



1、Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 1 Whose bag is this?一、学习目标:A.单词和短语:crayon, eraser, glove, wallet, watch, whose, first of all, lose, lost, find, found, lost and found box, mine, yours, tape, purple, hers, careful, be careful with, on, from now on, here is / are, camera, phone, mobile phone, lost and foun

2、d office, in a hurry, leave, plane, taxi, why, airport, hundred, hundreds of, look for, thousand, strange, boat, duck, pig, sausageB.交际用语:1. Is the football Tonys?2. Are these crayons yours?3. Whose gloves are these?4. Welcome back!5. Please be careful withfrom now on.6. Are the crayons Bettys? No,

3、theyre not hers. Theyre Linglings.7. Is this your pen? Yes, its mine. Whose pencil is it? Its 8. Whose bag is this?Its mine.9. Whose bag is this? Is it yours?No, its not mine. Its his.C. 教学目标1. Function: Finding out what belongs to whom2. Structure: Possessive pronouns3. Skills: 1) Listening and und

4、erstanding familiar topics (school life) 2) Talking about familiar topics (school life) 3) Reading and understanding simple passages, grasping the general ideas.4) Using notes to convey messages4. Around the world: The Internet lost and found5. Task: Acting out a sketch in the lost and found office二

5、、重点及难点: 1、名词所有格;2、名词性物主代词的用法三、教学设计:Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Teaching model 教学方模式Listening and speaking Teaching method教学方法 Bottom-up approach to listening Teaching aims教学总目标1. To understand conversations and find out what belongs to whom.2. To talk about school things.Teaching Objectives 教学细节目标1. K

6、ey vocabulary: crayon, eraser, glove, wallet, watch, whose, lose, lost, find, found, lost and found box, mine, yours, tape, purple, hers, careful, on 2. Key phrase: first of all, be careful with, from now on, here is / are 3. Key structures: 1) Is this your pen? Yes, its mine.2) Whose pencil is it?

7、Its Teaching aids教学用具Tape recorder, OHP, video Teaching Steps 教学步骤Step 1 Warming-up1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are.2. Look at the pictures. Match the words from the box with the pictures. 3. Read the words after the teacher.4. Introduce the new words.Step 2 Listening practi

8、ce1. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 2.2. Ask the students to listen to the recording carefully.3. Play the recording again, then they can check their answer with a partner.4. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Step 3 Listen and read.1. Ask the

9、students to read the conversation silently.2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.3. Read the conversation.4. Act it out.Step 4 Match.1. Ask the students to match the people with their things.2. Ask the students to check with a partner.3. Play the recording ag

10、ain .Check the answers: 4. Learn “Everyday English”Welcome back!Please be careful withfrom now on.Step 5 Guessing game.1. Show some pictures of school things.2. According to the information given and ask the students to guess what it is.3. Show the pictures to check the answers.Step 6 Work in pairs.

11、1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are.2. Ask the students to talk about the pictures.3. Ask and answer like this: Are the crayons Bettys? No, theyre not hers. Theyre Llinglings.Step 7 Complete the passage.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 5.2. Complete

12、the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.3. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Check the answers: Step8 Homework1. Remember the words of Unit 1 and prepare the text of Unit 2.2.中考英语写作专练:Lost and Found根据下面的汉语提示写一篇寻物启事。假如你是张明,在第一中学工作,今天(2012年9月1日)早晨在上班的路上丢了手提包。 提包里面装有一支钢笔,一把钥匙和许多钱。我的电话号码是:8675208,酬谢!_例文: LOSTI lost my handbag on the way to work this morning. There is a pen,a key to the door and a lot of money in it. I wish the


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