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1、1策 划:鞠方安 商希建顾 问:李光立主 编:刘兰芝 杨真真副主编:Gerald Zimmerman 张波 任林静制作人:刘红梅第1页/共100页2 Lesson Two Humbled by Nature Humble by Culture第2页/共100页3 Catalogue textBackground InformationWarm-up QuestionsMain IdeaLanguage Points Difficult SentencesKeys to the Exercises第3页/共100页4Susanna Jones, author of The Missing Per

2、sons Guide to Love, Water Lily, The Earthquake Bird and editor of The Illustrated Brighton Moment. Susanna Jones was born in Hull in 1967. She studied drama at London University where she became interested in Japanese culture after studying Japanese Noh theatre. This Background Information第4页/共100页5

3、 led to her living and working in Japan for several years as a teacher of English in Nagoya, and later in Tokyo, where she also worked as a radio script editor. While living in Tokyo she started her first novel, The Earthquake Bird (2001), a murder story. This novel won a Crime Writers Association J

4、ohn Creasey Memorial Dagger, a Mail on twenty languages. Background Information第5页/共100页6 11 March Japanese earthquake and tsunamiResidents survey the damage from the tsunami第6页/共100页7 Fukushima Nuclear Accident Fukushima nuclear plant after tsunami 第7页/共100页8 Background InformationPress here and wa

5、tch Japan Quake: Measuring the Damage 第8页/共100页9Warm-up Questions 1. What do you know about tsunami in general and the tsunami on March 11, 2011 in particular?2. . What do you think of Japanese culture and its characteristics ? 3. What are the necessary measures to cope with natural disasters? 第9页/共

6、100页10 Main IdeaSusanna Jones wrote this article only two weeks after the devastating March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Northern Japan. She first presents her views on how the Japanese people reacted to this tremendous disaster. She continues to add her thoughts on how cultural restraints inf

7、luence a peoples response to national tragedy. She reflects on how the Japanese people have always recognized the role of nature in their lives, including the第10页/共100页11 Main Ideapleasing changing of the seasons, the importance of the land and sea for their food supply, and the always-present threa

8、t of natural disasters from earthquakes and tsunamis. By comparing the 1995 Japanese response to both a terrorist attack that killed 12 people, and a major earth- quake that killed 6,000, she wonders why there was longer longer lasting public reaction to the terrorist attackthan the more devastating

9、 Kobe earthquake. Could it be第11页/共100页12that forces of nature are an inevitable part of Japanese historical experience, but that the terrorist attack was a human caused event, over which there should be greater control? Was it because they did not want to think about unpredictable earthquakes? Susa

10、nne Jones goes on to consider a small collection of short stories written after the 1995 Kobe earthquake by a Japanese novelist,Haruki Murakami. In these stories she searches for an Main Idea第12页/共100页13understanding of how Japanese culture is responding now, and how, over time, how it may respond t

11、o the catastro- phic earthquake and tsunami of 2011. Main Idea第13页/共100页14Language Points1. scale n u singular ( line 1, para.1 ) the size or extent of sth, especially when it is very big 法治一旦崩溃就有可能导致大肆杀戮。 The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale. 他低估了问题的严重性。 He unde

12、restimates the scale of the problem.第14页/共100页15Language PointsSynonyms: amount, area, breadth, bulk, capacity, depth, width, volume, dimensions, extent, guge, height, immensity, largeness, length, magnitude, measurement, propotions 第15页/共100页16Language Points2. tsunami n c ( line 1, para.1 ) a very

13、 large wave, caused by extreme conditions such as an earthquake, which can cause a lot of damage when it reaches land第16页/共100页17Language Points3. reminder n c ( line 1, para.1 ) sth that makes you notice, remember, or think about sth 这些废墟提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。 These ruins are a reminder of the horrors of w

14、ar. 发生了暴力事件。这给了人们一个严酷的提示宗 教紧张局势还在持续。 Violence has broken out , a stark reminder that the religious tensions are refusing to go away. 第17页/共100页18Language PointsSynonyms: memorandum, nudge, prompt, mnemonic第18页/共100页19Language Points constant/painful/vivid etc reminder2) sth, for example a letter, th

15、at reminds you to do sth which you might have forgotten我收到图书馆的另一张催还单。 I have had another reminder from the library. 总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交 的房租。 It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent. 第19页/共100页20Language Points4. carry vt ( line 2, para.1 ) 1) to convey 将英国文化传递到世界的另一

16、端。 They carried the English culture to the other side of the world. 她把这则消息立刻禀报了主人。 She carried the news straight to the master.第20页/共100页21Language Points 2) be/get carried away: to be so excited, angry, interested etc that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget eve

17、rything else 我激动不已,几乎哭了出来。 I got completely carried away and almost cried. 第21页/共100页22Language Points 5. horror film/movie ( line 1, para.2 ) a film in which strange and frightening things happen 再也不要带我去看恐怖电影,我简直被吓得 魂不附 体。 Never take me to a horror film again. I was scared out of my wits. 第22页/共100

18、页23Language Points6. footage n u ( line 1, para.2 )cinema film showing a particular event 他们准备播放今年夏天节日庆典的独家镜头. They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summers festivals. 这个片段来自事发当晚的闭路摄象。 This is footage from the closed-circuit camera on the night in question. 第23页/共100页24Language Point

19、s 7. clich n(line 3, para.2 ) 1) an idea or expression used by many people 她正尝试写一篇没有陈词滥调陈词滥调内容的爱情故事。 She is trying to write a love story without resorting to well-worn clichs. 2) adj used or heard so often as to be dull a clich tale of lust and betrayal among the fabulously rich 富人之间老生常谈老生常谈的欲望与背叛的故

20、事第24页/共100页25Language PointsA clich is a common and overused phrase. It is used to describe something. The word “trite” might also be used. Using clichs is often considered to demonstrate a lack of creativity. Here Jones gives the example of using the word “nightmare”, a horrible frightening dream,

21、in describing an apocalypse, an event with destruction of a catastrophic scale. She goes on to say that sometimes something is so terrible, that simple, clich words are the best to use. 第25页/共100页26Language PointsSynonyms: banality, commonplace, familiar phrase, hackneyed expression, platitude 第26页/

22、共100页27Language Points8. apocalypse n c ( line 3, para.2 ) the apocalypse: the destruction and end of the world 我们生活在世界末日的阴影中。 We live in the shadow of the apocalypse.第27页/共100页28Language Points9. points of reference n c plural ( line 4, para.2 ) sth you already know about that helps you understand

23、a situation 我们在英语教学上还有固定不变的参考标准吗? Do we still have any fixed point of reference in the teaching of English?本文主要介绍了参考标准的使用。 The use of reference points is briefly introduced in this paper.第28页/共100页29 10.rip away v adv ( line 6, para.2) to remove sth quickly and violently 昨夜的风把树叶都刮掉了。 Last nights win

24、d had ripped all the leaves away from the trees. 我剥掉了他伪君子的画皮。 I ripped away his mask of hypocrite .Language Points第29页/共100页30Language Points11. helicopter n c ( line 6, para.2) a type of aircraft with large metal blades on top which turn around very quickly to make it fly ; choppe第30页/共100页31Langua

25、ge Points12. hover over/above vt ( line 6, para.2) it stays in one place in the air 海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。 Seagulls hover over the surging waves.第31页/共100页32Language Points13. raging adj ( line 6, para.2) 1) continuing or moving with great natural force Raging flame 他看到一道烈火熊熊的巨大火墙。 He saw a gigantic wall of ra

26、ging flame before him. 实地考察时要穿过一条水流湍急的河。 The field trip involved crossing a raging torrent. A raging torrent第32页/共100页33Language Points2) continuing strongly and showing no signs of ending如果再发生严重的通货膨胀,那么利率就会迅速上调。 If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up. 可能偶尔会有批评,但现在显然没有出现激烈的辩论

27、。 There may be the occasional criticism but its clear there is no raging debate right now. 第33页/共100页34Language Points14. screenings n ( line 7, para.2) a showing of motion picture 制作人将出席电影放映礼介绍他们的作品。 The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works. 各电视台被禁止播放任何有关这次游行的画面。 T

28、V stations were banned from screening any pictures of the demonstration. 第34页/共100页35Language Points 15. magnitude n ( line 1, para.3 ) 1) the force of an earthquake 1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。 The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3. 2) n u the great size or importance of sth 第35页/共100页

29、36Language Points这么大的手术实施起来十分困难。 An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult.似乎没有人意识到这个问题的严重性。 No one seems to realise the magnitude of this problem. 第36页/共100页37 16. unforgiving adj ( line 1, para.4 ) 1) harsh and unremitting 一片恶劣荒凉的风景 an unforgiving and desolate landscape2)not willing

30、to forgive; unmerciful They are unforgiving of the smallest mistake. l最小的错误他们都不宽恕。Language Points第37页/共100页38Language Points17. typhoon n (line 1, para.4) a very violent tropical storm第38页/共100页39 18. lest conj ( line 2, para.4) for fear that often used after an expression denotingfear or apprehensi

31、on 他上好闹钟,免得上课迟到。 He set the alarm lest he be late for class. She tiptoed lest the guard should hear her. 她蹑手蹑脚,唯恐守卫听到。Language Points第39页/共100页40Language Points19. iconic adj icon n ( line 2, para.4 ) An “icon” is a visual image that is strongly associated with a specific place, event or feeling. In

32、 Christianity and other religions an icon may be identified with a holy figure or concept. 第40页/共100页41Language Points20. Mount Fuji n ( line 2, para.4) a volcano, about 100 km southwest of Tokyo, which is the highest mountain in Japan. Its top has the shape of a perfect cone.第41页/共100页42Language Po

33、ints21. viewing n ( last line of para.4 ) watching 她不赞成儿子不加选择地看电视。 She disapproved of her sons indiscriminate television viewing. 晚上看了一部怀旧的影片。 The film provided an evening of nostalgic viewing. 第42页/共100页43Language Points22.volcano n ( last line of para.4) a mountain with a large hole at the top, th

34、rough which lava ; very hot liquid rock is sometimes forced out 火山爆发,把无数的石块抛向天空。 A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky. 死火山又重新喷发,对这座城市来说意味着大难临头。 The extinct volcanos eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city. 第43页/共100页44Language Pointsactive volcano : one that may explode at an

35、y timedormant volcano : one that is not active at the momentextinct volcano : one that is no longer active at all第44页/共100页45 23 . be tempered with (line 3, para.5) to dilute, qualify, or soften by the addition or influence of something else; to moderate 宽严相济(恩威并施) to temper justice with mercy The n

36、ews story was tempered with a paragraph of explanation and justification. 一段解释和正当的理由缓和了新闻故事造成的影响。Language Points第45页/共100页46Language Points24. band n ( line 4, para.5) 1) narrow area of light, colour, land etc that is different from the areas around it 那只白盘子镶有金边。 The white plate has a gold band. 她穿了

37、一条滚黑边的红色裙子。 She wears a red skirt with band of black in it.第46页/共100页47Language Points2) a group of people formed because of a common belief or purpose一伙无视法律的暴徒过去常横行于这个镇子,一路 烧杀抢掠。 Bands of law breakers used to rage through the town, shooting and robbing. 第47页/共100页48 25. evoke vt ( line 6, para.5 )

38、1) to bring to mind or recollection 老房子唤起了他童年的回忆。 The old house evoked memories of his childhood. His words evoked an angry reply. 2) to call forth or provoke; to producel 他的话引发了愤怒的回复。Language Points第48页/共100页49Synonyms: evoke, educe, elicitThese verbs mean to draw forth or bring out sth latent, hid

39、den, or unexpressedto evoke laughter to try to elicit the truth to educe significance from the eventLanguage Points第49页/共100页50Language Points26. cherry blossoms n ( line 6, para.5 ) a flower or the flowers on a tree or bush in (full) blossom with flowers fully open第50页/共100页51Language Points27. neo

40、n n ( last but 2nd line of para.5 ) a colourless gas that is found in small quantities in the air and is used in glass tubes to produce a bright light in elec- tric advertising sign第51页/共100页52Language Points 28. overlay n ( last line of para.5 ) sth which covers sth else 一张台面一张台面包包银的桌子。银的桌子。 a tabl

41、e covered with silver overlay 砖墙上覆盖了一层木板。 An overlay of wood covers the brick wall. 第52页/共100页53Language Points 29. live with v prep ( line 1, para.6) to accept a difficult situation that is likely to continue for a long time ; to put up with, to tolerate 必须学会必须学会接受压力。压力。 You have to learn to live w

42、ith stress. 不管你喜欢与否,你得接受新税法。 Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law. 第53页/共100页54Language Points30. suspend vt ( line 5, para.6 ) 1) to stop 我请求他们别轻率下断语。 I request them to suspend their decision. 说来话长,你可得当真事来听。 It is a long story. You will have to suspend disbelief co

43、mpletely. 第54页/共100页55Language Points2) to make someone leave their school or job for a short time, especially because they have broken the rules 他因吸毒休学了。 He was suspended from school for drug-taking.第55页/共100页56Language PointsSynonyms: adjourn, break off, defer, delay, discontinue, interrupt, postp

44、one, put off第56页/共100页57 31 . subsequent adj ( line 2, para.7 ) 1) following in time, order, or place 人口增长率在1999年达到了高峰,在随后几年下降。 The rate of population growth reached a peak in 1999 and declined in subsequent years. The child became ill subsequent to receiving an injection against measles. 2) subsequ

45、ent to: afterl 孩子在注射麻疹疫苗后生病了 。Language PointsMeasles第57页/共100页58Synonym: consequent, ensuring, following, later, next, resulting, succeedingsucceeding : coming after or following The couple purchased some land, and in the course of the succeeding year built a house on it. The old man had not eaten s

46、ince the preceding day. Antonym: preceding : existing or coming beforeLanguage Points第58页/共100页59Language Points32. package n ( line 3, para.7 ) 1) sth wrapped in paper, packed in a box and then sent by mail or delivered ; parcel BrE 我撕开了那个包裹。 I tore open the package. 我们需要几段绳子用来打包。 Well need several

47、 lengths of string to tie the package. 第59页/共100页60Language Points2) a set of ideas or services that are suggested or offered all together as a group 政府已经公布了帮助英国电影产业的一揽子措施。 The government has announced a package of measures to help the British film industry. 他们下了很大的决心,提出了一揽子解决问题的设 想。 It was a hard d

48、ecision for them to propose the package solution.第60页/共100页61Language Points33. media coverage n ( line 5 & 6 , para.7 ) when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers 媒体大量地报道这些事件只会使问题持续下去。 Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.

49、第61页/共100页62Language Points34. initial adj ( line 6 , para.7 ) happening at the beginning; first 本次会议的初步目标是澄清这些问题。 The initial aim of this meeting is to clarify the issues. 她克服了起初的羞怯之后,变得十分友善。 After shed overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly. 第62页/共100页63Language Points35. adversity

50、 n u ( line 7, para.7 ) a situation in which you have a lot of problems that seem to be caused by bad luck 在患难中不弃你而去的人才是真正的朋友。 In time of adversity, those who do not desert you are real friends. 有充分准备的人,在逆境中充满希望,在顺境中不 忘担忧。 A well-prepared mind hopes in adversity and fears in prosperity.第63页/共100页64L

51、anguage PointsSynonyms: calamity, catastrophe, disappointment, disaster, hardship, misadventure, mischance, mishap, reverse, tragewdy, trouble, vicissitude, set back第64页/共100页65Language Points36.“ goes some way ” ( line 8, para.7 ) to make progress toward; to accomplish something. This phrase would

52、usually imply having or making a significant contribution - ( as opposed to “going a little way”, making a small contribution to explain-ing, or accomplishing something. 第65页/共100页66Language Points37. dissect vt ( line 9, para.7 ) to examine sth carefully in order to understand it 人们想仔细分析他的作品,并质疑其动机

53、。 People want to dissect his work and question his motives. 这几本书分析了名人的生活。 The books in which the lives of famous people are dissected.第66页/共100页67Language PointsSynonyms: break down, analyze, interpret, investigate, scrutinize, separate out第67页/共100页68Language Points38. afford/have/enjoy the luxury

54、of sth ( line 1& 2 para.8 ) to have sth that is very pleasant or convenient, that you are not always able to have 三年来,这是他们第一次在一起待一整天。 For the first time in three years, they had the luxury of a whole day together. 时间是他无法享用的奢侈品。 Time had become a luxury that he could not afford. 第68页/共100页69Langu

55、age Points39. keep somebody at a distance ( last but line of para.8 ) to avoid becoming too friendly with someone 他们想和邻居保持距离。 They tend to keep their neighbours at a distance.第69页/共100页70 40. immerse oneself in v prep ( line 2, para.9 ) to become, or to make sb become, completely involved in sth 她沉浸

56、在写短篇小说之中。 She had immersed herself in writing short stories. Other expressions: be engrossed in ; be wrapped in thought l 他醉心于岛屿的文化中。 He immersed himself in the culture of the island.Language Points第70页/共100页71Language PointsSynonyms: bathe, dip, drench, drown, dunk, plunge, submerge第71页/共100页72Lang

57、uage Points41. anthology n ( last line of para.9 ) a set of stories, poems, songs etc by different people collected together in one book ; collection 我有一本现代名言集萃。 I have an anthology of modern quotations. 这是一本妙语连珠、智慧洋溢的文集。 It is an anthology that crackles with wit and wisdom.第72页/共100页73Language Poin

58、ts42. aftershock n ( the last line of para.9 ) the effects of a shocking event 去年遭受的旱灾让他们心有余悸、倍感忧虑。 They were already under stress, thanks to the aftershock of last years drought. 第73页/共100页74Language Points43. bonfire n c ( line 3 , para.10) a large outdoor fire, either for burning waste or for a p

59、arty 他们不断往篝火上加木柴,直到火光冲天。 They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared.第74页/共100页75Language Points44. upbeat adj (line 2 ,para.11) positive and making you feel that good things will happen downbeat 科学家对即将收集到的信息仍满怀希望。 Scientists remain upbeat about the information that will be gathered. 国防

60、部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。 The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.第75页/共100页76Language Points45.update n c ( line 2 ,para.12 ) the most recent news or information about sth 新闻快讯 a news update 最新天气报告 a weather update 最新足球战况 football results update第76页/共100页7746. go about v prep(last line of


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