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1、否定句 :I don精品文档英语时态表般现在时、一般过去时时态结构常连用的词名称主要用法例句1 be 动词用am/is/are 表示,之后接名词,形容词或介词。2 行为动词用V ofte n; usually; every ;一般原形或sometimes; always; n ever;现在V-s/es ,引导once/twice/a时 疑问句和否 定 week/m on th/year; on句,用 do 或Sun days/M on days/.;don' ;第三人称时用does 或doesn ' 有,does 出现动词用原形;第三人称陈述句 V后加 s 或一般现在时 表示

2、没有时 限的持久存 在的习惯性 的动作或状 态,或现阶段 反复发生的动作或状态陈述句: 1 am an office worker.He is so lazy. They are at home now.否定句:1 am not Tim.She is not very beautiful.They are not in the office.一般疑冋句: Are you an officeassista nt? Is she beautiful?陈述句: 1 work in Sha nghai.He works at home.Davy n ever watches TV at home.&#

3、39; t like the food in KFC.Davy doesn 't like the food in KFC either.一般疑问句 :Do you want a cup of coffee? Does she live n ear thesubway stati on?es.1 . be 动词用过去式 was 或were 表示。一般过去2 行为动词用时。V-ed ,陈述句,疑问句和否定句借助于 did, 有 did出现动词用 原形。yesterday; the day beforeyesterday;lastweek/month/year/ .; ago;a mome

4、 nt ago;just now;on/in+ 过去的时间 ;在过去时间里所发生的动作或存在状态。陈述句: 1 was a big boss.He was beautiful.We were in Beijing last year.否定句 :I was not at home at that moment. We were n ot at work yesterday.一般疑冋句 :Were you a teacher? Was she in the office last week? 陈述句: 1 worked in Sunmoon.的 We studied En glish there.

5、 He livedinHongKong.否定句 :I didn 't work here.They didn 't see me. She liked English a l一般疑冋句 :Did you go to America?Did he work in Sunmoon?精品文档精品文档英语时态表 一般将来时、过去将来时时态结构常连用的词主要用法例句名称一般将来时1 任何人称 +will+V 原形?tomorrow, the day after tomorrow; soon; n extweek/m on th/year/.; the week/m on th/year/

6、. after n ext;即将发生 动作或状 态。陈述句: 1 will fly to KongKong tomorrow.He will go with us.We will arrive in Shan ghai n ext week.否定句:I will never believe you again.He will not come toni ght.We will not buy a car n ext year. 一般疑冋句:Will you go there by train?Will he come tomorrow?Will they live a five-star ho

7、tel?陈述句: 1 'm going to go to Kongkong by2 is/am/are+go ingon/in + 将来的时间;in+ 一段时间; .to+V 原形,表示计划打算做什么事情。air.否定句 :We are not going to buy a househere.一般疑冋句 :Are they going to change theirjobs?特殊疑问句 :How are you going to tell him?was/were going to +V过去 原形在过去将 会将来多用在宾语从句中发生的 动时作。任何人称 +would +V 原形陈述句

8、: I was going to buy a computer. They told me that they were not going to goabroad.否定句 :I was not going to buy a computer. He said he would come in in Sha nghai. I said I would buy you a car one day.精品文档一般疑冋句 :精品文档英语时态表一一现在进行时、过去进行时时态结构常连用的词名称now ;现在at prese nt;进行 is/am/are+V-i ngat the mome nt; Loo

9、k! (放时在句首 );主要用法表示现在(指说话 人说话时) 止在发生 的事例句陈述句: I ' m waiting for my boy friend. He is doing the housework at home now. Weare enjoying ourselves.否定句 :He is not playing toys.Are you having dinner at home?过去进行 was/were+V -ing时Listen! (放在句首 );at that time; at this time yesterday;at+时间点+yesterday/lastn

10、ight; at that mome nt;情。过去一段 时间正在 发生的动 作。Is Tim cooking in the kitchen? 特殊疑问句:What are you doing now?Where are they hav ing a meal?陈述句: 1 was doing my homework at thattime.We were hav ing a party while he was sleep ing.否定句 :He was not sleeping at 11 o'last night.一般疑冋句 :Were you watching TV at th

11、attime?特殊疑问句 :What were you doing at thatmome nt?精品文档精品文档英语时态表现在完成时、过去完成时时态结构常连用的词名称主要用法例句have/has+p.p (过去分词)现在完成时already ; just ; before;yet (否定句中 ); ever ;never ;on ce/twice/ fo 叶一段时间;since + 时间点;sin ce+ 一段时间 +ago; by+现在时间;so far; up to now; till now; un til now;rece ntly/lately; duri ng/over/i n

12、thepast/last用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。简单的说,就是动作已经发生对现在造成明显的影响。陈述句: 1 have already told Davy. Davy has knownthismatter.He has lived here for n early 10 years. 否定句 :I haven ' t finished myiomework.Tim hasn 't come yet.We haven 't heard any news abo

13、ut him一般疑冋句 :Has he worked here since he came here?特殊疑问句 :How long have you worked in thiscompa ny?1. have/has always been+名词 /形谷词 /介词:总是或一直是什么样子。He has always bee n a good father. I have always bee n busy.They have always bee n in America.特别注意:2. have/has gone to:去了。gone to Beiji ng.They have gone

14、to the cin ema.3. have/has been to:表示去过或至U 过。He hasI have bee n to Can ada. Have you bee n to Hongkong?Where have you bee n? 1 have n ever bee n here.过去过去的过去:动作发生在had + p.pby+过去的时间;完成表 过去过去的过时(过去分词)某动作或时间以前”的时去。间状语。陈述句: He said he had told Davy. They told us they had fini shed the work.He left the o

15、ffice after he had called Davy. 否定句 :She hadn ' t had dinner before she went out.精品文档精品文档Simple Prese nt一般现在时一般疑问句 :Had she lean nt En glish before shemovedhere?特殊疑问句 :how many English words had he learnt by thee nd of last year?Simple PastSimple Future一般过去时一般将来时句子结构 :主语 +will+V.句子结构 :主语 +VI stu

16、dy English everyday.我每天都学习英语 ?句子结构 :主语 +V-edTwo years ago,I studied En glish in America.两年前 ,我在美国学英语 ?If you are hav ing problems,I will help you study En glish.如果你在学习英语当中 ,遇到问题 , 我将帮助你 .句子结构 :主语 +be going to+VI 'going to studyEnglish nextyear.Prese nt Con ti nu ous现在进行时我明年将开始学习英语.Future Con ti

17、nu ousPast Continu ous将来进行时过去进行时句子结构 :主语 +be+doingI am studying En glish now.我正在学习英语 ?句子结构 :主语+was/were+do ingI was studyingEnglish whenyou called yeaterday.句子结构 :主语 +will be+doingI will be study ingEn glish whe nyou arrive toni ght.明晚你来的时候 ,我会正在学习英语 .你昨天给我打电话的时候,我正在 学习英语 ?句子结构 :主语 +be going精品文档精品文档

18、to+be+do ingI 'going to be study ing En glish when you arrive toni ght.同上 .英语时态表一一英语时态举例!Prese nt PerfectPast PerfectFuture Perfect过去完成时现在完成时将来完成时句子结构 :主语 +will+have done句子结构 :主语 +have/has doneI have studied En glish in several differe nt coun tries.句子结构 :主语 +had doneI had studied a little Engli

19、sh before I moved to the U.S.I will have studiedeverv tenseby the time I finish this course.在我完成这个课程的时候 ,我已经能 完成英语时态的学习了 .在一些国家 ,我已经学习了英语 .句子结构 :主语 +be going to+have在我搬去美国之前,我已经学习了一点英语 .donePrese nt Perfect Con ti nu ousPast Perfect Con ti nu ousI 'going to have studiedevervtense by the time I f

20、inish this course.同上 .Future Perfect Con ti nu ous现在完成进行时过去完成进行时将来完成进行时精品文档精品文档句子结构 :主语 +hadbeen doing句子结构 : 主语 +have/has bee ndoingEnglishI had been studyingfor ten years before I moved to theI have bee n study ingEn glishU.S.for ten years.在我搬去美国之前,我已经学习了我已经学习英语有十年的时间了.年的英语了 .句子结构 :主语 +will have been doingI will have bee n study ing En glish for over threehours by the time you arrive.明晚你来的时候 ,我已经学习英语 3 个小时了 .句子结构 :主语 +be going to have bee n十doingI m qoinq to have beenstudyinq English for over three hours by the timeyou arrive同上 .英语时态表一一详细讲解-一般现在时通常以动词原形表示。主语为第三人称单数时,用现单三形式。动词 be


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