



1、1PEP 小学英语四年级期末试卷Listening Part(听力部分)40%Listen and circle.听录音选择,每个单词、句子读两遍。10%()1. A.first floorB.sec ond floor()2. A.libraryB.playground()3. A.breakfast B.lunch()4. A.go to school B.go to bed()5. A.Itcool. B.It scold()6. A.carrot B.cow()7. A.pants B.dress()8. A.Ittime for dinner. B.Ittime to get up.

2、()9. A.Are these tomatoes? B.Are those tomatoes?()10. A.Are these yours? B.Theyre yours.Listen and number听录音给下列图片标号(1-5)。每组句子读两遍。5%( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).Listen and choose.听音,将城市对应的天气和衣服打V”。10%09t 19Fa0ABeijingHarbinJinan2LondonSydney四Listen and number.听短文,标序号。10%( )Its very pretty.( )Oh, thats expensi

3、ve!( )How do you like this skirt?( )Its $100.( )How much is this skirt?五、Listen and write听句子,写单词。5%1. My sisters _ .2._This is the.3._A girl and her.4.Is it _? Yes, it is.5.This is her _.Writing Part(笔试部分)60%六、在B栏找出A栏的答语,将字母代号填到句子前括号里。10%AB1()Where is the teachers office?A. Yes, we do.()Do you have

4、a library?B. Its 6:30.()What time is it now?C. They are carrots.()Can I go outside now?D. No, you cant.()What are these.?E. Its on the second floor.2()Are those hens?A. Of course. Here you are()Whose coat is this?B. Its $87.()Can I try them on?C. OK.()How much is this skirt?D. Yes, they are.()Lets g

5、o to the playground?E. Its mine.3七单词图片连线。10%45Read and choose.选择正确的答案。20%八.)1. How many stude nts are there in your class?A. OK.B.Yes,it is.C. 45 stude nts.)2.Is that the computer room?_A. No, it isnB. No, it is.)3.Ittime for_ .A. get up)4.Ittime toA. go to schoolB. breakfast)5.Whatsthe weather like

6、 in New York?.A. Itsrain)6.Is it win dy?A. No, it is.B. dinnerB. Itsrainy.B. OK.C. Yes, it isn.C. music roomC. lunchC. 26 degrees.C. Yes, it is.)7.Amy, are these yours?_.A. No, it isn.B. No, they arent.)8.Whose pants are those?_.A. They re your father.B. They re your father.C. You re funny.)9. The s

7、un glasses are $500, Theyre_.C. No, they are.5A. cheapB. blueC. expe nsive()10.How do you like this shirt?_.A. It$89.B. Yes,it is.C. Itvery pretty.九.Read and write.根据提示您填写单词.10%十.Read and judge .阅读判断。10%Hello! My nameJohn. Im in Beijing now. It shot in Beijing. Itsunnytoo.I can wear my shorts and shirt. My shorts are gree n. I have a new jacket. My oldjacket is too small.I want to buy a hat.The hat is very pretty, but it is $60. thavery expensive.()1.Ithot in


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