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1、Unit3 English around the WorldTopic2 Can you speak more slowly, please?Section A【课前预习】根据首字母提示完成单词拼写1. There are some d_betwee n British En glish and America n En glish.2. Can you speak more slowly? I can _you.3. From his a_we know he is from the n orther n part of America.4. You should look up the r

2、ight p_ of this word in the dicti on ary.5. He fini shed the work without any d_.【课后巩固】I.选用单词并用其适当形式填空eave for, complete, be close to, depe nd on, as for1. Childre n_ their pare nts for food and cloth ing.2. _ the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer.3. Please_ the

3、senten ces with right words.4. The church_ my house, I ofte n go there on foot.5. My family are_ Guan gdo ng next week.II.用所给单词的适当形式1.1 can u ndersta nd you; please say it_(clear)2. My granny told me that she_ (force) to be a child labor when she was a child.3. Sara was_ (excite) whe n she saw her f

4、avorite film star.4. Read the passage carefully, and the n an swer the_(follow) questi ons.5. How can I improve my_ (speak) En glish? Can you give me some advice?III.用所给动词的正确时态填空1. -When_ you_(go) to She nzhe n?-Last week.2. -_ you_ (meet) your pen pal at the airport?-Yes, I am.3. -_ your father_ (f

5、ly) to New York this afternoo n?-No, he isn .4. -Welcome! How long_ you_ (stay) here?-For three weeks.5. -_ you ever_(travel) to Disn eyla nd?-Yes, I ve been there twice.IV.汉译英1. 外宾们今晚到达北京。The foreig n guests_ in Beiji ng toni ght.2. 你将几点回来?_are you_?3. 快点!火车要开了。Hurry up? The train_.4. 你弟弟明天做什么?_ yo

6、ur brother_ to do tomorrow?5.史密斯一家后天出发去伦敦。The smith _London the day after tomorrow.V.按要求变化下列各句1. The film has been on for twenty minutes.(用 begin 改为将来时态的句子)The film_ in twen ty mi nu tes.2. The Brow ns are leavi ng for Shanghai next week.(对画线部分提问)_the Brow ns_for next week?3. Mr. White flying to Hon

7、g Kong tomorrow morning.(改为同义句)Mr. White_ Hong Kong_tomorrow morni ng.4. Li Hai has gone to Mount Huang. (用 next summer 改为否定句)Li Hai_ Mount Huang n ext summer.5. Miss Wang is coming back home next mon th.(对画线部分提问)_ Miss Wang_ n ext mon th?Section B【课前预习】根据汉语提示完成单词或短语1. you go first and I will_ (跟随)y

8、ou.2. He will some back in the_ (随后的)days.3. Let_him_ (给” 送行) when he leaves here.4. I saw her_ (跳舞)in the classroom when I passed there.5. My father will_ (动身去)Lon don next week.6. His father will_Dalian_ (离开”去 ”) Tianjin this Sunday.7. The_ (力量)of the seed is very great.【课后巩固】I.按要求变化下列各句1. I have

9、lear ned several expressi ons in En glish from Jim.(对画线部分提问)_ you_from Jim?2. What does the En glish word? (改为同义句)_ the_ of the En glish word?3. Did you enjoy liste ning to music?(改为同义句)Did you_to music?4. Many people were forced to leave their homela nd duri ng the war.(改为主动句)The war_ many people_t

10、heir homela nd.5. The man is a tran slator. He gave you some advice on how to lear n En glish. (合并为一句)The man_ you some advice on how to lear n En glish is a tran slator.II.汉译英1. 他是一个聋哑人,他能用手势表达自己的意思。He a deaf mute and he can make_ un dersta nd_ .2. 一般来说,这本书比那本书难。_, this book is more difficult tha n

11、 that one.3. 至于宾馆,我认为它不舒适而且离大海很远。_the hotel, it was very_ and far away from the sea.4. 请你在这儿填上你的姓名和地址。_your n ame and address here.5. 叔叔每次来我家时,都给我一些礼物。My uncle_ give me some prese nts_ he came to my family.III.改错1.1 followed him to go into the house.2.1 ofte n see him to play football on the playgro

12、 und.3. My uncle will leave Qin gdao to Guan gzhou.4. Do you have difficulty on finishing the work?5. The boss forces them doing much work every day.Section C and D【课前预习】根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词拼写1. He picked up the broke n pieces and s_ them together.2. I think Mary hat is_ (相似的)to Janes.3. t that time I saw

13、 him havi ng a_ (谈话) with his friend.4. We t_ the novel from En glish into Chin ese last year.5. _ (无论何时) you call her, you find her sitting by the window.6. People can hold a c_or party for free in the room all the year round.7. Many kinds of_ (工业),such as trade of news material, software developme

14、nt, ect.,develop rapidly.8. The teacher e_ me to study abroad whe n I left school.9. Please explain the_ (位置) of the house on the mountain.10. He stayed in the USA for many years. He was a good En glish s_ .【课后巩固】I.选用所给短语并用其正确形式填空orce ope n, pronounce aga in st, be similar to, pronounce on, follow a

15、fter, see off, follow on:ran slate into1. He is good at_En glish_ Chin ese.2. Their door was_, because they lost the key.3. You go first, and we _ after a short rest.4. He always_kno wledge.5. I_ them. I think they are out of their mind.6. I think she will_his suggesti on, because that is really a g

16、ood idea.7. He_her_to Shan ghai this morning.8. My opinions_ his. We are good frien ds.II.按要求变化下列各句1. 1. He went shopping yesterday. He didn stay at home.(改为同义句)He went shopp ing_ stay ing at home yesterday.2. I don believe he will come.(改为反意疑问句)I don believe he will come,_?3. Students can t take ma

17、gazines out of the reading-room. (改为被动语态)Magaz ines can _out of the readi ng-room.4. The meet ing will start in ten minutes.(对画线部分提问)_ will the meeti ng start?5. How useful the book is!(改为同义句)It is_ book.6. Mr. Turner bought the car three years ago. (改为同义句)Mr. Turner_the car for three years.7. Are t

18、here museums in the city? Cold you tell me?(合并成复合句)Could you tell me_there_ museums in the city?8. She ofte n helps her mother with the housework.(改为否定句)She_ her mother with the housework.9. I don like to have coffee with milk. Alicedoes n like, either.(改为同义句)I don like to have coffee wit milk._Alic

19、e.10. I enjoy play ing the pia no. (改为同义句)I_ play ing the pia no.III.汉译英1. 圣诞节那天,孩子们迫不及待地打开圣诞袜里的礼物。On Christmas Day, childre n_the prese nts in the stock in gs.2. 你的英语不太好,必须每天练习说英语。You are not_ En glish and you must_it every day.3. 如果你在英国,你就得用英语与人交流。You have to_people in En glish if you are in En gl

20、ish.4. 她对新房颇为满意。She_ her new room.5. 我认为英语在古巴不是官方语言。I_ think En glish_as the official Ian guage in Cuba.6. 我的笔友偶尔写信给我。My pen pal writes to me_.7. 英语随着世界的发展而变化着是真的。It is_that En glish_ with the_of the world.8. 北京要在 2008 年举办奥运会。The 2008 Olympic Games_in Beiji ng.9. 汤姆成功的通过了考试。Tom_pass ing the exam in

21、ati on.10. 你向美国朋友作自我介绍友困难吗?Do you have any_ in troduci ng yourself to the America n frien ds?I.单项选择1. In Brita in, people say sitt ingoom II_ving room 11.A. but B. in steadC. in stead of D. sta nd for2. -Next week, I am flying to Beijing.A. I nvery glad to hear that B. Have a good trip C. whats up D

22、. Enjoy myself3. Has your brother succeeded_a place at the uni versity this year?A. for gett ingB. in gett ingC. to get d. in get4. Liu Meng met his old friend on_ home.A. his way to B. their way to C. his way D. they way5. My uncle will go abroad tomorrow. I am going to_at the airport.A. sent him o

23、ff B. see off him C. meeti ng D. see him off6. Many stude nts enjoyed_in Hong Kong Disn eyla nd yesterday.A. good time B. them C. play ingD. to play7. Mr. Lee_ Beiji ng Intern ati onal Airport at one oclock yesterday after noon.A. arrived to B. arrived C. reached D. reached at8. The boy was told_ fo

24、otball in the crowded street.A. play B. to play C. don play D. not to play9. I_ up early every morning.A. am used to get B. used to get C. am used to gett ingD. used to gett ing10. I_want to visit Disn eyla nd with you.A. very B. real C. true D. really11. I can wait_ my birthday prese nts.A. to ope

25、n B. ope nC. ope ningD. to ope ning12. Some people may not clearly know the differe nces_America n En glish and British En glish.A. betwee nB. among C. with D. both13. I hope_there on day.A. I can go B. me going C. me to go D. I to go14. En glish is used_the first Ian guage_ most people in America,

26、Can ada, Australia,Great Brita in and New Zeala nd.A. as; as B. as; by C. by; by D. as; so15. Most of the time, he has no difficulties in_ people from differe nt coun tries.A. un dersta nd B. un dersta nding C. to un dersta ndD. un derstoodII. 补全对话Kan gka ng is now study ing in the U.S.A. he meets h

27、is new teacher, Miss Gree n, for the first time.Miss Gree n is an America n. They are talki ng before the term starts.Kan gka ng: Are you Miss Gree n? My (1)_is Kan gka ng.Miss Gree n: Yes, I am. Nice to (2)_you, Kan gka ng.Kangkang: (3)_ to meet you, too. I m sorry. I know only a (4)_English. I hav

28、e somedifficulties in (5)_some words in En glish.Miss Gree n: No, you are doing well in (6)_En glish.Kan gka ng: Thank you.Miss Gree n: And (7)_will you take your next exams?Kan gka ng: (8)_June.Miss Gree n: I see. What do you want to do next fall?Kan gka ng: (9)_? Would you please say that agai n (

29、10)_ slowly?Miss Gree n: What do you want to do next fall?Kangkang: Next what? I nsorry I dont quite (11)you.Miss Green: What do you want to do next autumn? The wordall IIis (12)_English while-autumn II is British English. Do you have (13)_ plans?Kangkang: I like to study (14)_ and become a pianist.

30、Miss Gree n: Great. Nice meeti ng you, Kan gka ng. Bye.Kan gka ng: (15)_.III.完形填空Most adults (成人)once studied at school, had classes and did their homework everyday. The samething is going on at school now. _ 1_ it seems that doing weekend homework is_2_problem for the moder n stude nts.All the stud

31、ents should _3_ that weekend homework should be abolished (取消)It is_ 4_ for them to study at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework todo on Saturday and Sun day, whe n can they find_ 5_to help their pare nts do thehousework, go and see a football or basketball game or a

32、 good film, joi n in family recreati on ( 娱 乐) ,orjust have_ 6_ at home? Because of these other activities, the homework cant befini shed until_ 7_ evening. So their weeke nd homework is usually done in such a hurry thaton Mon day teachers are_8_ because many of the stude nts know little about the_9

33、_. Ifthere were no weekend homework to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday10twodays good rest and to lear n what the teachers teach.1. A. AlsoB. ButC. StillD. Though2. A. not aB. ano therC. oneD. other3. A. agreeB. decideC. un dersta ndD. disagree4. A. enjoyableB.enoughC.goodD. useful5

34、. A. workB. timeC. roomD. money6. A. a restB. an examC. a less onD. a picnic7. A. Mo ndayB. SaturdayC. FridayD. Sunday8. A. pleasedB. sorryC.unhappyD. satisfied9. A. less onsB. gamesC. in terestsD. activities10. A. duri ngB. untilC. beforeD. afterIV.阅读理解AIn Britai n, people ofte n invite friends for

35、 a meal, a party or just coffee. People who know each othervery well close friends, family or neighbors may visit each other houses without an in vitati on (邀请),but usually an in vitati on is n eeded. When people in vite some one to their homes, they oftensay: ould you like to come for dinner on Sat

36、urday? II Answers are: -Thanks. We love to. What time?II orhrisorry. Welove to, but we have tickets for the con cert. II However, it is not polite tosay, No, we wouldn IISometimes, the British use expressions (表达) that sound like invitations but which are not in vitations. For example: ou must come

37、over for a drink sometime. Ilor et go out for a meal one of thesedays.IThese are usually just polite ways of ending a talk. They are not real invitations because theydon mention an exact time or day. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and theanswers are:es, that would be nice. I

38、lor -OK, yes, thanks.ISo next time you hear what sounds like an in vitati on, liste n carefully. Is it a real in vitati on or is thepers on just being frien dly?1. It always n ecessary for_ to visit each other houses with an in vitati on.A. close friends B. family members C. n eighborsD. new friends

39、2. It is not polite to an swer the real in vitati on by say ing _ IIA. Sorry, we love to, but we have tickets for the con cert.B. Tha nks. We love to. What time?C. Sure. Wed like to. Tha nks a lot.D. No, we wouldn 3. If the British just want to end a talk politely, they may say, _ IIA. Would you lik

40、e to come for dinner on Saturday?B. Let go out for a meal one of these days.C. Let go out for a meal on Saturday.D. Shall we go for a drink this after noon?4. The British ofte n use _II to an swer the in vitati ons that are not real.A. Yes, what time? B. No. that snot a real invitation.C. OK, yes, t

41、ha nks.D. No. you just want to be frien dly.5. Which is the best title (标题)for the passage?A. Brita inB. I nvitati onC. A talk with frie ndsD. A letter to friendsBA boy and his father were walk ing in the mountains. Sudde nly the boy fell, hurt himself, and cried,AAAhhhhhhhh! To his surprise, he hea

42、rd the voice repeating(重复),somewhere in themountain, AAAhhhhhhhh! Then the boy shouted, Who are you? He received the answer, Whoare you? He got angry at the answer , so he shouted, Foolish ! He received the answer,Foolish !He looked at his father and asked, Whats going on? The father smiled and said

43、, My son, listen.And then he shouted to the mountain, I love you The voice answered, I love you ! Again the mancried, You are the best ! The voice answered, You are the bestThe boy was surprised, but did not understand. Then the father explained(解释),People call thisEcho, but really this is Life. It

44、gives you back everyth ing you say or do. Our life is just a reflection (反映)of what we have done. If you want more love in the world, have more love in your heart. If you wantto be successful, work hard. This can be used in everyth ing in life. Life will give you back everythi ngyou have give n to i

45、t.6. At first the boy cried because_ .A. he hurt himself and felt bad B. he wan ted to give himself a surpriseC. he felt it was so quiet in the mountainD. he hoped his father would help him7. When the boy heard the voice repeat ing, he thought_.A. it was foolish to hear others voiceB. some one else

46、in the moun ta in liked his voiceC. there were many other people in the mountainD. he was laughed at by some one else in the mountain8. The father shouted to the moun tai n to_.A. find out who was repeati ng his voiceB. have fun with other people in the mountainC. show more examples to his son befor

47、e givi ng him the an swerD. let his son know whose voice was louder9. The word Echo means_ .A. life itself B. repeati ng voice C. love in the world D. everyth ing in life10. From the story , we know_ .A. the boy did nt like others voice at allB. the father had his own way to teach his sonC. it is no

48、t polite to repeat others voiceD. the boy and his father were rather tired假如昨天你们班级以Shall we keep ani mals in zoos ?为题开了一次讨论会,请根据下表用英语写一篇 60 字左右的报道,介绍讨论会的情况,第一句已经给出,不计入词数。结果20 人认为应该把动物养在动物园里30 人认为不应该把动物养在动 物园里理由1.人们可以在动物园里看到很多不同 种类的动物。2.动物在动物园里受到 良好的照顾。1.动物被关在笼子里,无法自由 活动。2.动物喜欢生活在自然 的环境中。Section A【课前

49、预习】1. differe nces 2. follow 3. acce nt 4. pronun ciati on5. difficulty【课后巩固】3. complete 4. is close to 5. leavi ng for3. excited 4. follow ing 5. spoke n3. Is; flying 4. have; stayed 5. Have; traveledcoming back 3. is starting4. What is; going 5.I. 1. depend on 2. As forII. 1. more clearly 2. was f

50、orcedIII. 1. did; go 2. Are; meeti ngIV. 1. are arriving2. What time;leav ing forV. 1. is begi nning 2. Where are; leav ing3. is going to; by air/ pla ne 4. is n go ing toWhat is; going to do Section B【课前预习】1. follow 2. followi ng【课后巩固】3. see; off 4. dancing 5. leave for 6. leave; for 7. forceI. 1.

51、What have; lear ned whogaveII 1. himself; by gestures usedto; whe neverIII. 1. to go 删除 2. to 删除Section C and D【课前预习】2. What ; meaning 3. like/ love listening4. forced; to leave2. Gen erally speak ing3. As for; un comfortable4. Fill in3. to-for4. on in 5. doing to do1. stuck 2. similar 3. conversati

52、onin dustries8. en couraged 9. positi on【课后巩固】4. tran slated 5. When ever10.speaker6. conferenceare.3. follow on 4. follows afterI. 1. tran slati ng; into 2. forced ope n6. pronounce on/ upon 7. saw; off 8. are similar toII. 1. in stead of 2. will he 3. be take n 4. How soon5. a useful8. never helps 9. Neither/ Nor does 10. are fond of/ likeIII. 1. cant wait to open 2. very good at; practice speakingmuch pleased/ satisfied with developme nt 8. will be held5. pronounced aga inst6. has had 7. if; are5. don is spoken9. succeeded inB 卷I. 1. C。in ste


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