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1、What will the man probably do n ext?Have a taste of the salad.Spri ng.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小Unit 1 Cultural relics第一部分听力(满分 30 分,限时 20 分钟)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的

2、相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What do we know about the man?A. He usually works at ni ght.B. He has got a promoti on.C. He has two days off every week.2. How does the man keep in shape?A.He n ever eats out.B. He eats less food.C. He never eats after 9: 00 pm.3.What are they doing

3、 now most probably?A. Clea ning the house.B. Decorat ing the house.C. Choos ing a flat.4.A.B.C.Eat some ice cream.Add some salt to theT 上salad.5.Which seas on is it now?A. Autu mn.B. Summer.C.从题中所给的 A、B C 三个选题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. Where are the two speakers?A

4、. In the restaura nt.B. In their office.C. At the womans house.37. How will the man go home?A. By taxi.B. By bus.C. On foot.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 9 题。8.Why did the woman call the police?A.Her money was stolen.B. Some one was in her garde n.C. She lost her key.9.What did the man advise the woman to do?A. As

5、k her neighbors for help.B. Put the chain on the door.C. Wait next to the phone.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.How will they go to Sogo Department Store?A.By Jiefang West Road.B. By Zhongshan Road.C. By Xin she ng Bridge.11. How much will the man pay for his ride?A. On ly 10yua n.B. About 14yua n.C. Abou

6、t 20yua n.12. When is it hard foropele to call a cab in Beiji ng?A. On rainy days.B. During the rush hours.C. In the evening.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.How long was the football game?A.For an hour.B. For one hour and a half.C. For two hours.14. When does the man go swimming?A. On Saturday.B. On Frida

7、y.C. On Thursday.415 What did the man do last Sunday afternoon?A He went for a walk.B He went dancing.C He stayed at home.16 Where is the man on Tuesday evening?A In a pub.B At his office.C In his friends home.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17 How many teachers are mentioned?A Four.B Five.C Six.18 What do

8、we know about Mrs. Lafferty?A She is energetic.B She is encouraging.C She is hard-working.19 Who are serious teachers?A Mr. Ryan and Mr. Peters.B Mr. Peters and Ms. Jones.C Mrs. Lafferty and Ms. Jones.20 What are the audience going to do?A Take a vote.B Have a discussion.C Have a break.答案:1 5 BCBCA

9、6 10 AABCC11 15 BACCA 16 20 BABBC听力材料(Text 1 )W: Im glad I dont have your job, working all night and sleeping in the daytime.M: Oh, I stopped that when I got my promotion. Now Im on three days and off two days.(Text 2 )W: What do you do to keep in shape?5M: Nothing special. I love to eat out, and I

10、eat whatever I want. But I never6eat after nine at ni ght.(Text 3 )M I want to put a sofa and a table in the living room.W Sounds nice.M And I plan to fix a lamp in the kitchen and a new mirror for the bathroom.(Text 4 )M Do you like your salad?W Yes. Its nice and fresh. And Im thinking of some icec

11、ream after it. HowM Mi ne is rather tasteless.W Maybe you n eed to add some salt and olive oil.(Text 5 )W Lovely day, is nt it?M Yes, its won derful. Does it rainquite ofte n here?W Not really in this seas on. Usuallyit rains a lot in spri ng. Autu mn is theM So I am here at the right time.(Text 6 )

12、That was a good meal, Gordon.It sure was. I could nt eat another bite.Well, it is gett ing pretty late. I think we should go home.Youre right. I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow.Let mesee how much the billis.Dont worry about it. This is my treat.ZKATheres no n eed for you to pay the whole

13、 bill. Well go Dutch. This way wewill both have money to take a taxi home; otherwise, you will have to walk.M Alright.(Text 7 )M Hello, police statio n.W Please help me. Im sure theressome one outside in the garde n tryi ng to get into my house.I can hear a sound like a key in the lock in the back d

14、oor.about yours?best seas onhere.7M Would you give me your n ame and address, please, Miss?W An gela Bart on, 15 Park Road, Alford. I live alone and the n eighbors are awayon holiday. What shall I do? rm afraid to open the door, because there isnt a chain on it.M: No, youd better nottake action. Ill

15、 send a car around straight away. CanI have your telephone number?W:Yes, 982699.M:Good. Youd better stay next to the phone until a police car arrives. The car will be there in lessthan five minutes.(Text 8 )W: Good day, sir. Where do you want to go?M: Sogo Department Store, on Jiefang East Road.W: O

16、K. Do you want me to go by Zhongshan Road or by Xinsheng Bridge?M: You decide it. This is my first time to come to Beijing. I am not familiar with the streets.W: OK. I will take Xinsheng Bridge. I guess, at this time of the day, Zhongshan Road is a littlecrowded.M: Well, how much does it cost for th

17、e first kilometer?W: Tenyuan. And it will be twoyuanfor every additional 500 meters. Yourdestination is about 2 kilometers away.M: I see. Is it usually easy to call a cab in Beijing?W: Pretty much. But its hard to say on rainy days like today.M: I think so. Then how long it will take to get there?W:

18、 Well, about twenty minutes.(Text 9 )W: Hi, John! Where have you been?M: Ive just been to a football game. It was really exciting. It finished at 8: 00 pm.W: Oh, do you always go on Saturdays?M:Not really. The game usually starts at 6: 00 pm. When I finished work thisafternoon, it was only five oclo

19、ck. So I thought Id go and watch a game.W: Oh, you must have had a great time. Do you still go swimming on Fridays?M: No, Ive changed to the day before Friday because there arent so many people then.W: By the way, I didnt see you at the park last Sunday afternoon.8M: Last Sunday? Yeah. I was staying

20、 with Liz. We always try to go for a long9walk once a week, and Sun day is the only day whe n were both free.W What did you do after that?M We went dancing in the evening and had a great time. What about you?W I had a date with some of my frien ds. What do you do on Tuesdays?M Most Tuesdays I have t

21、o work late at the office, so there isnt much time for anything afterwards.W Boy, you surely have a full week.(Text 10 )-OK, we are here to decide who should be“Teacher of the Year ” . We have someexcellent teachers that we have to choose from. So lets get started. First, letsCjtalk about Mr. Rya n.

22、 Hes prettynew to our school he came here last year. Every onesays hes inspiring.And he has a lot of energy. Next, Mrs. Laffertys on our list.She wasTeacher of the Year” last year! Shes really 巧 ntelligentand her classesare great. Students love her because she is so encouraging. She always gives sup

23、port by say ing goodthin gs. OK, next is Mr Peters. To tell the truth, he isnt such a popular teacher. His class is hard but hesserious and people respect him. The last teacher on our list is Ms. Jon es. Shes also serious and sheworks hard. She oftenstays after school to meet with students to help t

24、hem with their studies. OK. Thats all the information ofthese teachers. Whydont we take a five-minute break to thinkAre you look ing for a place to spe nd a holiday? Here are two great beaches for you to con sider.Yasawa Isla nd Beach, FijiThe Yasawa Isla nds are popular for un spoiled( blue-green w

25、aters. Many mountains stand nearby as well.They offer people amuch-needed break from their busy lives. With naturalbeauty and a lot of sunshine, theisla nds have become a perfect place to relax. Popular with backpackers, theSouth Pacific islands also offer many activities such as sailing, visiting l

26、ocal villages and enjoying andevening on the beach with campfires and barbecues. In particular, the Yasawa Island Beach is anaffordable relaxing place for tourists.about this and come back and decide?第二部分阅读理解第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(满分 40 分,限时 35 分钟)30 分)(A、B C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。未经破坏的 )be

27、aches and clear10Eagle Beach, ArubaEven if you are not one of many American students taking a break from the stresses of college life,you have probably heard people talk about the island how it offerswild adventures and relaxing activities. No one can say no” to its Caribbean charm (魅力).Inparticular

28、, if you have been to Eagle Beach, you will never regret the trip to Aruba. Like an eagle thatspreads its wings widely, the beach is known for its long coastline. The Eagle Beach is also known forits soft white sands and clear waters. However, what you can see is not just a wide view of sand andsea.

29、 If youre lucky, you can observe sea turtle hatchli ngs (幼崽)as they make their way to theocea n.语篇解读:本文向我们介绍了两处适合度假的海滩。21. What are the Yasawa Islands popular for?A.Beaches and waters.B.Campfires and barbecues.C. Warm weather all the year round.D. Different kinds of exciting activities.解析:选A 细节理解题。根

30、据第二段的The Yasawa Islands are popular forunspoiled ( 未经破坏的)beaches and clear blue-green waters.”可知应选A 项。22. What can be inferred about the Aruba Island?A.People often talk about the island.B.The islands charm is widely known.C. American students often go to the island.D. The wild adventures are attrac

31、tive to the locals.解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据第三段的Even if you are . to its Caribbean charm (魅力).”可知,Eagle Beach 的魅力广为人知。23. The Eagle Beach is most probably a popular place for_ .A.people to hold partiesB.sea turtles to lay eggsC. birds to look for foodD. eagles to have a rest解析: 选 B 推理判断题。 根据第三段的“ If youre luc

32、ky, you can observe sea turtle hatchlings( 幼崽)as they make their way to the ocean.” 可推断,这是海龟产卵的地方。11When I took Amy home from the animal shelter, she was scared. I believed she had bee n abused( 虐待)because she was afraid of anything my husba nd. Bill, or I held in our han ds. With a lot of careand a

33、tte nti on, she became a great dog that surprised us every day.About three years ago, Amyand I joined a volunteer project called Canineswith Class. At our first school visit, Officer Lisa called Amy and asked her toshow how to shake hands and give a high five. The students clapped (扌白手)in joy and Am

34、yreceived a reward. Then the students got to touch the dog. One by one theycame up to meet Amy. Some of them started talk ing topets. I did nt feel worried any more. I thought the childre nOn our n ext school visit, I put a big cha in( away from her. You could see that Amy was not happy.When I took

35、the chain off hern eck, Amy shook her tail happily and would nt stop lick ing (舔)my face. That waswhe n we talked about“ break ing the cha inOn our third school trip, Amy started acting poorly when it was time to show off a few tricks. Thestude nts watched to see how I would correct her mistakes. It

36、 was a good cha nee to expla in that if yourdog does nt do exactly what you ask, you dont have to shout at her or hit her to make it right. I think thechildre n have learned a lot about respect and patie nee.Amy loves the program and has come so far since I found her a few years ago.and the love she

37、 gives those children will help them becomegood pet owners.I r语篇解读:作者与自己领养的狗参加了一个志愿者项目,旨在告诉人们要善待动物。24. The author thought Amy had been abused mainly because of_ .A.Amys body shapeB.Amys eyesC.where Amy had lived beforeD.how Amy reacted to something解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第一段的I believed she had been abused (

38、虐待)because shewas afraid of anything my husba nd, Bill, or I held in our han ds.可 知,作者是根据 Amy 的一些反应判断出来的。25. During the first school visit, the author was most probablyB. encouragedme about their ownAmyhas broken theA. nervouson Amys n eck and walked12C. calmD. upset解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据第二段的Some of them s

39、tarted . staying with us. ” 可推断,刚开始作者也很担心,但是和孩子们交流之后发现,孩子们也喜欢他们来学校,因此作者深受鼓舞。26. What was the purpose of the second school visit?A.To show how dogs get happy.B.To encourage children to be free.C. To encourage children to save dogs.D. To show why we should stop using dog chains.解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第三段的That

40、 was when we talked about breaking the chain.”可知,第二次去学校交流的目的是为了告诉孩子们狗不喜欢被链子拴住,我 们应该停止使用狗链。27. What did the children leann from the third school trip?A.Dogs are stupid at times.B.Every one makes mistakes.C. Dog owners should be patient.D. People should respect each other.解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第四段的It was a g

41、ood chance . respect andpatienee. ”可推断,孩子们学会了对宠物要有耐心。CThe Museum of London is start ing to un earth what might turn out to be as manyas 3,000 humanskeletons(遗骸) under a train station in the United Kingdoms capital. The bones wereexposed when workers began building a new entrance to a train station i

42、n London, En gla nd.As the first city burial (埋葬)ground in London, Bedlam was probably usedbetwee n 1569 and 1738. Its n ame comes from the n earby Hospital of Saint Mary ofBethlehem, which people also called Bedlam. Often, the people buried in Bedlam could not afford to beburied any where else. The

43、 burial gro und also served as an overflow cemetery ( 墓地).That meansthat if other cemeteries became full, a person would be buried in Bedlam in stead. It is believed thatthere could be a total of 20,000skelet ons in the overall burial gro und.Experts think study ing the skelet ons may help them lear

44、 n about Londons past,including questions about the Black Death, a deadly disease that had a terriblein flue nee on much of the world. It started in the mid-1300s and swept through Asia,13解析:选 B 推理判断题。由最后一段中的The dig site also sits above an even7olderRoman ( 古罗马的)road ”和“ a large number of objects fr

45、om Roman times知,Bedlam 曾被古罗马人侵占,故选B 项。30. What was expressed in Nick Elsdens words?B. Praise.C.Excitement.D. Kindness.解析:选 C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的This is the UKs largest archaeologyproject . we sta nd to learn a great deal.”可知,对于这一发现他非常兴奋,故选C 项。Africa, and Europe. Historiansbelieve almost 50 million people

46、died of the disease,in cludi ng many of those buried at Bedlam.“ Sixtee n sixty-five saw the very lastrecorded period of the disease , ” says Jay Carver, the leading expert on the project. Carver and histeam believe the Bedlam bodies may explain why the outbreak suddenlystopped.The dig site also sit

47、s above an even older Roman (古罗马的)road (between the2nd and 3rd century A. D.). Archaeologists (考古学家)have already found a largenumber of objects from Romantimes, includinghorseshoes and urns. Nick Elsden, theprojectmanager for the site, says,“ This isin what is one of the oldest areas of the city,the

48、 UKs largest archaeology project,”so we stand to learn a great deal.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了伦敦修建车站时发现的一些遗骸。28. The underlined word“exposed” in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced byA. discoveredC. returnedD. studied解析:选 A 词义猜测题。由该词后的 when workers began buildinga new entranceto a train station ”可知,当工人们开始修建通往

49、一个火车站的新入口时发现了这些遗骸,故选 A 项。29. We can learn from the text that Bedlamserved as a cemetery for rich people wasonce take n up by the Roma ns*got its n ame tha nks to Jay Carvergused to be a train stati onA.B.C.D.”可A. Pride.1431. What would be the best title for the text?A.The Museum of London15B. A Roma

50、n road in BedlamC. History of the Black DeathD. Skeleton secrets in London解析:选 D 标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了伦敦修建车站时发现的一些遗骸,故用D 项作为标题最恰当。DPart of the reason that English has grown as a world Ianguage is that it easily adjusts to ( 适应)change. However, this means that what one was taught as a child in school may be

51、out of date manyyears later. Whenwords or phrases change, it can make speakers feel “wrong” be cause they weretaught that something else was“right. ”One example of this is a term connected to school itself.Today, it is com mon for people to say that they“ graduatedhigh school ” or college. The word“

52、graduate ” has twocommonmeanings. One is to mark off a series. The other meaning is closelyrelated. As you move through school, you cross off a series of achievements: grade school, middleschool, high school, and college. So, in a way, school itself is “graduated. ”So, whe n people used to speakof g

53、ett ing a degree, they said they“ graduatedfrom college. ”“To graduate college ” would have meant to mark it off by yearthe first year, the second year etc. Similarly,“to graduate to college ” wouldhave meant to complete high school and move up to the n ext level.But as happe ns ofte n in En glish,

54、whe n people un dersta nd your meaning, smallerwords can disappear. “ I graduated college ” is now easy to say. This may distress people who weretaught that you had to use“from ” to be correct. But this is notthe first time this phrase has bee n simplified. It used to be that you said,“ Iwas graduat

55、ed from college ,” in stead of,“ I graduated from college. ”You cant know what En glish will keep and what it will lose. Who could imagi nethat we would still say we“dial ” a phone number when we now push buttons on ourcellph one? Yet we know what it mea ns.语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了英语是一门不断发展变化的语言。1632. Wh

56、at do we know about the word “graduate ”?A. It has two similar meanings.B. There was a change in its meanings.C. It had nothing to do with school at first.D. It got an extra meaning during its development.解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的The word graduate has two common meanin gs.One is to mark off a series. The

57、 other meaning is closely related.”可知,graduate 一词有两个相近的意思。33.Which of the following is thenewest usage of“graduate ”?A.I was graduated from college.B.I was to graduate to college.-C. I graduated from college.jXD. I graduated college.Cj解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的what one was taught as a child in school may

58、be out ofdate many years later ”和第二段中的One example of . or college. ” 可知,I graduated college是最新的用法。34.The underlined word_“distress ”probably means “A.changeB. correctC. worryD. hurt解析:选 C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的who were taught that you had to usefrom to be correct”可知,对于那些在学校学的是I graduated from college 的人来说,他们

59、认为 I graduated college 是错误的说法,然而现在人们却经常这样说,这让他 们感到不安。故 distress 和 worry 意思相近。35. Whats the best title for the text?A.Right or wrong?B.Words come and go in EnglishC. English is a very changeable IanguageD. How should English be taught in school?解析:选B 标题归纳题。文章第一段点出英语在发展变化,第二至四段举例说明graduate 一词的用法,最后一段中

60、的You cant know what English will keep and what17it will lose. ”更是点出文章的主旨。故B 项作标题贴切。第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many of us believe that if we earned more money, were thinner, were married (or sin gle), hadmore frien ds, the n we would be happy. What we fail to


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