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1、第1页共 7 页初上 期 末 英 语1.根 据 下 面 内 容以 My Vacati on toB(9ijing为题写 篇 约 50 词的 短文。Wedn esday,丿August 20tf1Today the weather w/as hotandsur iny.I went to BeijingHuton(j. Itwa$beautiful. Wetooksc)meph()tos.I likec1this place because It wasinteres;tingJ .For dinn erw/e hadBe jing du ck. t was deliciousIn theeve

2、ningJ, Ifeltrea illy tirecL2.根 据 调 查 结 果 写篇短 文He re are theresults of the studentsactivitiesurveyin my:lass.Everybo(iy doesthexerc;isefor anhourevery/ day. 90%of thestudentseatfruitsc刁nddrinkmilk:everyday.7%of the stud(ents eatsju nkfoodfor2 or 3tim(sawe ek.Nobodyfdrinkscoffee. Most stude?ntssle(ep

3、for8o)r9hoursaiday.3.你 和 你 朋 友 在 外貌 和 性 格 方 面 有什 么 异同 呢?请 以Mybe$stfriendan(C I为 题运用 比较 级写篇 英 语 文早Shiouhdfriends b 5 th5sameorcferent? Formie ,Its第2页共 7 页not rlecesjsaryto be thes;ame .M1ynam(e isDafid. Mybeslfrie n d Jeffis quiel differentfromme Heis f 5horter andqu et tertheinmie . Webot hlik:e spo

4、rts ,buthe playsbase ball bette;rthan rne,so ie alwaysvvinseff workkhard eran(i always get good gra(des5can talk and shareeverything.I think:mybej st frendhe lpstobringoulthebest in me.Well beg(oodfrie ndsforevei-4.上周我 们 举 办了次 我 们 城市的 些好场 ”所 的问 卷 调 查请根 据 下 面 的表格所 提供的信 息 写篇 调 查 报 告不 少 于80词。A surveyc)

5、fgc)odplac;esn our ctyLastweekwe did a surve纽aboutgcodplacesin oijrcity. And this s what weearn ed.Most(ofthe hghsch(oolsare g ood,and theNo.10 HighS(:hoolisthe beistinou*city. It hasthebejstteachersandits the most beautifulPeoplesH(osptal is the best of all. Ithasthejmostcomffortable bedsand thefri

6、(9ndiestservic戈Moder nClinemais thebest.It h as the ggestscr(eens. The1bestclothingstoreJin our city isXiwangClothing Store.Itha5the bestqualityan(i itsthemostpopular. As foradio station,第3页共 7 页most yourg PeoplethHefei 168 FMis the best radiostatiofr. Ithas the most rlewsamd themlostir terestirgmus

7、ic.5. 请 根 据 下 列表 扌格 内 容写 篇 他 们各 自 的爱 好 情 况 字 数 在 60 词 5 左右To day,I askeidmyfamilyab(outmories.Someof tlheiranswers a ” e verynte restrg. H ere aretlheirlikes ariddislikes匸Mysksterlikescairtoorsven/ miuch,butsh(ecartstand acti on nnoves .Mymothe汀carit stardacti or movieseither.She likesc;omedieis. My

8、fathe汀dislikes sitcoms,buthe likes a(:tiori movies .My broltherlikesacti or mo(ies,too. He cant s;tandcairto(ms.6.新 学 期 要 到了写篇 关 于 学 期的 计 划5讲 述下自 己 打算L 在新 的学 期 要 做些什 么?提 示 :可 以 写自 己在 :学习5健 身5娱 乐5培 养业 余 爱 好 等 方 面 的计 划 或 打 算NevV丫jarsRe、solutiors9wy/earis c;omrg, ImTgoirig to do a lot of thirgsne:xtyea

9、r.Firs丸 Iwarit toimprc)ve myChire出e,soIm(joir gtoprac;ticeit veryofte力 ardha、vemj汨ycorverjsatiorswith第4页共 7 页my Chinese frencIs.Next,Iwantto be mlore healthy, soImgong todosp)ortsevery daysuc;hassvvimrming, runningaindso on. At the sametirme,Im(joing tc)eatles;sjunk food.Fi nally,I wanl to join the

10、dancin(g clijb,soIIm goingtopractice dancing twice aweek.Ihope仃iyr(esolutionsc:ancome t ruein thec;oming year.7.以 My life n tein years为题写 篇 短 文要 求描 写生动语 流 畅。60词 左右-Inten years, thi nk Il bea r eporterAs arep)orte汀,1think Illmeet lots of interejsting peope.AmdIwill a so travel al over thevvorl(d. Ill

11、ive?inBeijingbecau5eIwernttotheJrelastyearandfell in love withilt.And I will keep apetpig,bec:aus I ikeitverymuch.Iwilliv(5 inapartmentwithmypa”ents.This ismiy life irtenyears,thi nk Iwill bevery/ happyin the future.8.你 知道 感 恩 节这 天人 们 会 吃 什 么 吗?请 根 据 本 单 元 知 识 叙 述下这 种食物 的 制 作 过程Here isonee way tomw水

12、eturk、 eyfora1Thanksgiringdiiner第5页共 7 页Fi rst, mixtogethejrsomiebre;adpiec;es,onions sal tandpepper. Next,fill the turkeywith this bread mix.Th en,putthe?turkeyin aahot oven andcook it for afe1whours;.Whenit is read)lace the turkeyona hargeJplateaCO/er it with gravy. Fin ally, cut the tijrkey into

13、tlninpiecesand eat the meat with vegetableslike c汀rolts andpotatoes.9. 假 如 你的好友 L 邀 请你 去 参 加生日 聚会但 因 为 你 下周的日程 1 已 经排 满不厶匕冃、八往。请根 据 提 示 给 她 回 信婉 a 言 谢绝并 表 达 你的 谢 意。Hi Anri,Thankyouiforyoir in vition .I am so rry cai nt comeito yourbirthdaypw3rtythisweek .am i really busy. OnMo nday,1am goingto the m

14、o/iesw/ith myfrierids.OnTuesday,Iami going to visitm/ aunL OnWtednesday, I haveto help my motherOnThursday,I am g oing to my sistersbirtfiday party. OnFriday,I a m goin(jtoNing Boo)nva(cationvyithmy parentsPlease caII me after thevacation.第6页共 7 页Candy10 你将来可能会有很多钱,请你以 If Ihave a lot of money, I wil

15、l .为题, 写一篇短文,表述自己拥有财富后将如何帮助他人。IfI have a lot of money, I will .If I have a lot of money, I will buy what I n eed anddo what I want , such as traveli ng around the world,study ing abroad and buying my pare nts a big house .Ihope my dream will come true.Of course,I will do somethi ng helpful to others .I will giveaway money to charities .I wi l help those kids who are toopoor to go to school.I n a


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