



1、2021英语四级语法(权威) 1 / 2021 英语四级语法 大全(权威) 1. 英语四级语法用法辨析: fit , match ,t suit 的区别 fit 与 与 t suit 可指衣服 " 合适 ' 或 " 适合 '。 的意思。 fit 指大小、尺寸合体,t suit 指颜色,花样或款式适合。 如:the coat fits me well. 这件上衣我穿着很合身。 the colour of the cloth suits a woman at my wife"s age. 这布的颜色适合我妻子年龄的妇女穿。 h match 多指大小、色

2、调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 如:the people"s great hall and the historical museum match the tian an men beautifully. 人民大会堂和历史博物馆与天安门陪衬得极为优美。 1. i can"t go that far .long plane trips don"t _ me. a. agree with b. agree to c. fit for d. match with 2. he knows a lot about film .no one in our class can _

3、 him in that knowledge. a. catch b. suit c. compare d. match 2 / 1-2 解:ad. 3. the shirt is two sizes _ for me. would you please show me another one? a. larger b. too large c. more large d. very large 解:b 习惯用语问题。说明:英语中,表示"(衣帽等)太大或太小因而不合适',须用 too large/small for sb. "对某人大几号为'"si

4、zes too large for sb.' 2.y vocabulary 词语用法: 既可以做可数名词也可做不可数名词,如: 1、a wide/limited vocabulary 词汇量大/有限,就是可数名词。 2、the word has become part of advertising vocabulary. 这个单词已经成了广告用语。就是不可数名词。 vocabulary 英语例句: 1. love was a word he"d erased from his vocabulary since susan"s going. 自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提

5、"爱情'这个词了。 3 / 2. his speech is immature, his vocabulary limited. 他说话很幼稚,使用的词汇有限。 3. his vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent. 他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。 4. their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism. 他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。 5. there is a vocabulary at the back of our english b

6、ook. 我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表. 6. the teacher tied in what he said with the vocabulary in the previous lesson. 老师把他所讲的同前一课中的词汇联系起来. 7. the basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt. 一种语言的基本词汇即必须掌握的词语. 8. this book is intended to enlarge vocabulary. 这本书的目的是为了扩大词汇量。 4 / 9. the vocation a

7、dvocate found the word quot;vocalquot; and quot;reciprocalquot; not in thevocabulary. 职业倡导者发现"嗓音的'和"交互的'两词不在词汇表中。 10. my passive vocabulary in spanish would not be up to the task. 我的西班牙词汇不够用,因此难以胜任. ' 11. there are differences between british and american english in spelling an

8、dvocabulary. 英国英语与美语在拼写和单词使用上也有不同. 12. dictionaries are often unhelpful for language - learners because the definingvocabulary is unknown. 3. 翻译常用短语 with relation to 关于,涉及,有关;与相比 with respect to 关于,至于 with the exception of 除外,毫无疑问,毫无异议 within sight of 被见到,看得见;在望,在即 word for word 逐字,一字不变地 5 / put int

9、o use 使用,应用 be satisfied with 满足 be satisfied of 相信 hardly when 刚就 come to a conclusion 得出结论 avoid doing sth. 避免干某事 decline invitation 辞谢邀请 agree on/upon 取得一致意见 may (might) as well 还是好 argue about 争论 take (make) a stand for 捍卫 take (make) a stand against 反对 come after 跟随 in support of 支持 lie up 躺着休息

10、 beside the question 离题 6 / refresh one"s memory 使人记起 bring to mind 使人想起 compile dictionary 编字典 present sb. with sth. 送给某人某礼物 indifferent to 不在乎 go on strike 罢工 against one"s will 违心地 in one"s will 在遗嘱中 of one"s free will 出于自愿 with ease 容易,不费力 prepare for 准备 get to 开始;到达 fall off

11、 下降 fall away 背离 televise live 实况转播 by the moment 到时 7 / have intention of 有意,打算 no intention of 无意,不打算 have not the least idea of 不知道 have no desire for 对没有欲望 have desire to do sth. 想做某事 4. 语法考点:o ago 与 与 before o ago 与 与 e before 的用法区别 1) 两者均可表示在多久时间 " 以前 '( 要放在表示一段时间的词语之后) ) ,但有区别:o ago

12、从现在向前回溯,即现在的过 去,因此通常与一般过去时连用; ; 而 e before 则从过去向前回溯,即指过去的过去,因此通常与过去完成时连用( ( 尤其用于宾语从句中) ) 。如: i bought the computer two years ago. 我是两年前买这台电脑的。 he said they had left five days before. 他说他们 5 天前就离开了。 注:在表示推测或为使语境生动的句子中,有时也可用 ago代替 before.如: 8 / he must have left a week ago. 想必他在一星期前就离开了。 i had thought

13、 that he had died at least 20 years ago. 我原以为他至少在 20 年前就已经去世了。 (2)before 有时单独使用( ( 即不连用具体时间) ) ,泛指一般意义的 " 以前 ' ,此时可用于一般过去时,也可用于现在完成时。如: he didnt know that before. 他以前不知道此事。 i have been there before. 我以前去过那儿。 5.p deep 与 与 y deeply 副词的区别 有的与形容词同形的副词与以-ly 结尾的副词意义差别不是很大。我们可从以下几个方面来区分: 位置不同: 在动词

14、之前或句首通常只用 ly 副词。如: he slowly drove the car into the garage.他把车慢慢地开进车库。 quickly everybody stood up.大家很快地站起来。 但在动词后,两种副词都可用。如: 9 / he drives slow/slowly.他的车开得很慢。 he sold it cheap/cheaply.他将它便宜卖了。 含义不同: 与形容词同形的副词通常指具体情况,而-ly 副词多指抽象概念。请比较: he is sitting close to me.他就坐在我边上。 watch closely what i do.仔细瞧我怎

15、么做的。 i went deep into the woods.我深入到树林中。 her story moved me deeply.她的故事使我深受感动。 the plane was flying high.这架飞机飞得很高。 he think highly of your work.他对你的工作评价很高。 he opened the door wide. 他把门开得大大的。 english is widely used in the world.英语在世界范围内广泛使用。 习惯搭配不同: 如: 1.在 stand firm(站稳)和 hold firm(固守)中不用 firmly. 10

16、/ 2.在 fair and square(正大光明地)和 play fair(公平办事)中不用 fairly. 3.在 take it easy(别着急),go easy(从容不迫),easier said than done(说来容易做来难),easy come,easy go(易得则易失)等中不用 easily. 4.在 sound asleep(熟睡),wide open(完全开着),wide awake(完全醒了)中不用 soundly 或 widely. 6. 重点语法知识:地点状语从句 状语从句的考点为: 1、非 if 引导的条件状语从句,此类句子多用 at times,prov

17、ided,so long as,in case,once 等来替代 if; 2、由 even if/so,now that,for all 等引导的让步状语从句; just/hardly.when 引 导 的 时 间 状 语 从 句 ;more than,as.as,not so much as,the same as,as much as 等引导的比较状语从句。 3、独立主格结构多以逻辑主语+分词的形式出现。 4、情态动词多与完成时形式连用。 11 / 5、定语从句重点考查介词+关系代词(which)和 as 作为关系代词。 状语从句 状语从句:两个独立的句子中间用一些含义不同的连接词连接;

18、状语从句用来表达两个句子之间的逻辑关系;分成原因状语、条件状语、结果状语、时间状语、地点状语、让步状语、目的状语、比较状语、方式状语等九大类型; eg:i got up late. i was late for school. because i got up late, i was late for school. (原因状语从句) i got up late,so i was late for school. (结果状语从句) 地点状语: 地点状语从句通常由 where,wherever,everywhere 引导; eg:where i live there are plenty of

19、trees. wherever you work, you will gain much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. 12 / wherever=no matter where everywhere they went, they were warmly received. where there is a will, there is a way. where:不能翻译成在地方时,通常翻译为如果,表示在条件下; eg: where you are confident,you will succeed. eg:

20、where previously the bank had concentrated on the big infrastructure projects , such as dams, roads and bridges,it begin to switch to projects which directly improved the basic services of a country. concentrated on :集中于 7 7. . 口语常用句型:秘密 who won the golf tournament? well, as a matter of fact, i did.

21、 actually, . /to be honest, . /to be frank, . /frankly speaking, . /truthfully, . /in all actuality, . 实际上,老实说 don"t tell anyone. -i won"t. 我不会的。 13 / keep it under your hat. 请保密 *惯用法 i have a confession. *坦白 i have something to confess. i need to tell you something. i have a confession to

22、 make. i have a secret. i"m keeping a secret. so, what happened to my father? i"ll fill you in. 我把一切告诉你 i"ll tell you all about it. i"ll explain everything. i"ll tell you all the details. quit lying to me! 不要对我说谎话 all right. i"ll level with you. 好,我直说吧 i"ll tell yo

23、u frankly. i"ll be frank with you. 14 / i"ll be open and sincere with you. i"ll tell you the truth. what else do you know? that is about all i know. i don"t know anything else about it. that"s all i know. this is just between you and me. what is it? 什么事呀? let"s keep our

24、 talk between us. let"s keep this our little secret. it"s a secret. let me tell you a secret. he can"t keep a secret. you"ve got a big mouth! i don"t have the guts to say that to my boss. *guts表示"勇气' 15 / a little bird told me that today is your birthday. *听小道消息说、听说

25、 wait. who told you? 喂!谁告诉你的? i heard it through the grapevine. *grapevine 原为"葡萄藤,此表示谣言,传闻 i just overheard it. i didn"t say anything. i kept my mouth shut. i didn"t let the cat out of the bag. *表示"没有泄露秘密'的固定说法。 it was a slip of the tongue.无意中说漏了嘴 really? didn"t she know

26、 about it? i spilled the beans. 我泄露了秘密。 i stuck my foot in my mouth. i won"t say a word. mum"s the word. 我什么都不说 i won"t say anything. 16 / my lips are sealed. 我的嘴很紧。 口语练习 1 1 第 一 句 : i have heard that you have adopted anew checkclearing system to lower the costand expedite the process. 听说为了降低成本,加速操作过程,你们已采用了一整套新的支票清算体系。 a: t


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