The study of English learning motivation_第1页
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1、The study of English learning motivation1.Different classifications of English learning motivation. 2.Research methodology (A survey of non-English major college students motivation in learning English).3.The conclusion of the survey. 4.Limitations in the process.1.Different classifications of Engli

2、sh learning motivation. a. Integrative motivation and instrumental motivation -by Gardner and Lambert Integrative motivation derives from learners desire to be members of the speech community that uses a particular language. Instrumental motivation refers to the fact that learners learn English not

3、because they want to, but rather because they need to. b. Extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation -by Noels et al (1999) (desire and interest / avoid punishment, exams)l Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation integrative motivation instrumental motivation 2.Research methodology2.1 Purpose 2

4、.2 Instrument 2.3 Participants2.4 Result 2.1 Purpose a. To find out what college students motivations are in learning English, especially that of non-English major students. b. To put forward effective measures in improving English learning motivation.2.2 Instrument A questionnaire: K: questionaire.

5、doc a. personal information: respondents grade, gender, hometown and major. b. intrinsic motivation c. extrinsic motivation (17 items concerning motivation in learning English ) each item has 5 degrees for responding to each statement: 1 never or almost never true of me, 2 generally not true of me,

6、3 somewhat true of me, 4 generally true of me, and 5 always or almost always true of me. A preliminary version of the questionnaire items was initially formulated in Chinese based on discussions with teachers and students. I also referred to some questionnaires designed by others,. The data then wer

7、e analyzed by Questionnaire Star, a professional platform for the online questionnaire survey, evaluation, voting, focused on providing users with powerful, humanized online questionnaires, data collection and the result of the data analysis.2.3 Participants a. Number: 185/195 (girl students 52%) b.

8、 Major: software, engineering, accounting, administration and management, physics, etc (too many to list all of them out). c. Age: 18 22(mean age of 20) d. Reason : All of the participants have learnt English in their secondary school for at least 6 years The more various their majors are, the more

9、valid the result of the questionnaire will be.2.4 Result: The data from the table1 reveal that among the surveyed non-English major college students, only 10.81% of them completely take interest as the motivation in learning English, while 12.43% of them learn English totally with no interest. In th

10、e questionnaire, statements 7 to 18 are all categorized as instrumental motivation, while statements 19 to 22 are divided into the group of integrative motivation. Table 2 shows that the mean of absolutely negative choice of integrative motivation is about 0.127 and the counterpart of instrumental m

11、otivation is about 0.110. The mean of absolutely positive choice of integrative motivation is about 0.110 while the counterpart of instrumental motivation is about 0.114. 3. The conclusionl Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation integrative motivation instrumental motivation l Influential factors

12、 a. intrinsic b. extrinsic: certification or diploma, teaching styles and methods, lEffective measures in improving motivation a. teachers congenial relation, teaching methods (classroom atmosphere, classroom activities, feedback, etc.) b. students autosuggestion4. Limitations in the process a. The number


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