1、掌厅信息推送子系统weblogic安装说明书文件版号 V1.00.000日 期 2010-6-8设计人员 陈华宾、屈盛知审 核批 准版权所有,© 福建富士通信息软件有限公司 2010目 录目 录11Weblogic的安装31.1软件准备31.2安装步骤31.2.1上传文件到服务器31.2.2修改安装文件权限31.2.3安装命令31.3创建domain61.4删除domain181.5删除weblogic181.6启动weblogic181.7停止weblogic181.8Weblogic状态查看191.9Weblogic 修改控制台名称不使用默认的console191.10重置web
2、logic控制台密码211.11Weblogic web工程发布221.12查看日志方法261.13在linux上配置JDK文档271.14安装JDK271 Weblogic10.0.1的安装1.1 软件准备将需要的安装软件(这里以server1001_linux32.bin为例),通过fsshclient工具上传到linux服务器上。1.2 安装步骤1.2.1 上传文件到服务器ü 上传到目录 /home/ctsw1.2.2 修改安装文件权限ü ctswudb01 $ chmod 777 server1001_linux32.bin1.2.3 安装命令ü ctsw
3、udb01 $ ./server1001_linux32.bin 交换提示:Extracting 0%.100%Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode. <- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Welcome:- This installer will guide you through the installation of BEA Products. Type "Next" or enter to
4、 proceed to the next prompt. If you want to change data entered previously, type "Previous". You may quit the installer at any time by typing "Exit". Enter ExitNext> Nextü 输入Next<- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Choose BEA Home Directory:- "BEA
5、 Home" = Enter new value or use default "/home/ctsw/bea"(- 注意:安装路径) Enter new BEA Home OR ExitPreviousNext> Nextü 默认bean home 路径,输入Next<- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Choose Install Type:- Select the type of installation you wish to perform.
6、 ->1|Complete | Install the following software products and examples: | - WebLogic Server | - Workshop for WebLogic Platform 2|Custom | Choose software products and components to install and perform optional |configuration.ü 选择1Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 1
7、0;<- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Choose Product Installation Directories:- BEA Home Directory: /home/weblogic/bea Product Installation Directories: 1|Default Product Home: /home/weblogic/bea/wlserver_10.0 2|Workshop for WebLogic Platform: /home/weblogic/bea/works
8、hop_10.0Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> Nextü 选Next,默认安装路径Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> Next<- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Installing files. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%-|-|-|-* <- BEA Installer - BEA Products ->
9、; Installing JDK. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%-|-|-|-* Performing String Substitutions. Creating Domains <- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Exit> Exitü 退出<- BEA Installer - BEA Products -> Clean up process in p
10、rogress . 1.3 创建domainü 进入如下目录:cd /home/ctsw/bea/wlserver_10.0/common/bin/ü 键入 ./config.sh<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Welcome: - Choose between creating and extending a domain. Based on your selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to
11、 generate a new or extend an existing domain. ->1|Create a new WebLogic domain | Create a WebLogic domain in your projects directory. 2|Extend an existing WebLogic domain | Extend an existing WebLogic domain. Use this option to add |applications and services, or to override existing database acce
12、ss (JDBC) |and messaging (JMS) settings. You can also incorporate additional |functionality in your domain, for example, by including AquaLogic Service |Bus. Enter index number to select OR ExitNext> 1ü 选择1 创建一个新的domain<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Select Domain Source: -
13、Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the domain by selecting from the required components or by selecting from a list of existing domain templates. ->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components | You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in |you
14、r domain. 2|Choose custom template | Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This |could be a custom created template using the Template Builder. Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 1ü 选择域源 键入1<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Application Temp
15、late Selection: - Available Templates |_WebLogic Server (Required)x Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR ExitPreviousNext> Nextü 键入Next配置管理员及密码<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Administrator Username and Password: - Create a user to b
16、e assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *User name: | weblogic | 2| *User password: | | 3| *Confirm user password: | | 4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. | Use above value o
17、r select another option: 1 - Modify "User name" 2 - Modify "User password" 3 - Modify "Confirm user password" 4 - Modify "Description"Enter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 2ü 键入2 选择修改密码<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Confi
18、gure Administrator Username and Password: - Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. "*User password:" = Enter new *User password: OR ExitResetAccept> weblogicü 输入新密码,这里以密码为:“weblogic”为例&l
19、t;- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Administrator Username and Password: - Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *User name: | weblogic | 2| *User password
20、: | * | 3| *Confirm user password: | | 4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. | Use above value or select another option: 1 - Modify "User name" 2 - Modify "User password" 3 - Modify "Confirm user password" 4 - Modify "Description" 5 - Disca
21、rd Changes Enter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 3ü 键入3确认密码<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Administrator Username and Password: - Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development m
22、ode servers. "*Confirm user password:" = Enter new *Confirm user password: OR ExitResetAccept>weblogicü 确认信息<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Administrator Username and Password: - Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the def
23、ault administrator used to start development mode servers. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *User name: | weblogic | 2| *User password: | * | 3| *Confirm user password: | * | 4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. | Use above value or select another option: 1 - Modify "User name&qu
24、ot; 2 - Modify "User password" 3 - Modify "Confirm user password" 4 - Modify "Description" 5 - Discard Changes Enter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> Nextü 键入Next,进入下一步选择安装模式<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Domain Mode Configuration:
25、- Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain. ->1|Development Mode 2|Production Mode Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 1ü 输入1选择开发模式<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Java SDK Selection: - ->1|JRockit SDK 1.6.0_05 /bea/jrockit_160_05 2|Sun SDK 1.
26、6.0_05 /bea/jdk160_05 3|Other Java SDK Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 1ü 键入1选择sdk,进入一下步:选择要定制环境与服务设置<- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Choose Configuration Option: - *Do you want to modify any of the preconfigured settings or defaults in *your template? * *To
27、 keep the default or template settings, and proceed directly to name and *create your domain, leave No selected. 1|Yes ->2|No Enter index number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 1ü 键入1选择要定制环境与服务设置<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure the Administration Server:- Enter admin
28、stration server configurations. Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration Server hosts the Administration Console which is used to perform administrative tasks. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *Name: | AdminServer | 2| Listen address: | All Local Addresses | 3| L
29、isten port: | 7001 | 4| SSL listen port: | N/A | 5| SSL enabled: | false | Use above value or select another option: 1 - Modify "Name" 2 - Modify "Listen address" 3 - Modify "Listen port" 4 - Modify "SSL enabled" Enter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNe
30、xt> 2ü 键入2选择修改监听地址,这里以192.168.26.39为例,进入下一步<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure the Administration Server:- Enter adminstration server configurations. Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration Server hosts the Administration Consol
31、e which is used to perform administrative tasks. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *Name: | AdminServer | 2| Listen address: | All Local Addresses | 3| Listen port: | 7001 | 4| SSL listen port: | N/A | 5| SSL enabled: | false | Enter value for "Listen address" OR ExitPreviousNext>
32、9ü 填入192.168.26.39<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure the Administration Server:- Enter adminstration server configurations. Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration Server hosts the Administration Console which is used to perform a
33、dministrative tasks. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *Name: | AdminServer | 2| Listen address: | | 3| Listen port: | 7001 | 4| SSL listen port: | N/A | 5| SSL enabled: | false | Use above value or select another option: 1 - Modify "Name" 2 - Modify "Listen address" 3 - M
34、odify "Listen port" 4 - Modify "SSL enabled" 5 - Discard Changes ü 键入3选择改变监听端口Enter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> 3<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure the Administration Server:- Enter adminstration server configurations. Each WebLogic S
35、erver domain must have one Administration Server. The Administration Server hosts the Administration Console which is used to perform administrative tasks. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *Name: | AdminServer | 2| Listen address: | | 3| Listen port: | 7001 | 4| SSL listen port: | N/A | 5| S
36、SL enabled: | false | Enter value for "Listen port" OR ExitPreviousNext> 9001ü 键入9001<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure the Administration Server:- Enter adminstration server configurations. Each WebLogic Server domain must have one Administration Server. The A
37、dministration Server hosts the Administration Console which is used to perform administrative tasks. | Name | Value | _|_|_| 1| *Name: | AdminServer | 2| Listen address: | | 3| Listen port: | 9001 | 4| SSL listen port: | N/A | 5| SSL enabled: | false | Use above value or select another
38、 option: 1 - Modify "Name" 2 - Modify "Listen address" 3 - Modify "Listen port" 4 - Modify "SSL enabled" 5 - Discard Changes Enter option number to select OR ExitPreviousNext> Nextü 键入Next<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Managed
39、Servers:- Add or delete configuration information for Managed Servers. A typical production environment has one or more Managed Servers. Each Managed Server is an instance of WebLogic Server used to host enterprise applications. | Name* | Listen address | Listen port | SSL listen port | SSL enabled
40、| _|_|_|_|_|_| Enter name for a new OR ExitPreviousNext> Nextü 键入Next<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Clusters:- Add or delete configuration information for clusters. A cluster contains multiple WebLogic Server instances that run simultaneously and work together to pro
41、vide increased scalability and reliability. A cluster appears to be a single WebLogic Server instance to clients. | Name* | Multicast address | Multicast port | Cluster address | _|_|_|_|_| Enter name for a new Cluster OR ExitPreviousNext> Next ü 键入Next<- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard
42、 -> Configure Machines:- Add or delete configuration information for machines. A machine is the logical representation of the system that hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The Administration Server and Node Manager application use the machine definition to start remote servers. | Name*
43、 | Node manager listen address | Node manager listen port | _|_|_|_| Enter name for a new Machine OR ExitPreviousNext> Next ü 键入Next <- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Configure Unix Machines:- Add or delete configuration information for machines. A machine is the logical represen
44、tation of the system that hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The Administration Server and Node Manager application use the machine definition to start remote servers. | Name | _|_| Enter name for a new Unix Machine OR ExitPreviousNext> Next ü 键入Next <- BEA WebLogic Configuratio
45、n Wizard -> Select the target domain directory for this domain:- "Target Location" = Enter new value or use default "/home/ctsw/bea/user_projects/domains" Enter new Target Location OR ExitPreviousNext> Next ü 键入Next <- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard -> Edit Domain Information:- | Nam
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