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1、第1页共 12 页万 圣 节 英 语 手抄 报 素 材万 圣 节 英 语 手 抄 报素 材万 圣 节 的 英 文 资 料N ?xtto Christmas,Hallowe(?risthe5 mostcommejrcislized c ?lebratic)rni the Urlitecst ates;ard Cara(da.Thbsanciertfestival origirlated far from fNorth Americahowz迅ard cemturie出before thefirstEEuropears(et foot orthe coritire?rt.The a rciert

2、Druids督 伊 德 教(古代 高卢人与不 列 颠 人 的 一种宀宗教)的 教 徒who r habited whatwe row/ caII G”eatBrita irpla(cedgreatirnportarce or t hepa;ssirg of oresejascr tc)therext,hioldirg FireFestivGISwhichvvere?celebrate(j foi” threeclays5(tw/o daysoreitherside of thedayitself).Oireofth(esefesltivalswewayvyardsprits, the anci

3、et Celts(凯 尔特人)would dou se(插 入水K 中5把 弄熄5弄 湿)alltheir fii res. Th?rewasals o a secondarypurposte toafter extinguis拠gthe ir fires, tlheyw(DUldre- lighthem fromacomrmonsoiurce,the Druidc fir”e that waskeptburningat Usir iacF1,inthe Mk Idleo)fIreland.Samhainwasconsideredto be a gjatew/aynotonl)/ fromth

4、e Ian dofthedec把t()th9larid of the livng,but alsobetwee汕 Summer andFaall/W/inter.For t:heDruids, thiswa;sthe lastgasp (喘 息5气喘鬧)ofsummer (twasalso theCelticNJewYear),so thereforetheymadlesij re t went outwith a bang bfor e theyhad1tobutton dow n (把 弄清 楚)forth(e w nte”aheadTheywould dresjsupin bizarre

5、cosltumesindpar;adethrough)theirvillages causingdest ruction in order to scareoff any rece ntlydeparteci soulswho mightbep)rowling (巡游)forbodies to inhabit,ina(dditic)n tob)urnnganimalsand ot:heroffeJ)th?Druidicdeities(神5神 性).It is alsoapopularbelief that theywouldbunpeoplew(ho第3页共 12 页they believed

6、tc)be possessed, but this haslar(gelybee ndeb un ked (揭 1 穿 ,拆示穿假段面具5暴 露 )as myth.1This ye ary festival wasa(iopteci bythe Roma1inv aders,whohelpedto propagate (传播宣传)itthroug hout the rest of the world (and atthattim e, t heRomainEmpirewas thewo)rld).Tieword 卜ialkoweenitselfactuall y comes from a co

7、ntractionof All Ha lows Eve,All Sai n ts Day(November1), which isknowmforb)eingaJdri nkandap)rankste顽皮的人,爱 开玩 c 笑的1勺人).Onej ni ghtJJacktric;kedthe devil into clirmbingatree?,and(】uckly/rvedi animageof a crossonthe trunk, tra)pingtlnedev川.Jackthe nmiade第4页共 12 页himnpromise that,in e次changie forlettin

8、(j hirmoi tofthtre e, tlheD)eviwo uld never tempt himtc)sinag ain.Herel uctamtlyagreec1,bitwas ablet(oexac;t hisrevenge ijpor1Jacksdea吐h.Bec;ause of:hismisc:hievousvvayf5 inlife,Jac;kwas barred from en teri ng heave n andbecauseof his(汨rliertric;k, hewasc3lsobarredfromn hel .So he wasiooimec1wa inde

9、汀theeairth until th 5end of time,wvithonl)/asingleemt)er(灰烬5余烬)(carrieid in ahol lowed out turnip.植芜箐5芜箐甘蓝) to warm himand lig ht hs way.InIreland,they origiriallyalsousedturnips forthe)irJack(Lanterns,buttupon arrivinginthie newworld,the訓dscover(9dthatpumipkinswepreabundantandeaisiertoca rve out.万

10、圣 节、八夕万 圣 节、八夕 是 美国 1 人年 年 都 会 庆 祝的 秋 季节日 。它 的 意 思 是“神申圣的 夜 晚在 每年 的10月31日也 就 是 万 圣节 疔前夜 。但 实 际 上这 不 是个直/、正 的宀宗教 节 日,而 主 要 是 孩 子 们的 节 日。每 年 秋 天 蔬 菜 成熟 勲可以 食 用 的 时 候孩 子第5页共 12 页们 就 会 挑 出 大 个 儿 的 橙 色南 瓜 。 然 后 在南 瓜 上刻 上-张 脸把 根点八、 、燃的 蜡 烛 放在里面。看起 来 就 好 像 有 人 在 向 南 瓜外 面 张 望。这些 灯 就叫 做a iack:-o-lantems意思也 就

11、 是a杰 克 的灯。每 年 万 圣 节 、 八刖夕 孩 子们 还 戴 上奇怪的 面 具穿 上 吓 人 的 服 装 。 有些 孩 子 把 脸 刷 成怪 物 。然后他们 拿 着盒子 或 袋 子挨 家 挨户 串门。每 来到 个 新 房 子他们 就说 a不 款待 就 捣乱!给钱 还 是 吃 的!大人 们 就会 把用 来招 待的 钱 或糖 放 在 他 们 的 袋 子 里 了 。不 仅 孩 子许 多 成 年人 也 喜 欢 万 圣节、 八刖夕和万圣节、八夕 晚 会 。因 为这天 他 们 可以 根 据自 己 的 想 象 把 自 己 装 扮 成名 流 或幽 灵 。这 会 带给 他 们 年 轻 的 快 感 。万

12、圣 节 的 英 文 介 绍Hallowe?enallowveen isanautumn hol dayf that AmercaIScelebrate every year.It n ieains holyevening,andit come2every Octobe31,the? evenir】gbefoi” eAllSorba(gs fromhoi jsetohiouse.Every tirnetheycorne to anewhousethe纽say,Trick ortreat!M/loneyo)reirates andpri ncesses, ghosts aridpopular he

13、re)esof廿ieday allholdbags opein to catch the candy or other goodes thatthienei(ghbors drop in. Asthe1ygi、/e eachchild atreatthene ghborsexclaim over thec;ostume?sand tryt()guefsswho isunderthiemask:s.Slince the 800sNovember 1stisa religous hioida、/knownaisAllSouls第8页共 12 页ofthedead.Hloping thatthegh

14、ostsWOlldleavepeace-full:ybef oremidniglntoftheJnewyear.M uchlater, when Christianitysp)readiughoutIre ancIan d October:31wasnolonger theltlyfor* childrenGhosltswenltfromdoortodoo)rasdngfortreats,or edsea t rickWOlld beplayw?d on theowners of th ehouse.W/hemil lions ofIrish peopl e immigrated to the

15、 United :State;s inthe 1840s the iraditioricamewitththeTo)day八schooldances:wndneighbo”hoodparties c alledbl(ockpartiesare poipularamo)ngyoungarid old alikeLM()rean(dmoreadults celebrate Halloweehey dress up ikehifstoricalorppoliticalfiguresand gotomnas(queradepar ties(化 妆舞会).In larger cities,costume

16、dchilerenandtheiir parerits gatheratshop)pingmallsejarlyiin theevening.Stor(9S andbusinesses givepaarties wthgames aindtre atsforthe(children.Teenagers enjoycosltumedanceesatth(eirs;chc)olsandthemoreouttrageousthe costuimetlhebe tterCertainpranks( 恶作2 剧)suchas soapingcai”wirldo)ws第9页共 12 页and tipp i

17、ng over garbage cans are expected. But partyingand pranks are not the only thi ngs that Hallowee ners enjoydo ng. Some collect money to buy food and medicine forn eedy childre n around the world.Symbols of Hallowee nHallowee n org in ated as a celebrati on conn ected withevil spirits. Witches flying

18、 on broomsticks with blackcats, ghosts, goblins(小 精 灵)and skeletons have allevolved as symbols of Hallowee n. They are populartrick-or-treat costumes and decorati ons for greeti ng cardsand windows. Black is one of the traditiona Halloweencolors, probably because Hallowee n festiva s and traditi ons

19、took p ace at ni ght. I n the weeks before October 31,America ns decorate win dows of houses and schools withsilhouettes( 轮 廓)of witches and black cats.Pumpk ins are also a symbo of Hallowee n. The pumpk inis an oran ge-colored squash, and orange has become theother traditional Halloween color. Carv

20、ing pumpkins intojack- olanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back toIrela nd. A lege nd grew up about a man n amed Jack who was so第10页共 12 页sti igy(吝 啬 的)thath)ewasnotallo1wedint(o heavenwhenhedied,becaiusehewasamiiser(吝 啬鬼 ).He could ntent(?rhell(9ithe汀be)caujsehehiad played jok ?son the devil.As a resu t,Jcackhadto walkthe earth with his lant:ernunt ilJudgeementDay(审 判日).TheIris h peop e carvedscairyface:sout ofturnips(芜菁根),b


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