1、精品文档: 试卷类型:【普高】 EI;2017 年安徽分类招生考试模拟题! 注意事项:II;1、本试题全部为选择题,分为语文、数学、英语三部分,共90 小II 题,满分 300 分,II!考试时间 150 分钟。|!2、答卷前将密封线内的项目用黑色水笔填写清楚。号II证!第三部分 英语考准II! PartVocabulary and Structure( 30 points, 2 point for eachiI Directions: Complete each sentence by deciding on the most appropriateIwords or phrases or
2、expressi ons.!( 词汇语法:选择正确答案。分值30 分,每题 2 分。 )! 从各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。I ()61. - Can I borrow your dictionary?名IA. Yes, help yourselfB. No, you can't姓;C. Yes, you can borrowD. Yes, go oni ()62. His mother didn't him to go to the party, but he still1iwent out.iA.letB.getC. agreeD. all
3、owi ()63. He will die_the doctors operate at once.;A.ifB.butC. becauseD. uni ess:()64. - Have you ever been to Guangzhou?亚|-Yes, I_there once when I was a child.:A.wentB. have bee nC. wouldgo D. allow专1 ()65. I found speaking really _in English though I can do a lot考iof readi ng.报iA. easyB. hardC. w
4、ellD. good;()66. I will _ him about it as soon as he comes back.JA. sayB. speakC. tellD. talk1 ()67. - I don 't have much knowledge ) ialbcountry music for my paper.精品文档i精品文档-Why not get some _from In ternet?A. i nstructio n B. i nformatio n C. message D. advice()68. We have had the TV set for t
5、en years. Shall we cha nge ita new one?A. toB. i ntoC. forD. with()69. Is there a shop near here_I can buy some postcards?A. whereB. whichC. whe nD. if()70. - Why don 't we go out for a drive this weekend7-_ .A. Yes, please B. I think so C. Yes, that' s all right D. That' s a good i ( (
6、)71.He was sure that Mathilde lost her necklace_ in the palace _onher way home.A. both, and B. not only, but also C. whether, or D. either, or()37.1 ' m sure he will come to see me before he abroad.A. goB. goes C. is going to D. will go()72. We _ together when we were young.A. were used to swimB
7、. are used to swimmi ngC. have bee n used to swim D. used to swim()73. - “does Mr. Lee go to Shan ghai on bus in ess?”-“ At least twice a year.”A. WhenB. How soo nC. How ofte nD. How long()74. Excuse me, Mrs. Jones. Would you min_ me a favour?A. makingB. doingC. to makeD. to do()75. It is difficult
8、to carry on the discussion with all this _around us.A. voiceB. no iseC. soundD. nonsensePart II Reading Comprehension(30points, 2 points for each)Directions:Read the follow ing two passagesa nd choose the best an swer to each questi on.( 阅读理解:选择正确答案。分值30 分,每题 2 分。 )AGeriatrics is a new branch of med
9、ic ine that studies diseases of older people. In the past one hun dred years medical scie nee has become successful i n conq ueri ng many diseasesthat used to kill large numbers of people. As a result many more people are livi ng today in the older age groups. These large groups of older people have
10、 their own medicalproblems, and the study and treatme nt of these is called geriatrics( 老年病学 ) .The doctorwho specializes in them is a geriatrician.Of course older people have many of the same diseases as youn ger people, but they are more likely to get some diseasesand less likely to get others; so
11、 the geriatrician specializes in the diseasesthat older people are most likely to have trouble with. These are diseases that have somethi ng to do with parts, or organs 器精品文档精品文档官) , of the body which may gradually( 渐渐 ) wear out. Mainly it is the veins( 静 脉) andarteries ( 动脉 ) , or blood vessels (
12、血管 ) ,that wear out in such places as the heart (causing heart trouble), or the brain (causing cerebral hemorrhage, or bleed ing with in the brain). Can cer ( 癌) is ano ther disease studied by geriatrics because it is often caused by long wear and irritation in different parts of the body. Also, the
13、re is men tal disease that can be caused by the weari ng out of blood vessels of the brain in older people. It is like men tal disease in youn ger people except that they usually cannot remember thin gs, or think clearly .In all disease of geriatrics older people n eed much care and atte nti on.)76.
14、 Geriatrics is _ .A. the study of the ill nesses that affect old people and the methods of treating themB. the medical problems of old ageC. a kind of diseases of old people D. a kind of new medici ne )77. Inthe sec ond sentence,“? ”conqueringA. gett ing con trol ofD.fight ing aga instB. study ing C
15、. discoveri ng)78. Cerebral hemorrhage is_ .A. serous bleed ing from broke n blood vessels in side a pers ons brairB. a disease caused by bleed ing with in the brainC. a men tal diseaseD. a can cer()79. _ who get mental illness usually cannot remember things.A. Younger people B. Older people C. Wome
16、n D. Men()80. From this article we can know that_ .A. orga ns of older people may wear out easilyB. the weari ng out of the orga ns can be easily broke nC. the weari ng out of the orga ns can cause a lot of diseasesD. diseases of older people are mainly caused by orga ns of the boby.BOne cold after
17、noon is 1937 a football game was tak ing place. The players were stude nts at Harard Un iversity, n ear Bost on, in the Un ited States of America. American football is a rough game in which it is easy to get hurt. The players are usually strong, solid young men, but on this occasion one player was t
18、all and thin. He was n ' t really stro ng eno ugh for football. Buhe was kee n to succeed in spite of that. He loved outdoor games and played most of them well. Whatever he did, he did with all his heart. He was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.Twen ty-three years later he would become Preside nt of the
19、Un ited States. ()81. Theplayers are easy to get hurt in America n football game becauseA. the game is very roughB. the players are youngC. the weather is coldD. some players are not stro ng()82. The following statements are true about Kennedy except_ .A. he was in terested in outdoor gamesB. he onc
20、e studied at Harward uni versityC. he was tall and strong eno ugh to be a football playerD. he was once elected preside nt of the U. S.精品文档精品文档()83. According to the passage, _ and_ young men seemed tobe more fit to be football players.A. tall, thinB. strong, solid C. short, fatD. heavy, kee n()84.
21、The sentence“ he was keen to succeed in spite of that_.” meansA. he was sharp and quick to succeed though he was tallB. he was brave and strong to succeed though he was thi nC. he was importa nt and clever to succeed though he was not strongD. he was active and eager to succeed though he was not hea
22、vy()85. When the author says“ Whatever he did, he did with all his heart.He wants to imply( 暗示 ) Kennedy was a _ man.A. warm-hearted B. seriousC. activeD. quietCJack Hawk ins was the football coach at an America n college, and he was always tryingto find good players, but they weren' t always ac
23、cepted by the college.One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the de教务长 ) of the collegeand asked for admissio ( 可以进入 ) without tak ing an exam in atio n.“ Well,”the dean said after thinking for a while,“I 'd better ask him a few questionsfiThen he tur ned to the stude nt and aske
24、d him some very easy questi ons, but the student did n ' ktnow any of the an swer. At last he said,“ Well what 'five times seven?”The student thought for a long time and theranswered,“Th-sty. ”The dea n who was very serious and strict in his work, threw up his hands and looked atthe coach ho
25、pelessly, but the coach said earn e$认真地 )“ Oh, please lethim in, sir! He was only wrong by two.”()86. In this passage the writer told us that_ .A. none of the sportsmen is not good at arithmeticB. though the player was good at sports, he was too poor at arithmeticC. it was always difficult for best sportsme n to en ter colleges D. the coach was very strict in his work()87. It is true that _ .A. the college would accept all the stude nts who came out at the top in sportsB. the coach didn' t think the player made a great mistake
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