1、模糊PID控制器的设计与仿真设计模糊PID控制器时,首先要将精确量转换为模糊量,并且要把转换后的 模糊量映射到模糊控制论域当中,这个过程就是精确量模糊化的过程。模糊化的主要功能就是将输入量精确值转换成为一个模糊变量的值,最终形成一个模糊集 合。本次设计系统的精确量包括以下变量:变化量 e,变化量的变化速率ec还 有参数整定过程中的输出量 Kp, Kd, K,在设计模糊PID的过程中,需要 将这些精确量转换成为模糊论域上的模糊值。本系统的误差与误差变化率的模糊 论域与基本论域为:E=-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6;Ec=-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6。模糊PID控制器的设计选用二维模糊控制器
2、。以给定值的偏差 e和偏差变化ec为输入; Kp, Kd, K为输出的自适应模糊PID控制器,见图1。图1模糊PID控制器(1) 模糊变量选取输入变量E和EC的模糊化将一定范围(基本论域)的输入变量映射到离散区 间(论域)需要先验知识来确定输入变量的范围。 就本系统而言,设置语言变量取 七个,分别为 NB, NM NS ZQ PS, PM PB(2) 语言变量及隶属函数根据控制要求,对各个输入,输出变量作如下划定:e,ec 论域:-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6心, Kd, K 论域:-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6应用模糊合成推理
3、PID参数的整定算法。第k个采样时间的整定为Kp(k)二 Kp。:Kp(k) , K,k)二 Ki。 K(k) , ©(k)二 Kd。 *D(k).式中Kp0,K|0,Kd0为经典PID控制器的初始参数。设置输入变量隶属度函数如图2所示,输出变量隶属度函数如图 3所示Membership Function Editor; fuzzylFile Edit ViewFIS vriable&kikclMembership fuitctlon plots- otat oonis:181Current Van ableCurrent Membershiip Function (clic
4、k on MF to select)NameeNamezoTypeinputTyP®gLaussmfvRange-6 6Params0.B493 OJDisplay Range-6 &Ready图2输入变量隶属度函Membership Function Editor: fuz2y1File Edit ViewFIS vulablaseckiwkdhtemi祐活術p funaBon pkk憎“刃m肝咏101图3输出变量隶属度函编辑模糊规则库根据以上各输出参数的模糊规则表,可以归纳出49条控制逻辑规则,具体的控制规则如下所示:1. If (e is NB) and (ec is
5、NB) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is NS)(1)2. If (e is NB) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is PS)(1)3. If (e is NB) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PB)(1)4. If (e is NB) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PB)(1)5. If (e is NB) and (ec is PS) then (kp is NS)(ki i
6、s PS)(kd is PB)(1)6. If (e is NB) and (ec is PM) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PM)(1)7. If (e is NB) and (ec is PB) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is NS)(1)8. If (e is NM) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is NS)(1)9. If (e is NM) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is PS)(1)10. If
7、 (e is NM) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PB)(1)11. If (e is NM) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)12. If (e is NM) and (ec is PS) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)13. If (e is NM) and (ec is PM) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)14. If (e is NM) and (ec i
8、s PB) then (kp is PS)(ki is ZO)(kd is ZO)(1)15. If (e is NS) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NM)(ki is PB)(kd is ZO)(1)16. If (e is NS) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PS)(1)17. If (e is NS) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NM)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)18. If (e is NS) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is NS
9、)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)19. If (e is NS) and (ec is PS) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)20. If (e is NS) and (ec is PM) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is PS)(1)21. If (e is NS) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is ZO)(1)22. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is ZO
10、)(1)23. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PS)(1)24. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PS)(1)25. If (e is ZO) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)26. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PS) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is PS)(1)27. If (e is ZO)
11、 and (ec is PM) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is PS)(1)28. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is ZO)(1)29. If (e is PS) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NS)(ki is PM)(kd is ZO)(1)30. If (e is PS) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is ZO)(1)31. If (e is PS) and (ec is NS) then
12、 (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is ZO)(1)32. If (e is PS) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is ZO)(1)33. If (e is PS) and (ec is PS) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is ZO)(1)34. If (e is PS) and (ec is PM) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is ZO)(1)If (e is PS) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PM)(ki is NB)(kd
13、 is ZO)(1)35. If (e is PM) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NS)(ki is ZO)(kd is NB)(1)36. If (e is PM) and (ec is NM) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)37. If (e is PM) and (ec is NS) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is NS)(1)38. If (e is PM) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is PM)(ki is NS)(kd is NS)(1)39. If (e
14、is PM) and (ec is PS) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is NS)(1)40. If (e is PM) and (ec is PM) then (kp is PM)(ki is NB)(kd is NS)(1)41. If (e is PM) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PB)(ki is NB)(kd is NB)(1)42. If (e is PB) and (ec is NB) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is NB)(1)43. If (e is PB) and (ec is NM
15、) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is NM)(1)44. If (e is PB)and(ec is NS)then(kp is PM)(kiisNS)(kd is NM)(1)45. If (e is PB)and(ec is ZO)then(kp is PM)(kiisNM)(kd is NM)(1)46. If (e is PB)and(ec is PS)then(kp is PM)(kiisNM)(kd is NS)(1)47. If (e is PB)and(ec is PM)then(kp is PB)(kiisNB)(kd is NS)(1)48.
16、If (e is PB)and(ec is PB)then(kp is PB)(kiisNB)(kd is NB)(1)把这49条控制逻辑规则,键入到模糊规则库中,如图4。Rule Editor: fuzzyl1 If俚jg卅日)and阻逗N日小的(kp jg毋日凹阀馬N寻)口File Edit View Options2. If (e is NB and (ec is NB) than (kp is NBXki is PBXkd is PS)(1) 3 If (e is NB即d (ec 衍 NS) then (kp 19 iNMXki isi号 PB) (1)4. If(e is NB)
17、and (ec is ZO then (kp is NM»ki is PM)(kd is PB) (1) 5 If (e is NB) and (k i? PS) then (kp 13 MSki 13 PSXkd is PB) (1) 6. If (e is NB) and (« is PM) then (kp is ZO)(陌 is ZONW is PM) (1)7 If (e is NB an-d 怛匚 is PB) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZOkd is NS) (1)8 If (e is NM) and (k is NB) then (kp i
18、s NBRkj is P9)(kdl is NS) (1)9 If (e is NM) and (ec is MM) llhen 伙p is NB)ki 治 PS>(kd i-s PS)IT(e is NM) and (»c is NSJ lhwi (kp is NMMki is PM)(kd is PM) (1) 11. Ife is NM) and (« is 20 Ih&n (kp is NSXki is PSXkd is PM 12 lf (e is NM) andl (ec is PS) lhen (kp is NSXki is PSMbl is PM) (1) 13. IF (a is NM) and («c is PM) then (kpis ZO脚 由 ZOKkd is PS) 14 If fg jg 时胡)拠 fgg jg FMI) then Qcp jg 亘ZQKkd 亘型口FIS Name, fuzzy 1Close图4模糊规则库AScope台妙叫仓*囚每坯0 0 匹目利用MATLAB件中的Simulink仿真环境,可以对模糊PID控制器系统进行 模拟仿真实验,来检验设计是否达到要求。针对本次控制器设计,我们设置被控 对象为10,根据被控对象,设置相应的PID参数(s+1)( s+2)( s + 3)
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