Five were in crit

14、ical condition_37_ head trauma(外伤, 损伤), said Liz Crouch, the center's chief operating officer.In Logan, three people _38_ (take)to a hospital, _39_ others were treated at a local clinic. One of them was a visitor, saying he wouldnt have been there if he _40_ (watch)the weather forecast the day b

15、efore.(5) Jean is a 17-year-old high school student. On Saturday mornings, Jean and her friends take part in the program 31 (call) SAVE THE KIDS. They travel to a poor area of Washington D.C. They help younger students learn 32 to read and to solve mathematics problems. Many American teenagers join

16、in programs 33 serve their communities. On weekends Jean sometimes works at an ice-cream store. When she is not working, she gets together with her girlfriends. They might go to a movie, to a shopping mall or to an eating place. Or they might attend 34 sports event of their high school. They also of

17、ten stay at one girls house for the night. 35 teenagers in most parts of the country, Jean began driving a car when she was 16 years old. She does not have her car, however. She must 36 the family car with her parents. About 70 percent of American teenagers have their own cars. Many of them drive th

18、eir cars to school every day. Jean does not smoke cigarettes 37 drink alcohol. 38 do her friends. But many teenagers at her school do. Drinking alcohol is a major problem there. Every weekend teenagers have parties, where they drink alcohol. Then they drive to other parties. People under the age of

19、21 39 (not allow) to drink alcohol in the United States. And it is 40 (danger) to drink and drive a car. Yet this does not stop some teenagers. 1. )本文主要通过一些传闻和一位德国妇女的遭遇说明在欧洲东部的一些国家乘坐出租车可能是危险和令人震惊的经历。31. a 意为“一(个)令人震惊的经历”,表示“一(个)”用不定冠词 a。32. that “it is said that”表示“据说”,为固定搭配。33. when 用when引导时间状语从句,表示“当一个按钮被按下时,座位将给你一个电击”。34. for “for fun开玩笑”,固定搭配。35. who/that 因先行词是tourists旅游者在定语从句中作主语,故先行词用who和that均可。36. as “as much as”和一样多,指一些出租车司机要价达到正常费用的十倍。37. makes 指他们用一个秘密开关使计时表走得更快,make是使役动词。38. choice “have no choice but to do”除了做某事之外别无选择,也是常用的 固定搭配。39. abused 指她除了受到电击之


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