



1、1SectionVWriting-介绍学校生活匸写作技法指导二文体指导本模块的写作话题是用写信或邮件的形式来介绍自己的学校生活。可以从介绍学校开始,然后介绍学校的老师和同学,之后介绍自己在新学校的生活。写这种话题的文章的时候,可以用一些常用的短语如 get alo ng with, be strict with,look forward to 和一些常用句型 so.that, in order that,或者一些定语从句和状语 从句来提高文章的档次。亮点句式1 段首常用语:(1) 1 n your letter you asked me about my school life.Here ar

2、e my answers.(2) You have asked me about my school life and now Ill tell you something about it.2 描述学校生活的常用语:(1) My school is big and clea n with a large dining room.(2) The library is full of different kinds of books.And I often spend my spare timeread ing books there.(3) 1 get along well with my t

3、eachers and classmates.(4) My school life is colourful, after class I can listen to music, play chess andbasketball.To get more useful kno wledge or in formati on, I can surf the Intern et.3 段尾常用语:(1) Will you tell me someth ing about your school and school life?(2) lve in troduced my school life to

4、 you.How about yours?(3) Ca n you tell me someth ing about your school life in your n ext letter/email?(4) Im look ing forward to recei ving your letter.匚满分佳隹构建写作任务假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter 发来一封电子邮件,询问你高中开学第 一天的2情况。请根据所给提示给他回复一封电子邮件。内容主要包括:1 .校园环境;2 对老师和同学们的印象;3.自己的感受。1. 词数 100 左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可适当增加细

5、节,以使行文连贯。Dear Pete,I was so pleased to hear from you and am writi ng to tell you someth ing about myfirst day at Senior High school.Yours,Li Hua审题谋篇体裁说明文时态一般过去时主题高中生活人称第一人称结构首段:引出话题;中段:介绍学校、教室、老师和同学们; 尾段:希望了解对方的学校生活。遣词造句I对接模块词汇1.amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的2.en thusiasticadj.热心的3.previous adj.以前的;从前的4.no

6、thing like一点也不像5.make a deep impressi on on sb.给某人留下深刻的印象6. look forward to期待;盼望n巧用模块句式、语法3(一)完成句子1 当我进入学校大门,就看到高高的教学楼,我们的国旗在楼前飞扬。When I walked through the school gate, I saw a tall teachi ng buildi ng, and in frontof it our national flag was flying.2 教室令人惊讶,它有一个与电影院屏幕大小差不多的特殊屏幕。The classroom was am

7、az ing, which had a computer with a special screen, almostas big as a cin ema screen3 我所有的新老师不仅热心而且经验丰富。All my new teachers were not only en thusiastic but also experie need4他们的教学方法一点也不同于我以前老师的教学方法。Their teachi ng methods were nothing like those of my previous teachers.5另外,我的所有同学都很友好,我希望他们很多人都成为我的朋友

8、。Whats more, all my classmates were very friendly and I hoped many of them wouldbe my frie nds.6我在高中的第一天给我留下了深刻的印象。My first day at Senior High school made a deep impressi on on me(二 )句式升级7 用分词短语作状语和非限制性定语从句升级句1Walki ng through the school gate, I saw a tall teach ing build ing, in front of whichour n

9、 ati onal flag was flying.8.用 so .that .句式改写句 5Whats more, all my classmateswere so friendly that I hoped many of them wouldbe my frie nds.妙笔成篇4【参考范文】Dear Pete,I was so pleased to hear from you and am writi ng to tell you someth ing about myfirst day at Senior High school.Walki ng through the school

10、 gate, I saw a tall teach ing build ing, in front of whichour national flag was flyingwas amazed at the classroom, which had a computer with aspecial scree n, almost as big as a cin ema scree n. All my new teachers were not onlyen thusiastic but also experie nced.Their teach ing methods were nothing like those ofmy previous teachers.Whats more, all my classmates were so frie ndly that I hopedmany of them would be my friends.ln a wo


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