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1、欧阳体创编2021.02.03欧阳美创编2021.02.03疾鉛室常用英文术语时间:2021.02.03创作:欧阳体欧阳体创编 2021.02.03欧阳美创编 2021.02.031. 1.步你逬入越夕卜的空鉛室之前,:果刁:能热侈.掌农広鉛过程中 枸歩的器的英冬2狗冬後咅,你与同处一室的挂术心冕之向0将 产隹强现的立浅祿霍,农鉛敘率也倚园此尢乃折加。迫里姦汇总 了数篇幺章的枸歩内宕,并请合仓乙农鉛室的伟况,补克了尢蚤 铜汇,弟望对即將出国啓学的隹的歹网科X.员侖所報助。欢迎尢 家补克茨£。 宕器乡総材(vessel & consumable material)小瓶vial量

2、杯 measuring cup烧杯beaker量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinderer 用圳 crucible用竭钳 crucible clamp 试管 test tube 漏斗funnel 比色皿cuvette 鱼缸 aquarium 烧瓶flask 锥形瓶 conical flask 塞子 stopper/plug 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 玻璃活塞stopcock 试剂瓶 reagent bottles 玻棒 glass rod 搅拌棒 stirring rod 容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring fla

3、sk 移液管(one-mark) pipette 吸液管pipette 滤器filter 滤纸 filter paper 培养皿 culture dish 移液枪pipette 移液枪枪头pipette tips 剃刀刀片,razor blade 手术刀scalpel 垃圾袋 disposable bag 垃圾桶 garbage bin 橡皮筋 rubber band 托盘Tray 铝箔 aluminium foil 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb 保鲜膜 preservative film 研磨钵mortar 研杵pestle 小滴管dropper 蒸慵装置 distilli

4、ng apparatus 桶 bucket 广口瓶 wide-mouth bottle 离心机转子rotor 试管架 test tube holder/rack 酒精灯 alcohol burner 酒精喷灯 blast alcohol burner 搅拌装置 stirring device 石蜡封口膜Parafilm 微量离心管(EP管)Eppendorf tube载玻片Slide止水夹 flatjaw pinchcock盖玻片 Cover glass圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring离心管 Centrifuge tube橡胶管 rubber tubing电泳槽Gel tank药匙 la

5、b spoon电线 Electrical leads银子 forceps/ tweezers牙签 Toothpick蜂鸣器buzzer螺丝钉Screw架子shelf锁紧螺母Nut, Cap nut剪刀 scissor复印纸Copy paper打孑L器 stopper borer复写纸 Carbon paper移液吸管 serological pipette钉 Nail血球计数板hemocytometer试管刷 test-tube brushpH 试纸 universal ph indicator paper计时器Timer称量纸 weighing paper闹钟 Alarm clock透明胶带

6、sellotapeU 形钉 Staple筛子sieve衣服挂钩Coat hanger网眼mesh电泳用的梳子Comb格子grid扳手 Shifting spanner擦镜纸 wiper for lens订书机Stapler水银温度 il mercury-filled thermometer订书钉staple白大褂white gown圆珠笔芯Refill真空泵 vacuum pump灯泡Globe水浴锅 water bath kettle记号笔marker pen口罩 respirator注射器syringe电极 electrode注射器活塞plunger阳极,正极anode铁架台 iron s

7、upport阴极,负极cathode万能夹 extension clamp二.实验操作(manipulation):丢弃 discard洗脱elute转移容器decant孵育 incubate吸出 aspirate超声破碎 ultrasonication吹吸 blowing and suction淬灭quench离心收集pellet裂解物Lysate重悬 resuspend沉淀物Sediment絮状沉淀 flocculent precipitate上淸 Supernatant浑浊的turbid小滴 droplet烘 bake一批 batch灭菌 sterilize色谱 chromatograp

8、h均质化 homogenize沉淀 precipitate分装 aliquot接种 inoculate培养foster探针probe通风 ventilate蒸憾 distil/distill冷却 chill down搅拌 Stir/agitate稀释dilute旋转 swirl/ spin中和 neutralize催化剂catalyst校准 calibrate研磨grind平衡 equilibrate破碎crush结块、块状沉淀clump催化作用catalysis粘稠的viscous分解 dissolution漂洗rinse涡旋爲荡Vortex脱水 dehydrate电泳 Electropho

9、resis发酵 fermentation抽滤 suction filtration溶解 dissolve电转化 electrotransformation燃烧 combustion收菌 harvest水解 hydrolysis切碎 chop/mince过滤 filtrate灌注 perfusion浓缩 condense浆液slurry三仪器(apparatus)恒温循环仪 Thermostatic circulator分析天 T analytical balance空调机 Air conditioner台秤 platform balaneepH 计 pH meter涡旋振荡器 Vortexin

10、g machine照度汁(测量荧光素酶酶活)luminometerC02 培养箱 C02 Incubators磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer电子显微镜 Electro Microscopy烘箱oven电泳仪 Electrophoresis System微波炉 microwave oven恒流泵 constant flow pump电磁炉 electromagnetic oven解剖镜 anatomical lens凝胶系统Gel systemPCR 仪 Thermocycler电子天 V Electronic balanee倒置显微镜 Inverted Microscope转接器A

11、dapter核磁共振波谱仪Nuclear Magnetic离心机 centrifugeResonance Spectrometer盖子 lid/ cap光学显微镜 Optical Microscopy封】设备 Sealing equipment摇床Shaker复印机 Duplicator; copying machine培养箱incubator超净匸作台super clean bench超滤器 Ultrahigh Purity Filter通风橱 fume cupboard超低温冰箱 Ultra-low Temperature Freezer药柜 Cupboard超声破碎仪 Ultrasoni

12、c Cell Disruptor髙压蒸汽灭菌器autoclave紫外观察灯Ultraviolet Lamp电泳电源 Electrophoresis power supply紫外-可见光分光光度ii- UV-Visible紫外灯 Ultraviolet illuminationSpectrophotometer真空泵 Vacuum pump计算器 calculator/numerator天平 balance/scale四化学试剂(reagent)1、氨基酸苯丙氨酸 phenylalanine (Phe, F)丙氨酸 alanine (Ala, A)色氨酸 tryptophan (Trpz W)缴

13、氨酸 valine (Vai, V)蛋氨酸 methionine (Met, M)亮氨酸 leucine (Leu, L)甘氨酸 glycine (Gly, G)异亮氨酸 isoleucine (IleJ)丝氨酸 serine (Ser, S)脯氨酸 proline (Pro, P)苏氨酸 threonine (Thrz T)半胱氨酸 cysteine (Cysz C) 酪氨酸 tyrosine (Tyr, Y) 天冬氨酸 asparagines (Asn, N) 谷瓠酰胺 glutamine (Gin, Q) 赖氨酸 lysine (Lys, K) 精氨酸 arginine (Arg, R)

14、 组氨酸 histidine (His, H) 天冬氨酸 aspartic acid (Asp, D) 谷氨酸 glutamic acid (Glu, E)2、核昔酸 腺昔 ade no sine鸟嚓吟核昔guanosine 胞昔 cytidine 胸腺喃H定脱氧核仔thymidine 尿喘咙核苛uridine 脱氧deoxy-3、英他化学试剂 二甲苯 Xylene冰乙酸 Acetic acid glacial 硼酸 Boric acid 氯化钙 Calcium chloride 兢基乙醇 mercaptoethanol 咪哇 Imidazole 盐酸肌 guanidine hydrochlo

15、ride 无水乙醇 absolute ethanol 乙酸钠 Sodium acetate 氯化钠 Sodium chloride 生理盐水 physiological saline 洗涤剂detergent 十二烷基磺酸钠 Sodium dodecyl sulphate 盐酸 hydrochloric acid 氢氧化钠 sodium hydrate/hydroxide 实验室常用英语化学生物类胰蛋白淼Tryptone 酵母提取物yeast extract 琼脂Agar 甘油 glycerin 内毒素endotoxin 两性鑫素amphotericin 氨节 Ampicillin 肝素 he

16、parin 卡那霉素Kanamycin 胰蛋白酶Trypsin 浪化乙锭 ethidium bromide 胰岛素Insulin 树脂resin 糖类 saccharide 蔗糖 Sucrose 醋酸钾 Potassium acetate 异丙醇 Isopropanol 醋酸彼 Ammonium acetate 异戊醇 Isoamyl alcohol 氯仿 Chloroform 甲醇 methanol 遗传签素geneticin 糖原 glycogen 血淸serum 髙镒酸钾 potassium hypermanganate 考马斯亮蓝 Coomassie brilliant blue 液氮

17、 liquid nitrogen 次氯酸钠clorox 苯酚phenol 阴离子anion 碱性 alkalinity1. 2.来美国学习遇到了一个很郁闷的事:走进实验室跟别人交流非常困难,自己做实验也是磕磕碰碰。一个很大的原因就是一些实验仪器或是药品的名称不知道怎么说,以前学英文 从来没有学这些内容。郁闷之余,我在网上搜集了一些相关仪器和药品的中英对照,与大家一起学习分享,希望对学化学生物类的朋友有些帮助。由于药品种类繁多,各人使用相关也很大,以下仅列仪器部分。容器类:量杯 measuring cup烧杯beaker不锈钢杯 stainless-steel beaker上"祸 cr

18、ucibleHU吊钳 crucible clamp 土甘璃 crucible pot, melting pot 试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder漏斗funnel吸液管pipette分液漏斗 separatory funnel滤管filter烧瓶flask天平 balance/scale锥形瓶 conical flask分析天 T analytical balance塞子 stopper台秤 platform ba

19、lanee洗瓶 plastic wash bottle游码 cross beams and sliding weights滴定管burette酒精灯 alcohol burner玻璃活塞stopcock酒精喷灯 blast alcohol burner冷凝器condenser搅拌装置 stirring device试剂瓶 reagent bottles洗耳球 rubber suction bulb玻棒 glass rod研磨钵mortar搅拌棒 stirring rod研磨棒pestle蒸憾烧瓶 distilling flask玛瑙研钵agate mortar碘量瓶 iodine flask瓷

20、器 porcelain表而皿 watch glass白细口瓶 flint glass solution bottle with蒸发皿 evaporating dishstopper容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask滴瓶 dropping bottle移液管(one-mark) pipette小滴管dropper刻度移液管 graduated pipettes蒸懈装置 distilling apparatus称量瓶 weighing bottle蒸发器 evaporator试验用器材:升降台lab jack秒表 stopwatch铁架台 iron suppo

21、rt量杯 glass graduates with scale万能夹 extension clamp白滴立管(酸)flint glass burette with glass蝴蝶夹 double-buret clampstopcock双顶丝 clamp regular holder棕色滴定管(酸)brown glass burette with止水夹 flatjaw pinchcockglass stopcock圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring白滴定管(碱)flint glass burette for alkali移液管架pipet rack棕色滴左管(緘)brown glass bu

22、rette for试管架tube rackalkali沸石 boiling stone比重瓶 specific gravity bottle橡胶管 rubber tubing水银温度汁 mercury-filled thermometer药匙 lab spoonph 汁 ph meter银子 forceps#亍光仪 refractometer划竭钳 crucible tong真空泵 vacuum pump剪刀 scissor冷、热浴bath打孑L器 stopper borer离心机 centrifuge右 棉网 asbestos-free wire gauze口罩 respirator电炉丝

23、wire coil for heater防毒血具 respirator x gasmask脱脂棉 absorbent cottonph磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrerph 试纸 universal ph indicator paper电动搅拌器 power basic stirrer滤纸 filter paper烘箱oven称量纸 weighing paper闪点仪 flash point tester擦镜纸 wiper for lens马弗炉furnace电炉heatermatrass卵形瓶微波炉电热套heating mantlelitmus石蕊Bunsen burner 本生灯l

24、itmus paper石蕊试纸product化学反应产物burette滴泄管apparatus 设备retort曲颈甑PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负still蒸憾釜指数指示剂cupel烤钵化学反应:analysis 分解solution 溶解fractionation 分佛combustion 燃烧endothermic reaction 吸热反应fusion, melting 熔解exothermic reaction 放热反应alkalinity 碱性precipitation 沉淀isomerism, isomery同分异物现象to precipitate 沉

25、淀hydrolysis 水解to distil, to distill 蒸憾electrolysis 电解distillation 蒸憾electrode 电极to calcine 锻烧anode阳极,正极to oxidize 氧化cathode阴极,负极alkalinization 碱化catalyst催化剂to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧氧化catalysis催化作用to neutralize 中和oxidization, oxidation 氧彳七to hydrogenate 氢化reducer还原剂to hydrate水合,水化dissolution 分解to d

26、ehydrate 脱水synthesis 合成fermentation 发酵reversible 可逆的仪器中英文对照Aging Property Tester老化性能测左仪Amino Acid Analyzer氨基酸组成分析仪Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration 临床药物浓度仪Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 原子吸收光谱仪Atomic Emission Spectrometer 原子发射光谱仪Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy 原子荧光光谱仪Automatic Titrator 自动滴

27、定仪Basic Physics基本物理虽:测圧Biochemical Analyzer 生化分析仪Biochemicalanalysis 生物技术分析Bio-reactor生物反应器Blood-gas Analyzer 血气分析仪Centrifuge 离心机ChemiluminescenceApparatus 化学发光仪CHN Analysis环境成分分析仪C02 Incubators C02 培养箱Combustion PropertyTester 燃饶性能测左仪Conductivity Meter 电导仪Constant Temperature Circulator fa 温循环泵Dire

28、ct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer 直流等离子体发射光谱仪DNA Sequencers DNA 测序仪DNA synthesizer DNA 合成仪Electrical Property Tester 电性能测定仪Electro Microscopy 电子显微镜Electrolytic Analyzer 电解质分析仪Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 电子能谱仪Electron Paramagnetic ResonanceSpectrometer 电子顺磁共振波谱仪Electrophoresis 电泳Elect

29、rophoresis System 电泳仪ELI ASA酶标仪Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 能谱仪Fermenter发酵罐Flow Analytical and Process AnalyticalChemistry 流动分析仃过程分析Fraction Collector 部分收集器FreezeDrying Equipment 冻机FT-IR Spectrometer傅里叶变换红外光谱仪FT-Raman Spectrometer傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪Gas Analysis气体分析Gas Chromatograph 气相色谱仪GC-MS气相色谱-质谱联用仪Gel Pe

30、rmeationChromatograph 凝胶渗透色谱仪HighPressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography 高压/效液相色谱仪Hybridization Oven 分子杂交仪ICP-MS ICP-质谱联用仪Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer 电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪Instrument for Nondestructive Testing 无损检测仪Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR RInverted Microscope 倒置显微镜I

31、on Chromatograph 离子色谱仪Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 同位素 X 荧光光谱仪LC-MS液相色谱质谱联用仪Mass Spectrometer 质谱仪Mechanical Property Tester 机械性能测立仪Metal/material elemental analysis 金屈/材料元素分析仪Metallurgical Microscopy 金相显微镜Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer 微波等离子体光谱仪Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

32、 Spectrometer 核磁共振波谱仪Optical Microscopy 光学显微镜Optical PropertyTester光学性能测立仪Other/Miscellaneous 其他Particle Size Analyzer 粒度分析仪PCR Amplifier PCR 仪Peptide synthesizer 多肽合成仪pH Meter pH 讣PhysicalProperty Analysis 物性分析Polarograph 极谱仪Protein Sequencer氨基酸测序仪Rheometer流变仪Sample Handling 样品处理Scanning Probe Micr

33、oscopyFG|8oll 扫描探针显微镜Sensors传感器Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein DNA 及蛋白质的测序和合成仪Shaker摇床Size Exclusion Chromatograph 体积排阻色谱Surface Science 表面科学SurfaceAnalyzer表而分析仪Thermal Analyzer 热分析仪Thermal Physical Property Tester 热物理性能测左仪Ultrahigh Purity Filter 超滤器Ultra-low Temperature Freezer 超低温冰

34、箱Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor 超声破碎仪Ultraviolet Detector 紫外检测仪UltravioletLamp紫外观察灯Urine Analyzer尿液分析仪UV-VisIble Spectrophotometer紫外可见光分光光度计Viscometer 粘度计Voltammerter 伏安仪Water Test Kits水质 分析仪X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer X 射线荧光光谱仪X-RayDiffractomer X 射线衍射仪分子生物学实验室常用仪器物品英文词汇口罩 respirator液氮罐 Dewar flask试验

35、管tube笔记本note book耐酸橡胶手套rubber gloves记号笔marker pen试管架 test tube rack培养皿 culture dish药匙 lab spoon夹子clip洗瓶 plastic wash bottle皮氏培养皿petri dish钳子pliers擦镜纸 wiper for lens玻璃搅棒 glass stirring stick培养三角瓶culture flask扳子spanne标签纸 paper label研钵 mortars接种环 inoculating loop螺丝刀 screw driver打火机lighter研棒 pestles接种针 inoculating needle多用电源插座 multi-purpose socket温度计 thermometer冰盒ice box过滤火菌器syringe filters复卬纸copy paper定时器timer比重汁 hydromet


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