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1、第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. 19.15.B. 9.15.C. 9.18.答案是 B。1.What sports does Mike usually play now?A. Tennis.B. Volleyball.C. Football.2.What does the man t

2、hink the woman should do?A. Keep singing.B. Stop performing.C. Avoid attending thecontest.3.Who is reading a book?A. Lisa.B. Lucy.C. Mary.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. Why Jenny failed to attend class today.B. Why Jenny went to hospital.C. Why Jenny felt terrible today.5. What does the w

3、oman most probably think of the movie?A. Boring.B. Scaring.C. Excellent.151.522.5听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6,7 题。6. Why is the library crowded with students?A. The study there for the final e

4、xam.B. They want to borrow books there.C. They have to take classes there.7. What does the man decided to do?A. Study in the classroom.B. Get up earlier.C. Work harder.听第 7 段材料,回答第8,9 题。8. What s the weather liketoday?A. Stormy.B. Rainy.9. What did the woman plan to do tomorrow?A. Visit the Disneyla

5、nd.B. Stay at home.听第 8 段材料,回答第10至 12题。10.When should the speakers hand in the report?A. This Thursday.B. Next Monday.11.What s the topic of the womans report?A. The Internet.B. The soccer game.12.What s the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Classmates.听第 9 段材料,回答第13至 16题。1

6、3.Why is the man sent to Barcelona?A. To work.B. To visit a family.14.Which seat does the man prefer?A. A black seat.B. A passage seat.15. What will the man do after talking with the woman?A. Find a seat and wait.B. Read a book and relax.C. Open a suitcase and check.C. Sunny.C. Go shopping.C. Next S

7、unday.C. The shared bike.C. Teammates.C. To takea vacation.C. A window seat.16.Where are most probably the speakers?A. At the airport.B. At the theatre.C. At a travel agency.听第 10 段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What does the man think of working out?A. Costly.B. Difficult.C. Important.18.With whom does the man us

8、ually have dinner?A. His classmates.B. His family.C. His old friends.19.How long does it take the man to finish an assignment?A. Only one hour.B. One hour and a half.C. At least two hours.20.When does the man usually get up?A. Around 4 am.B. Around 8 am.C. Around 6 am.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15 小题;

9、每小题2 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、 C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHomestay providesEnglishlanguage studentswiththe opportunitytooutside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.What to ExpectThe host willprovideaccommodation and meals. Rooms willbe cleanedspeak English and bedco

10、verschanged at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is thereto offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.Meal Plans Available Continental Breakfast Breakfast and Dinner Breakfast, Packed Lunch and DinnerIt s important to note t

11、hat few English families still provide a traditionalcooked breakfast. Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normallyconsistsof fruitjuice,cereal (谷物类食品), bread and tea or coffee.Cheese, fruitand cold meat are not normally part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinnerusually co

12、nsists of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert, fruit and coffee. FriendsIf you wish to invite a friend over to visit, you must first ask your hostspermission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some familiesfeel it is an invasion of their privacy.Self-catering Ac

13、commodation in Private HomesAccommodationonaroom-onlybasisincludesasharedkitchenandbathroomfacilitiesandoftenamainlivingroom.Thiskindofaccommodationoffersanindependent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student. However, itdoes not providethe same familyatmosphere as an ordinaryhomesta

14、y and may not benefitthose who need to practise English at home quite as much.21. Which of the following will be provided by the host?A. Room cleaning.B. Medical care.C. Physical training.D. Free accommodation.22. What does Continental Breakfast include?A. Cheese and cold meat.B. Fruit and coffee.C.

15、 Fruit juice and bread.D. Dessert and tea.23. What s the advantage of self A. To be independent. C. To make more friends.-catering accommodation for students?B. To practice English.D.Toenjoywarmfamilyatmosphere.BAn abandoned girlnamed Sophie happens to see the big friendlygiant(巨人)( BFGfor short), w

16、ho is running through the streets of London and“blowing dreams ” tochildren late at night. The BFG is scared that the girl will give away his secret,so he takes Sophie back to hisnativeGiant Country.In fact,the BFGis a kind-heartedvegetarian,but othergiantsin his nativecountrylikenothingmore than ea

17、tinghumans.Sophie and the BFG try to stop these giants from continuing to eat humans. During this period, they become good friends.Spiel berg sThe BFGtells the tale of an unlikely friendship brought to lifein an imaginary world. However, many people say the story is a bit too kid-friendly.Optimism i

18、s Spielbergs typical tone, but the final victorious battle against thebad guys seems a littlebittoo easy.And when the BFG fightsforthe firsttime againstthe giants who have been hurting him, it seems confusing how he successfully drivesaway bad guys who are almost twice his size.Spielberg does leave

19、a little for adult viewers to digest. The BFG doesn to be seen as a monster by humans, but in the end his own kind ends up caught andt wantlockedup inisolation.Willhe alsobe destined(注定)tospend therestofhisdaysin a remote place alone?Despite being made for a younger audience, the film is still worth

20、 a watch. Itdoesnt have gun -fights, death, explosions and the stuff that people seem to be interested in nowadays. But the film takes us back to a more innocent time. 24. Why is Sophie taken to Giant Country?A. Because she leaks BFGs secret.B. Because she happens to see BFG running on the streets.C

21、. Because she lives a miserable life as an abandoned child.D. Because she is thought to be likely to tell BFGs secret to others.25. What does the underlined phrase“drives away ” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Sends away.B. Breaks away from.B. Frightens away.D. Keeps away from.26. What can be inferred from t

22、he text?A. The BFG likes nothing but eating humans.B. Not every viewer thinks highly of this film.C. The other giants end up captured and isolated in the film.D. This film mainly tells the practical friendship between Sophie and the BFG27. What type of writing is the text?A. A movie review.B. An adv

23、ertisement.C. An announcement.D. A fiction.CIf you are a teacher, joinYoungzine and sign up your class for free today!Youngzine is an onlineNews Magazine forschoolage children.Itprovidesan education,entertaining, yet safe way for kids and adults to get the latest news from aroundthe world.Many educa

24、tors have said thatmaterial,and can be a greatresourceYoungzine is a perfect complement to academicforteachersand theirclasses.Learningthroughcurrent events not only makes students more aware of whats going on in the world,but also helps absorb concepts better.Moreover,Youngzine now provides a safe“

25、blog ” environment for classroomsaconstructive,creativeandcontrolledwayforteacherstocreateclassroomassignments (任务) and push for discussions on current events!Youngzine provides special features just for you. If you sign up as a teacher:· Each of your classes get a“Classroom Code” that identifi

26、es the students inthat class. For each class, you get a“Blog ” where you can post assignments andhavestudentsrespond.You canincludespecificarticlesandquizzesineachassignment.·For each of your classes, you get to see a full report of each studentsactivities just by going to your classroom tab(标签

27、) : their comments, assignmentresponses, points and quiz results.If you are a teacher of homeschool, when you and your students share a computer,it requires each of you to log in/out separately. If it is inconvenient, you can usea single account in your class onYoungzine.It only takes 2 minutes to g

28、et started:JOIN YOUNGZINE(ifyou haven t already done so) and SIGN UP YOUR CLASS!If you have any questions or comments, let us knowwed love to make this workfor your class.28. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A. Only school age children can sign up for free.B. Youngzine is an online New

29、s Magazine for all ages.C. You can learn the latest news all over the world in a safe way.D. Youngzine provides an entertaining way for people to kill time.29. Youngzine is of great help for students because _ it helps absorb concepts completely. it provides a full report of every student. it is a p

30、erfect complement to academic material. it makes students aware of whats going on in the world.A. B. C. D. 30. For what purpose did the author write the text?A. To encourage teachers to joinYoungzine and sign up.B. To emphasize the importance of a safe blog environment.C. To provide teachers with pl

31、atform to educate students better.D. To introduce an online News Magazine for both teachers and students.31. What s the best title for the text?A. Join Youngzine!B. An Online News Magazine.C. Sign up forYoungzine for Free.D. A Safe Way for Kids to Get the Latest News.DMost peopleknow somethingabout

32、the greenhouse effect.Factoriessend gases suchas carbon dioxide,or CO2, intothe atmosphere,the airaround the earth.In the past,thiswasnta problem because treesabsorbed the CO2. But now people in many countriesare cutting down billions of trees all around the world. At the same time. factoriesare sen

33、ding more CO2into the atmosphere. Its difficult to believe, but factoriesput billionsof tons of CO2 intothe atmosphere every year.One ton isover 2000 pounds,so it is a lot of pollution. There is too much CO2and there arent enoughtrees,so the world is getting warmer. In other words, we have a greenho

34、use effect. Thisis terrible for the environment.What can we do about this? First, we can stop using so much coal and oil. We canlearn to use different kinds of energy: the sun, wind, steam from volcanoes, from inside the earth. Second, instead of cutting down trees, we should plant more trees. One t

35、ree can absorb ten pounds of carbon dioxide every year.and heatThe trees are good for the earths atmosphere and for Guatemala(拉丁美洲国家危地马拉). Insmall townsand villages in Guatemala, mostwomen are poor and havehard lives. Trees help them in three ways. First, the Connecticut factories pay themto plantth

36、e trees.Theirpay is corn,not money. The corn isgood fortheirchildren.Second, these women know a lot about their environment. They know where to plant,when to plant, and what kinds of trees to plant. For example, they plant many fruittrees. The fruit gives them vitamins for their families diets. Othe

37、r trees are good for firewood. In a few years, the womenwon't spend so much time looking for firewood.Third,allthese treesare good forthesoil.Now raincantwash thesoildown fromthe mountains so easily.This plan isnt enough to stop the greenhouse effect. However, its a start.The woman of Guatemala

38、are helping themselves and helping their environment.32. Which of the following statement is NOT true?A. Factories send more CO2 into the atmosphere.B. Trees can t absorb the same CO2 as they did in the past.C. Billions of trees are being cut down throughout the world.D. The greenhouse effect is ext

39、remely bad for the environment.33. What s the main idea of the second paragraph?A. The reasons why we should plant more trees.B. Ways we can adopt to take heat from volcanoes.C. Measures to be taken to forbid the use of coal and oil.D. Things we can do to stop or reduce the greenhouse effect.34. How

40、 does planting trees help improve womenA. By preventing the greenhouse effect.B. By developing their skills of planting trees.s lives in Guatemala?C. By enabling them to earn more money to support their family.D. By making them get corn and fruit to feed their family in return.35. What s the authors

41、 attitude towards the plan of planting trees in Guatemala?A. Critical.B. Neutral.C. Positive.D.Doubtful.第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。When many people think about planting a tree, they do not realize that there areseveral things that they need to consid

42、er. You cant simply just dig a single hole,throw the tree into that space, and expect it to grow without any disease.36The first thing that you need to take into account is the time of year that youare looking to plant the tree in. Believe it or not, in order to plant a tree thatwill stay alive and

43、beable to survive, you have to plant it at thetime of yearthatis right for the tree.37The burning sun during these periods of time willcause a big amount of stress of the tree, which will then lead to its death.3839You should choose a suitable region and climate for the tree. If youdecideto planta t

44、reethatis not a nativeof a particularclimate,you need to considerdifferent factors about the tree such as the growth habits of the tree and how much tolerance the tree has to different weather conditions.40 Sometimes in cases where people will be digging deep holes to plant a tree, they need to make

45、 sure that they are not digging around the phone lines that may be buried below the surface. Among other things, the hole determines if the tree can survive.A. Normally you should never plant a tree in late spring or summer.B. When digging a hole for a tree, youd better dig as deep as possible.C. Yo

46、u should then look at the place where you plan to plant the tree in.D. The best time to consider planting your tree is around autumn or early spring.E. The treewillnot onlybe plantedbut willcontinueto grow wellforyearsto come.F. The next thingthatyou need to know is whether the re are requirementswh

47、ere youlldig.G. There are a few basic things that you need to do in order to make sure the treegrows healthily.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。.Easter is a holiday celebrated all over the world. A lot of people like to d

48、o41 things during the Easter weekend. One year my friends Katherine and Daviddecided to 42ontheweekend. They livedinHoustonand I livedinSan Antonio,about 250km away.Iwas very43togo to thewedding.I44anew blacksuit,new blackshoes, and a great wedding gift for Katherine and David. After having breakfas

49、t inmy apartment,I was readytogo and got into my car.Istartedthe carand was45!The car made a very loud scratchy46. It didn t start. My car was47!I48 called my other friends who were going to the wedding. They were allin Houston already. I was so49 . I really wanted to go to the wedding. ThenI 50one more person that might still be in San Antonio. The girl I51


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