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1、默克多G8峰会英语演讲稿Educatin: The Last Frntier 教育:最需要开垦的地方Rupert Murdch e-G8 Frum Paris e-G8峰会,巴黎24 May 2019年 - Maurice, thank yu fr that gracius intrductin.莫里斯,谢谢你帮我做的自我介绍Thank yu as well fr the invitatin t speak tday.同时谢谢你邀请我来演讲We are living thrugh a time when many f ur leading ecnmies are nt perfrming as

2、 they shuld.我们今天处在一个很多经济强国没有尽到他们责任的时代。T this challenge, this audience brings the prmise f digital and the spirit f innvatin. S I knw yu are all as pleased as I am that the G-8 leaders have made yur cntributins t ecnmic grwth a pririty fr their meeting this week.为了迎接这个挑战,现场在座的各位都带来了他们的在电子创新领域的承诺和精神。G

3、-8的领导人们在这次峰会上把你们对经济的贡献作为一项重要的议程,我也为各位开心,In particular, I wish t thank President Sarkzy and ur French hsts. Nt nly have they prvided this magnificent setting, they remind us f a truth reflected in the prud histry f this great natin: that artists and creatrs add great value t sciety. We hpe the G-8 wi

4、ll strngly affirm that the prperty rights f artists and creatrs are mre than a matter f prtecting cultures. In this new century, they are essential requirements fr a dynamic ecnmy and the digital future.在此我特别想感谢法国总统Sarkzy 和我们的法国东道主。他们不仅为我们提供了这样宏伟的场地,同时也提醒了我们这个伟大国家背后的优良传统:艺术家和创作者为社会带了巨大的贡献。我们也希望G-8能够

5、强有力的保障艺术家和创作者的版权。这不仅仅是保护版权,更是在保护我们的文化。在这个新时代,这是保证未来一个充满活力的电子经济发展的必要前提。That digital future - and its cnnectin with educatin - is my tpic this afternn.科技和教育的关系,是我今天演讲的主题。Every CE will tell yu that we cmpete in a wrld that is changing faster than ever. That it is mre cmpetitive than ever and that it re

6、wards success and punishes failure t a greater degree than ever befre.每一个CE都会告诉你这个世界比以往任何一个时期变化要快。竞争更加激烈,胜者王,败者寇,在这个时代尤为明显。In ther wrds, ur wrld is increasingly, and rightly, a wrld f merit. In such a wrld, the greatest challenge fr any enterprise is human capital: hw t find it, develp it and keep i

7、t.换一个说法,今天的世界是一个人才的世界。在这个世界里,所有企业面临最大的挑战就是人才资源:怎么样找到人才,培养人才和留住人才。N ne in this rm needs a lecture abut hw talented peple in tandem with technlgy are making ur lives richer and fuller.今天的在座不需要我告诉你们科技怎样在改变我们的生活,怎样在创造更多的财富。Everywhere we turn, digital advances are making wrkers mre prductive - creating j

8、bs that did nt eist nly a few years ag, and liberating us frm the ld tyrannies f time and distance. This is true in every area ecept ne: Educatin.不管我们去到哪里,我们都可以看到电子科技给生产力带来的进步。科技也创造了比以往更多的工作机会,同时把我们从时间和空间的局限中解放出来。Think abut that. In every ther part f life, smene wh wke up after a fifty-year nap wuld

9、 nt recgnize the wrld arund him.大家不知道有没有想过,当今科技发展是如此的迅速。如果五十年前有一个人沉睡醒来,他将完全不能相信他今天身边发生的事情:In medicine, dctrs wh nce diagnsed patients with tls they culd fit in their leather bags wuld be astnished t find their 21st century cunterparts using CAT-scans and MRIs.医学领域,以前用着听诊器的医生绝对想不到今天的同行们在用着CT扫描和核磁共振。I

10、n finance, brkers wh nce issued ld-fashined share certificates have been replaced by nline brkerages allwing peple t trade acrss the wrld at any hur f the day.金融领域,股票经纪曾经靠发放纸制的股票本票,今天都已经被网上交易所取代。In my industry, editrs wh put ut newspapers the night befre nw marvel at the sight f readers getting news

11、 delivered t cellphnes and tablets.拿我自己的行业来说,曾经只靠纸质报纸出版的编辑们,也会被读者对平板电脑和智能电话来接受新闻信息的依赖性而惊讶。But nt in educatin. ur schls remain the last hldut frm the digital revlutin. The persn wh wke up frm that fifty-year nap wuld find that tdays classrm lks almst eactly the same as it did in the Victrian age: a t

12、eacher standing in frnt f a rmful f kids with nly a tetbk, a blackbard, and a piece f chalk.遗憾的是,教育界不在这个行列内。我们的学校仍然是这场科技革命风暴的没能席卷的最后一个角落。五十年前沉睡然后醒来的那个人,他仍然看到今天的教室和五十年前维多利亚时代一模一样:一位教师站在一群孩子面前,拿着一本书,后面一块黑板,和一只粉笔。My friends, what we have here is a clssal failure f imaginatin. Wrse, it is an abdicatin f

13、 ur respnsibility t ur children and grandchildren - and a limitatin n ur future. As Stendhal wrte: Qui secuse, saccuse.在座的朋友们,这是我们一个巨大的失败。这是我们对下一代甚至下下一代的不负责任,对我们未来的不负责任。就如著名法国作家司汤达说的:Qui secuse, saccuse. (大意是,为自己推卸责任的时候,同时也是在承认自己的失败)We knw the ld answer - simply thrwing mney at the prblem - desnt wr

14、k. In my wn cuntry, weve dubled ur spending n primary and secndary educatin ver the last three decades - while ur test scres have remained largely flat. The reasn this hasnt wrked is that mre mney has fed a system that is n lnger designed t educate - its becme a jbs prgram fr teachers and administra

15、trs. And yet we Americans wnder why we have cities like Detrit where nearly half the ppulatin cant read and the disadvantaged are n a fast-track t failure.我们都惯于用一些老借口,比如把问题怪到没有资金的头上,这说不通。在我的国家(美国),我们的小学到高中的教育费用在30年里增加了两倍,但是学生平均分还是跟30年前一样。说不通的原因就在于钱用在了一个不是为了教育的教育系统上。这个系统变成了一个老师和管理人员的铁饭碗,而不是为了教育。但我们美国

16、人还在挠着脑袋想,为什么有很多城市像底特律一样,一半的人口都不识字。这个问题加速了我们教育上的失败。The mandarins f medicrity will tell yu that the prblem is that the kids they are teaching are t pr, r cme frm bad families, r are immigrants wh d nt understand the culture. This is abslute rubbish. It is arrgant, elitist and utterly unacceptable.那些碌碌

17、无为的官员只会告诉你问题出在:这些小孩的家庭太穷,没有家教,或者来自那些不了解美国文化的移民家庭。这根本是屁话!我完全不能接受这样傲慢自大的精英主义借口。In places such as China and India, they understand that they cant affrd ecuses. When I visit these cuntries, I am amazed by hw much they accmplish with far fewer resurces - and hw eagerly they embrace innvatin. Their spirit

18、 is reflected in the internatinal cmparisns, where many f the tp perfrmers are Asian and many f thse sliding dwn the middle r bttm are frm the industrialized West. The Asian Tigers have the unfair advantage f Tiger Mthers wh see in their children the pwer f ptential, nt the liability f limits.在中国和印度

19、,他们知道他们不能推卸教育的责任。当我探访这些国家时,我发现他们在用最少的资源办最多的事,他们是多么迫切地想把科技带入教育。这种精神在国际教育上得到了肯定,比较好的证明就是全球成绩比较好的学生几乎都是亚洲学生,比较差的都是西方国家。亚洲虎妈妈们也许没有占尽优势,但是小亚洲虎崽们却表现出无限的潜力。(比喻亚洲虽然是发展中国家,但是人才优势潜力无限。)f curse, yu dnt have t be Asian t succeed. In my wn hmetwn, Ive been impressed by the Harlem Success Academy - a largely Afri

20、can-American charter schl, lcated in ne f the prest cmmunities in America. The neighbrhd surrunding this schl has all the pathlgies that are generally invked t eplain away failure. But at Harlem Success, they set high standards. They test. They insist that parents check hmewrk. They use technlgy, in

21、cluding prviding a Kindle and a laptp fr each student in the higher grades.当然,你不需要做亚洲人才可以成功。在美国我的家乡,哈林成才特许公立学校给我留下了深刻的印象。一个主要由黑人学生组成的学校,在美国最贫困的区域。附近的学校都在随大流,用贫困来解释学生成绩差的原因。但是哈林的成功给他们立了一个比较好的榜样。他们定时测验,坚持家长要检查学生家庭作业,他们大量使用科技,包括给高年级学生提供一个Kindle电子阅读器和一个笔记本电脑。And they get results: their students are nw a

22、chieving scres equal t thse attending schls fr the gifted and talented.他们的回报:普遍学生的分数上升到跟其他学校的天才学生们一样。re than % f its students scre at the highest level f New Yrks science tests. And the parents knw - thats why they have many mre children trying t get in than they have places fr them.%的学生得到纽约学区科学类科目的

23、比较高分数。父母们也很清楚,因为很多父母现在为了子女能够进这所学校而挤破了头。That schl shws that yu can build human capital even in etreme circumstances. But lets be blunt: we dnt have nearly enugh schls like Harlem Success. And that represents a tremendus lss f human capital that is almst impssible t recver.这个例子证明了就算在困境中,也可以找到方法去培养人才。让

24、我们诚实的面对自己,我们没有足够的像哈林这样的学校。这也代表了我们正在流失未来的人才,如果我们错过了这个时机,我们将没有回头路。If we knew we had a gld mine n ur prperty, we wuld d whatever it tk t get that gld ut f the grund. In educatin, by cntrast, we keep the ptential f millins f children buried in the grund. 举一个例子,如果我们知道我们坐拥一座金矿,我们会想尽一切办法把这些金子从地底挖出来。但是在教育上,

25、正好相反,我们把千千万万孩子的潜力永远深埋在了地下。Frtunately, we have the means at ur dispsal t transfrm lives. 幸运的是,我们拥有改变这一切的工具。The same digital technlgies that transfrmed every ther aspect f mdern life can transfrm educatin, prvide ur businesses with the talent they need t thrive, and give hundreds f millins f yung pepl

26、e at the fringes f prsperity the pprtunity t make their wn mark n this glbal ecnmy.科技改变了这个时代的方方面面,科技也能一定能改变教育。这样既能给我们的企业输送人才,又能帮助千千万万的年轻人在这个全球经济一体的时代里留下他们自己的篇章。This afternn, Id like t ffer just three eamples f hw bringing digital innvatin t the classrm can substantially imprve educatin fr children t

27、hrughut the wrld - including many nw callusly written ff as hpeless.今天,我想给大家带来全球教育界三个科技改变教育的例子。甚至有一些曾经不可能实现的例子。We must begin by eciting the imaginatins f ur yung peple. The key is nt a cmputer r a tablet r sme ther device. The key is the sftware that will engage students and help teach them cncepts

28、and learn t think fr themselves.我们首先要激发年轻人的想象力。关键不是简单的只是让他们去使用新的电脑或者平板,而是给学生带来学习兴趣,知识和独立思考的好软件。Every study will tell yu that the mre interactive and intimate learning is, the better the student will perfrm.所有的研究都指出,越是直接互动的教学方法,对学生的效果越好。Lets say I was trying t teach a 10-year-ld abut Bernullis princi

29、ple. Its named after the famus 18th-century mathematician. Accrding t this principle, when speed is high, pressure is lw. Sunds pretty dry. But what if I culd link the lessn t the ftball star Rbert Carls - whse famus curved sht is an illustratin f this principle at wrk. And suppse I then included an

30、 eplanatin frm ne f the wrlds leading airplane engineers abut hw this same principle wrks in aviatin.比如说我要教一个10岁小孩柏努利法则。这是起名于一个很有名的18世纪数学家柏努利的法则。根据这个法则,当速度高的时候,压力就会低。听起来很无聊吧?但是如果我能把这个法则联系到以香蕉球著名的足球明星-罗伯特 卡洛斯的时候,这样就很有趣了吧?(球的一侧高速旋转,造成低气压,球就会划出弧线。)又或者是我再加入一个世界级的飞机工程师对这个法则的解释,并且举出这个法则对飞机的飞行有何影响。Sme busi

31、nesses wh are lking ahead are already giving us an idea f what this wuld lk like. In tw small schls in Califrnia, a traditinal tetbk publisher has partnered with Apple t teach algebra. Theyve given the kids free iPads, and theyve created an app that gives students guided instructin, instant feedback

32、 n practice questins, and access t several hundred vides. If students dnt understand the lessn the first time, they can watch that lessn repeatedly until they get it.有些企业已经加入到我们的行列并付诸实际。在加州的两座规模较小的学校,一个传统教科书出版商和苹果合作提供代数的课程。孩子们配备有免费的iPad, 并且开发了一个软件来指导孩子学习习题的成绩也有立马反馈。除此之外,还有上百个教学视频可以供孩子们观看。如果学生们第一次没有看

33、懂,他们可以重复看视频来慢慢理解。Is anyne surprised that the teachers say the students using this new algebra prgram are testing better than thse wh dnt?有没有人会觉得惊讶这些学生的代数成绩比以前好多了呢?Eciting yung imaginatins leads directly t my secnd pint: mre persnalized learning.听完这这令人鼓舞兴奋的例子,让我们来看看第二个例子:更个性化的学习方法In media and technlg

34、y, we have learned hw t micr-target audiences - t maimize the stickiness f ur websites, t persnalize ur news feeds. Nw we need t bring these kinds f epertise t educatin - t make mathematics sticky - t micr-target the 8th grade girls wh might want t be physicists, and t persnalize the reading fr each

35、 student.在媒体和科技领域中,我们学会了细分我们的垂直用户。这样可以增强我们网站的粘性,个性化我们的News feed(新闻馈送)。现在我们需要把这些方法运用到教育上。比如让数学增加粘性,细分出未来想当物理学家的初二女孩,然后个性化他们的学习方法和过程。If a gifted child can finish a fur-year curse in tw years, shuldnt we encurage her? Likewise, if a struggling child needs mre time, shuldnt we help him t? Unfrtunately f

36、r t many students in t many classrms, its still ne-size- fits-all.如果说一个天才儿童能够在2年内完成4年的课程,我们不是很应该鼓励他吗?同样的,如果一个有学习障碍的儿童需要更多时间,我们不是也应该帮助他吗?Ask teachers hw thats wrking ut. Ask them abut the challenge f dealing with 30 kids in a classrm, each f whm is an individual wh ges at his wn pace and has his wn b

37、est way f learning. Right nw mst students are stuck ging ver the same lessn plan in the same way at the same pace. That nly frustrates the kids wh culd d mre advanced wrk - while leaving behind thse wh cant keep up.大家可以去问一问教师们。问问他们教学某个学生遇到的挑战,每个学生都有他们自己的学习曲线和学习方法。但是现在他们都被放在一起,同一个学习计划,同一个方学习法,同一个学习曲线

38、。Lets cnsider a student trying t understand fractins. There are many different ways t teach children fractins - all f which wrk fr sme kids, and dnt wrk fr thers. Why shuld we be limited? Why cant we use digital technlgy t give teachers the chice f all f them?再让我们来想一想一个学生如何学习分数。教分数由很多种方法,有一些方法有些小孩能够

39、接受,但是另外一些未必能。为什么我们要局限教学的方法呢?为什么我们不让科技来给教师和学生更多的选择,让他们接触每一种方法?Fr eample, fr sme children the best answer will be an nline tutr wh guides them every step f the way. Fr thers, it might be a cartn prduced by the wrlds best animatrs illustrating hw fractins represent parts f a whle. Fr still thers, it cu

40、ld be listening t the natins best math teacher laying ut prblems that the child answers at his wn pace, under the supervisin f a classrm teacher. The key is the ability t analyze where children are in their learning and what they need t mve ahead.举个例子,对于有些学生来说,比较好的教学方式可能是一个远程家教手把手地教他们分数的每一步。对于有些学生,可

41、能是看一个世界上比较好的卡通工作室做出来的教学分数的卡通影片。还有一些学生,可能是由全国比较好的教师远程教学,然后再由课堂上的老师帮助。关键在于分析孩子们学会了什么,他们下一步应该学什么。We already have ne prgram like this that we put n an iPd. Its been used at schls fr American children n the military base at kinawa. With this prgram, a teacher can instantly diagnse where a child is in his

42、 r her reading - and then prduce a custmized tetbk fr the net ten days. The parent can check it at any time t see hw much his child is learning.iPad上已经有了一个这样的软件。冲绳岛上的美军子弟学校已经在使用这个软件,教师可以当下知道一个学生阅读的速度,然后根据每个人的速度制定十天内的阅读计划。父母也可以借助这个软件马上知道他们的小孩学到了多少东西。I prmise yu, this is nly the beginning. Everywhere

43、else in ur ecnmy, digital is frcing businesses t let their custmers custmize their clthing, their cuisine, their news, and mst anything else they want t buy. My challenge fr everyne in this rm tday is t help us d the same fr a childs educatin.我向你保证,我说的这些只是开始。我们经济的方方面面已经在做客制化,科技正在推动着企业为他们的顾客去客制衣服,餐饮,

44、新闻和任何能想到的商品。而我的挑战在于我怎么能够让在座的各位也帮助我,去为教育做同样的事情。Finally, with digital we can bring the wrlds greatest thinkers t every student, anywhere in the wrld, at a very lw cst.最后,科技能够为全世界的学生带来比较好的讲师,但是同时又能节省开支。utside the classrm, digital has already dne this. Nt s very lng ag, yu had t be rich t hear the best

45、pera r symphny. Nw yu can nw dwnlad the wrlds best recrding f yur favurite Mzart cncert fr abut a dllar. And yu can listen t it as ften as yu want. S if there were ne teacher in Brittany wh came up with the best curse fr teaching French histry, theres n reasn why this curse shuld nt be immediately a

46、vailable t every student anywhere in France - r Vietnam fr that matter.教育界外,其实已经有先例了。十几年前,你要很有钱才能去听比较好的歌剧或者交响乐。现在,你可以用一美金下载你最喜欢的莫扎特交响乐,想什么时候听都可以。同理,如果一个布列塔尼(法国一个半岛)的老师有一堂很好的法国历史课程,为什么这个课程不能被世界其他地方的学生分享呢?比如说越南的学生。Cme t think f it, there is n reasn that a student anywhere in the wrld - in Beijing, Bst

47、n, r Berlin - shuld nt have access t the physicist Stephen Hawking eplaining science; the cellist Y-Y Ma eplaining harmny; the histrian Andrew Rberts eplaining Churchill; the Nbel-winning ecnmist Amartya Sen eplaining ecnmics and s n. Alluld be brught int any classrm arund the wrld fr what we nw pay

48、 t dwnlad a sng.想起来,同样没有理由为什么世界其他地区像北京,波士顿,柏林不能让斯蒂芬霍金(美国著名科学家)来讲课呢?为什么不能让马友友来讲音乐,让安德鲁罗伯兹(历史学家)来讲丘吉尔,让阿马蒂亚森(经济学家)讲经济。 我们可以把这些人带到同一个教室,学生们也只用出我们现在下载一首音乐的钱, 一美金。I knw the critics say that if yu intrduce technlgy t the classrm, yu are simply replacing teachers with cmputers and blackbards with screens.

49、But the critics are wrng.我知道一定会有反对意见说,如果你把这样的科技带进教室,你就是用电脑在取代教师。这些反对意见是错的。Technlgy will never replace the teacher. What we can d is relieve sme f the drudgery f teaching. And we can take advantage f the increasingly sphisticated analytics that will help teachers spend mre time n the things that make

50、 us all mre human and mre creative.科技永远不能取代教师。我们所做的是减轻教师的负担,同时可以利用科技为我们来做教育的深入分析,让教师把时间用在启发学生的创造性和人性上。Let me be clear. What I am speaking abut is nt the utline f sme etic, distant, fictinal future. Everything I have mentined is smething I have seen in the here and nw:让我再次澄清一点,我说的例子不是一个遥不可及的未来。我说的例子就

51、发生在现在。In Krea, I was astnished t learn that a vibrant, $30 billin cnsumer market fr after-schl educatin has transfrmed utstanding teachers int natinal celebrities - with sme cmmanding the same salaries as sprts heres and film stars.在韩国,我亲眼看到了一个补习经济把优秀老师打造成明星的奇迹。有些老师甚至拿着运动明星和影星的薪水。In Sweden, I visite

52、d an innvative schl knwn as the IKEA schl. Learning is supprted by a knwledge prtal that cntains the entire syllabus. In this schl, learning fits the individual students pace and interests - and the teachers give students plenty f individual attentin. This schl is pssible because f a system that enc

53、urages cmpetitin by letting parents use public mney t chse what schls they think wrk best fr their children. That includes schls that are privately-run and fr-prfit.在瑞典,我参观了一间“宜家”学校,教学大纲就像宜家的家具一样放在网上让学生自由选择组合。这样教师就有更多的时间来给需要的学生更多的帮助。这间学校的建成,得益于一个很好的教学基金系统来激化学校之间的竞争。这个系统让父母可以有一定数额的虚拟基金,他们可以选择他们信任的学校来投入虚拟基金,然后国家会对这个学校进行资金投入。他们选择的学校可以是公立的,也可以是私立的。Back in my wn hmetwn, I visited the Schl f ne. Like Ggle, this New Yrk schl is pwered by an algrithm. Every day, it figures ut what each individual needs t learn net and hw


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