



1、Unltl基础知识检测I根据首字母或汉语意思提示填写单词1 Farmers grow rice in the rich s.2.11 is geographically more diverse than any other(大陆).3. (生物多样性)ensures a resource for new food crops and medicines.4. Pandas are an endangered s5. Development of the area would endanger w.6. Bats is the only(哺乳动物)that can fly.7. She scr

2、atched at the(昆虫)bites on her arm.8. In her first book she explained the role of vegetable fibres, vitamins, minerals, and other essential n9. Yeast is the absolutely necessary(微生物)of beer production.10. Humans take in oxygen and breathe out cdioxide.【答案】1 soil; 2. continent; 3. Biodiversity; 4. spe

3、cies; 5- wildlife; 6. mammal; 7. insect; 8. nutrients;9. microorganism; 10. carbonII单句语法填空1 We have already discussed this matter at great(long).2. Olivia has always been a model of healthy(live).3. The plane crashed in an area of dense jungle There were no(survive).4.1ncreased production will, in,

4、lead to increased profits5. We do not own the building it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.6. Duethe large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally.7. At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become(ex

5、tinction) in less than 10years.8. The collection has been builtover the last seventeen years9. During the(dry) (he river dried up.10. It's a situation that callsa blend of delicacy and force.11. His(apply) for membership of the organization was rejected.12. The conference was very well(organizat

6、ion).13. Images of(deer) and hunters decorate the cave walls14. The research project involves(track) the careers of 400 graduates.15. Il is usually much(profit) to sell direct to the public【答案】1. length; 2. living; 3. survivors; 4. turn; 5. Thus; 6. to; 7. extinct; 8. up; 9. drought; 10. for;11. app

7、lication; 12. organized; 13. deer; 14. tracking; 15. more profitableIII根据汉语意思提示完成句子1. 有什么论点能提岀来为这个说法辩护呢?What points can be raisedthis argument?2. 苏珊对自由的理解就是拥有生活方式的多样化。Susan's idea of freedom was toher life style3. 我刚才一直在向我的将军们解释战略的基本原则。I've just been explainmgto my generals4他的死纯粹出乎意料,结果还没有为他

8、的替代人左出讣划。His death was totallyand,. no plans had been made for his replacement.5. 这部小说的成功带来了一系列的续篇。Tlie novels successa number of sequels 6. 他们的治疗对他弊多于利。The treatment they gave him.7. 每年有900万的海外游客来到这座城市。Every year.&剧院底下的四层停车库还不够。Four levels of parking9. 天空中乌云密布。The sky was full of.10. 远远望去,它的髙耸建

9、筑像在召唤游客。Seen from afar,seem to beckon the visitor in.11. 饲养牛是该国家现代农业的核心部分。is the core part of this country's12. 全球气候变化严重影响了区域生态系统。is greatly.13. 温室气体排放量的上升破坏了环境质疑。Rising emissions of.14. 政府正努力使更多人摆脱贫困。The government is working to make more people15. 当地居民饱受雾霾之苦。suffer from.【答案】1 in defence of / t

10、o defend; 2. have variety in; 3. the basic rules of strategy; 4. unexpected, in consequence/as a consequence; 5. gave rise to; 6 did him more harm than good; 7. nine million overseas visitors come to this city; & beneath the theatre is not enough; 9. dark masses of clouds/inasses of dark clouds;10. its towering buildings; 11. Cattle raising, modern agri


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