



1、 引语: 美国西海岸寄宿服务中心(west coast home stay service),简称WCHSS,成立于2009年10月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。 The west coast of the United States boarding service centre (west group home stay service), hereinafter referred to as WCHSS, was established in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United

2、 States Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services. 正文: 近几年通过华申留学办理去美国和英国高中的学生越来越多了,家长除了选择学校方面要进行比较,同时在另外一个方面那就是如何选择寄宿家庭,也是很多家长关注的问题。很多人对到美国居住、食宿等问题感到头疼,大部分人选择了美国当地的中介机构寻找合适的寄宿家庭,再安排学生入住到寄宿家庭。但是寄宿家庭都是兼职的,都只负责简单的三餐和接送,无法实现对学生的全面服务和支持。多数的学生初

3、到美国,在生活和学习上都不适应。而中介、父母、寄宿家庭、学校、学生5方之间的沟通多有障碍,造成信息脱节,这对学生的学习和生活造成很大的困扰和影响。 Through HuaShen study abroad to go to the United States and Britain in recent years, more and more high school students and parents choose in addition to the school to compare, at the same time in the other aspect is that how

4、to choose the host family, is also a matter of concern to many parents. A lot of people to live in the USA, accommodation problems such as headaches, and most people choose the local agency to find suitable host family, arrange students to check in to the host family. Host families are part-time, ho

5、wever, are only responsible for simple meals and transportation, unable to realize comprehensive service and support for students. Most of the students came to the United States, in the life and study are not used to. And mediation, parents, host family, school, student more than 5 communication bet

6、ween the parties, causing information disconnect, this to students learning and life caused great problems and influence. 家庭寄宿在发达国家已经有了好几十年的历史。主要是外国留学生为了解决住宿条件,提高自己的外语水平,促进了解国外文化,更好地融入外国社会而短期或长 期居住在当地人家庭。 我国的留学生在外国也有很多选择了这种住宿方式。特别是在家庭寄宿起源的欧美国家,家庭寄宿已经司空见惯,广入人心。 Homestay in developed countries already

7、 have decades of history. In order to solve the accommodation, mainly foreign students improve their foreign language level, promote the understanding of foreign culture, better in a foreign society are short or long period living in local families. Our country in foreign also has a lot of internati

8、onal students chose this way of accommodation. Origin of European and American countries, especially in the homestay family boarding has common, widely into the heart. 目前,有一些不负责任的留学机构,他们把学生送到美国来后,学生遇到问题联系他们时,几乎都得不到很好的解决。作为监护人的我们,我们将本着对学生和家长负责的态度来做服务,全面帮助学生解决在美国的生活和学习问题。我们配备有专业的人员,给学生讲解需要注意的问题以及生活方式等

9、,并第一时间处理好学生的问题。 At present, there are some irresponsible agents, after they send students to the United States, students have a problem to contact them, almost all can not get very good solve. As the guardian of the us, we will in line with the attitude of responsible for students and parents to do

10、service, comprehensive help students solve the problem of life and study in the United States. We are equipped with a professional personnel, to the students need to be aware of issues and lifestyle, etc., and for the first time to deal with students' problems. 美国西海岸寄宿服务中心,成立于2009年10月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,

11、是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。从机构成立至今,一直专注于学生国际高中留学服务。目前,美国西海岸寄宿服务中心也是唯一一家承担学生监护权的寄宿管理机构。作为这样特殊的一家寄宿服务机构,能为国际学生提供全面的后续管理服务,全面解决家长对孩子低龄留学的包括法律、住宿、留学生活、管理等各种问题,真正做到为教育保证,为留学守航。 The west coast of the United States boarding service center, was founded in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United S

12、tates Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services. From the institution since its establishment, has been dedicated to international students study in high school. At present, the west coast of the United States boarding students service ce

13、nter is also the only company to assume custody lodging management institutions. As such special boarding services, can provide international students with a comprehensive follow-up management services, comprehensive solution to the parents of young children to study abroad including law, housing, s

14、tudy abroad life, management and other issues, truly guarantee for education, for study abroad course. 同时大家也知道,留学美国,大多数家庭选择美国私立中学。美国私立中学分为走读和寄宿两种。寄宿式高中更有利于孩子英语水平的提高,家长们最关心的问题也就是寄宿家庭的问题,毕竟这 是孩子在美国的第一个家。很多的家长和学生在选择美国寄宿家庭的时候抱有很高的期望,很关心寄宿家庭成员的职业、家庭环境和地理位置等等。建议从以下几点进行考虑: At the same time you also know, s

15、tudy in the United States, most families choose private schools in the United States. American private high school is divided into both day and boarding. JiSuShi more conducive to children's English level improve high school, parents are the most concerned problem is the host family, after all,

16、this is the first child in the United States. Many parents and students when choosing American host family had high hopes, are very concerned about the host family members of the profession, family environment and the geographical position, etc. Suggestions from the following points to consider: 1.家

17、庭成员中无犯罪记录; 2.家庭有固定的住房、稳定的收入; 3.寄宿家庭父母要有爱心、责任心; 4.待人热情,乐于帮助国际学生适应并融入当地的生活。 1. No criminal record in the family members; 2. Households have fixed housing, stable income; 3. The host family parents has the compassion, the sense of responsibility; 4. Treats people the enthusiasm, willing to help interna

18、tional students adapt and integrate into local life. 当然,还有很多国内家长也考虑到寄宿家庭是否有与自己孩子年龄相仿的孩子,这样更方便沟通,另外还有当然是要选择交通方便或离学校较近的寄宿家庭,这样可方便学生的上下学。考虑到很多孩子去读高中,年龄都不大,我们会根据情况安排学生先了解选择的寄宿家庭的具体情况,有必要的时候还会安排学生和寄宿家庭进行电话或者视频沟通,提前进行一些了解,在此也对要去的学生提出一些建议,在休息时间、洗浴方面、收拾房间、彼此尊重、矛盾处理、交流沟通以及入乡随俗方面都要注意,只有 建立在互相理解的基础上,双方才会相处的更好。

19、 And, of course, many Chinese parents also consider whether there is with his host family children age children, so more convenient communication, there are, of course, is to choose convenient transportation or closer from the school host family, which can facilitate students to and from school. Con

20、sidering many children go to high school, age is not large, we will arrange according to the circumstance of students choose to host family to understand the specific situation, when there is a need to can arrange students and host families by telephone or video communication, ahead of some understa

21、nding, in this also puts forward some Suggestions for students to go to, the rest time, wash bath, cleaning, respect each other, conflict management, communication and do as the Romans do, must pay attention to only based on mutual understanding, on the basis of the two sides would get along better.

22、 寄宿制学校不仅吸引着美国本土学生,对国际留学生也有着非常大的魅力。本文诠释了为什么对国际留学生而言,寄宿制学校是很好的选择。哪些人被称为国际学生?那些持有非美国护照的学生被称为国际学生。许多原因促使寄宿制学校成为国际学生普遍的选择。为什么寄宿学校是国际学生的好选择?Boarding schools not only attracts native American students, international students also have very big appeal. This paper explains why for international students, boa

23、rding school is a good choice. What are called international students? Students who hold a U.S. passport, known as international students. Many reasons to become an international boarding school students common choice. Why boarding school is a good choice to international students? 许多国际学生都很希望在美国读大学,

24、但这的确不是一件容易的事。国际学生在从几千所美国大学中挑选合适的大学时可能缺乏合适的导览。在申请美国大学的时候,语言可能是一个大问题。 Many international students are very hope to go to university in the United States, but it is not an easy thing. International students in the us universities from thousands of when choosing the right college may lack the proper nav

25、igation. When applying to American university, the language may be a big problem. 寄宿制学校可以在以下方面帮助国际学生:1、提高英语能力2、帮助他们学习如何让合适的美国大学录取他们3、通过提供更小的,结构化的设计支持去适应一种新的文化4、英语非母语的学生Boarding schools can help international students in the following aspects: 1, improve the English ability 2, help them learn how to

26、make the right American college admissions 3, by offering smaller, structured design support to adapt to a new culture 4, non-native students in English 英语课程 在学习英语的过程中,如果不经常运用英语是很难把英文学好的。在寄宿制学校,国际学生上课,参与运动活动,他们必须和母语是英语的学生生活在一起。这位英语学习提供了一个很好的环境。这使得他们有机会经常用英语和朋友交流。 In the process of learning English,

27、if you don't often use English is hard to learn English well. In boarding school, international students in class, to participate in sports activities, they must live with students native language is English. This provides a very good English learning environment. This makes them have a chance t

28、o often use English to communicate with friends. 寄宿学校提供的ESL课程也能帮助国际学生更快的学习英文。这些课程通常由小班化教学。ESL课程的设计是专门针对提高国际学生英语的听说读写能力的。寄宿制学校为国际学生提供了一个非常良好的提高自己英语能力的机会。 Boarding schools to provide ESL program can also help international students learn English faster. These courses are usually made of small-class te

29、aching. Enhance ESL program is designed specifically for international students in English listening, speaking, reading and writing. Boarding school for international students provides a very good chance to improve their English. 大学预科 寄宿制学校会为国际学生提供训练有素的大学咨询师。这些咨询师可以帮助你选择学校和帮你准备你的入学申请。有许多寄宿制学校甚至会提供帮你

30、准备TOEFL和TOEIC考试的班级。寄宿制学校帮助国际学生能在美国的大学生活中表现的更加出色。 Boarding school can provide international students with well-trained college counselor. These consultants can help you choose the school and help you prepare for your application for admission. Many boarding schools even offer to help you prepare for the TOEFL and TOEIC test classes. Boarding school helps international students to


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